HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-0152 - Ordinance - 02/12/1951ORDINANCE NO. 152 BOND ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000.00 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ETFCTRIC LIGHT, WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING FUNDS WITH WHICH TO BUILD AND PUR- CHASE IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENS IONS TO THE ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM, AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND THE SEWER SYSTEM OF SAID CITY: PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BOND AND INTEREST COUPON; PLEDGING THE REVENUES OF THE WATERWORkS SYSTEM AND SEWER SYSTEM TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AFTER PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENSES OF OPERATING SAID SYSTEMS: MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS OF SAID CITY WITH REFERENCE TO THE BOND FUND FROM WHICH SAID PRINCIPALMD INTEREST ARE TO BE PAID; PROVIDING THAT THE HOLDER OR HOLDERS OF SAID BONDS SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATIONS OUT OF ANY FUNDS RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station., Texas, has heretofore on the llth day of December, 1950, adopted a resolution and order calling an election on the questions of the issuance of revenue bonds of the City of College Station in the amount of $70,000.00, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed three and one-half (3-'1/2%) per cent per annum, and maturing serially over a period of years not to exceed thirty (30) years from their date, for the purpose of securing funds with which to build and purchase improvements and extensions to the electric light system of said City;and the issuance of revenue bonds of the City of College Station in the amount of $2031000.00, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed three and one-half (3-1f2%) per cent per annum, and maturing serially over a period of years not to exceed thirty (30) years from their date, for the purpose of securing funds with which to construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks systdm of said City; and the issuance of revenue bonds of the City of College Station inthe amount of $110,000.00, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed three and one-half (3-1/2%) per cent per annum, andmaturing serially over a period of yeqrs not to exceed thirty (30) years from their date, for the purpose of securing funds with which to construct improvd- ments and extensions to the sewer system of said City; and WHEREAS, said resolution and order calling said election provided that if the three propositions for the issuance of said bonds were adopted, the City Councilshould have the right to issue combined Electric Light, Water- works and Sewer System Revenue Bonds in the ma ium amount of $200,000.00, and to pledge the net revenues of the combined waterworks and sewer system to the payment of the principal of and interest on said combined Electric Light, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds; and 00332 PI' WHEREAS, said election was held. pursuant to said resolution and order, and in accordance with law, on the 8th day of January, 1951, and. resulted favorably to the issuance of said revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted a resolution declaring the result of said election and determining the specific authority for the issuance of said bonds by the City of College Station; and M WHEREAS, the City Council now deems it advisable and to the best interest of said. City that of the bonds so authorized at said election only $60,000.00 of bonds should be issued at this time, and that said. bonds should be issued as combined Electric Light, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds; and. Ir7HHEREAS, it is now necessary and proper that the City Council proceed with the issuance of such revenue bonds; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLIE GE STATION, TEXAS I. That for the purpose of securing funds with which to build and pur- chase improvements and extensions to the electric light system, and construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks sydem and sewer system of said City, and pursuant to the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, including particularly Articles 1111 - 111$, both inclusive, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, and in accordance with the election held for that purpose, there shall be issued CITY OF COLLEGE STATIGN ELECTRIC LIGHT, WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, in the principal aggregate sum of Sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars. II. That said bonds shall be numbered from One (1) to Sixty (60), inclusive; shall be of the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, shall be dated February 1, 1951; Bonds Nos. 1 to 5, inclusive, shall bear interest from date until paid at the rate of.two and one-half (2-1/2%) per cent per annum, Bonds Numbers 6 to 20, inclusive, shall bear interest from date until paid at the rate of two and three-fourths (2-3/4%) per cent per annum, and Bonds Numbers 21 to 60, inclusive, shall bear interest from date until paid at the rate of three three (3%) per cent per annum; interest payable August 1, 1951, and semi-annually thereafter on February 1st and August 1st in each year, such interest to be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each of said bonds; that principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender of the Bonds or proper coupons at the College Station State Bank, College Station, Texas, or at Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Texas, at the option of the holder. 