HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-0712 - Ordinance - 11/23/1970ORDINANCE NO. 712 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PERSONNEL POLICIES FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The attached Personnel Manual is hereby declared to represent official policies for the City of College Station, Texas. The policies as expressed therein shall hereafter be followed in all problems, relations and procedures with respect to employees of the city. All previous personnel rules and regulations are hereby repealed. SECTION 2: The fact that the City of College Station does not have personnel policies that adequately cover the problems, relationships and procedures affecting the employees of the City of College Station creates an emergency and an urgent public necessity that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate meetings be suspended, and the same is hereby suspended, and this ordinance is hereby finally passed as an emergency ordinance on the date of its introduction. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of November, 1970. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: city `~Secretary las PERSSO�TIUL MANUAL CITY OF COLLEGE SVXTIIJO,,�, T Wovember, 1970 U'lluml PERSONNEL MANUAL CITY OF COLLEGE STATION; 2EXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1 BASIC OBJECTIVES OF PERSONNEL MANUAL.......... 1 Section 1 - Purpose... ........,00,.,oeOpo „ 1 Section 2 - Intended Use .................... 1 Section 3 - Supercedes Previous Council Policies .................................. 1 Section 4 - Motivation & Knowledge of Employees ................................. 1 CHAPTER 2 RECRUITMENT .......... ......... *..... ....00 2 Section 1 - Objective ................ „ ..... 2 Section 2 - Positive Recruitment............ 2 Section 3 - Applications.............0000„ . 2 Section 4 - Examinations .................... 2 Section 5 - References........„ ........ „ o, 5 Section 6 - Personnel Files .............. „ 0 5 Section 7 - Anticipating Vacancies.......... 5 Section 8 - Separation ...................... 5 CHAPTER 3 RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS, APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES, AND SEPARATIONS ............................... 6 Section 1 - Residence ....................... 6 Section 2 - Appointments .................... 6 Section 3 - Medical Examinations.........,.. 6 Section 4 - Fingerprinting .................. 6 Section 5 - Nepotism ........................ 7 Section 6 - Dismissal ....................... 7 Section 7 - Layoff .......................... 7. CHAPTER4 PROBATIONARY PERIOD .00no.000.................. 8 Section 1 - Probationary Period,.....„ 8 Section 2 - Purpose ..... ................... 8 Section 3 - Termination of Employment....... 8 CHAPTER 5 POSITION TITLES, WAGES & SALARIES ............ o 9 Section 1 - Use of Position Titles.....,.,.. 9 Section 2 - Pay Increases ................... 9 Section 3 - Recommendations for Pay Increases ................................. 9 Section 4 - Continuous Study of Salary Rates ............. ...................... 9 Section 5 - Reduction in Pay ................ 9 Section 6 - Part-time Rates........... o,o, 9 Section 7 - Overtime Pay & Compensatory Time .o.00.o ............................... 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED Page Section 8 - Method of Payment............. 10 Section 9 - Terminal Pay... .............. 10 Section 10 - Assignment of Wages........... 11 CHAPTER 6 WORKING HOURS, ATTENDANCE & LEAVE............ 12 Section 1 - Work Week ............... „ ... „ 12 Section 2 - Hours of Work ............. .... 12 Section 3 - Attendance ..................... 12 Section 4 - Overtime...., .................. 12 Section 5 - Holidays ....................... 12 Section 6 - Compensatory Leave ............. 13 Section 7 - Vacations ...................... 13 Section 8 - Sick Leave.................00„ 15 Section 9 - Pregnancy Leave ................ 16 Section 10 - Occupational Disability or Injury Leave ............................. 16 Section 11 - Jury Service or Court Leave... 17 Section 12 - Rest Periods .................. 17 Section 13 - Civic Duties .................. 17 Section 14 - Extended Leave of Absence..... 17 Section 15 - Military Leave ................ 17 Section 16 - Absence With Pay .............. 17 Section 17 -- Absence Without Pay........... 18 Section 18 - Effect of Leave ............... 18 Section 19 - Absence Without Leave...... 18 Section 20 - Special Leave With Pay and Expense Accounts ......................... 18 Section 21 - Terminal Leave ................ 18 Section 22 - Family Illness Leave.......... 18 Section 23 - Educational Leave ............. 20 Section 24 - Absentee Records .............. 20 Section 25 - Seasonal & Temporary Em- ployees .................................. 20 Section 26 - School Crossing Patrolmen..... 20 CHAPTER 7 RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINE & GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ................................... 22 Section 1 - Work Responsi.bility.........o„ 22 Section 2 - Outside Employment....... ..... 22 Section 3 - Physical Fitness ............... 22 Section 4 - Political Activity ............. 22 Section 5 - Suspension ..................... 23 Section 6 - Demotion.. ................... 23 Section 7 - Grievance Procedure............ 23 CHAPTER8 RETIREMENT .................... ..o. ,....o...o 24 Section 1 - Retirement System Membership... 24 Section 2 - Withdrawal ..................... 26 Section 3 - In Case of Death .............. 26 Section 4 - Additional Information......... 26 Section 5 - City Retirement Age............ 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED Wage CHAPTER 9 INSURANCE, .................................. 27 Section 1 - Group Insurance ................ 27 Section 2 - Workmen's Compensation......... 28 Section 3 - Insurance Plan Duties - Fiscal Department ........................ 28 Section 4 - Insurance Plan Duties - Fiscal Department ........................ 29 Section 5 - Reporting Claims ........... 6... 29 Section 6 - Weekly Benefits ................ 29 Section 7 - Miscellaneous Expenses not Covered by Insurance ...... 06 .0.....0...a 29 CHAPTER 10 PROMOTIONS ........... ............. .o........ 30 Section 1 - Promotion and Opportunity...... 30 Section 2 - Method of Filing ............... 30 Section 3 - Advertising Vacancies.......... 30 Section 4 - Selection Techniques........... 30 Section 5 -- Salary Incentive....° ........ ,. 30 CHAPTER 11 EMPLOYEE EVALUATION .......................... 31 Section 1 - Annual .Evaluation .............. 31 Section 2 - .Evaluation Forms .............. 31 Section 3 - Purposes of Evaluation......... 31 Section 4 - Appeal from Evaluation......... 31 CHAPTER 12 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT ......................... 35 Section 1 - Employee Development........... 35 Section 2 -- Administration of Employee Development Program ...................... 35 Section 3 - Improvement of Working Conditions .....................9......... 35 Section 4 - Safety Education &. Training.... 36 CHAPTER 13 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ......................... 37 Section 1 - Public Relations ............... 37 Section 2 - Loyalty ........................ 38 CHAPTER 14 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ..................... 39 Section 1 - Availability of Regulations.... 39 Section 2 - Changes in Regulations......... 39 Section 3 - Personnel Records .............. 39 Section 4 - Solicitations .................. 39 Section 5 - Service Awards ......... °....... 39 Section 6 -- Operation of Motorized Equipment .......................o........ 39 Section 7 - Name Tags.*.. .... 00............ 40 Section 8 - Acting for City Manager........ 40 Section 9 - Expenses Incurred in Travel.... 40 FABLE OF CONTENTS - CONCLUDED Page Section 10 - Removal of Files from City Hall.. ..... ... ....................... 40 Section 11 - City Organization.... ......... 40 r CHAPTER 1 B.AOI C OBJECTIVES OF i ER60IGNEL riAWUkL ;3ection to -ur ose The purpose of the rules and information contained in this -versonnel 11anual is to establish consistent, basic policies and practices applicable to all employees of the City of College Station. It is hoped that they i,,,ill help to promote the com- mon interests and welfare of the city, its employees and their jobs. Section 2. Intended Use 1.4hile this 1ersonnel ia.anual is intended i.,ai.nly for depart- uental use and reference, all employees, and especially new em- ployees, should revie,, it and be versed as to its content. De- partment Heads T.,rill be responsible for the proper and effective administration of these rules and policy within their respective departments. The policies are applicable to all city employees except they shall not apply to members of the Fire and Police Departments where the same are inconsistent with State legis- lation affecting; firemen and policea.:aen. Section 3. Su ercedes Previous Council Policies The contents of this Personnel Manual will supercede all previously issued Council Policies as they pertain to city em- ployees. The Manual may be changed or amended to the extent deemed necessary, by the City Council in order to more effectively and efficiently promote the interest of the city. Section 4. Motivation and Knowledge of Employees Every employee in the City is working for the same public. It must be the aim of the personnel of the City of College Station to constantly develop a better municipal government. In so