HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-0629 - Ordinance - 05/23/1969ORDINANCE NO. 629 ELECTRICAL CODE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION IN AND FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TO REGULATE AND DEFINE THE DUTIES OF SUCH OFFICE AND TO ESTABLISH RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC WIRING AND APPARATUS, TO FIX PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS AND REPEALING ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. THIS ORDINANCE HEREBY REPEALS ORDINANCE NO. 52. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: SECTION 1. The office of Electrical Inspectbr in and for the City of College Station, is hereby created and said office shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Council within sixty days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, and said Electrical Inspector shall hold office during good behavior and shall not be removed except for failure properly to perform his duties as prescribed in this ordinance or any ordinance or part of the ordinance regulating electric wires or apparatus now in force or which may be adopted. Said Electrical Inspector shall be a person well versed in the rules and requirements of the National Electric Code. Before assuming authority conferred by this ordinance, the Electrical Inspector shall take oath usually administered to other city officials, and shall give bond to the City of College Station in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. The Electrical Inspector and any duly authorized deputies shall have the power to make arrest for violations of any of the provisions of this ordinance and to compel the suspension of any electrical work being done that is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 2. Every corporation, co -partnership, association or individual owning or operating a line of wires over streets, alleys or buildings in this city, shall use only wires that are suitable and strong; shall suitably and safely attach them to strong and sufficient supports and insulate them at all points of attachment; shall remove all wires abandoned for use; shall suitably insulate every wire where it enters a building, and, if such wire is other than a wire designed to carry an electric light or power current, shall attach to it at suitable and convenient points in the circuit calculated to prevent danger from fire and near the place of entering the building, an appliance calculated to prevent at all times a current of electricity of such intensity or volume as to be capable of injuring electrical instruments. or causing fire from entering the building by means of such wire beyond the point at which such appliance is attached. 01658 Ordinance No. 629 Page 2 SECTION 3. No corporation, co -partnership, association or individual shall engage in the business of installing electric wiring and apparatus within any building in the City of College Station for use in connection with electric light or power unless he shall have a "Master Electrician's License" to engage in such business. SECTION 4. An examining board shall be appointed by the mayor; said board to consist of three persons. One shall be a representative of the City, selected from among the city employees of the Electrical Department except it shall not be the Electrical Inspector. The other two shall be citizens of College Station, except that, when available, one shall be the consulting electrical engineer of the city. The board shall select its own chairman. The members of this board shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor except any board member shall be replaced anytime he fails to meet the criteria for appointment. This board shall review applicants for license, determine if their experience is such that they should be privileged to take the examination, grade said examinations, and determine by majority vote of the board that a license shall or shall not be issued. Said board shall determine, by majority vote of the board, as hereafter provided, when licenses shall be revoked for cause. If said board revokes a license for cause, the individual whose license is revoked shall cease all electrical work within the City unless or until said action of the examining board is altered by action of the City Council or a court of law. SECTION 5. Anyone desiring to qualify for a "Master Electrician's License" shall proceed in the following manner: (a) Apply in writing to the City Secretary for the privilege of taking the qualifying examination. The application shall state the qualifi- cations and experience of the applicant and shall be accompanied by an examination fee of $50. 00. Which fee shall be refundable if the Examining Board denies the applicant the privilege of taking the examination because of his qualifications or experience being unacceptable. 01659 Ordinance No. 629 Page 3 (b) Take the examination prescribed by the Examining Board, which examination shall be written, oral, or both. Examinations will be scheduled during the first week of each month and an applicant may take the examination not earlier than two weeks or later than eight weeks after he is certified eligible to do so by the board. Failure of the applicant to appear for the examination after written notice he is eligible to do so or failure to satisfactorily pass the examination shall result in forfeiture of his $50. 00 fee. (c) Upon certification that he has passed the examination and is eligible for the license as a "Master Electrician", he shall be issued said license by the City Secretary upon payment of a $25. 00 fee and filing a bond, in a form as issued by a company satisfactory to the City, in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), conditioned upon compliance with the ordinance of the City regulating electric wiring and apparatus and the faithful performance of all contracts inside any building for use in connection with electric light, heat or power. Said license shall be good for a period of one year from date of issue unless revoked by the examining board for due cause as provided hereinafter. (d) At least one month prior to the expiration date of the license, licensee shall apply for renewal for the subsequent year. Unless said license is denied by the examining board for due cause, the City Secretary is authorized to issue a renewal of the license upon payment of a renewal fee of $25. 00. ( :e) Any one licensed under the provisions of this or previous ordinances pertaining thereto who does not practice his profession within the City of College Station for two consecutive years after the date he receives his license or any subsequent renewal thereof, shall be deemed to be unqualified and shall not be eligible for renewal of his license. He may, at any later date, requalify according to the provisions of Section 5 of this ordinance. SECTION 6. The amount realized upon the forfeiture of any bond over and above the expense involved in its forfeiture, shall be expended in making the necessary changes in the electric wiring and apparatus found to be contrary to the provisions of this ordinance or deficient in quality or other particulars as specified in the contract or contracts entered into and covered by the bond, and the unused balance, if any, shall be paid into the City Treasury. .166, Ordinance No. 629 Page 4 SECTION 7. Before a City permit for the installation of any wiring or apparatus or the alteration or change of any wiring or apparatus, inspection fees in an amount computed in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of this ordinance shall be paid. SECTION 8. The fees for the services of the Electrical Inspector in inspecting the work done by those licensed under this ordinance shall be computed as follows: (a) for single family residential structures, one half cents per square foot of heated area but at least $10. 