00333 III. That said bonds shall mature as follows: Bond Numbers Maturity Dates po V �-41Lc C P Amounts 1 February 1, 1952 $ 1,000 2 February 1, 1953 1,000 3 February 1, 1954 1,000 4 February 1, 1955 1,000 5 February 1, 1956 1,000 6 February 1, 1957 1,000 7 February 1, 1958 1,000 8 February 1, 1959 1,000 9 February 1, 1960 1,000 10 February 1, 1961 1,000 11 - 12 February 1, 1962 2,000 13 - 14 February 1, 1963 2,000 15 - 16 February 1, 1964 2,000 17 - 18 February 1, 1965 2,000 19 - 20 February 1, 1966 2,000 21 - 22 February 1, 1967 2,000 23 - 24 February 1, 1968 2,000 25 - 26 February 1, 1969 2,000 27 - 28 February 1, 1970 2,000 29 - 30 February 1, 1971 2,000 31 - 33 inclusive February 1, 1972 3,000 34 - 36 It February 1, 1973 3,000 37 - 39 " February 1, 1974 3,000 40 - 42 " February 1, 1975 3,000 43 - 45 It February 1, 1976 3,000 46 - 48 " February 1, 1977 3,000 49 - 51 " February 1, 1978 3,000 52 - 54 11 February 1, 1979 3,000 55 - 57 " February 1, 1980 3,000 58 - 60 " February 1, 1981 3,000 With bond numbers 29 to 60, inclusive, optional on February 1, 1966, or on any interest payment date thereafter. IV. That each of said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Secretary, and the corporate seal of the City of College Station, Texas, shall be impressed upon each of said bonds. That the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the City Secretary may be printed, engraved or lithographed upon the coupons attached to said bonds and shall have the same effect as if they had been signed by said officials. 00334 No. V. That the form of said bonds shall be substantially as follows : UNIThD STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ELECTRIC LIGHT, WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BOND $1,000 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, in the County of Brazos, in the State of Texas, FOR VALUE RECEIVED, hereby acknowledges itself indebted to and promises to pay to the bearer, solely from the special funds hereinafter specified, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (1,000.00), in lawful money of the United States of America, on the 1st day of February, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of ( ,%) per cent per annum, payable August 1, 1951, and semi-annually thereafter on February 1st and August 1st in each year, until the principal sum shall be paid, upon the presentation and surrender of proper coupons as they severally become due; both principal and interest being payable at College Station State Bank, College Station, Texas, or at Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Texas, at the option of the holder. THIS BOND is one of a series of Sixty (60) bonds, numbered consecutively from One (1) to Sixty (60) , inclusive, in the denomination of One Thousand 41,000.00) Dollars each, aggregating Sixty Thousand 460,000.00) Dollars,, issued by the City of College Station, Texas, for the purpose of securing funds with which to build and purchase improvements and extensions to the electric light ststem, and construct improvements qnd extensions to the waterworks system and the sewer system of said City, in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Articles 1111 - 11.18, both inclusive, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, the authority of a vote of the qualified electors of the City of College Station, Texas who owned taxable property in said City and who had duly renderedthe same for taxation, voting at an election held on the 8th da'r of January, 1951, and pursuant to an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, duly recorded in the Minutes of the City Council. 1951. The date of this bond, in conformity with said ordinance, is February 1, 00335 61/ This bond and the series of which it is a part, constitutes special obligations of the City of College Station, Texas, payable solely from and secured by an exclusive first lien on the pledge of the revenues of the waterworks and sewer system of said City, after deduction of reasonable operation and maintenance expenses; provided, that the remaining bonds in the aggregate amount of $140,000.00, authorized at said election held on the 8th day of January, 1951, when and if isSbed and sold shall be on a parity with the bonds of this series. The holder hereof shall never have the right to demand payment of this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation. The City of College ,tation reserves the right to redeem this bond on February 1, 1966, or on any interest payment date thereafter, by paging principal and accrued interest thereon, and in the event same is called for redemption prior to its maturity, notice thereof in writing shall be given by the City Secretary to the College Station State Bank, College Station, Texas and to Dallas rational Bank, Dallas, Texas at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption, and notice shall also be given by publication of a copy of said notice in a financial journal published in the State of Texas one time at least thirty 130) days prior to the date fixed for redemption; and should this bond not be presented for redemption, it shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so fixed for redemption. (NOTE TO PRINTER: The above paragraph applies only to Bonds Nos. 21 to 60 inclusive). AND IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the issuance of this bond, and the series of which it is a part, is duly authorized by law; that all acts, conditions and things required to exist and to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond to render the same lawful and valid, have been properly done, have happened and have beenperformed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and the ordinance hereinabove mentioned, and that this',series of revenue bonds does not exceed any constitutional or statuatory limitation; and that provision has been made for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond and the series of which it is a part, by irrevocably pledging the revenues of the waterworks and sewer system of the City of College Station, Teas. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, has caused the seal of said City to be hereon impressed, and this bond to be signed by the Mayor of said City, countersigned by the City Secretary, and has caused,the annexed interest coupons to be signed by the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary. COUNTERSIGNED: Mayor, City of College Station,Texas City Secretary, City of College Station Tyja336 1 Ordinance No. 152 continued Page 6 VI. That the form of said coupons attached to said bonds shall be substantially as follows: No. ON THE 1ST DAY OF ;.19 The City of College Station, Texas, will pay to bearer out of funds specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached at the College Station State Bank, College Station, Texas, or at Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Texas, at the option of the holder, the sum of ($ ) Dollars, said sum being month' interest due that day on CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ELECTRIC LIGHT, WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BOND, no. , dated February 1, 1951, to which this coupon is attached and is a part thereof. The holder hereof shall never have the right to demand payment of this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation. VII. Mayor, City of College Station,Texas City Secretary, City of College Station Texas That substantially the following certificate shall be printed on the back of each bond: OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER STATE OF TEXAS I HEREBY CERTIFY that there is ori file and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required bsr law, and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding special obligation of said City of College Station, Texas, payable from the revenues pledged to its payment by and in the ordinance authorizing same, and said bond has this day been registered by me. WITNESS MY HAND and seal of office at Austin, Texas, this Comptroller of Public Accounts of The State of Texas. 00337 Ordinance No. 152 continued Page 7 VIII. In this ordinance the term "system" shall include and mean the waterworks system and the sewer system of said City, together with any additions and extensions thereto and improvements and replacements thereof. IX. The City Council shall at all times, while any bf said bonds or any interest thereon are outstanding and unpaid, chane and collect for services rendered by said System, rates sufficient to pay all maintenance, depreciation, replacement, betterment and interest charges, and for Interest and Sinking Fund sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as such principal and interest matures and accrues and any outstanding indebtedness against the System, as is required by Article 1113, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, and amendments thereto. For the benefit of the original purchaser, and for the benefit of any and all subsequent holders of said bond, coupons, or any part thereof, and in addition to all other provisions and covenants in the laws of the State of Texas and in this ordinance, it is expressly stipulated: A. RATES: The City shall fix and maintain rates and collect chargesfor the facilities and services afforded by the System which will provide revenues sufficient at all times: (1) To pay all operation, maintenance, depreciation, replacement and betterment charges of the System. () To establish and maintain the Bond Fund. (3) To pay all outstanding indebtedness against the System, other than bond, as and when the same become• due. Provided also, that no free service of the System shall be allowed, and should the City or any of its agencies or instrumentalities make use of the services and facilities of the System, payment of the reasonable value thereof shall be made by the City out of funds derived from sources other than the revenues and income of the System. B. USE OF REVENUES: The City will deposit ss collected all revenues derived from the operation of the System into a separate account (herein called the "System Fund") which shall be kept separate and apart from all other funds of the City. The System fund shall be administered as follows: (1) From the funds in the System Fund, the City shall pay into the Bond Fund during each year in which any of the bonds are outstanding, 00338 Ordinance No. 152 continued Page $ commencing with the date of the delivery of the bonds herein authorized to the purchasers thereof, an amount equal to 100 per centum of the amounts required to meet the interest and principal payments falling due on or before the next maturity date of the bonds. In addition to such Payment, the City shall pay into the Bond Fund from the System