doing, much depends upon all employees. Each should have a thorough knowledge of his own job and should possess a profound respect for his work. He should be endowed with the spirit that his effort is of consequence and that his work is of worthwhile value. He should have a knowledge of the rela- tion of his job to other employees and to the entire City or- ganization. Employment in a position, either permanent or temporary, is not recognized as a vested right o be re ained primarilybecause of apRointment or possession but only when the standard of performance .iustfies the continuance. k,4 -1- CHAPTER 2 RECRUITMENT Section 1. Objective It is the desire of the City Council to provide fair and equal opportunity to all qualified College Station citizens to enter City employment on the basis of demonstrated merit and fitness as ascertained through fair and practical methods of selection. Section 2. Positive Recruitment To this end the City Manager through the Department Heads shall advertise in a positive manner the employment needs of the City with a view toward obtaining an adequate supply of qualified candidates for each vacancy to be filled by recruitment. Section ._ Applications The City Manager shall require all applicants for a position to: a. Complete the official application form (see next page), and encourage applicant to submit additional informa- tion regarding his experience and training. b. Be fingerprinted. The City Manager, or a Department Head acting for him, shall satisfy himself that the applicant is of good moral character, that he is a citizen of the United States, and is within the age of employment and willing to undergo a physical examination. Applicants for positions as police officers must meet the requirements as set forth in Form Adm 3, which follows. They must meet certain medical standards approved by the City Health Officer. A copy of the medical report follows. Section 4. Examinations The interviewer of an applicant may use one or any combina- tion of selection techniques as follows: a. Written examination, which shall include a written demonstration of each candidate's knowledge, informa- tion, and skill in the field for which the test is be- ing held, and which may include standard tests of men- tal alertness and of ability in the use of English and mathematics, or of general educational attainments. b. Oral examination, which may be used in lieu of, or to supplement the written examination or to elicit infor- mation regarding the abilities of the candidates that is not readily obtained in a written examination. 0,1977 Form: Adm. t May 1967 FOR USE OF PERSONNEL DEPT. ONLY Sent To: PHYSICAL REFERENCES — Date Received: CREDIT Returned: EMPLOYER DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT CITY OF COLLEGE STATION College Station, Texas 77840 INSTRUCTIONS —READ CAREFULLY Please print or type your name. Other information may be in handwriting. False information is cause for rejection or dismissal. Employment is subject to applicants satisfying city's requirements as to morals, character, finger- print investigations, references and physical examination. This application along with attachments, including photographs become the property of the City. All unused applications will be inactive after six months. Please com- plete in full. Date Name Date employed LAST FIRST MIDDLE or OTHER �. Present Salary or rate Address LU ® NO. —• STREET TOWN STATE Title of position Telephone Number _ Social Security Name Social Security Number z Date of Birth Place of Birth Male ❑ Female ❑ Height— Weight Age If Married Woman, Your Maiden Name Single Divorced If Married, Spouse's Name Married Widowed- 0 Separated Spouse's Place of Employment z LIST ALL DEPENDENTS Full Name Relationship,— Date of Birth JFull Name Relationship_ Date of Birth Full Name Relationship_ Date of Birth Full Name Relationship_ Date of Birth Full Name__ Relationship_ Date of Birth Z O Have you ever worked for the City of College Station? When: I _ If accepted, when could you report for work _ ® Will you accept temporary employment OYou may state a minimum monthly salary if you wish: $ CIRCLE HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED IN EACH CATEGORY Grade School High School College Graduate School 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 I 1 2 List name and location of high school and any trade Name of College or University or vocational schools: r Location Did You Graduate? Yes No UJ Degree Major Yr. Did you graduate from High School? Yes No % of college expenses earned -t19,8k&e==* i; 1"X,1 l Have you served in the armed forces or national guard of the United States? If "Yes", please complete the following: Branch Dates Rank at discharge Type of discharge a What is your present military status If 4-F, please give reasons: a _ Are you presently a member of a military reserve unit?_ Do you have any service connected disabilities? If "Yes", explain Are you a citizen of the United States? a wIf you are a naturalized citizen of the United States, give date, place and certificate number of your naturalization. N H V List three persons who are not related to you and who can furnish information about you. (Do not list former UJ employers.) Fu'. UFull Name Business or Home Address Occupation � 1. Q W= Q u 2. U `Y 3. List Three Credit References Name of Firm Address Z O a r= o a 2. LU O 3. U. Z _. List the Name and Address of Your Bank Name Address The remaining part of this application is for your convenience in furnishing additional information concerning yourself which you feel might further qualify you for the position you are seeking. If more space is required, attach additional sheet: I certify that the statements made by me in this application are true, complete, and correct and are made in good faith. I am aware that the information given by me in this application will be investigated, and that any misrepresentation will auto- matically cause application to be rejected, or for separation from the City's service if I have been employed. Date Signature of Applican For Personnel Office Use Only: TEST SCORES: Typing Shorthand Spelling OTHER TESTS: Interview Comments: Reference Check: Medical Report: co Performance test, which shall include such tests of performance as shall determine the ability and manual skill of each candidate to perform the work involved and which may be either competitive or qualifying. do Interview, which shall appraise each candidate's per- sonal fitness for the position, such as ability to get along well with people and other personal and tempermental qualifications. e. Rating of education, training, and experience, which shall be based upon information in the application form and such other data as may be secured through the interview or from other sources, and which shall be subject to investigation as to truth and complete- ness, Section 5. References As a standard practice, a letter of inquiry will be ad- dressed to the references given on the application form for all employees who are seriously considered for employment by the city. Section 6, Personnel File A copy of the application plus all related papers on each city employee will be maintained in a locked Personnel File by the City Secretary and will be accessible only to the City Manager and City Secretary. A Department Head may review these relating to personnel of his department as needed, with the approval of the City Manager. There will subsequently be placed in personnel files of employees, letters of commendation and other matters that are pertinent to personnel evaluation and future reference. A personnel file folder will be set up for all part-time employees and an employment record maintained as for full- time employees. A record of leave will also be maintained in the personnel file of each employee. Section 7. Anticipating Vacancies Department heads shall notify the City Manager of their anticipated vacancies as far in advance as is reasonably pos- sible to permit sufficient time for the consideration of qualified candidates on an objective basis. Section 8, Separation It is expected that City employees will give at least a two weeks notice of their intent to terminate their service with the City if they expect to get a good recommendation fro the Department Head and/or'City Manager. -5- CHAPTER 3 RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS. APPOINTMENT Section 1, Residence Other considerations being equal, persons residing within the corporate limits of the City of College Station shall, in all instances, be given preference in all appointments. Those who are employed, and which live in another city, will be re- quired to take up residency within the City unless there is good justification that this policy not be adhered to. The City Manager will make the decision. All employees shall be required, as a part of their work- ing agreement, to furnish any change in address to the City Secretary, to be filed as a part of the personnel record of such employee. Section 20 ARpointments New employees shall be selected on the basis of their qualifications for the position, to include physical condition. Tenure of possible service will also be a consideration. Reference shall be given to former employees with a good record of service with the City or those who may have been laid off due to lack of work. The City Manager appoints all employees. In the case of Department Heads, such appointments are made with Council concurrence. An exception are those administrative offices that are, by Charter provision, otherwise appointed. It is assumed that the City