HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/2015 - Regular Agenda - Planning & Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning Commission Regular College Station, TX Meeting Agenda City Hall 1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 The City Council may or may not attend the Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting. City Hall Council Chambers7:00 PMThursday, July 2, 2015 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 4, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 4. Consent Agenda Consideration, possible action, and discussion on Absence Requests from meetings. * Barry Moore ~ July 2, 2015 * Jodi Warner ~ July 16, 2015 15-03294.1 Barry Moore Jodi Warner Attachments: Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * June 4, 2015 ~ Workshop * June 4, 2015 ~ Regular 15-03464.2 Page 1 College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015 July 2, 2015Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda June 4, 2015 Workshop June 4, 2015 Regular Attachments: Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to the Subdivision Regulations Section 8-J 'Blocks,' and Unified Development Ordinance Sections 12-8.3.G 'Blocks,' Section 12-8.3.K 'Sidewalks,' Section 12-8.3.H.4 'Cluster Development,' and Section 12-8.3.W 'Single-Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting;' presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a descretionary item related to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.E 'Streets;' and presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for Mission Ranch Subdivision consisting of 571 lots on approximately 289.5 acres generally located west of Holleman Drive South and North of Rock Prairie Road West. Case #PP2015-900058 (J.Prochazka) 15-03006. Staff Report Application Variance Request Letter Preliminary Plan Attachments: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.H.2. 'Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions' and a public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 7A & 8A, Block 1 being a replat of McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 7-9, Block 1 consisting of two single-family lots on approximately 0.3142 acres located at 1112 Arizona Street, generally located southeast of Holleman Drive between Wellborn Road and Welsh Avenue. Case #FP2015-000002 (L. Walker) 15-03287. Staff Report Application Final Plat Attachments: Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Conditional Use Permit for multi-family on the first floor in the WPC Wolf Pen Creek District, more specifically for The Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek, consisting of approximately 7.4 acres of The 15-03428. Page 2 College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015 July 2, 2015Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Lofts-WPC, Block 1, Lot 1, and A004601 M Rector (ICL) Tracts 54.1, located at 614 Holleman Drive East, more generally located at the southwest corner of Holleman Drive East and Dartmouth Street. Case #CUP2015-000001 (J. Bullock) Staff Report Application Site Map Attachments: 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 10. Adjourn The Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on this agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion . An announcement will be made of the basis for the Executive Session discussion. APPROVED _____________________ City Manager I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on June 26, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. _____________________ City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 3517 or (TDD) 1 800 735 2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. Page 3 College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015 City Hall1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:115-0329 Name:Absence Request Status:Type:Absence Request Agenda Ready File created:In control:6/19/2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda:Final action:7/2/2015 Title:Consideration, possible action, and discussion on Absence Requests from meetings. * Barry Moore ~ July 2, 2015 * Jodi Warner ~ July 16, 2015 Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Barry Moore Jodi Warner Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on Absence Requests from meetings. * Barry Moore ~ July 2, 2015 * Jodi Warner ~ July 16, 2015 College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Barry Moore Request Submitted on June 23, 2015 I will not be in attendance at the meeting on July 2, 2015 for the reason specified: (Date) Signature Barry Moore Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Jodi Warner Request Submitted on June 18, 2015 I will not be in attendance at the meeting on July 16 , 2015 for the reason specified: (Date) Signature Jodi Warner City Hall1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:115-0346 Name:Minutes Status:Type:Minutes Agenda Ready File created:In control:6/23/2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda:Final action:7/2/2015 Title:Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * June 4, 2015 ~ Workshop * June 4, 2015 ~ Regular Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:June 4, 2015 Workshop June 4, 2015 Regular Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * June 4, 2015 ~ Workshop * June 4, 2015 ~ Regular College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ June 4, 2015 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting June 4, 2015, 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jane Kee, Jim Ross, Jerome Rektorik, Barry Moore, Jodi Warner, and Kirk Joseph COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Casey Oldham CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Benham CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jennifer Prochazka, Danielle Singh, Jessica Bullock, Madison Thomas, Laura Walker, Robin Cross, Marcus Zarate, and Bridgette George 1. Call the meeting to order. Chairperson Kee called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion regarding Regular Agenda Item 8. 3. