HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/2015 - Minutes - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board MINUTES C:rrrcn C:<na•I.c>1=STATION BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS Ho,,,t f'�n„s,��n�unirr..im' ADVISORY BOARD Monday, December 7th 3:00 PM College Station City Hall Second Floor Conference Room 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas, 77840 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Blanche Brick, James Batenhorst, Brandon Boatcallie, Jon Denton, Phillip Lasley, Robert Lightfoot, Scott Shafer STAFF PRESENT: Greenways Program Manager Venessa Garza, Assistant Director of Planning and Development Molly Hitchcock, Board Secretary Amber Johnson AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. Chairman Brick called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors There were no visitors present to address the Board. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Absences: • Robert Lightfoot — November 2, 2015 • Scott Shafer — November 2, 2015 Board Member Lasley motioned to approve the absence requests from November 2, 2015. The motion was seconded by Board Member Boatcallie and was approved (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. Board Member Batenhorst motioned to approve the meeting Minutes from November 2, 2015. The motion was seconded by Board Member Denton and was approved (7-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Presentation and discussion regarding an update on the Chesapeake Unpaved Trail project. Greenways Program Manager Garza presented updates on this item. Ms. Garza advised that she spoke with David Schmitz, Parks and Recreation Department Director, who advised her that due to weather conditions and staffing issues there has not been any progress on the project. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Presentation and discussion regarding Wellborn Road Bicycle Improvements. Mr. W. Paul Kaspar the City Engineer and Mr. Gary W. Schatz the Transportation Engineering Consultant with the City of Bryan presented this item to the board. The City of Bryan is working to potentially introduce some reconfigurations to Wellborn Road to more effectively accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. The proposal would include a cycle track from Tee Drive to Clay Street and a one way cycle track northbound from Natalie Street. Board Member Shafer asked if there is any evidence that narrower lanes slows traffic. Mr. Schatz stated that normally narrower lanes do slow traffic but they do not in this context as Wellborn Road is such a straight path of travel. Board Member Boatcallie asked how the bikes are going to be buffered on Finfeather Road. Mr. Schatz stated that there are going to be installing 18 foot wide white stripes with diagonal markings and vertical flexible delineator posts. Board Member Boatcallie asked if traffic speeds would be impacted by the installation of a buffer and a cycle track. Mr. Schatz stated that they do believe these improvements will reduce traffic speed and are hoping to result in reasonable conforms to the 45 mph speed limit. Board Member Lightfoot asked if the buffered bike lanes are going to start at Clay Street or Natalie Street. Manager Garza stated the start point is still up for discussion but that it may be best to use Clay Street as it would create more of a direct path of travel to campus and encourage bicyclists to cross at University Drive and College Main. Chairman Brick asked the purpose of the proposed bicycle improvements to Wellborn Road as opposed to the use of Cavitt Avenue. Mr. Schatz stated that it is for functionality and connectivity purposes especially in relation to F&B Road and access to the proposed Blinn College Campus. Board Member Boatcallie asked if the traffic detection systems in place would work or if there would need to be additional detection systems added for the bicycle traffic. Mr. Schatz stated that the existing detection systems could be used with a few modifications. Chairman Brick asked how the proposed bus stops with different levels affect handicapped individuals. Mr. Schatz stated that the proposed bus stops include sidewalks that descend downward to a landing and ramps that lead upwards to the sidewalk. Board Member Lightfoot asked if traffic would stop behind the bus as it is loading and unloading. Mr. Schatz stated that traffic may stop or pass in the two-way left turn lane. Board Member Lightfoot asked what should happen if a bus should need to stop in a bike lane. Mr. Schatz stated that these improvements were designed with the hope that buses would not need to stop in a bike lane and that conflict would not occur. Board Member Lightfoot stated that those type of conflicts are occurring presently and asked what the goal for the future would be in regards to buses stopping in the bike lane. Mr. Schatz stated that the goal for the future is to keep the buses and bikes separate by evaluating what can be done to make the roadway more accommodating to both modes of transportation. Board Member Shafer asked if Mr. Schatz and Mr. Kaspar thought these improvements would be something the City of Bryan City Council would be in favor of. Mr. Kaspar stated that he thought that the City Council would be interested in the idea that was present by Mr. Schatz by testing out the potential changes by installing temporary changes to the roadway before permanent changes are made. Creating temporary and reversible changes first will allow for the opportunity to receive public