Manager will consider the recommendations of a Department Head in making appointments in a given de- partment. Section 3. Medical Examinations Before being appointed, each prospective employee shall undergo a thorough medical examination by the City Health Officer, the cost of which shall be borne by the City; and no one given a medical examination shall be certified for hire un- less the examining physician certifies that he meets the mini- mum standards of physical fitness required for the particular position. An employee may be re-examined within any given period of time after his appointment. Section 4. FingerprintinE All employees shall be finger -printed at the time they are employed. -6- Section 5. Nepotism In order to control applicants for employment who have members of their immediate family working for the City, the City Manager shall not approve any fulltime applicant for a position who has a member of his immediate family on the payroll unless it can be shown that such employment is to the best interest of the City. Qualifications being equal, preference always shall be given to applicants who do not have a member of his immediate family on the payroll and in no event shall such applicant be employed in a department in which a member of his immediate family is employed without the expressed approval of the de- partment head and the City Manager. The City Manager shall determine the degree of relation- ship of any applicant for employment who has relatives em- ployed with the City and shall determine the practicability of such employment. Section 6. Dismissal An employee may be dismissed by the City Manager, on the recommendation of a Department Head, at any time after careful and factual consideration. An employee who is dismissed shall have explained to him the reasons for the action. Such infor- mation will be placed in the personnel file of the individual. (See appeals procedure, Chapter 7, Section 7.) Section 7. Layoff The City Manager may lay off employees when necessary due to changes in duties or organization, or lack of work or funds. When possible, employees who are to be laid off in one department may be integrated into other departments by trans- fer. When layoffs are required, they shall be based, first on demonstrated job performance and efficiency, and second, on length of service with the City. Layoff shall not be con- sidered to be a disciplinary action. A two -week written notice of layoff shall be given by the City Manager to the employee. Persons employed on temporary, part-time or occasional work may be given a statement at the time they are employed of the date the employment is expected to end. This statement will meet the requirements for notifica- tion. CHAPTER 4 PROBATIONARY PERIOD Section 1. Probationary Period Every person appointed to a permanent position in the service of the City shall be required to complete successfully a probationary period of six months. Section 2. Purpose The Department shall use the probation period to closely observe and evaluate the work of all newly appointed employees to properly train them and to encourage their effective adjust- ment to the job and the service of the City. Supervisors shall retain only those employees who meet an acceptable standard of work during the probationary period. Section 3. Termination of Employment A new employee may be dismissed at any time during the probationary period, when, in the judgment of the department or division head or City Manager, the quality of work is not such as to merit continuation in the service of the city. When a probationary employee is found to be physically un- fit for performance of the duties of the position which he seeks to hold, or is a user of narcotics, or excessive user of intoxicating beverages, or has an unsatisfactory previous em- ployment record, or has failed to submit pertinent information requested by the City Secretary or the City Manager, or has practiced fraud or deception, or made false statements in his application, or has done any act as to bring discredit to the city, the department head shall terminate his employment, un- less irregularities are waived by the City Manager for good cause. It is not to be construed from the above that, following the probationary period, one is entitled to job permanancy. An employee may be dismissed at any time during his period of service for actions that justify dismissal CHAPTER 5 POSITION TITLES, WAGES & SALARIES Section 1. Use of Position Titles All positions shall be designated by official position titles as established by the City Council, on all official records, payrolls, and communications. No new positions or position titles shall be established by the City Manager, other than these provided in the budget, without concurrence of the City Council. Section 2. Pay Increases It is the desire of the City Council to provide pay in- creases to employees to reward ability and efficiency, and to compensate for increased value to the City through length of service, with performance. Section 3. Recommendations for Pa. _Increases Each year, prior to the preparation of the Annual Budget, each Department Head shall give careful consideration to the ability, attitude and production record of employees under their supervision for pay increases. Tenure of service alone is no basis for an increase in salary unless it has been coupled with service. After this evaluation, recommendations should be passed on to the City Manager for his review and consideration. they may also desire to establish new positions or to modify existing ones. Such recommendations shall also be submitted to the City Manager as well. Section 4. Continuous Study of Salar Rates Each year before the salary budget is prepared, the City Manager shall undertake an analysis of prevailing rates of pay for similar public and private employment in the area at large, cost of living factors, budget effects, and such other factors as may be of assistance in recommending changes in the salaries of personnel. This shall be considered along with recommenda- tions by Department Heads. He shall also conduct such special studies from time to time as may be desirable. On the basis of this information, he shall recommend changes in salary for in- dividual positions as is necessary to keep such current, uni- form, equitable, and competitive with other employers of the same class of personnel. Recommended changes shall, however, become effective only upon City Council approval. Section 5. Reduction in Pay The City Manager may reduce the pay of an employee at'any time for just cause as explained to the employee by the De- partment Head. No reduction shall deprive an employee of con- sideration for pay increases at a later date. Section 6. Part-time Rates An employee who works regularly at less than the estab- lished hours of employment for each month may be paid by the hour or at a salary proportional to the amount of time worked. Section 7. Overtime Pay and Compensatory Time All employees, whose jobs entitle them to overtime pay, ma-1 be paid for overtime work at the rate of time and one-half, or be given equivalent time off. Employees whose jobs normally do not entitle them to overtime pa'y may be paid overtime in excep- tional cases if requested by their department head and approved by the City Manager, or may be given time off on an hour for hour basis if accurate records are kept within the department o: extra time worked. Overtime pay for Fire and Police shall com- ply with the statute. No payment shall be made for overtime that has not been certified by a department head as necessary. Compensatory time may not be taken immediately prior to termination of employee, and accumulated compensatory time shall not be compensated at termination of employment. Section 8. Method of Payment Monthly or semi-monthly employees are paid by check on the 15th and lst day of each month. If a payday falls on a Satur- day or Sunday, payment will be made on the preceding Friday. I a payday falls on a holiday, payment will be made the preceding days Hourly employees will be paid by check each Friday for the preceding week which ended on the Thursday prior to the Friday payday. If a payday falls on a holiday, payment will be made on the preceding day. Part-time hourly employees will be by check on the 15th an( last day of each month. If a payday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, payment will. be made on the preceding Friday. Tf a. pay- day falls on a holiday, payment will be made the preceding day. Employees who use their automobiles in connection with their regular routine duties in their department, shall be paid car allowance, or a stated sum, as approved by the City Manager. City owned automobiles assigned to employees shall only be used by such employees in the performance of the duties of their departments. They shall not be used in driving to and from the: home unless there is a valid reason for doing so as approved by the City Manager. Section 9. Terminal Pay All employees who leave the service of the City for any reason shall receive all pay which may be due them with the following qualifications: �, -10- S a. Regular employees iiho have completed one -year's service shall be paid for all unused vacation time. Employees who leave before completing one year's service, shall not be entitled to any vacation pay. b. Regular employees who are retired or who shall die in the service of the City, shall be paid for all unused sick leave. co Employees who are granted military leave of absence, or who are retired or die in the service of the City