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items in the 2015 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (J. Schubert) Assistant Director Hitchcock gave an update regarding the 2015 P&Z Plan of Work. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the appointment of three Planning & Zoning Commissioners to serve on the Joint Annexation Task Force. (L. Simms) The Commission appointed Chairperson Kee and Commissioners Rektorik and Ross to the Joint Annexation Task Force. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a demonstration of new software providing for electronic submittals of applications, construction plans, and the scheduling of inspections related to the planning, development and building process. (B. George) Development Coordinator George gave a demonstration of new software that Planning & Development Services is currently using. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: June 4, 2015 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 * Thursday, June 18, 2015 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. * Thursday, June 25, 2015 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison – Moore) Chairperson Kee reviewed the calendar of upcoming meetings for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the following items: * A Comprehensive Plan Amendment for approximately two acres located at 3751 Rock Prairie Road West from Suburban Commercial to General Commercial. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on April 16, 2015 and voted (5-0) to recommend denial. The City Council heard this item on May 18, 2015 and voted (7-0) to deny the request. * A rezoning of approximately two acres located at 3751 Rock Prairie Road West from SC Suburban Commercial to PDD Planned Development District. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on April 16, 2015 and voted (4-1) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on May 18, 2015 and voted (7-0) to approve the request. * A rezoning of approximately 0.75 acres, generally located near the northeast corner of Texas Avenue South and Krenek Tap Road, from GS General Suburban to GC General Commercial. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on April 16, 2015 and voted (5-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on May 18, 2015 and voted (7-0) to approve the request. Chairperson Kee reviewed the above-mentioned items heard by City Council. 9. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. The Commission asked for a future agenda items regarding the BioCorridor, Southern Point and the memo from Olson & Olson, LLP. 11. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Jane Kee, Chairperson Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services June 4, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting June 4, 2015, 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jane Kee, Jim Ross, Jerome Rektorik, Barry Moore, Jodi Warner, and Kirk Joseph COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Casey Oldham CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Benham CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jennifer Prochazka, Danielle Singh, Jessica Bullock, Madison Thomas, Laura Walker, Robin Cross, Marcus Zarate, and Bridgette George 1. Call Meeting to Order Chairperson Kee called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens No citizens spoke. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, possible action, and discussion on Absence Requests from meetings. * Jim Ross ~ May 21, 2014 * Kirk Joseph ~ May 21, 2014 * Barry Moore ~ May 21, 2014 * Casey Oldham ~ June 4, 2015 4.2 Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * May 21, 2015 ~ Workshop * May 21, 2015 ~ Regular 4.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Development Plat for Dick's Iron Dukes Addition consisting of one commercial lot on approximately 1.5 acres located at 13601 FM 2154, generally located at the southern intersection of Wellborn Road and William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #15-00900015 (J. Bullock) Commissioner Rektorik motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1-4.3. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). June 4, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a discretionary item to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.K.5.b 'Fee in Lieu of Construction' and presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for The Crossing at Lick Creek consisting of 116 residential lots and 12 common areas on approximately 63.179 acres located at 13500 Rock Prairie Road, generally located south of Williams Creek Subdivision and immediately west of Lick Creek Park. Case #15-00900097 (M. Bombek) Staff Planner Bombek presented the Preliminary Plan and the discretionary item regarding payment into the sidewalk fund and recommended approval. Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbruck, College Station, Texas, stated that he was available for questions. Commissioner Rektorik motioned to approve the discretionary item. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Commissioner Rektorik motioned to approve the Preliminary Plan. Commissioner Joseph seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.4.C.3 ‘Street Projections’ and Section 12-8.4.E ‘Blocks’ and a presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for Polo Estates consisting of 22 lots on approximately 34 acres located at 4331 North Graham Road, generally located near the intersection of Holleman Drive South and North Graham Road in the College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case #PP2015-000002 (J. Bullock) This item was removed from the agenda. 