HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 10, 1978CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 1 01 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 �iAGE �z�, Colle` e Station FI ar!-:s & lRecr eation ?oaru Regular Mee -tin ; October 10, 1978 7:00 p.m. '._. Approval of tl-ie minutes. Hear visitors. Jr :ievision of ordinance establis lin- the Parks & Recreation %oard. 4. Parks & s:ecreation Loam' By-lai s.'� Update on F undlnr- requests. G. Par' --ss :'ecreatio?� r oarc� concerns. 7. ����ournr Approved, lx -.e ular City Council "ectin September 23, 1978 1lL.Y;�7�'r}�tlii>j !lv}'J�x�i OCT 10t�� ul�J,11 LL1`iu-NI OCTt?!)E, R 1 19 (i3�'S �r�,L '1 ��: 30, 1979 Telephone Syste:ii Grass & ^rusli Truc'. 5/8 Ton Pickup Truck (1) Two Inlet. Portable i lonitor w/n ozzle 9 29,895.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 1,600.00 *Tool Cover (Dome,' lowers, Plastic. Lt c.} 3,950.CO Tree Spade 11 300.00 ,..:!...�,, ,„ 0 Trees 1,600.00 Office urniture Street Rehabilitatio-n (C.D. 'tireas) Street Illumination of intersections 23,734.00 40,000.00 3,000.00 Lincolln Center Im rovements 31 805.00 Heavy Equipment 'Float Trailer 2,000.00 Thomas Park Pavilion 500. Street Improvements to Pasler Street Flasher Signal at Southwood at -id 2317 StripinT Machin TOTAL *SIO,000 Donated by i.ir. Jack Lester, Sr. 101,000 Donated by Colle e Station Seim Team 30,500.00 5.000.00 7. 900.00 �=G ,834.00 i, sr7 �' `�,lJrd 3l iTi i31^LEAS of 1-,130 I}:?_._=>a ANTD C07, 0 , - - r., r' + rte r ,a-. S rr z -i,1 r,0A `D S,IIiLL 13E Ct: ,n s> H BY MY O -:D Al�'C:^ il?:TICLE, I �ZU RS 0' THE ]-;OA;-j) A(Section 1. Purpose There is hereby created a Parks andtecreation ]Board to be known as the "Collo-,e Station Parks and Recreation Board", here- inafter referred to as the Board, which sflall be composed of seven (7) members. The duties of said Board shall be to advise and recori- mend to the City Council. all matters to themai�zte�zance and operation of city parks and recreation pro rams for tai CITY OF COLL ME, STATIOINT and its inhabi tants. ✓ekSection 2. Terms of MUce The ter; -!is of o.Lfice for the Hoard shall commence on July 1st of each year and shall be two (2) years alld the me! -Iters thereof shall he appointed by the Hay or and t'�e City Council. Section 3. Termination embers shall be terminated from the Board for three consecutive, une?.cused absences. The Chir 1'Ilan shall notify the former Board member and the Cit ;r ;ou oil o`' such action. i,.y member may resign prior to completi.o -i o:'' Itis term by recluestin; release in iaritinT to the City Council., Secti OrTani zat.ion Said Board is authorized to establish its ow.". constitution anc by-laws and shall provide .for re alar a,.�cl special nleetin.;s necessary to carr- on its business, separate and apart from the CITY 071 COL ,C(� S' ��13'TOi�i, eacent as herein Y)rovided. Section 5. Limitations ' n• 7 c• ' 1 Tri, �, �' The laor(l shall not ire authorized to il,cur on behalf" of Colle e Station any expense i lcident to t' -,e operation of said parks and recreatio i pro - ,ram, unless exDressl � authorized so to do e�y .tlle M"Y' 07, COT 1� CTS STATION: a.=._xd for tl_e?r superv'is:i_onI maintenance and operation and liil$31e1:2e11_l:a t`,i0?l. t T .� C i l_ i :} J� 1ET Section 1. Annual Jeetings The a inual meeti7�;- of the -'oard sha' 1 be held at a date and time to o d=esignated by the Board. Sectio --n- 2. Tegular -. eetin s The re:_;ulcer meeting shall be held of the second Tuesday of each mont'i at the hour of 7:00 P.11. at a place designated in the call. Section 3. Notice o' i•!eetin-s Notice of all re -ulcer meetings shall be mailed to each member of the Board at least five days prior to each meeting. Notice of all meetin s shall be posted at City hall and ;wiled to the news Media, ,%&- mccvke, =� ^J', I" Section 4. Special rieetings Special meetin s may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board, or by t_.ree mei1')ers of the 'oard. Section 5. Place of_ i.ieetin The ;lace of the meetin. s1iall be the City Hall unless olE er- wise stated in the call. Section G. Quorum A majority of the _oard stall at all time constitute a quorum, Section 7. :,ules of Order General parliamentary rules, as iven in Robert's Mules of Order, as modified by the rules and re ;ulations of the Board shall be observed in conducting meetin-s of ttl.e Board. Section S. Order of :mousiness The following shall be the Order of Business of the Board, but the rules of order may be suspended and any matters considered or postponed by action of the Board: 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Consideration of minutes of last regular yeetin-; and of any special meetings field subsequently and their approval or amendment. 