shall also be paid their earned vacation leave to the date of their separation computed in the regular manner. Section 10. Assignment of Wages Assignment of wages is a violation of the City Charter and no assignment of any employee's wages, earned or unearned, as a transfer or as a security for a debt, shall be beinding on the City of College Station. The City does require employees to pay their just debts. Failure to do so may result in dismissal. _11- 01886 CHAPTER 6 WORKING HOURS, ATTENDANCE, AND LEAVE Section 1. Work Week The working time per week shall be forty hours, with special provisions made in departments that require additional hours to meet existing conditions or emergency contingencies. The City Manager will determine the period of work for em- ployees where such is in the interest of the city. Section 2. Hours of Work The hours during which City offices and departments shall be open for business shall be determined by the City Council. At present, the hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Section 3. Attendance Employees shall be at their places of work in accordance with these rules and/or general or departmental regulations. All department heads are responsible for seeing that leave records (see Leave Form on following page) of employees under their jurisdiction are made out and submitted promptly to the City Secretary. Information regarding daily attendance which affect payrolls will be reported promptly to the Head, Finance Department. Section 4. Overtime Employees shall work overtime when necessary, and over- time on any job shall be allocated as evenly as possible among all employees qualified to do the work. Section 5. Holidays The following holidays shall be declared official holi- days for City employees: New Years Day January 1 Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Christmas Day December 25 a. When one of the above named holidays, or a special holiday declared by the City Council, falls on Saturday, the holiday period will be observed on the preceding Friday. If it falls on Sunday, it shall be observed the following Monday. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPLICATION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE 1. Employee: Date . of AppliC&tiox►:.. '�. , Fiscal Yr. 2. Nature of Leave (indicate by "X" in line below) for which application made: annual sick military service jury duty leave without pay other 3. Period of leave: From: AM or PM To or 19 Date 19 Date 4. Leave previously authorized for fiscal year (not including this leave) : annual sick military jury leave without pay other (describe) 5. Comments by Department Head or City Manager: Signature: 6. Approved: Department Head: Date City Manager: Date _._ All City Employees are required to fill out this applica- tion for leave of absence from the job. It will be made a part of the personnel record file on each employee. All leave must be approved first by the Department Head involved and submitted to the City Manager for final approval. Leave for Department Heads will be approved by the City Manager. -12A01888 - b. As many employees as possible shall be given each holiday off without loss of pay. All regular em- ployees (except employees of the Fire and Police De- partments, who are required to work on a holiday, which is a work day) shall, in addition to their regu- lar pay that day, be paid for the actual time worked. c. An employee who is absent without pay for any reason shall not be paid for official holidays. d. When an official holiday on a scheduled work day of a permanent part-time employee, or a temporary employee who is scheduled to work for a duration of 30 days or more and who works the day preceding and following the holiday, such employee shall be entitled to the holiday and shall receive pay for the number of hours he or she normally would have worked. e. An employee who is absent without leave or without making advance arrangements, or the working day im- mediately following a holiday, shall lose pay for the holiday as well as for the other day off. f. When the City Council declares a special holiday, it shall be observed only as provided above. g. Employees wishing to observe religious holidays not listed herein shall have the time charged to their vacation. Section 6. Compensatory Leave No compensatory time will be granted salaried employees of the city, who by the nature of their duties, are required on occasion to work beyond the normal period. However, when an employee is required to expend time on the job during an emergency, requiring long hours, the City Manager is authorized to give compensatory time the following day. Section-Z. Vacations Vacation leave shall be allowed and considered earned by the employee on the basis of 5/6 of one day for each month's service, the same to accumulate to a maximum of 10 working days per year. Vacation leave shall begin. -to accrue at the end of the first full month of employment. An employee who enters the service before the 16th or who leaves after the 15th of any month, shall earn 5/6 or one day of vacation leave for that month. No employee shall be paid for any vacation leave earned if he leaves the service of the City, voluntarily or otherwise dur- ing the first year of employment. Following the first year, employees will be entitled to financial renumeration to the ex- tent of accumulated leave. 1 I `13` Employees are expected to take their annual leave, to which entitled, during the fiscal year in which it accrues. No leave will be carried over into the next year unless approved by the City Manager. The period during which the leave will be taken by a city &mployee will be at• the o� ti©n of And with the approval of the City Hanager, but in no instance shall accrued annual leave exceed 20 days. After 15 years of service, an employee shall be entitled to three weeks vacation. A service break of more than one year shall cancel previous service credit toward eligibility for three weeks vacation. a. Department heads shall schedule vacations, giving due consideration to the needs of the city and the ability of the remaining staff to perform the work of the De- partment. The employee shall be permitted to take his vacation at such time, in the judgment of the depart- ment or section head, as will best serve the interest of the City and the employee. b. Upon termination of service with the City, either voluntarily or otherwise, an employee who has com- pleted 1 year's continuous service, shall be paid all unused vacation leave to date of termination, but in no event to exceed two years accumulated leave. c. Temporary and seasonal hourly employees shall not earn vacation leave, nor be entitled to vacation pay upon separation. d. Hourly employees of the city on a full-time basis will be entitled to the same leave privileges as full-time salaried employees after a period of ser- vice of one year. e. Official holidays occurring during a vacation shall be added to the vacation time. f. Earned vacation time shall not be approved in periods of one day or less unless such schedule will not in- terfere with the duties of the department or such schedule is necessary to meet an emergency. g. The length of vacation leave in hours of permanent part-time employees shall bear the same proportion to a regular vacation as his work time bears to a regular work week in his department. h. No cash payment for unused vacation leave shall be made except upon termination, retirement, or death of an employee. Cash payments in lieu of vacation to persons currently employed shall not be permitted. i. No adjustment of vacation leave previously credited to sick leave prior to the revision of these regula- tions shall be made. -14- (A j. Should it become necessary for an employee on a full- time basis to work during a holiday, as deemed txec- esary by the Department Head or City Manager, such employee will be paid double-time for such services. Section 8. Sick Leave Sick leave shall be accrued by all employees except by part-time temporary and seasonal employees, on the same basis as annual leave, or 10 days per year. Such Leave shall be granted at the option of and with the approval of the Department Head or by the City Manager with respect to Department Heads and other employees under his direct supervision. Sick leave in excess of 10 days may be granted in unusual circumstances upon approval of the City Manager. Sick leave may not be accumulated. The length of sick leave time in hours of permanent part- time employees shall bear the same proportion to a regular sick leave as his work time bears to a regular work week in his de- partment. Sick leave shall accumulate but shall not be granted to any employee during his probation period. Any employee who enters the service before the 16th or who leaves after the 15th of the month, shall earn 5/6 of one day of sick leave for that month. Sick leave is accumulated and charged in periods of days and/or half -days only. When an employee works a portion of a day and is ill for the remainder, he will be charged one day of sick leave if he is absent for a longer time on that day than he works, otherwise, he will be charged one-half day. After an employee's accumulated sick leave has been ex- hausted, and when requested, unused vacation leave may be used as sick leave. When absence due to illness exceeds the amount of paid leave earned and authorized, the pay of an employee shall be discontinued until he returns to work. Employees who become ill during the period of their vaca- tion may request that their vacation be temporarily terminated and their time