HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/2016 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - Planning & Zoning Commissiont iJT1'OF V 011l -,l! 51.111-1\ College Station, TX Meeting Agenda - Final Planning and Zoning Commission Regular ine City GGinci may VI may nit attcna to i lamnny 8 Zininy commission Regular ivieet;ng. City Hall 1101 Teras Ave college Station, TX 77840 Thursday, March 3, 2016 7:00 PM City Hall council Chambers 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Pled -ye of Allegiance. 3. Rear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman vvill open the floor to citizens vvishiny to 'address the Commission on issues nut already scheduled un tonight's agenda. I he citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. 1 Fie Cummissiun will receive the information, asR city start to looR into the matter, or will place the matter on a tuture agenda tor discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) Ali matters listed of racr item 4, C:unsent Agenda, are uonsiaered routine Dy the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision reyulatiuns. Ail iter r is approved by uonsent are approved with any ar rd all start recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. It any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it vvill be moved to the Regular Ayenaa tor runner uunsiaeratiun. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 lb-ulzy Attachments: 4.2 16-0126 Atter.hments: 4.3 16-0114 Consideration, possible action, and disuussiun on Absence Requests from meetings. *Jim Ross -- March 3, 2016 Jim Roas Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. *February 18, 2016 - WoiRshop *February 18, 2016 - Regular FeDroaly 18 2U16 VVorKsrlup Februaiv 18 2016 Regular Presentation; possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat College Station, TX Paye 1 Printed on 2/26/2016 Planning ana zuniny commission Regular Moutin9 Ayenaa - Final March 3, 2016 Sponsors: Attachment: 4.4 16-0112 punsols: Attachments: 4.5 16-U122 Sponsors: Attachments: 4.b 16-012i Sponsors: Attar.hments: tor Fairview Subdivision consisting of 4 resiacntial lots on approximately 1 acre IiCatea at 1U14 I-airview Avenue, generally located on the norrtlwest corner ot Holleman Drive and Fairview Avenue. Case #15-00900030 Buliick Staff Report Application Final Plat Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan Tor Se aruare Sell* Storage consisting of 2 commercial Tots on approximately 5.788 acres located at 4074 State Highway 6 South, generally located south of 6riale nate Drive and east or Longmire Drive along State Highway 6 South. Lase #PP2u15-9uuu83 Bombek Staff Repoli Application Preliminaiv Plan Presentation; possible action; and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for University Heights So5divisiun PFiaSe 4 consisting or 18 lots on approximately 85.5 acres located at 3150 Holleman Drive South; generally located southeast of Universtiy Heights Phases 1, 2, &3. Case #PP2015-000u1b 6omderc Staff Report Application Prelimina. v Plan Presentation, pussi6Ie action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for KouR Prairie Oaks consisting of 6lots on approximately 25 acres located at 3600 Rock Prairie Ruaa, generally Iocatea at trye intersection ut Ro R Prairie Road and IDledical Avenue, to the east ot Scott and VVhite Hospital. Case #PP2016-000001 Bullock Staff Report Application College Sradon, TX rage c Printed on 2/26/2016 Planning ana zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda - Final Mardi 3, zCri 4.7 16-0109 Sponsors: Attachments: 4.8 "l b -U 1 1 U Sponsors: AaaChmerns : Regalar Agenda Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for I raditions Phase 24 consisting of 1 industrial lot and 1 common area un approximately 5 acres located at Est 51 RSL Parkway, generally located south of the intersection of the RSt; Parkway and BioMedical VVay. C;35u 4FPUUZLYI5-000U1 / vvalKer Staff Report Applicatio final Plat Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for the Barracks II Phase 400 consisting of 1 commercial lot and 2b townhouse Tots on approximately 4.y11 acres located at 100 Deacon Drive vvest, generally located between Holleman Drive South and Old Wellborn Road. Case #FPMU2015-0000u3 Walker Stan Report AppIIl1atiUn Final Plat 5. Consideration, possi6Je actiun, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda 6y Uornmission action. 6. 