4. Petitions or communication from visitors. 5. report �"- �­d' 1W. R. or of Standing Co,.mmittees. �. ��ep t of. Special Committees. �. P or of �3irector of Parks and Recreation, M I'oard Concerns. A,TICLr III OFFICERS Section Electio:i of Officers At annual c;ieeting, the Board snail elect by ballot the follo�.ri o ;'ficers to serve for one year from date of election alld until Vicir-esTlective successors have been duly elected and s'iall ha -,e tzalified: 1 : airman Section 2. pecia �lectio«s In the e ent ora rail -are _for any* reason. to elect any of the said officers, i„ case a vacancy shall occur. in any of the said oI J; ces for an aso=�, they. a_� electio.iraay '�e held at any re alar or special me tin , a notice o.r such electi oxo havinm been •iven in the roti of the 11 of the mee tin`;. Section ff.1 Duties of the Board Chairman The Chairman of the Board shall preside at the meetings of the Board, and shall perfor;,l the other duties ordinarily performed by that officer. Section 4.'''Duties of the Vice -Chairman the Vice -Chairman of the oard, in the absence of the Chairman, shall rerform all the duties of the Chairman of the Board. In the a'jsence of both the Chairrian aAd the Vice -Chairman, the Board shall elect a Chairman pro te.spore -.q.o shall perform the duties of the Chair.7a:1 of the Board. Section 3�3. Duties of the Par Ips and Recreation Director lie shall act as the chief executive officer of the Board, but shall not be luember. Is shall - _ �s-J-- attend all neetin s, and � partici to i.} discussions, LLzt small not be e a - titled to vote. 0" \,,, � ARTICLE. IIT CUr•'c 1T l ES OF f HEE 13011i'M Section 1. Stancsin :;o�z�ittees There shall b four (4) standing coL,,UlAttees of tl;.e -Board, namely: 1. Commitee on Paras 2. Co. noz '_recreation 3. Committee on Beautification 4. Co.mmtte on 1.3ud e t Section 2. Appo' ment of Cor-Attees The standi committees shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board at the annual meeting, or as soon thereafter as possible, and serve until, 'r successors are appointed and qualified. Section 3. Pei�sonne' of . Committees Each committee Ball consist of not less than t.•ro members of t:,e ,:,oard, to eth with the Chairman and. the Director of Paras and _ecreati on ting as ere officio. Section 4. lutes of Committees Committees s: 11 co_isider ane ma':o recommendations to the ;oard o , all matter co., t=zeir a��ea or responsibility. Section 01 Appointrienf of S-neci al Committees S,')ecial Committees shall he appointed by the Chairman for consideration and study of wl natter, met eewovod. the Stan-- Vie Snecial Com- i' -sees slimil report tliei_r iindil?ms to ,ate '>oarc.t. Sectio_ 1. -line ndme: it s These Iry-lairs -.nav be amended at wny regular meeting of the '3oard 'ray a iaaiorit rote o� the n�enibers present, provided previous =once o the nature ol any proposed amend.-ne t, shall have been -riven at least one re ulcer niee Lin, before the action thereon shall be ta!win. LJ . ' T.'Jlj i`rC� LTO• AN 02DINANICE PI OVII IN FOD TITF. CREATION OF THE COLLEGE STATI() 'J PARKS AND IMC EAT ION 30�1ILD; Pf:O`dIlfIi�G FOS SEVEN(?) s'r�.fi�'"1? S; DE- TERMIi I G T.IfE TE'rZ1`1 OF OFFICE; P3 OVIT)ING FOR THE11Z DUTT S Ail TF s METHOD OF APPOUkTr>IEMj0; AND DESIGNATING TfiE FIRST i E PT:E2 S THERMOF A --,-Nr. TLE TERM OF OFFICE AND I EPEALING ALL OPD.Ii`�tidCES IN CONFLICT TIEiiE?r ITII. BE IT 0 MAI F.D BY THE C_YfY COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION, T J%'AS; SECTIO. 