charged to sick leave. Vacation days unused may then be taken later in the year at such time as may be desig- nated by the employee's department head. On separation from the service of the City, voluntarily or otherwise, no employee, with the exception of those eligible, for retirement, shall receive any pay for any accumulated sick leave. Sick leave shall be for the purpose of permitting an em- ployee to be relieved of his duties during actual illness and may not be used under any other circumstances. Employees who -15- use their sick leave without just cause as it is earned, or who fail to accumulate it, may be dismissed from the service. A department head or the city manager may require an employee to submit a signed statement from a licensed physician attesting to any illness of such employee for which sick leave is used. Accumulated sick leave will not apply to pregnancy cases. Section 9. Pregnancy Leave Employees who become pregnant are required to terminate their employment with the city three months prior to the birth of the child. They may make re -application for a position with the city following the birth of a child but their re-employment will be at the discretion of the City Manager. Section 10. Occupational Disability or Injury Leave Subject to paragraph b below, an employee injured in the course of his employment shall be granted occupational disability or injury leave, not charged against his sick leave or vacation. During such injury leave, the City shall pay such employee his monthly salary. a. All employees, while on occupational disability or in- jury Leave, shall continue to earn vacation and sick leave at the regular rate but shall be required to re- turn to work after the approval of the City Health Officer. b. An employee who is able to, but fails to, report im- mediately any injury incurred in line of duty, however minor, to his department head, and take such first aid treatment as may be necessary, shall not be eligible for occupational disability or injury leave. c. When an employee is injured on the job, the supervisor shall complete an accident report immediately and sub- mit it to the City Manager. Where an accident causes serious bodily injury or death to an employee, the supervisor shall notify the City Manager immediately. d. The character, degree, and potential duration of occupational disability and the corrective measure necessary is dependent upon the employee's physician and the City Health Officer. In all cases where occupational disability to an em- ployee occurs, and the employee has been reported as occupational disability for a period of thirty days, the department head who is responsible shall review the progress of the case and make such recommendations -16- 8 to the City Manager as is deemed advisable. Occupational disability leave shall extend for such time as the injured employee is unable to return to work, but in no event beyond six (6) months, unless expressly authorized by the City Council. Section 11. Jury Service or Court Leave Employees who are required by due process of law to render Jury service or Court service shall receive up to five days of leave without pay for each period of jury service and the time spent in such service shall be reported as Jury Leave, provided such employee has six months of continuous service. Section 12. Rest Periods If authorized by their immediate supervisors, employees may take two 10 minute rest periods each work day. Such periods shall be considered a privilege and not a right, and shall never interfere with proper performance of the work responsi- bilities and work schedules of each department. Strict adher- ence to this is expected of city employees. Such periods are not to be used for personal errands or shopping. Department Heads will see that the privilege is not abused. Section 13. Civic Duties All employees entitled to vote in National, State, County or Municipal elections shall,when necessary, be allowed suf-- fucient time off with pay to exercise this right. Section 14. Extended Leave of Absence Extended or emergency leave of absence shall only be granted on the recommendation of the department head and City Manager and approved by the City Council. This rule of em- ployment applies to all city employees. Section 15o Military Leave Military leave may be granted to employees who are members of a reserve unit for a maximum period of 15 days, with pay. Such leave will not be counted against annual leave. Section 16. Absence with Pay Absence with pay is allowable to employees who, by their continuous service, have earned minimum time off with pay with- in the limitations and conditions set out in the working rules for employees. Each department is an organization for public service, and that fact makes it obligatory that each employee assume the responsibility to the Department Head for rendering honest, -17- 01893 efficient, and economical service to the employer. To attempt to violate the privilege of allowable absence with pay or to use it for any other purpose than that for which it is in- tended, is considered a breach of the responsibility of each individual employee. Section 12, Absence without Pay Department heads shall be responsible for reporting to the City Secretary and Head, Finance Department, those employees who are absent from duty and who are not entitled to pay under the prevailing working policy. Section 18. Effect of Leave When any leave of absence without pay exceeds time worked or its equivalent in any month, service credit for all employ- ment privileges shall cease until active employment is resumed. Section 190 Absence without Leave An employee who fails to show up for work for any reason shall be required to notify the department head, or his or her superior, on their return to work, stating a reason for such absence. Failure of an employee to comply with this regulation shall automatically be considered as a resignation. Section 24o Special Leave with Pay (and E ense Vouchers Department heads, with approval of the City Manager, may grant employees special leave with pay and actual expenses to attend professional conferences, conventions, or short schools or to visit other cities in the interest of the City. Such employees shall properly complete an expense allowance form (next page). This form will be used by all employees, appoin- tive officials, city councilmen, and others who are authorized expenses. The City Manager will approve all expenses encurred by other than himself. The mayor, acting for the City Council, will approve those encurred by the City Manager The City Manager is authorized to make advances of money to employees and others so authorized for attendance at moet- ingse Such advance does not preclude the making of an expense voucher and accounting for the money spent on behalf of the City at the conclusion of the tripe Section 21. Terminal Leave An employee who retires from the service of the City shall be entitled to receive pay at his regular rate for his terminal leave. A retiring employee shall receive his pay for terminal leave in a lump sum at the beginning of such period. Section 22. Family Illness Leave An employee shall be allowed time off not to exceed five _ 18- 8 EXPENSE VOUCHER City of College Station This voucher will be used for all authorized expenses in- curred for personal services provided to the City of College Station. No reimbursement will be made unless this form is properly executed. It will have application to all city em- ployees, members of the city council., and others who may be officially authorized to travel or,perform services for the city. 1. Dates covered by account: From: A.M.) (P.M.) 19 To: (A.M. (P.M.) 19-:::: 2. Expenses Incurred: Lodging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tips . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personal car mileage: males @10¢/ mile. Air transportation (less federal tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bus transportation (less federal tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taxi fares . . . . . . . Other (List charges) TOTAL $ 3. Duties performed for city in providing service: I do solemnly swear that the expenses rendered above are true, correct, justly due, and unpaid. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this claim, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true and correct. Signature of Claimant Date APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: City Manager Date 016915 (Mayor, with expenses of City Manager) 19- working days in each current year when his presence is required to be with his immediate family on account of death or serious illness and the same shall be reported by the employee to his supervisor when such leave is taken. This leave shall be with pay but shall not be granted until the employee has one year of continuous service. Employees who use their family illness without just cause may be dismissed from service. Section-23. Educational Leave No employee will be allowed to take educational leave (course work for credit at Texas A&N University or other educa- tional institutions) during his assigned working hours, without the approval of the City Manager. In no case will the privilege be granted, if the number of hours is in excess of 3 during a given semester, and only if the course work will contribute to the job being done by the employee and the work for which he is responsible will not be affected. In general, such practice is to be kept to the minimum. Section 24. Absentee Records All department heads are required to furnish the City Secretary, who maintains the personnel files, with a report of all employees who are absent from duty for any purpose. The City Secretary shall submit annually to each employee his absentee record and the employee shall verify the same under his own signature, together with the signature of his immediate supervisor. Section 25. Seasonal and Temporary Employees Seasonal employees, such as employees who may be employed to work only in the summer months, shall be temporary employees only and shall not be entitled to become members of the Retire- ment Fund or to accumulate vacation time, sick leave or other benefits that are allowed regular employees with one year of continuous service. If an employee is changed from temporary to permanent status, he shall be given service credit for sick leave, vaca- tion leave, and other benefits that are allowed regular em- ployees, retroactive to first of the year of employment. This shall not include retirement benefits which shall necessarily start with the date that he was placed on permanent status. Section 2 School Crossing Patrolmen School Crossing Patrolmen are not and are considered temporary employees, basis with A&M Consolidated School at a -20- in a classified position employed on an hourly rate recommended by the City Manager and approved by t not be entitled to become a member to accumulate sack leave or other regular hourly employees with one he City Council. They shall of the Retirement Fund or benefits that are allowed ,dear of continuous service. _21_ CHAPTER RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINE AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1. Work Responsibilities It shall be the duty of each employee to maintain high standards of cooperation, efficiency and economy in his work for the City. Department heads shall organize and direct the work of their units to achieve these objectives. When work habits, attitude, production, or personal con- duct of an employee falls below a desirable standard, super- visors should point out the deficiencies at the time they are observed. Warning in sufficient time for improvement should precede formal discipline, but nothing in this section will prevent immediate formal action whenever the ixiteBebt of the City requires it. Conduct on or off the job, which reflects a lack of good moral character or which is unbecoming to a City employee, shall be cause for disciplinary action. Ignorance of these regulations shall not be an excuse for their violation. Section 2. Outside Employment An employee of the City of College Station shall not be permitted to engage in outside employment where such employ- ment conflicts or interferes with the performance of his duties with the Cityo Violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action. Those who wish to engage in outside employment shall make their request known to their supervisor, who, upon approval, shall pass such notice on to the City Manager for his con- sideration and final approval. The notice will be placed on the personnel file of the individual by the City Secretary. Any city employee who receives compensation for any city information, provided to another, outside the city government, shall have such approval by the City Manager; otherwise, it shall be prohibited. Such information will be made a part of the personnel file of the individual. Section 3. Physical Fitness It shall be the responsibility of each employee to main- tain the standards of physical fitness required for performing his job. Section 4. Political Activity All employees shall refrain from seeking or accepting -22-Olsgs - nomination or election to any public office and shall refrain from using their influence publicly in any way for, or against, any candidate for elective offices. They shall not circulate petitions or campaign literature for elective officials or be in any way concerned with soliciting or receiving any sub- scription, contribution or political service from any person for any such elective official. They shall not in any manner contribute money, labor, time, or other valuable thing to any person for election purposes pertaining to any office or appointment. Section 5, Suspension In the interest of good diocipline, the City Manager, upon recommendation of a department head, may, for just cause, sus- pend an employee without pay for any length of time up to 30 days. An employee who is suspended shall be given notice of the reasons for the action. During investigation, hearing, or trial of an employee or any civil cause or criminal charge when suspension would be in the interest of the City, an employee may be suspended without pay for the duration of the proceedings. Section 6. Demotion An employee may be demoted for just cause, in the interest of good discipline. Demotion may be accomplished by reducing his pay or by assigning him to a position of lower rank or both. An employee who is so demoted shall be given notice by the City Manager of the reasons for the action, such notice being made a part of his personnel record. An employee may request or accept voluntary demotion when assignment to less difficult or responsible work would be to his advantage and in the interest of the city. Section 7. Grievance Procedure Employees who have any complaint or grievance shall have the right of appeal to their department head, to the City Manager, and to the City Council, in the order named. In presenting complaints or grievances, in no case shall any employee by-pass the chain of commando An employee may present a grievance to the City Council in formal, or personal, session if the matter cannot be reconciled at the lower level Appeal must be made in writing to the Council and employees may be assisted by anyone of their own choosing. The grievance procedure shall be simple and informal. All discussions shall be conducted in a manner most conducive to quick and satis- factory solution of the problems involved. -23- 01899 CHAPTER 8 RETIREMENT Section to Retirement S S tem Membership All regular eligible employees are required to enroll in the Texas Municipal Retirement System as a condition of their employment. Temporary, seasonal and other employees exempted by the retirement ordinance are not eligible ito enroll in the retirement fund. ao Contributions. Each member of the Retirement S stem h sall contribute 5% of his salary (Up to $4,800� monthly by payroll deduction. This is matched on a 2 to 1 basis, with the city paying the largest share. ba Eligibility for Retirement: A member who has at least 5 years of service and who has reached Age 60 is eligible for service retirement. A member with 28 years of service can retire regardless of age. All members must have at least 1 year of Texas Municipal Retirement System Membership before retirement can be- come effective. co Compulsory Retirement Age: A member who was the age of 50 on the effective date of last becoming a member must retire on the last day of the calendar year in which he or she attains the age of 65 or on the last day of the calendar year in which he completes 15 years of service, whichever occurs last. However, by mutual agreement of a member and the city, retire- ment may be postponed from year to year. do Service Retirement Options: When a member is eligible for retirement and applies for it, he or she may select any one of the following optional plans for retire- ment: OPTION 1 - This is a retirement allowance payable monthly as long as he or she lives. OPTION 2 - This is a retirement allowance payable monthly as long as employee lives. At ones death, the beneficiary will receive 1/2 that amount as long as he or she lives. OPTION 3 - This is a retirement allowance payable month- ly as long as employee lives. However, should one die before the expiration of a 10-year period after the date of retirement, the designated beneficiary will receive the same monthly annuity for the balance of the 10 year period and then all payments cease. -2401900 - Chart showing approximate standard service retirement benefits for each 3100 monthly salary. APPROXIMATE STANDARD SERVICE RETIREMENT BENEFITS FOR EACH $100.00 AVERAGE MONTHLY SALARY (BASED ON CURRENT SERVICE) Years of Male Service AEe at Retirement Female 1 Age at Retirement 60 6 9 65 6_0 65 70 $14-36 $16.75 1 4 9 � 7 ° 12. 48 $14- 36 ' $16. 75 � 1 5 20 I : 20.75 $24. 20 V80 52 $180 04 ?,G20 o 75 $24. 20 25 1$28015 $32. 83 $38. 70 i$24o 47 `!�28015 � d,$320 83 30 $36a74 $42085 $50a50 $31-93 �36074 $42085 I Note: The above amounts are for each $100.00 average monthly salary and are to be applied•to different salaries pro- portionately as per the following illustrations: (1) Male, Age 60, 25 years of service, Average Salary of $450.00 per month. 4.5 x $28015' = $126. 68 per month. (2) Male, Age 65, 30 years of service, Average Salary of $600.00 per month. 