HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-0077 - Ordinance - 03/16/1944 (3)ORDINANCE NO. 77 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY AS BEING WITHIN THE FIRE LIMITS, PROVIDING FOR PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS FOR ERECT IONS , ADDITIONS, AND ALTERATIONS OF `BUILDINGS IN FIRE LIMITS, PRESCRIBING TYPES OF CONSTRUCTIONS PERMITTED IN FIRE LIMITS, DEFINING TYPES OF FRAME BUILDING IN FIRE LIMITS AND PROVIDING FORA PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City'Council of the City of College Station, Texas: SECTION I. FIRE LIMITS: The following shall be and are hereby declared to be the fire limits: Beginning at the intersection of the Sulphur Springs Road and State Highway No. 6, Thence in a southeasterly direction along the center line of State Highway No. 6 for s, distance of 2985 feet to the intersection of the centerline of State highway No. 6 with the extension of the northwest side of lot 14, block 3 of the College Hills Estate Addition to the City of College Station, Texas; Thence N. 45 E. a distance of approximately 280,feet to the north corner of lot 14, block 3 of said addition; Thence in a northwesterly direction along the south side of alley in block 3 of said addition to the intersection of the south side of the alley with Walton Drive; Thence continuing in a northwesterly direction along the south side of the alley in block 1 of said addition to the most northerly corner of lot 10, block 1; Thence in a westerly direction along southside of circular alley in blook 1 to the most northerly corner of lot 5, block 1 of said addition; Thence N 45 W and parallel with State Highway No. 6 a distance of 2000 feet to the northwest side of lot 28 of the D.A. Smith. Subdivision of 69 acres out of the Richard Carter League of Brazos County, Taxa.s; Thence S. 45 W a distance df 200 feet to the point -/ of beginning. Beginning at the south corner of Farm Highway No. 60 and old highway No. 6, block 8, Boyett Addition; Thence northeast along center of Farm Highway No. 60 through blocks 8, 1, and 2 to east corner of Tauber Street and Farm Highway No. 60; Thence NN approximately 189 feet;; Thence SN to East corner of block 1, lot 21, to corner of Main and Patricia Streets; Thence NN approximately 50 feet; Thence SN approximately 190 feet which includes lots 21 to 26 inclusive also in block 1, Boyett Addition;: 00177 ORDINANCE NO. 77 --PAGE Thence NW N( approximately 150 feet to the Church Ave- Thence SN approximately 52 feet to Patricia Street which includes lots 18-27 and 28, block 1, Boyett Addition;, Thence SW on Patricia Street to Old Highway No. 6; Thence SE approximately 200 feet along center of old Highway No. 6 to the place of beginning. nue; Beginning °lair Street, block Thence SN which includes lots Thence SE 100 feet to alley; Thence NE Montclair Avenue; Thence NN at the corner of Jersey Street 8, West Park Addition along center line to Highlands 1-13 inclusive, along center line of Highlands and Mont - Street, Street, to east corner of lot no. 1, block no. 8, 100 feet to place of beginningo SECTION II. PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS: No struoture, building, or part thereof, shall hereafter be built, enlarged, or altered, until a complete act of plans and specifications shall have, been filed with the City Secretary, together with a statement of materials' to be used, shall have been submitted to the City Engineer, who shall, if in accordance with the provisions.; herein contained, issue a written permit in triplicate for the proposed work, once copy of which shall be kept on file with the City Secretary. Structures, hereafter erected without a permit, or not in conformity with this ordinance, shall be removed. No building shall be moved from without to within the fire limits, now from one location to another within the fire limits until a permit shall have been issued therefor. No permit shall be issued unless such construction is in accordance with this ordinanoe. The designated Building Inspector shall inspect, as often as practioel, e,nstruction in progress to see that all provisions of this ordinance are being complied with. SECTION III. CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED WITHIN TBE FIRE LIMITS: No building or structure of wooden, ironclad (whether on wood or metal supports), stucco, or veneer type construction, or any building whose walls contain wood supports shall be permitted except as indicated in Section 4. No building shall hereafter be built, enlarged, or altered, except in accordance with this ordinance. 