HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-0382 - Ordinance - 11/18/1963ORDINANCE NO. 382 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE LICENSING OF DOGS, PROHIBITING THE HARBORING OF BARKING DOGS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. la BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, i{4 Texas: z I. All persons maintaining dogs on their premises are required to obtain licenses for their dogs under the following terms and conditions: W U) (a) The person desiring the license shall make application to Wthe City on forms provided for that purpose. 0.. d5 (b) The person making application shall attach a certificate from a licensed veterinarian that the dog has been innoculated against rabies recently enough for such innoculation to be effective during the period which GL the license is to be effective. 0 m (c) Paying a license fee for the fiscal year or fraction there - 03 of the amount of one dollar. DRUM & PEASE "Na- - II. Any person who shall maintain on his premises any dog or dogs which are unlicensed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. III. Any person who shall harbor or keep on his premises or in or about his premises or under his control, any dog or dogs which, by loud or unusual barking or howling, shall cause the peace and quiet of the neighbor- hood or the occupants of adjacent premises to be disturbed, or reasonably liable to be disturbed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. IV. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not to exceed $50.00. Violations of Section II and III of this ordinance shall constitute separate offenses. 1963. V. This ordinance shall become effective January 1, 1964. Passed and approved and ordered published this 18th day of November, APPROVED: ATTEST: Mayor KqCity Secrry 00924