feedback on the project. Board Member Shafer asked if the transit centers are going to provide a platform to allow access to the transit buses. Mr. Kaspar stated these changes are a large commitment and the final outcome may not be exactly what ideas have been shared today but may become more of a mixture of the ideas presented. Chairman Brick stated that she believed that the District is looking at put in some stops along some of the routes but that types of stops discussed would be city funded. Mr. Kaspar stated that it would mostly likely involve a joint effort from both cities as we are moving into the next designation within the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) that will likely involve some changes to federal funding. Chairman Brick asked if these types of changes would be applicable to roadways such as Texas Ave. Mr. Kaspar stated that roadways such as Texas Ave would be a different dynamic as it is a roadway that carries a higher volume of traffic and would involve the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT). Chairman Brick asked if the bicycle traffic on Wellborn Rd would merit this type of plan being implemented. Board Member Boatcallie stated that a lot of the plan seems to depend on the potential Blinn College campus. Mr. Kaspar stated that the roadway as it is currently developed is rarely being fully utilized other than at peak times of day. He stated that the opportunity to successfully filter the roadway down to single lane such as what has been done on 29th Street would create the extra roadway space to develop for bicycle traffic. Board Member Denton asked if the narrowing of the 29TH Street roadway was after passing Blinn College. Mr. Kaspar stated that the roadway does narrow after passing Blinn College. He stated that when developing the roadways they are dependent on the traffic counts in what and where they are able to implement different traffic plans. Board Member Lightfoot asked if it would be possible to create a bicycle and pedestrian only lane from Finfeather Road to F&B Road. Mr. Kaspar stated that would be a discussion that would need to involve Texas A&M University as that would involve their property and is an area that they utilize for tank storage. Board Member Lightfoot stated that he was in favor of the option presented that included the creation of a bicycle and pedestrian only roadway on Clay Street. Board Member Batenhorst asked if any of the apartment complexes in the area of Wellborn have right-turn deceleration lanes. Mr. Schatz stated that there are not currently any deceleration lanes present and believes that they are not necessary to implement with a few exceptions as they can create areas of conflict. Board Member Lightfoot left the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Presentation and discussion regarding BPG Master Plan Update Discussion. Greenways Program Manager Garza presented updates to this item to the board. The update to the plan will consist of a separate document that includes an update to existing conditions; public input and a system development review of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Presentation and discussion regarding BPG Board appointments. Greenways Program Manager Garza presented updates on this item to the board. Board Members Shafer and Batenhorst are nearing the end of their two year appointment. They can reapply if interested but it will be at Council discretion to reappointment since they will have completed their two term limit. Board Members Denton and Lightfoot will need to reapply if interested in serving a second term. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Presentation and discussion regarding Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference. Greenways Program Manager Garza presented updates on this item to the board. The Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference is being held March 9-11, 2016 in Houston, Texas. There is an opportunity for two board members to attend with registration fees paid for by the City of College Station. The board members will have to cover the cost of room and board as well as travel to the conference. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Presentation and discussion regarding BPG Subcommittee Updates. Greenways Program Manager Garza presented updates to this item to the board. The Performance Measures Subcommittee continues to finalize the list of outputs to capture and outcomes that are desired. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Audits Subcommittee has finalized their list of important factors to assess when in the field and the City has been broken up for each board member to evaluate the bike lanes and bike routes within their section. Chairman Brick left the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Presentation and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. • December 17, 2015 " Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting — City Hall, Council Chambers N 6:00 p.m. • January 4, 2016 N Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board " City Hall, Council Chambers N 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Possible action and discussion on future agenda items — A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Board Member Lasley stated that he is aware of a potential future presenter who is interested in speaking with the board regarding pedestrian safety. AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: fzefe ) Blanche Brick, Chairman Amber Johnson Board Secretary 4