HomeMy WebLinkAboutStatement of PolicyA Staterocat of Policy* for the PARKS ANE RECREATION COMMITTEE of the City of College Station, Texas 1. Scope and Purpose a. The Parks Committee is a permanent City Comm:.tcc. Its members shall be appointed by qnd serve at the will of the C:fy CJt':.cit. b. The principal responsil ility of this cominit;:cc is to make recommendations to the City Council per'nent to the deve3opi:i­i t a:.d r :ai.Ittnance cf all city parks, and other. -)')blit areas dedicated to rec-eatic7'll purposes, for the benefit of the r.co-dents of CoL ege Station. It is also charged with the responsibility of studying and making recommendations for future park needs. 2. Membership a. The committee will be composed of seven nme-Tubers. The members shall be appointed by the City Council, normai y, for two-year terms concurrent with the term of the Mayor. The City Council shall designate the committee chairman. b„ The committee shall be composed of members representing all segments of the population, insofar as possiele and practical. c. Its membership shall be composed of citizens who have shown an active interest in the development, beautification and operation of city parks. d. A member of the Planning and Zoning Cozmissiou shall be appointed by the Chairman of said Commission to serve as liaison between the Commission and the Parks Committee. He will not, however, be con- sidered as a member of the Parks Committee. The purpose is to assure fullest cooperation and coordination between both groups when matters of mutual interest arise, recognizing that the Planning and Zoning Commission has over-all responsibility for city planning. 3. ::..sponsibilities a. New members should become Lhoroug ly acquainted with the existing parks and other city -owned lands. Each member should strive to remain currently aware of park conditions and the needs of the public. b. The committee members should become aware of the Brazos Area Plan as it relates to present and proposed parks. The Plan should serve as a reference for new park planning. *Statement of Policy of Parks & Recreation Committee adopted by City Council on February 24, 1969 (Revises Statement of May 2, 1966) Page 2 C. The Committee shall study growth patterns of the city and plan for park developments to meet future needs. d. The Committee shall submit written recommendations for major improvements to the City Council for approval. Routine recommendations within the City Manager's authority shall be subm'*ted to the City Manager. e. All recommendations pertaining to changes in land use, landscaping, building construction or alterations, etc. , shall be accompanied by a sketch, sufficiently detailed to permit the Council or City Manager to pass judgement. f. Recommendat--cas entailing the expenditure of moi:ies beyond the current budget, should be made not later than Fel►:Nary 1, for consideration in the budget for the following fiscal year. Such recommendations will be given every consideration by the City Council but compliance will be Iimited to the availability of finances. 4. Operations and Finance a. The chairman shall, in conjunction with other appointive members of the Committee, decide as to the frequency of meetings and other organizational and procedural matters. The Committee will be subject to call by the chairman, city manager, or mayor. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business. . It is essential that the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission be kept fully informed as to the proceedings of this committee. Copies of the minutes of all meetings of this committee will be sent to the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as to the City Council through the City Manager. C. The committee will become opera`ive immediately af�er its appointment by the City Council. It is the chair_nan'a responsibility to call the first formal meeting. d. The City Council may provide an operating fund in its budget to help finance developments proposed by the committee. The committee must be aware that all expenditures must be approved-, prior to commitment, by the City Council and/or the City Manager in accordance with the law and fiscal regulations. e. As the need arises and at least once each year, the City Council will ask the chairman of the committee or a representative appointed by the chairman to meet with it for the purpose of discussing matters of concern. This will be helpful in the preparation of budgets, and in keeping the Council abreast of the City's problems. f. In essence, the responsibilities of the Parks Committee shall be to assist the city administration, through advice and recommendations, in pro- viding its citizenry with tho boat Virk fanilitiCs p„aAih1P. compatible with its needs and abilities. las 2-27-69