00, (b) for commercial structures engaged in retail trade, one cent per square foot of heated area but at least $10. 00, (c) for other structures, one cent per square foot of heated area but at least $10. 00 plus $1.00 per H. P. for the first 10 H. P. of motor load, plus 50 cents per H. P. for the next 25 H. P. of motor load, plus 20 cents per H. P. for all additional H. P. of motor load, except that all motors under 1. H. P. shall be included in the one cents per square foot fee. The first reinspection, if necessary, shall be made without charge. If two or more reinspections are required because of the failure of the materials or workmanship to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, the inspection fee for the second reinspection and all subsequent reinspections shall be the same as the original fee. The inspection fee for alterations or additions to existing structures shall be the highest of the following: (a) $5. 00 or (b) the fee computed according to the schedule above for new installations considering only the additional area and additional motors. SECTION 9. No materials shall be used in any manner in the installation of electric circuits within or on any structure within the City of College Station unless such materials have been approved by the City, acting through the Electrical Inspector, for the purpose intended. The fact that materials bear markings indicating the approval of the Underwriters Laboratory shall be prima facia evidence of the approval of the City. All electrical installation in or on any structure within the City of College Station shall use only materials and wiring and installation methods approved for the purpose by the edition of the National Electrical code prepared and published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, as modified by the following provisions: 01661 Ordinance No. 629 Page 5 (a) All electric motors whose horsepower ratings are 40 H. P. or more shall be served through reduced starting current devices of a character approved in writing by the electrical inspector. Exceptions to this provision may be made in writing by the Electrical Inspector upon recommendation of the Head of the Electrical Department of the City. (b) All three phase electric motors shall be protected by properly selected and adjusted protective elements in all three phases of the supply to the motor, unless exceptions are made in writing by the Electrical Inspector. (c) Non-metallic sheath cable or other wiring methods approved for general wiring in single dwelling houses, may be used in multiple dwelling units wherein no more than eight individual apartments are contained within one building. (d) All single dwelling units whose square feet of heated area exceeds 1000 and multidwelling units whose square feet of heated area per unit exceeds 750 shall have service entrance equipment rated at 100 amperes or more. (e) All bell ringing transformers shall be mounted in a suitable fire proof enclosure. SECTION 10. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to enforce the provisions of this ordinance or any ordinance now in force or which may hereafter be adopted concerning electric wiring or apparatus. SECTION 11. No wire or wires shall be installed, operated or maintained over any street, alley, sidewalk, or buildings in this city which shall be liable to seriously interfere with the work of the Fire Department in the use of ladders or other apparatus, or which shall obstruct or render hazardous the use of fire escapes, and on complaint of the fire chief, said obstruction interfering or hazardous wires shall be removed or properly rearranged. 01662 Ordinance No. 629 Page 6 SECTION 12. Wherever possible and expedient, signal wires shall not be carried on the same pole with or in dangerous proximity to high potential electric light or power wires and where a joint occupancy pole line composed of these two classes of system is necessary, or where the route traversed by these systems cross each other, the high potential electric light or power wires shall be placed and maintained not less than four feet above every signal wire, and where it is impossible to provide for such a separation it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to arrange and enforce an equitable and safe alternative plan. SECTION 13. The said Electrical Inspector shall make a thorough inspection of all electric wires and apparatus within the City of College Station at least once in each year, and where wires or apparatus are in dangerous or unsafe condition, or are deemed to be an interference with the work of the Fire Department, he shall notify the person, firm or company owning, using or operating them to place them in a safe, secure and non -interfering condition. Any corporation, co -partnership, association or individual or agent thereof failing, neglecting, or refusing within a reasonable time to make the necessary work completed within a reasonable time after the receipt of said notice, shall be deemed guilty of violation of this ordinance and every day which shall elapse after the expiration of said reasonable time until said wires and apparatus are repaired, removed or changed as required by said Electrical Inspector, shall be considered a separate offense within the intent and meaning of this ordinance. SECTION 14. The Electrical Inspector by and with the consent of the Mayor and City Council shall have the power to deputize one or more assistants, and each one of said assistants shall in every case be known to be competent to discharge the duties of Electrical Inspector and the rights and privileges conferred upon the Electrical Inspector are hereby conferred upon each assistant to the Electrical Inspector when properly appointed. SECTION 15. The said Electrical Inspector or competent assistant appointed by him, shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter any building, manhole or subway in the discharge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making any test of the electrical apparatus or appliances therein contained, and for that purpose he shall be given prompt access to all buildings, private or public, and to all manholes and subways in application to the company or individual owning or in charge or control of same. 01663 Ordinance No. 629 Page 7 SECTION 16. The words of terms "Electrical Wiring and Apparatus" as used in this ordinance shall be construed to include all materials, devices, machinery, appliances, appurtenances or conductors used in connection