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.H.2 'Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions' and public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for College Hills Estates Lots 26R & 27R, Block 19 being a replat of College Hills Estates Lots 26 & 27, Block 19 consisting of two residential lots on approximately 0.285 acres located at 1308 Milner Drive, located south of Gilchrist Avenue. Case #15-00900096 (M. Bombek) Staff Planner Bombek presented the waiver requests and the replat and recommended denial. Michael Kay, 4405 Alnwick Court, College Station, Texas, gave a history of the property and said that the request is not out of line compared to other properties that front Milner Drive. He also stated that College Station considered these two separate lots in 2014 and the lots were combined in 2014 by Brazos County Appraisal District for one tax bill. There was general discussion amongst Staff and the Commission regarding the history of the property. June 4, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. Jeffrey Leatherwood, 4618 Midsummer Lane, College Station, Texas, provided possible alternatives if the waiver was not approved and asked if they would be approved. The Commission was unable to answer if the waiver would be approved. Rehan Bhatti, 1311 Milner Drive, College Station, Texas; Michelle Rice, 1313 Foster, College Station, Texas. The citizens spoke in opposition of the waiver expressing concern about neighborhood integrity, traffic and parking. Chad Frank, 1206 Royal Adelade, College Station, Texas, owns five houses on Milner Drive and stated that his mission is to take away from the congestion. He said that current homes on the street do not have appropriate space for parking, but the lots that are being redeveloped are providing the appropriate parking and he believes has lessened congestion. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. Commissioner Warner motioned to approve the waiver requests to lot size and width. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the waiver requests. Motion passed (4-2). Commissioners Rektorik and Ross were in opposition. Commissioner Warner motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion, motion passed (5-1). Commissioner Ross was in opposition. 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for The Cottages of College Station Phase 3, Lot 3, Block 1 and Lot 1R, Block 5 being a replat of The Cottages of College Station Phase 1A Lot 1, Block 5 (Common Area) and a 22.795-acre tract, A000701 Crawford Burnett League Tract 81, consisting of two lots on approximately 24.52 acres located at 2335 Market Street, generally located between Holleman Drive South and North Dowling Road. Case #15-00900055 (J. Schubert) Principal Planner Prochazka presented the replat and recommended approval. Veronica Morgan, 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South, College Station, Texas, stated she was available for questions. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. Commissioner Moore motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or June 4, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 11. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Jane Kee, Chairperson Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services City Hall1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:115-0300 Name:Mission Ranch Preliminary Plan Status:Type:Preliminary Plan Agenda Ready File created:In control:6/5/2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda:Final action:7/2/2015 Title:Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to the Subdivision Regulations Section 8-J 'Blocks,' and Unified Development Ordinance Sections 12-8.3.G 'Blocks,' Section 12-8.3.K 'Sidewalks,' Section 12-8.3.H.4 'Cluster Development,' and Section 12-8.3.W 'Single- Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting;' presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a descretionary item related to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.E 'Streets;' and presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for Mission Ranch Subdivision consisting of 571 lots on approximately 289.5 acres generally located west of Holleman Drive South and North of Rock Prairie Road West. Case #PP2015-900058 (J.Prochazka) Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Staff Report Application Variance Request Letter Preliminary Plan Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to the Subdivision Regulations Section 8-J 'Blocks,' and Unified Development Ordinance Sections 12-8.3.G 'Blocks,' Section 12-8.3.K 'Sidewalks,' Section 12-8.3.H.4 'Cluster Development,' and Section 12-8.3.W 'Single -Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting;' presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a descretionary item related to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.E 'Streets;' and presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for Mission Ranch Subdivision consisting of 571 lots on approximately 289.5 acres generally located west of Holleman Drive South and North of Rock Prairie Road West. Case #PP2015-900058 (J.Prochazka) College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 6 July 2, 2015 PRELIMINARY PLAN for Mission Ranch Subdivision PP2015-900058 SCALE: 571 single-family residential lots on approximately 289.2 acres LOCATION: Generally located west of Holleman Drive South and north of Rock Prairie Road West, bounded by the existing Great Oaks Subdivision to the west, Rock Prairie Road West to the south, Quail Run Subdivision to the north, and Holleman Drive South to the east. ZONING: RS Restricted Suburban APPLICANT: Clint Cooper, BCS Rock Prairie, LP PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Prochazka, AICP, Principal Planner jprochazka@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The proposal is for 571 single-family residential lots zoned RS Restricted Suburban and designed using the Cluster development standards. The northern portion of the subdivision was part of the Great Oaks Subdivision and is vested to 2007 regulations; the southern half of this development is subject to current Subdivision Regulations. A Preliminary Plan was approved in 2014 granting some waiver requests to block length and sidewalks. Additional waivers to Single-Family Parking Standards and Cluster development requirements are sought with this revised Preliminary Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the block length and sidewalk waiver requests, as they were previously approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission in a previous iteration of the Preliminary Plan. Staff also recommends approval of the additional waivers to Single-Family Parking Standards and Cluster development standards, and the discretionary item related to temporary remote access. If the Planning & Zoning Commission approves the waivers, staff recommends approval. If the waiver requests are denied, the Preliminary Plan must also be denied. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 6 July 2, 2015 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 of 6 July 2, 2015 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: March 2008 Zoning: A-O Agricultural-Open upon annexation R-1B Single-Family Residential – portion of property (2008) A-O Agricultural-Open renamed R Rural (2013) RS Restricted Suburban (2014) Site development: Vacant. 571 single-family residential lots are proposed averaging 12,878 square feet in area in a cluster development pattern. COMMENTS Water: The subject tract is located in Wellborn Special Utility District. Sewer: The tract is located in the Steeplechase Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area. A 12-inch sanitary sewer line has been extended to the property. A lift station is proposed to be built with this development to serve the property. Off-site Easements: None at this time. Drainage: The subject tract is located in the Hopes Creek Drainage Basin. Development of the subject tract will be required to meet the City’s Storm Water Design Guidelines. Flood Plain: There is no FEMA regulated flood plain on the property. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: The vested portion of Great Oaks was originally Master Planned in the ETJ; therefore, no sidewalks are required. In the new portion, sidewalks are required for pedestrian connectivity, however a waiver to the requirement to provide sidewalks on both sides of streets was approved with the previous Preliminary Plan, allowing for a system of sidewalks through portions of the entire development, instead of sidewalks on both sides through only half of the development. Several of the sidewalks are proposed to be privately maintained in HOA common areas. Bicycle Connectivity: The vested portion of Great Oaks was originally Master Planned in the ETJ; therefore, no bike lanes are proposed or required. In the new portion, bikes lanes on both sides of Deacon Drive West and Feather Run are required. Streets: Access will be provided to the development via Feather Run, an existing road from Quail Run Estates, and Deacon Drive West. Oversize Request: N/A Parkland Dedication Fees: The vested portion of Great Oaks was originally Master Planned in the ETJ prior to parkland dedication requirements and therefore Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 6 July 2, 2015 no parkland dedication is required. The new portion is subject to Parkland Dedication fees and this will be assessed on 363 lots, totaling $457,743. Impact Fees: A portion of the subject tract is located within the Steeplechase Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area and will be required to pay $144.87/LUE with building permits. REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Subdivision Regulations: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Restricted Suburban. New residential zoning districts were adopted in September 2013 to be synonymous with the Comprehensive Plan and Mission Ranch Subdivision is the first to plat under RS Restricted Suburban standards. This portion of Rock Prairie Road West is shown as a future 2-lane major collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. Four 2-lane minor collectors are shown on the Thoroughfare Plan that was adopted in 2009. This Preliminary Plan is in general compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed Preliminary Plan was reviewed using both the Subdivision Regulations applicable to the project when the Master Plan was originally approved in January 2007 (the northern portion) and the current UDO’s Subdivision Regulations, implemented in 2013 (the southern portion). The Preliminary Plan is in compliance with all requirements with the exception of the following Commission discretionary item and waiver requests listed below: Discretionary item: • UDO Section 12-8.3.E ‘Streets’ -The Plan is phased in such a way that phases two, seven, and eight require temporary Remote Emergency Access points because they exceed the maximum thirty lots from a single point of access until later phases are constructed. The Planning & Zoning Commission may allow this at their discretion. Waiver Requests: • UDO Section 12-8.3.G ‘Blocks’ – A waiver to the 1,200-foot maximum block length for Rock Prairie Road West and Holleman Drive South was granted with the previous Preliminary Plan in 2014. The proposed block lengths exceed the maximum by approximately 940 feet, 970 feet, and 1,100 feet, respectively. • Subdivision Regulations Section 8-J ‘Blocks’ –A waiver to the 1,500-foot maximum block length in Section 8-J for Feather Run was granted with the previous Preliminary Plan in 2014. This portion of the roadway is located in the vested half of Mission Ranch (formally Great Oaks) Subdivision. The proposed block length exceeds the maximum by approximately 930 feet. • UDO Section 12-8.3.K ‘Sidewalks’ – A waiver to the requirement of providing a public sidewalk on both sides of all streets in the non-vested portion of Mission Ranch Subdivision, including along Rock Prairie Road West and Holleman Drive Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 6 July 2, 2015 South, was granted with the previous Preliminary Plan approval in 2014. Private trails through common area and some public sidewalks on streets throughout the vested and non-vested portions of the subdivision have been proposed. • UDO Section 12-8.3.H.4 ‘Cluster Development’ – A waiver to the maximum lot sizes in clustered developments is sought. The Unified Development Ordinance requires that when clustering, the average lot size be smaller than the minimum lot size in the base district. With a minimum average being 8,000 square feet for cluster