00178 ORDINANCE NO. 77 --PAGE 3--- The thiokness of walls shall be not less than as given below: Brick walls shall not be less than 12 inches thick, /7 -except that small one story buildings with floor areas of 750-= square feet or less may have walls eight inches: thiok. Reinforced concrete wall may be three-fourths of the thickness of brick walls, but in no case less than eight inches. Hollow building tile may be used as filler walls pro- vided suohwalls b supported on reinforced ooncrete beams and footings, and by adequate reinforced concrete or brick pillars or columns spaced not more than 16 feet apart;; walls to be not less than 12 inches thick. Small one-story buildings of less than 500 square feet floor area may have walls of 8 inch hollow building tile. Solid stone walls shall be four inches thicker than brick walls for like construction. SECTION IV. FRAME BUILDING IN FIRE LIMITS: The following frame structures are permissable in the fire limits: Ao Temporary one-story frame buildings for'the use of builders. Bo Wooden fences not over 8 feet high without roof or cover. SECTION V. ROOFS: All buildings or structures hereafter oon- struoted in the fire limits shall have incombustible roof cov- erings-. No roofing on an existing roof shall be renewed or repaired to a. greater extent than 10% of the roof surface., except: in oonformity with this ordinan ce, and in no instance shall more than one permit be issued ea.oh existing building in any one year. SECTION VI.. REPAIRS. AND ADDITIONS: Any existing building within the fire limits which may hereafter be damaged by fire, decay, or otherwise, to an amount greater than 50% of its. present value, exclusive of the foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed. Extensions, remodeling, or additions to existing buildings shall not be considered as repairs, and shall not be permitted except when conforming with Section 3 of this ordinance;, 00179 ORDINANCE NO. 77 --PAGE 4-i» SECTION VII. ARBITRATION: Whenever an applioation for permit to repair any existing building already located within the fire limits is made by any person or firm, and the City Council and the application disagrees on the extent of repairs to be made, and a permit is denied by the designated Building Inspector, then the City Council or Commission shall appoint a competent and disinterested person, and the applicant shall appoint a competent and disinterested person, which said two persons so appointed shall select a third member, and these said three persons shall appraise the building, examine the plan of the proposed work, and the statement of materials and labor to be used in the repairing or rebuilding, and make a signed written report of their findings to the City Council or Commission.\NIf such report reflects clearly that said rebuilding or repairing would be violating this ordinance, then such application for permit shall be denied by the City Council or Commission, and if suchreport relfeots that the person seeking said permit has complied with said ordinance then said City Council or Commission shall issue a permit for the proposed rebuilding or repairing* SECTION VIII. VALIDITY OF ORDINANCE: If any seotion, para- graph, subdivision, clause, phase or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional the same shall not effect the validity of this ordinance a.s a whole, or any part of provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional,' SECTION IX. OTHER ORDINANCES.: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION X. FEES: Fees for building permits required by this ordinance shall be as follows, and shill be paid to the City Secretary at the time the written request for permit is filed: COST OF OPERATION FEE $ 50 to $ 250 $1.00 251 to 1000 2000 1001 to 3000 3.00 3001 to 5000. 5.00 5001 to 7500 7.50 7501 and Over 10.00 Plumbing inspeotion fees: $2000 per trip with two inspections required. Eleatrioal inspections fees: $2.00 per trip with two inspections required 00180 ORDINANCE NO. 77 --PAGE 5 -- Accompanying each permit there shall be one complete set of plans and specifications which «hall remain in possession of the City SECTION: XIt PENALTIES: Violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed ma per day of violation, and each day of violation shall be considered as a separate offense. Passed, ordered published, and approved by the City Council at a regular meeting held at the City Office on //Iccrcj �6 , 1944 A.D. Approved: MAYOR 0 ATTEST: 00181