6 x $42.85 = $257.10 per month. -25- Section 2. Withdrawal If a member's employment with the city ceases for any rea- son before retirement, he or she is entitled to withdraw total deposits, plus interest earnings. If employee contemplates re- turning to work for the same or any other participating city, or for any reason employee wishes to do so, he or she may leave their deposits with TMRS for not more than 5 years and continue to earn interest on such deposits. Should employee return to the employ of a participating department of any member city within the 5-year period, employee would retain all creditable service that the individual had when employment was terminated. On the other hand, if employee withdraws deposits, he or she automatically forfeits all Prior Service and Current Service with which employee has been credited. If employee later re- turns to work for a member city, employee is treated as a new member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Section 3. In Case of Death Every person who becomes a member of TMRS should designate a beneficiary at the time membership begins. Should employee die before retirement, his or her beneficiary will receive total deposits, plus interest. If no beneficiary has been designated, the full amount is payable to the estate of the de- ceased employee. The member may change employee designated beneficiary at any time and should do so if the named bene- ficiary dies or if employee desires someone else to become beneficiary (as, in event of the marriage of the member, em- ployee might desire his wife to become beneficiary). Bene- ficiary designations should be reviewed by the member from time to time. Section 4. Additional Information Additional information, in detail, may be obtained by reading the TMRS Handbook of Information, which will be furnished to employees participating in TNIRS. It will be made available by the City Manager. Take the opportunity to review the many advantages which this retirement provides. Section 24. Cites Retirement Age When an employee becomes 60 years of age, employment by the city beyond this period will be approved annually by the City Council. -26- CHAPTER 9 INSURANCE Section to Group Insurance Each employee, upon completing.three months of continuous service shall be eligible to become a member of the group in- surance plan. The Employee's Group Insurance Flan provides life insurance, sickness and accident and hospitalization and surgical benefits. ao Life Insurance Benefits; All employees will have an insurance policy of ,000. The life insurance is payable in event of your death from any cause at any time or place while you are in- sured. Payment will be made in a lump sum or in in- stallments to the beneficiary designated by you. The beneficiary may be changed whenever you wish. If you become totally and permanently disabled while insured and before Age 60, your insurance will remain in force as long as you remain disabled, providing proof of disability is furnished as required. The life insurance will cease within 31 days after termination of employment. However, within this 31- day period, by making application and paying the first premium to the Aetna Life Insurance Company, you may convert your group life insurance to an individual life insurance policy on any regular whole life or Endowment Plano The Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance provides benefits for your loss, while insured, of life, limbs or the entire and irrecoverable loss of sight, including such losses resulting from occupa- tional accidents. Benefits are payable only if the loss results directly from bodily injuries caused by an accident and occurs within 90 days after the date of the accident causing the loss. The full Principal Sum to which you are entitled in accordance with the Schedule of Insurance will be paid for such loss of: Life, both hands, both feet, one hand and one foot, one hand and sight of one eye, one foot and sight of one eye, or sight of both eyes. One-half the Principal Sum will be paid for such loss of one hand, one foot or the sight of one eye.(45, (b , -27- case ,will -more than the .full' Principal Sum.. be paid for all losses resulting'from,one accident. Since this is coverage for losses due to accidents, no benefits are paid on account of a loss caused or contributed to by bodily or mental infirmity, ptomaines, bacterial infections, disease, medical or surgical treatment not made necessary by injuries covered under the plan, war, or suicide. ba Sickness and Accident Expense Benefits: If you or one o your insured dependents, while insurance is in force, sustains a non -occupational injury and incurs expenses as hospital services, services of a legally - qualified physician or duly authorized dentist, ser- vices of an R. No, professional ambulance service when used to transport the individual from the place of injury to the first hospital where treatment is given. No other travel expenses are included. The maximum amount payable is $300 for all injuries in connection with any one accident. co Hospitalization and Surgical insurance is also included for employees and their dependents and may be carried at their own expense. Benefits are outlined in the insurance plan brochure. Insurance premiums shall be withheld on payroll de- duction plan. Section 20 Workmen's Compensation All employees are covered by Workmen's Compensation In- surance purchased and paid for by the City of 'College Station. If an employee is injured on the job or contracts an oc- cupational disease, the City's Workmen's Compensation Insurance will provide for his medical care and for weekly benefits if he is disabled. Legal assi sta,nc:e i.s not; nPces,sery to secure the fall bene- fits specified by the State Workmen's Compensation Act. The Dipee boi- of Firiance will make the necessary arrangements when an employee reports his injury. Injuries resulting from gross negligence or horseplay do not qualify for compensation. If an employee is injured on the job, the employee is not covered by group insurance but is covered by Workmen's Compen- sation. Section 3. Insurance Plan Duties - Fiscal Department: The Fiscal Department shall explain the employee's group insurance plan to all new full-time employees at the time they - 28- are processed for work within the various departments. The Fiscal Department will also complete the form "Employees Request for Group Insurance". Section 4, Insurance Plan Duties - Fiscal De artment: The Fiscal Department shall keep a record with respect to each insured employee, which shall show the employee's name, age or date of birth, the amount of insurance, the date in- surance became effective and date insurance terminated. The Fiscal Department shall issue to each individual, a certificate outlining the details of the benefits of the Plano The Fiscal Department shall also receive all claims from the various departments and process same to the insurer. Section 5e ReportinE Claims: All claims should be reported immediately to the Fiscal Department. Section 6. Weekly Benefits: When an employee has become sick or disabled, the Depart- ment in which the employee works will submit two completed forms: "The Certificate of Attending Physician:'.' and "Employer's Notice of Claim" to the Head, Fiscal Department. In the event the Attending Physician's Certificate states that the employee's sickness or disability will last only a certain time period and certain complications prolong the sickness or disability beyond the stated time, it will then be necessary to submit a Supple- mentary Certificate of Attending Physician. Section 7. Miscellaneous E22enses not Covered by Insurance: No benefits are payable for treatments received in connec- tion with pregnancy or resulting childbirth or miscarriage, or for any dental work or treatment, or for eye examinations or the fitting of glasses, or for diagnostic x-rays, or for drugs or medicines. Moreover, no benefits are payable for treatments rendered by a resident physician or intern of a hospital. -29- CHAPTER 10 PROMOTIONS Section to Promotion and Opportunities It is the policy of the City of College Station to provide promotional opportunities whenever possible to qualified em- ployees. Employees are encouraged to take advantage of these future opportunities by qualifying themselves for advancement and by a high level of job performance, service, interest, and loyalty. Section 2e Method of Filing Positions, as they become vacant, may be filled by promo- tion, or by recruitment from outside the City service,with a view toward the selection of the best available candidate for each position. The former will tape precedence, all other things equal. The City Manager shall determine the method of selection. Section 1. Advertising Vacancies When a vacancy is to be filled, the City Manager shall ad- vise all eligible employees in the City service so that they shall have an opportunity to request consideration along with others. Section 4. Selection Technique The City Manager shall make his selection with due regard to the duties and responsibilities of the position as described. Section 5o Salary Incentive Realizing that promotional opportunities are limited, the City Council, upon the recommendation of the City Manager, will seek to reward city employees through merit raises during the budget periods. Such will take into consideration job perfor- mance, interest and loyalty to the city. -30- 01906 CHAPTER 11 EMPLOYEE EVALUATION Section 1. Annual Evaluation Annually, the work performance of each regular employee shall be evaluated by his or her department head, either alone or in conjunction with section heads. Section 20 Evaluation Forms Evaluation forms for this purpose are bein evolved and will be made a part of this Personnel Manual, (See following page). They will be maintained by the Department Head. Section 3. Purpose of Evaluation The purpose is to communicate with subordinates -..his or her reaction to the employee's behavior and performance and to offer positive assistance in remedying shortcomings. The use of the form is primarily to help the supervisor organize his ideas and guide his discussion with employees. No copies of the form will be sent to the Personnel File. The evaluation will, however, be a basis for salary recom- mendation. A merit pay increase may be deferred until the em- ployee's performance