16-0108 Sponsors: Attachments: 7. lb -U1 lb Public hearing, presentation, possi6Je action, and discussion regarding a Final Piat for Raney Riyhway 6 Cots 1 R1 and 1R2, UicCK A, being a replat of Haney Highway 6 Lot 1 , 6iva A, consisting of 2 commercial lots on approximately 1.202 acres located 3129 I exas Avenge South, generally located generally located north of the intersection of Texas Avenue Soutn and the Earl Rudder Freeway Frontage Road West. ease #FPCuzu15-00000! Walker Staff Report A,plioat vrr Final Plat Public hearing; presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amenaing unaptei 12_ "Unified Development ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the code of Ordinances of the City of College 5tatiun, 1 exas 6y changing the zoning district 6uandaries trom R Karal to PDD College Sra,ion IA Paye 3 Prin,ed on uzatat Planning acid Zoning ousiirnissiun Regular Meeting Agenda - r•inal March 3, 2016 Sponsors: Attachments: 8. lb --1/11b Sponsors: Planned Development District for approximately 2 acres being A&M Super Sturaye at Wellborn, Block 1, Cut 1, uollege Station, Brazos County, 1 exas, located at 4000 Greens Prairie Road West; generally located near the intersection of Wellborn Road and Greens Prairie Ruad West. Case mREZzu15-uuu0z4 (Mute: Final action on this item is scheduled tor the March 31, 2016 City Council meeting - subject to change) Bullock Stan Rt.,orn Appllcetion Rezoning iviap Concept Pia Public hearing, presentation, possi5le action, aria discussion regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 12, "Unitied Development ordinance;" Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Cudc uf Ordinances of the laity uT l.ulIeye Station, 1 exas by chanyiny the zoning district boondaries tram GS General Suburban to GC General Commercial for approximately 0.5565 being Block 1, pari uf Lut 3, all of Lut 4, 5 ti alley and Lut b and palfl ut Cut / in the Culleye Par R Addition, Cullege Station_ l exas, as recorded in vol. 38, Page 602, of the Brazos County Deed Records and being the same tract recuraea in vol. 3/02, Paye 339, ut the Brazos County official Records of Brazos County, 1 exas, generally located at 100 & 200 Fairview Avenue; more generally located south of George Bush Dr. and west uT Fairview Avenue. lase 4KEzzulb-uu0uu3(IQote: Final action on this item i5 scheduled tor the March 31,2016 City Council meeting - subject to change) Thomas Attachments: Stan Reu0ff Application 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may iNuire about a subject fur vvhich notice rias not Seen yiven. A statement ut specitic tactual inturmatiur r or the recitation or existing pulley may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meetiny. 10. Adjourn The Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed un this agenda it a matter is raised that is appropriate tor Executive Session discussion. An announcement will be made of the basis for the Executive Session discussion. Conege Srarioq IA rage 4 ['[672015 Planning and Zoning C,mmission Meeting Agenda - Final Regg,.lar Mash 3, 2016 I oerIity that the above Notice of Meting was posted at College Station City Rall, 1101 I exas Avenue, College Stttiun, 1 exas, on February 26, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary sem, Kbwi This building is wheelknai, accessible. Handicap parRing spares are available. Any rmidest for sign interpretive service must 5e made 48 hours before the meeting. 1 u maRe arrangements call (9iy) ib4 351 i ur (I DU) 1 800 735 2989. Aycndas may be viewed Un www.ustx.yuv. Council meetings are bruaduast live an Cable Access Channel 1Y. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carries Ra1id_yUn- "Pursuant to Section 3u.u7, Penal Code (Trespass 6y License Holder with an openly carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government C:uae (Handgun Licensing Law), may nut enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codiq,, Penal § 30.07. 1 raspasar Portendo Armas ae Milano al Aire Ohre con Cicencia. "Cuntorme a la Seccion 30.07 del codiyo penal (traspasar portando armas ae mano al aire Iibre con licencia), personas con licencia 6ajo del Sub-Uapitulo H, t. apitulo 411, Godigo de Gobierno (Ley ae licencias de arma de mano), no ae5en entrar a esta propieaaa portando arma de mano al aire li6re." I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items was removed by me trpm the City Hall bulletin board on the day of rnaiyel , . 201k at am pm . ame/ I itle Conege arar:o.. IA rage a rrinreC on uz6,Di