with the production of electric lights, heat or power or the transmission of electrical signals except where specifically limited to one or more of them and then only as specifically limited. SECTION 17. The Electrical Inspector shall decide all questions not provided for in this ordinance pertaining to the installation, operation or maintenance of electric wiring and apparatus. SECTION 18. All electric signs shall be erected under the supervision of the Electrical Inspector. SECTION 19. No corporation, co -partnership, association or individual or agent thereof shall hereafter conceal or cause to be concealed any electric wiring or apparatus mentioned in this ordinance except with the express permission of the Electrical Inspector and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove any flooring, lathing or plaster, sheet metal or other material which may conceal any electric wiring or apparatus contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. On completion of the inspection of any electric wiring or apparatus designed to be concealed and found to be in full compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to post a notice to that effect at the main cutout center, and said notice shall be considered as an express permission to conceal said electric wiring and apparatus, but no concealment shall take place until such notice has been posted by the Electrical Inspector. SECTION 20. The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department or said Electrical Inspector, or a competent person delegated by them or either of them shall have the power to at once cause the removal of all wires, or the turning off of all electric current where the circuits interfere with the work of the Fire Department during the progress of a fire. The said Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to cause the turning off of electric current from all conductors or apparatus which are deemed by him to be in an unsafe condition or which have not been installed in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance and from which the said Electrical Inspector .has caused the electric current to be turned off. 01664 Ordinance No. 629 Page 8 SECTION 21. No alteration or change shall be made in the electric wiring or apparatus located within a building for use in connection with the production of electric light, or power, nor shall any such electric wiring or apparatus be installed in any building without first securing from the said Electric Inspector a permit therefor, nor shall any change be made in any wiring or apparatus after inspection without notifying the said Electrical Inspector and securing a permit therefor. SECTION 22. Before issuing a permit for the installation of any wiring or apparatus or the alteration or change of any wiring or apparatus as provided in Section 19, an application shall be filed with the Electrical Inspector describing with plans and sketches such installation or the alteration or changes to be made, including the apparatus and material used. No deviation shall be made in the details for wiring or apparatus as shown on application without permission from the Electrical Inspector in writing. In panels of electrical installations the person, firm, or corporation, doing the work shall post a legend showing the name of said person, firm, or corporation, and a diagram showing what work was done. SECTION 23. Upon the completion of the installation of electric wires and apparatus in any building for use in connection with electric light, heat or power, it shall be the duty of the corporation, co -partnership, association or individual doing the same to notify said Electrical Inspector or competent assistant deputized by him who shall at once inspect the same, and if approved by him, shall issue a certificate of satisfactory inspection which shall contain the date of the inspection and outline of the results of such examination, but no certificate shall be issued unless all of the electric wiring and apparatus conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. SECTION 24. The City of College Station may negotiate reciprocal agreements with other municipalities wherein the requirements are deemed to be equal to those of this ordinance. Under said reciprocal agreements, a license may be issued to anyone possessing a valid license in the municipality with which the reciprocal agreement exists without the applicant being required to take the written and/or oral examinations provided for in Section 5 (b) of this ordinance. Said applicant shall be required to fulfill all other requirements and pay all fees provided herein. SECTION 25. Any corporation, co -partnership, association or individual or agent thereof desiring to place any pipe, sheet metal or other material within six inches of any electric wire or wires installed for use in connection with electric light, heat or power, shall, before proceeding with the execution of the work, obtain from the Electrical Inspector a permit therefor, and in completion of said work and Ordinance No. 629 Page 9 SECTION 25. (continued) said corporation, co -partnership, or association or individual or agent thereof shall notify said Electrical Inspector who shall inspect the same and cause all wires to be placed in a safe and secure condition. Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to refer to wires installed in approved iron conduit or armored cable. SECTION 26. No corporation, no co -partnership, association or individual or agent thereof shall interfere with the Electrical Inspector or any competent person or persons lawfully deputized to assist him as herein before provided, while the performance of duty and each such interference shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense within the intent and meaning of this ordinance. SECTION 27. The said Electrical Inspector shall keep a full and complete record of all work done, permits issued, examinations made or other official work performed as required by this ordinance and shall be so arranged as to afford prompt information concerning the condition and general arrangement of any electrical equipment at the time of the Electrical Inspectors last visit. SECTION 28. This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the respon- sibility of any corporation, co -partnership, association, individual or agent thereof; installing, operating or controlling any electric wiring or apparatus for damages to anyone injured thereby, nor shall the City be held as assuming any liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or certificate or permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 29. Any corporation, co -partnership, association, individual or agent thereof found guilty of violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Five Dollars ($5. 00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50. 00) and the cost of prosecution of each and every offense. SECTION 30. repealed. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby 01666 Ordinance No. 629 SECTION 31. Page 10 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of May, 1969. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary las ask e 01666.1