1: There is hereby created a Par'cs and Recreation hoard to be known as the "Colle ;e Station Parks and P.ecreation roard", which shall be composed of seven (7) members. The duties of said Board shad be to advise and recommend to the City Council all matters concerning the6maiptenance and operation of all par'cs 2> within the City and the Amaintenance and operation of recreation programs conducted by the CITE' OF COLLEGE STATION for its inhabitants. SECTIO' 2: The teres of office for said Parks and Recreation Ma Board shall commence on lst of each year and shall be tw,o (2) Years and the members thereof shall be appointed by the Mayor and the City Gwincil.ITh-, Mayor shall appoi-rit one member of the City Council to serve on the Board as a non-voting representative. The t ol.lowin=1- Iiersoris are hereby appointed as t:lembers of said Par'cs and i::ecrea.tio:r oard for the terms indicated: Lou Hod es Ji►n Luscoc-O_)e Jin 7iehlinl ; ':athleen -enefick David Turello '.ich Nerbel E. X,P1itE �_30_79 0-30-79 '10-30-79 y ,K- 30-80 -30-30 H,$ -30-g0 envers hereafter appointed to fill vacancies on said Board shall I old terns of office for two (2) ,years, provided that where the appointment is to fill vacancy of an existin member prior to expiration of his ter;ri. such appointment shall be for the remainder of the term of his predecessor. SECT IMN 3: Board is authorized to establish its own constitution and by-laws and shall provide for regular and special meetin s necessary to carry or its business, separate and apart from -L',le CITY CF COLLEGE STREWN, ex-cept as herein provided: SECTIO,; 4: The College Station. Parks and :recreation Board small be responsible for makinT recommendations and suggestions to the City Council for the establishment of parks and recreation pro - ;rains for t;le CITY On COILUEGT, STMION. Said Board shall not be authorized to incur oza behalf of the CITY OIC COLLEGE STATION any cxnense incident to Vic operation of said parlrs a i(? recreation prof;ram. unless expressly autull?orized so to do bo, Vne CITY COUNCIL; and for t'leir, supervision. maintenance and operation and imple-men- Cation. SECT1-07-.� 5: All ordinances includin, Ordinance dumber 177. hereto passed by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATE TONT contra to or in conflict with this ordinance is hereby expressly repealed. CONSIDERED, ,U)P COVED ANJID ADOPTED at remular meeting of the City Council this the ATTEST: CITY SECR'ETAi,Y k4YO}2 CITY ORDINANCE RESTRICTIONS ON BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS On August 3, 1976, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2709 pertaining to memberships on boards and commissions. The ordinance added Sections 2-25, 2-26, 2-27, 2-28, and 2-29 to the City Code of Ordinances. Section 2-25 stipulates that a person cannot serve on more than one (1) permanent board or commission of the City of Garland at any one time, except as required by membership stipulations of a City board or commission on which a person is serving. Section 2-26 requires that any board or commission member appointed by the City Council shall forfeit that membership if he is absent for more than three (3) meetings, or 25% of the meetings, whichever is greater, in one appointment year, unless the absenteeism is for medical reasons. Absenteeism may also be excused by the board or commission of which he is a member or by the City Council. If a member goes beyond this absenteeism limit, the City Council is required to declare the position vacant and appoint a new member to fill the vacancy. Section 2-27 states that the members of all boards and commissions shall possess the same qualifications and be subject to the same disqualifications as provided by the Charter for members of the City Council or the general laws of the State of Texas. Section 2-28 states that board and commission members may serve only two (2) successive terms on any one board. Section 2-29 stipulates that pecsons named to represent the City on the boards of the North Texas Municipal Water District, the Texas Municipal Power Agency, and the governing bodies of any inter -agency boards and commissions in which the City may participate in the future are specifically exempt from the provisions of sections 2-26 and 2-28 of this ordinance. -15-