developments in RS Restricted Suburban and the absolute minimum lot size being 6,500 square feet. The applicant has a desire to provide larger lots, but would prefer to cluster to allow sections of the development to have smaller lots. • UDO Section 12-8.3.W ‘Single-Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting’ – A waiver is being sought to allow standard 27-foot wide residential streets with parking permitted on only one side with no additional visitor parking required. This option is being considered by staff for a future Unified Development Ordinance amendment. In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, when considering a waiver, the Planning and Zoning Commission should make the following findings to approve the waiver: 1) That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; The project includes property that was previously Master Planned in the ETJ. Approximately half of the subdivision is vested to previous rural design standards, including longer block lengths, no requirement for sidewalks, and no single-family parking requirements. The applicant has provided the attached waiver request letter addressing other items related to this finding. 2) That the waivers are necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; The project includes property that was previously Master Planned in the ETJ. Approximately half of the subdivision is vested to previous rural design standards, including longer block lengths, no requirement for sidewalks, and no single-family parking requirements. In order to provide a similar type development through the subdivision, the applicant has requested the waivers. The applicant has provided the attached waiver request letter addressing other items related to this finding. 3) That the granting of the waivers will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and Areas surrounding the subdivision are largely platted and developed. The applicant has provided the attached waiver request letter addressing other items related to this finding. 4) That the granting of the waivers will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Areas surrounding the subdivision are largely platted and developed. The applicant has provided the attached waiver request letter addressing other items related to this finding. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 6 of 6 July 2, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the block length and sidewalk waiver requests, as they were previously approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission in a previous iteration of the Preliminary Plan. Staff also recommends approval of the additional waivers to Single-Family Parking Standards and Cluster development standards, and the discretionary item related to temporary remote access. If the Planning & Zoning Commission approves the waivers, staff recommends approval. If the waiver requests are denied, the Preliminary Plan must also be denied. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Variance Request Letter 3. Copy of Preliminary Plan City Hall1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:115-0328 Name:McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 7A & 8A Block 1 Final Plat Status:Type:Replat Agenda Ready File created:In control:6/18/2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda:Final action:7/2/2015 Title:Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.H.2. 'Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions' and a public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 7A & 8A, Block 1 being a replat of McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 7-9, Block 1 consisting of two single-family lots on approximately 0.3142 acres located at 1112 Arizona Street, generally located southeast of Holleman Drive between Wellborn Road and Welsh Avenue. Case #FP2015-000002 (L. Walker) Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Staff Report Application Final Plat Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.H.2. 'Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions' and a public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 7A & 8A, Block 1 being a replat of McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 7-9, Block 1 consisting of two single-family lots on approximately 0.3142 acres located at 1112 Arizona Street, generally located southeast of Holleman Drive between Wellborn Road and Welsh Avenue. Case #FP2015-000002 (L. Walker) College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 6 July 2, 2015 FINAL PLAT for McCulloch’s Subdivision Lots 7A & 8A, Block 1 Being a Replat of McCulloch’s Subdivision Lots 7-9, Block 1 FP2015-000002 SCALE: Two lots on 0.3142 acres LOCATION: 1112 Arizona Street, generally located southeast of Holleman Drive between Wellborn Road and Welsh Avenue. ZONING: GS General Suburban APPLICANT: Adam Wallace, ATM Surveying PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Walker, Staff Planner lwalker@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.H.2. Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions. If the waivers are approved by the Commission, the Final Plat should be approved. If the waivers are denied, the Final Plat should also be denied. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 6 July 2, 2015 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 of 6 July 2, 2015 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 6 July 2, 2015 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1956 Zoning: R-1 Single-Family Residential renamed GS General Suburban (2013) Final Plat: 1946 Site development: One building plot containing a single-family, detached home on 0.3412 acres that was built in 1969. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: Fee in lieu of parkland dedication in the amount of $1,261 is required to be paid prior to filing the Final Plat. Greenways: No greenway dedication is proposed or required. Pedestrian Connectivity: No sidewalks are proposed or required. Bicycle Connectivity: No bicycle lanes are proposed or required. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed Final Plat is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations within the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) except the following waiver requests: UDO Section 12.8.3.H.2 “Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions” – The requirement is stated such that if a plat subject to this section is creating a new lot or building plot, it must meet or exceed the average width of the lots along the street frontage for all of the lots in the block including the subject lot(s) and contain at least 8,500 square feet for each proposed lot. In this case, only the side of the block along Arizona Street was used to determine the average width, given that the other side is zoned D-Duplex and is located within a different subdivision. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 6 July 2, 2015 The waiver requests along with the deficiencies based on the requirements listed above can be seen in the following table: Lot size (minimum size = 8,500 SF) Lot Width (Average width = 98.9 FT) Proposed Deficiency Proposed Deficiency Proposed Lot 7A 7,380 SF 1,120 SF 75.28 FT 23.62 FT Proposed Lot 8A 7,484 SF 1,016 SF 75.72 FT 23.18 FT In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, when requesting a waiver, the burden of providing adequate reasoning to justify the waivers is on the applicant. In considering the requested waivers, the Planning and Zoning Commission should consider the following findings: 1) That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; Staff finds there are no provisions within this chapter of the Unified Development Ordinance that would restrict the applicant of reasonable use of his land as a single-family residential use. The property is already platted for a single-family residential use with an existing home built over two lot lines creating one single- family building plot, which is a common characteristic in the McCulloch Subdivision and in many of the older single-family neighborhoods in the surrounding area. 2) That the waivers are necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; Staff finds that denying the waivers would not restrict the applicant from any substantial property right, as it can still be used as one lot for a single-family residential use. 3) That the granting of the waivers will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and Staff finds that the granting of the waivers could be injurious of the other properties in the area as property owners in the McCulloch neighborhood have initiated the process to request a Single Family Overlay to protect the neighborhood’s existing character. Granting the waivers would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare as the property has access to a public street and utilities. 4) That the granting of the waivers will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Staff finds that the area surrounding this property is already platted therefore the granting of this waiver should not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 6 of 6 July 2, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12- 8.3.H.2. Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions. If the waivers are approved by the Commission, the Final Plat should be approved. If the waivers are denied, the Final Plat should also be denied. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Final Plat City Hall1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:115-0342 Name:The Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek Conditional Use Permit - Use Only Status:Type:Rezoning Agenda Ready File created:In control:6/22/2015 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda:Final action:7/2/2015 Title:Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Conditional Use Permit for multi-family on the first floor in the WPC Wolf Pen Creek District, more specifically for The Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek, consisting of approximately 7.4 acres of The Lofts-WPC, Block 1, Lot 1, and A004601 M Rector (ICL) Tracts 54.1, located at 614 Holleman Drive East, more generally located at the southwest corner of Holleman Drive East and Dartmouth Street. Case #CUP2015-000001 (J. Bullock) Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Staff Report Application Site Map Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Conditional Use Permit for multi-family on the first floor in the WPC Wolf Pen Creek District, more specifically for The Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek, consisting of approximately 7.4 acres of The Lofts-WPC, Block 1, Lot 1, and A004601 M Rector (ICL) Tracts 54.1, located at 614 Holleman Drive East, more generally located at the southwest corner of Holleman Drive East and Dartmouth Street. Case #CUP2015-000001 (J. Bullock) College Station, TX Printed on 6/26/2015Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ Planning & Zoning Commission July 2, 2015 Page 1 of 5 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR The Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek CUP2015-000001 REQUEST: Convert approximately 9,000 square feet of retail/restaurant tenant space to multi-family units, removing the requirement for a commercial component. Providing multi-family on the first floor in the WPC Wolf Pen Creek District requires a Conditional Use Permit. SCALE: Approximately 9,000 square feet of existing commercial space LOCATION: 614 Holleman Drive East, more generally located at the southwest corner of Holleman Drive East and Dartmouth Street. APPLICANT: Wayne Rife, The Rife Law Firm PROJECT MANAGER: Jessica Bullock, Staff Planner jbullock@cstx.gov BACKGROUND: In February 2007, a Conditional Use Permit was granted permitting first floor multi-family with the condition that at least 9,000 square feet of retail/restaurant use be provided. Staff recommended approval noting the request was in line with the intent of the Wolf Pen Creek Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the condition that at least 4,500 square feet of commercial space be retained, allowing commercial uses in addition to retail and restaurant uses. Planning & Zoning Commission