Find in each year twenty (20%) per centum of the above required amount until such time as there is in the Bond Fund an amount sufficient to meet the interest and principal payments falling due on or before the next maturity date of the bonds and the interest and principal payments on the bonds for one year thereafter. The amount required to be paid into the Bond in each year shall be paid in, substantially equal monthly payments from the moneys in the System Fund, after deductions have been made for paying the reasonable cost of the operating and maintaining of the System for such month. If the revenues of the System in any month, after deductions for operation and maintenance, are insufficient to make the required payment into the B.nd Fund, then the amount of any deficiency in the payment shall he added to the amount otherwise'reinired to be paid into the Bond Fund to the next month. It is the intent of this provision that the sums paid into the Bond Fund shall be in excess of the immediate requirements for payment of interest on and principal of the bonds until there has been accumulated in the Bond Fund, as a reserve for contingencies, an amount sufficient to service the bonds for one year. The moneys in the Bond Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of paying interest on and principal of the bonds until all the bonds have been retired; provided, that, when the total in the Bond Fund is equal to the aggregate principal amount of the bonds outstanding plus accrued interest thereon, the moneys in the Bond FBnd may be used to purchase said bonds at a price, exclusive of accrued interest, not exceeding the principal amount thereof, or to redeem said bonds in accordance with the redemption provision contained in Section III of this ordinance. The moneys unid into the Band Fund shall be deposited in a bank or banks and shall be continuously secured by A valid pledge to the City of direct Obligations of the United States of America, having an aggregate market value, exclusive of accrued interest, at all times at least equal to such Bond Fund. The Bond Fund, at the option of the City, may be invested in such direct obligations of the TT._ited Sates of America and deposited in escrow under an escrow agreement. If such funds -re so invested and deposited in escrow, the City shall have the right to have sold through the escrow agent on the open market a sufficient amount of said securities in order to meet its obligations of principal and interest in event it does not have sufficient funds, uninvested, on hand for such purpose. Under such circumstances, the Mayor is hereby authorized, ordered and directed to give fifteen days notice to such escrow agent of the necessity to sell said securities on the open market. After such sale, the moneys resulting therefrom shall belong to the Bond Fund and shall be available to pay such obligations of principal and interest. (2) Surplus: Any funds remaining in the System Fund, after provision for the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining the System, and after paying the amounts required to be paid into the Bond Fund, as above provided, may be used by the City for the purchase of said bonds at not exceeding the principal amount thereof (exclusive of accrued interest) or for re- deeming said bonds in accordance with the redemption provision conned in Section III of this ordinance, or for any other purpose permitted by law. 00339 z�� cI Ordinance No. 152 continued ?)— Page 9 )rPage9 C. ADDITIONAL BONDS: Encumbrance and Sale. While any of the bonds are outstanding, the City shall not issue any additional bonds payable from the revenues of the System unless the lien of such bonds payable from the revenues of the System is made junior and subordinate in all respects , to the lien of the bonds herein authorized. In no event, while any of said bonds are outstanding, will the City mortgage or otherwise encumber the System or any part thereof, or sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any substantial portion of such Systm. These provisions shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable.byithe holder of any of the bonds. The remaining bonds authorized at said election held on January S, 1951, in the total aggregate amount of $140,000.00, may be issued and sold by the City and such bonds when issued and sold shall be on a parity with the bonds herein authorized; provided, however, that the City shall not issue and sell any of such remaining bonds authorized at said election held on January 8, 1951, until such time as the average annual revenues of the System for a period of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the sale of such remaining bonds, after deducting the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining the System, are cer— tified by an Engineer of the City's choice, who is registered by the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers of the State of Texas, to be equal to at least 1.4 times the average annual requirements of principal and interest on the outstanding bonds of the series herein authorized and such additional bonds authorized at said election, to'be so issued and sold; and in addition thereto, the City shall have made all required payments into the Bond Fund. D. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: The City shall maintain the System in good condition and operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. So long as any of the bDnds are outstanding, the City agrees to maintiin insurance for the benefit of the holder or holders - of the bonds, on the System, of a kind and in an amount which usually would be carried by private companies engaged in a similar type of business. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as requiring the City to expend any funds which are derived from sources other than the operation of the System, but nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the City from doing so. E. ACCOUNTS AND PERIODIC STATEMENTS: The City shall keep proper books of records and accounts (separate from all other records and accounts) in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relating to the System. The City shall furnish to any holder of any of the bonds, at the written request of such holder, not more than thirty days after the close of each six month' fiscal period, complete operating and income statements of the System in reasonable detail covering such six months' period, and, not more than sixty days after the close of such fiscal year, complete financial statements of the System in reasonable detail covering such fiscal year, certified by the City's auditor. 0 340 STANDARD B&F Ordinance No. 152 continued Page 10 F. INSPECTION: Any purchaser of 25 per centum in aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time then outstanding or any holder or holders of 25 per centum of said amount of outstanding bonds shall have the right at all reasonable times to instect the System and all records, accounts and data of the City relating thereto. G. INFORMATION: Upon written renuest, the City will furnish to any purchaser of 25 per centum of the bonds such financial statements and other pertinent inftrmation and data relating to the City and the System as such purchaser from time to time may reasonably require. H. SATE OF BONDS: Upon request, the City will furnish any purchaser or holder of 25 per centum of the bonds, information for the preparation of a bond circular in customary form, signed by the proper officials of the City, containing such data as such purchaser or holder may reasonably request concerning the City and the System. X. The Mayor, City Secretary and City Treasurer are hereby instructed and directed to do any and all things necessary and/or convenient in reference to the installing and maintaining of a complete system of records and accounts pertaining to said System and to make the moneys available"for ti -e payment of said revenue bonds in the manner provided by Chapter 122, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature of Texas, effective May 12, 1933. In accordance with the Provisions of Article 1113, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, the fiscal year for the operation of such System shall be to of each year. XI The City further covenants by and through this ordinance ns follows: (a) That the revenue bonds authorized hereunder shall be special CD obligations of the City and the holder thereof shall never have the right to demand payment thereof out of funds raised or to be raised by taxation. (b) That it has the lawful power to pledge the revenues supporting this issue of bonds and has lawfully exercised said power under the Constitution and L-ws of the State of Texas, including the power existing under Articles 1111 - 1115, both inclusive, 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, with amendments thereto, and by authority of a vote Ul of the qualified electors of said City voting at an election held in said City on January 5, 1951; that the bonds issued hereunder shall be rat^bly secured under raid pledge of income in such manner th=at one bond shall have no preference over any other bond of this issue. (c). That other than for the payment of the bonds herein provided for, the rentf revenues, and income of the said system have hot been pledged in any manner to the payment of any debts or oblig-tuns of the City, nor of said System. 00311 Ordinance No. 152 continued Page 11 XII. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to submit the record of said bonds and the bonds to the Attorney General of the State of Texas for approval and thereafter to have them registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. When said bonds have been registered by the State Comptroller, the State Comptroller is hereby suthorized and instructed to deliver the bonds to the American National Bank, Austin, Texas, where they will be taken up and Haid for by -the purchasers. XIII. That the sale of the bonds herein authorized to Rowles, Winston & Co., of houston, Texas, at a price of par and accrued interest to date of delivery, be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and the Mayor, City Secretary and City Treasurer are hereby authorized, directed and instructed to do all things necessary to deliver said bonds to said Rowles, Winston & Co., at said price of par and accrued interest to date of delivery. XIV• By reason of the fact that the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, considers the passage iaf this ordinance and the issuance of said bonds necess^ry for the preservation of the public health and safety to the citizens of said City, it is hereby declared to be an emergency measure demanding that the rule requiring ordinances to be read at more than one meeting of the City Council be suspended, and that this ordinance take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 12th day of February , 1951. ATTEST: City Secretary Mayor, City of CollegStation, Texas 00312