HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016V13216P75Dac Sk yalu,ui57493 OR J.^^U CFTY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas Ae^M University'1 Office of the City Secretary CERTIFICATE TO COPY OF PUBLIC RECORD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION § STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Sherry Mashburn, who, being by me duly sworn deposed as follows: My name is Sherry Mashburn. I am of sound mind, capable of making this affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am the custodian of the records of the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Attached hereto is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 2016-3743 adopted by the City Council on January 28, 2016. further certify, in the performance of the functions of my office, that said pages of record is an official record from the public office of the City Secretary, City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and are public records which are kept in said office and appear of record in said office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of College Station, this 25th day of February, 2016. Sherry Mas^rn, City Secretary City of College Station, Texas Brazos County, State of Texas Sworn to and subscribed before nffe~on th ^fay of February, 201 '\. TANYAMcNUH11652789-5'} *} Notary Public, State of TexasMy Commission Expires February 14.2018 NotarV Public, State of Texas P.O. BOX 9960 • li 01 TEXAS AVENUE. COLLEGE STATION • TEXAS ' 77842 CStK.gOV uoc yh Vn.[OU?7493 Oh JJ3J.6 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3743 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AFFIRMATIVE FINDINGS AND VACATING AND ABANDONING: A 0.0910 ACRE PORTION OF A: 20-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT, WHiaH DIAOONALLY CROSSES LOT 13 AND LOT 14, BLOCK 3 ;OF THE LEMON TREE ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED W VOLUME 371,-PAGE 121 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texa^^^ application for the vacation and abandomheritof.tRe :0.0910 acre portion of the 20-foot; Wide Public Utility Easement which diagohaliy crosses Lo;t 13; £ind Lot 14, Block 3 of the Lemon Tree Addition, according to the'plaf :record^d4n Toluin? :371? :Page 121 of the ;Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, a& ^described-m_ Exhibit "Alr: attached hereto (such portioh hereinafter-referred to as the "Easement WHEREAS, :iu:QrderfGt;th^ Easement to be v^Gated a^ of the City of College Station,, Tex^, the 'Cily :Council:must make certain affirmative findings^ now therefore, BE FT ORDAINED \BY THK CITY ^CQUNGIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEOE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1; Thatafter ppeTimg osici closing a public hearing, the Cify:CoUncilfi^ the follQwihg pertaining to ;the Yac^tirig :^d .abandoriihg of the Easement desoribed-in Exhibit "A" :attaclied hereto-and made a part of this Ordinance for all pmposes. 1, : Abandonment of the; Easement will nbt:resiilt ;m :propei'ty that does ;nbthayeiaccess to. public-roadways or m 2. Thereis no publicneed or use,for the "Easement -3, There is no etntteip.ated future public rieed oi'.use for: the Easement. 4. Abahdohment of the Easement will: xiot impact access for ;all public utilities to ls@rve current :and future customers^ PART2: That the.Easement as described in Exhibit "A" be abandoned and vacated by the City. Lij.^:5?493 OR i35^A :/' ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3743 Page 2 of 4 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this the 28th day of January, 2016. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST; APPROVED; ^Bify^ttom^y EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 4 ME'mS AND BOU'NDS DliSCKIPTI.ON 0.0910 AC t?K B^ VoJ,;-i^^4?5 QR ^^ Ik'iny iU.HECi ofktnd conluininy 0.0^10 acras, aiid ix'ingt! porliQn:ofa 20.' WKic iriilUy-oa.scmcnl.;m t.!ie Lemon.'tree Adctition/usrccoi'dei!. in Vol. 37 L Pay-1 .121 of:t'lie.:.B^i/.o^ Coutlty D.ecd ^cgarci.s (1k'C.D,k.j, in the-City of College Station, Br^>s Cpi!nEy,.itEKi bei'ng<paj;t.t}l'41.K'L>0 wk^^^^ recorded in Vot;.323. IJage.485:yi liie B.C.PJ^, tinel hQH^^Grps^:(1^?gcnc-!?i-yp^li0s [^.C^^^^ :i 3, Block ^ol^mdadduiou, os I'econletfin Vol. 1^0K/l)uge^1Lsndp^^^ ^weiL tM.^ ?ck 3. o('^i(! HdcJiti^n, as recorded ;in Vol. 1^274, l^c^^^t^Bje.'O^^H bcai'h'ig^:QJ'-tlii^.$iitfvcy<'it:i,vi-i^cj'c'nce<l~t<) tlmTexa?; ^Uc!)lan<;.CoorLlii^tc^yyiKtr)y^eirtr^!^gn(;, :^A-l)K3(20i 0 Bpoch2010;:i)0d bputid^ry-E^fbj-enced fo l/2>'jroirrod^ey|1;?:an<i;Nmi;i:^:i3iol^ on the piiTOoti;;:wo}:dt;d plat, IIUK-I £is ^urvcyi.'d ^n the yrouN^n N^^i^^^^Joi 2^V^-:T^I^ ;dc^r|ptipn. iKnt^o rf^'r^ to :l lie piut pi^ixp'tid .by A'I'M ^uh^y.mg, ^l'qjUyt:M<?i '^)-l5:~035t^d . :b^jigl.nw^parliniia!:}y tecnbe<i^ .foltow^; :H.I^(^NNJ;N(;ryit:?.t^/2'1 :lr6n.jr(Xl jounti 'fcr'lfw w^tc^r!i^^.al?l1^^^^tncaIs'^^o;Exi[i^lhe:\v^ corn?i)^lhc:^oi 13,:Block: ^^tlso'hcJng ^^l^^tElpa^t-ItOC o:rC.1ly .of Cul legc'^ ^Oin^ih^tHHli eorniy' t)T;>aScJ;kol 1^, 1^?N^E;Noii]r^l/J44^?"J^i^nd^mo^c.^i\1:^.^^lvc(^oiiife':tiw^^^^ It^Hcin^rHtuKt^id;Mf^^mid^o^I2io<il/2'!^ ^I^-^M^IPW'1,^. 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