July 2, 2015 Page 2 of 5 Planning & Zoning Commission July 2, 2015 Page 3 of 5 Planning & Zoning Commission July 2, 2015 Page 4 of 5 NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: July 2, 2014 Advertised Council Hearing Date: July 23, 2014 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: None Property owner notices mailed: 14 Contacts in support: One Contacts in opposition: None Inquiry contacts: None ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North (across Holleman Drive East) Natural Areas - Reserved WPC Wolf Pen Creek Wolf Pen Creek Park South (across Manuel Drive) Urban Mixed Use WPC Wolf Pen Creek Multi-Family East (across Dartmouth Street) Natural Areas – Reserved Urban Mixed Use WPC Wolf Pen Creek Wolf Pen Creek Park West Urban Urban Mixed Use WPC Wolf Pen Creek, GS General Suburban, R-4 Multi-Family Commercial amusement, Single-Family, Multi-Family DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: February 1971 Zoning: R-1 Single-Family Residential (upon annexation) C-1 General Commercial (1984) Approximately 6.2 WPC Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor (1989) Approximately 1.2 acres WPC Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor (1998) Final Plat: Approximately 6.2 acres platted October 1979 Remainder area of approximately 1.2 acres platted May 2008 Site development: Mixed Use REVIEW CRITERIA 1. The proposed use shall meet the purpose and intent of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and meet all minimum standards for this type of use per the UDO. The proposed use of multi-family on the first floor requires a Conditional Use Planning & Zoning Commission July 2, 2015 Page 5 of 5 Permit to be located in WPC Wolf Pen Creek District. The applicant is proposing to remove approximately 9,000 square feet of commercial space to create 8 additional residential units, so no commercial uses remain. The applicant is not proposing any changes to the site plan. There may be changes to the building exterior which will require submittal to the Design Review Board for approval. 2. The proposed use shall be consistent with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for development in the City. The subject tract is shown on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map as Urban Mixed Use which allows for residential, commercial, and office uses in vertical mixed-use structures. The subject property is also located within the Wolf Pen Creek District which combines parks, arts, and commerce by linking public and private facilities with an urban greenway. The Wolf Pen Creek Corridor has been the subject of considerable planning efforts, along with both public and private investment, with the intent to identify areas for economic development. The City’s Economic Development Master Plan, adopted by the City Council in 2013, identifies tourism as one of the ways the City can diversify the local economy. It names the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor as an attraction for local residents and visitors with amenities including parks and trails, the Art Center, the Amphitheater, festival grounds and the Spirit Ice Arena. Noting that there is still undeveloped land that is available for commercial development, the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor still has opportunity for growth. The City’s Economic Development Master Plan also speaks to the need to support retail development. The intersection of Holleman Drive East and Dartmouth Street, both classified as minor arterials on the City’s Comprehensive Plan – Thoroughfare Map, has the highest potential for commercial development. Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the condition that commercial space be retained in order to carry out the vision of public and private efforts as the corridor continues to develop. 3. The proposed use shall not be detrimental to the health, welfare, or safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, not be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. The proposed use will likely not be detrimental or injurious to the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants. 4. The proposed site plan and circulation plan shall be harmonious with the character of the surrounding area. This request is change existing commercial tenant spaces into additional multi-family units. The applicant is not proposing changes to the site plan and any building exterior changes will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. While there are some multi-family complexes in the WPC Wolf Pen Creek District that have multi- family on the first floor, the adjacent uses along the south side of Holleman Drive East to Texas Avenue are commercial or multi-family with a commercial component. 5. The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing uses in the area or in the City through impacts on public infrastructure such as roads, parking facilities, electrical, or water and sewer systems, or on public services such as police and fire protection, solid waste collection, or the ability of existing infrastructure and services to adequately provide services. This use will not negatively impact public infrastructure or services beyond its current impact. This site has existing parking spaces that meet the Planning & Zoning Commission July 2, 2015 Page 6 of 5 requirements for the proposed 8 additional multi-family units. 6. The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing uses in the area or in the City. Existing uses in the area include commercial, single-family and multi-family residential, and Wolf Pen Creek Park. The addition of this use will not negatively impact what is existing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the condition that at least 4,500 square feet of commercial space be retained, and that general commercial uses in addition to retail and restaurant be permitted. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Site Map Error https://collegestation.legistar.com/Error.aspx[6/26/2015 2:34:19 PM] Server Error The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds. Existing Commercial