exceeds the standards established by the Department Head for satisfactory service. The evaluation will reveal the need for employee training and point out deficiencies that need to be overcome. Section 4a Appeal from Evaluation Any appeal from an evaluation by the Department Head shall be made in writing to the City Manager. His evaluation of the case uaill be final. _31_ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPRAISAL FORM Employee Interpretation of numerical values: 10 - 8, Excellent; 7.9 - 6, Good; 5.9 - 4, Average; 3.9 - 2; Poor; 1.9 - O,,Very Poor 1. ABILITY TO MANAGE PEOPLE 2. EXECUTION OF FIELD AND OFFICE ASSIGNMENTS (A measure of ability to grasp and execute a field or administrative assignment) 3. FACILITY WITH TOOLS, INSTRUMENTS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT -J 4. ACCURACY (Precision in executing assignments) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5. CREATIVE THINKING (Ability to do independent and original thinking) 6. INITIATIVE (Self-reliance displayed in the initiating and carrying on of an enterprise) � � �. i i } ; j i � j j ; � C 7. JUDGEMENT (Faculty of evaluating, and making wise decisions) -32- 011906 8. Perseverarce (The quality of seeing an undertaking through) I 9e NEATNESS (Ability to turn out neat and orderly work) 10. COMMAND OF ENGLISH (The ability to express thoughts con- cisely, grammatically and with sensitive perception (tact) 11 PERSONAL APPEARANCE (General neatness) i { , .12. SOCIAL ADAPTABILITY (Ability to fit into various social c nditio;as) 1 13. INTEGRITY (Honesty and trustworthiness i 1 7 5 4 3 -2 ,1 :0 14. STABILITY (Mental and emotional equilibrium); 15. TACT (The ability to work with other people without giving offense) 16. COOPERATION (The ability and willingness to "join in" and actively contribute to a common purpose) �3. _33_ 17. COMMUNITY RELATIONS (The ability to meet new people and situations with ease and poise) 18. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL TRAITS: Date signature -34- OJL910 CHAPTER 12 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT Section lv Employee Development It shall be the responsibility of the City Manager to foster and promote programs of in-service and out -of -service training (other than schooling) of employees for the purpose of improving the quality of services rendered to the City and to equip them for advancement in the service as the opportunity may be presented. Section 20 Administration of Employee Development Program The City Manager shall: an Encourage Department Heads to recommend to him, as appropriate, standards for training programs for approval as meeting such standards. bo See that training is carried aut.as approved. co Assist department heads in developing and conducting training to meet the specific needs of their depart- ments and in developing and utilizing other techniques for increasing employee efficiency. do Arrange for, as appropriate, supervisory and manage- ment training and other types of training and employee development programs common to all departments. eo Assist department heads in establishing standards of performance and procedures for evaluating employee efficiency. fo Make available information concerning job requirements and training opportunities in order to assist employees in increasing their efficiency in their present po- sitions, and in preparing themselves for promotions to higher positions in the City service as they may become available. go See that information on employees who successfully complete courses and programs is recorded in the per- sonnel files maintained by the City Secretary. Section 3. Improvement of Working Conditions The City Manager shall promote measures directed toward more pleasant, sanitary, safe and healthful working conditions and by any other means of bettering the conditions and improv- ing the morale of City Employees. -3501911 - Section 4, Safety Education and Training The City Manager shall encourage a program of safety educa- tion and training. All employees are required to take every precaution in the prevention of accidents to themselves, their fellow employees and the public. Departments shall actively cooperate in implementing safety programs. All employees whose duties require the operation of office equipment, motorized vehicles, machinery, or tools of any kind or nature, shall use every precaution in the prevention of accidents to themselves or other employees and shall be chargeable with the responsibility of the proper operation of all equipment that is used in the normal function of their duties. OIL912 -36- CHAPTER 13 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Section 1. Public Relations The City of College Station has an enviable reputation for good city government among its citizens. Public relations for the most part have been good and city employees have, as a gener- al rule, been able to deal effectively with the public. Listed below are a few tips that will help employees maintain a good public relation image for the city: COURTESY IS CONTAGIOUS: A smile will go a long way toward smoothing over a bad situation;. Smile, and mban it.' Avoid. arguments with the public and with your fellow employees. We all have a job to do, and courtesy will make friends of the people we deal with. If a citizen becomes difficult, refer him to your superior. BE CONSIDERATE: All of us have faults. Have you ever stopped to think about yours? Be considerate of the short- comings of others as you would expect them to be of your weaknesses. Respect the dignity of every individual. Avoid arguments. Try honestly and sincerely to see the other fellow's point of view. Be helpful. It really pays off. FACE SAVING: Every once in a while you will find a citizen who is mistaken about a certain situation. Do not contra- dict or make him appear foolish. Make him feel that his mistake was quite natural and anybody could have made it. Let him save face. Do not be impatient with such a person or make him feel that you are superior. HOW DO WE DRESS? Generally, dress is left up to the in- dividual. Informality is usually the rule, but use your good common sense. The way you dress may vary with the type of work you do, but neatness and cleanliness are al- ways essential, NO SPECIAL FAVORS: You will only be disappointed if you ask for special favors or receive them. No one likes the idea of the other fellow getting special treatment. NO DRINKING: Intoxicants and work do not mix. Don't bring them to work or use them on the job. Your personal life is your own, but remember that City employees are in the public eye when not on the job. BE CHEERFUL: Remember the good things in life and every- thing will be nicer for all concerned. If you make a practice of keeping the sunny side up, you will feel better -37- and,get along better. Be a good and sincere listener. TELEPHONE COURTESY: Most of the contacts you will have with the public will be by phone. Answer it promptly. Be courteous and avoid arguments. Supply information re- quested. You and other city employees may be judged on the conversation you make. BE COOPERATIVE: All employees must work cooperatively to achieve the common aim of effective and efficient municipal government. To do otherwise will have ar. effect that is not in the public interest and will be noticed by citizens. A SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE: Remember that your real boss is the public. You are working for the convenience and well being of the citizens of College Station. If you do not come up to its standards of service, concern and loyalty you will not enjoy their confidence. Section 2. . Lo,ya LOYALTY: You are expected to be loyal to the city and those persons who are your supervisors. If you cannot be loyal, then it is best that you find a job in which you can be loyal. -38- CHAPTER 14 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 1. Availability of Regulations A copy of these personnel regulations shall_ be made avail- able to all Department and Section }reads and shall be kept available for study by all personnel under the-,_r supervision. Section 2. Changes in Regulations These regulations may be changed, amended, or supplemented at any time by the City Council upon the recommendation of the City Manager. Any action on the part of the City Council that conflicts with these regulations shall supercede these regula- tions and be fully binding on all city employees. Section 3. Pers,-)panel_ Records Personal twined by the spection only history records of all employees shall be main - City Secretary. They shall be available for in - by proper city officials. Section 4. Solicitations Solicitation of funds of any character or for any purpose whatsoever shall be permitted by, or of City employees on the job, only with the express approval of the City Manager. Section 5. Service Awards (Certificate of Appreciation) Each year during the month of January, all employees who have completed five year intervals of service with the City of College Station shall be awarded a Service Certificate with their name and number of years of service. The Certificate of Appreciation will be presented by the Mayor on behalf of the Council. A Certificate of Appreciation shall also be presented to employees at the time of their retirement in recognition of faithful service rendered to the citizens of College Station. Section 60 Operation of Motorized Equipment All drivers of motorized vehicles and equipment owned or used by the City of College Station shall be responsible for maintaining the standards of physical fitness required in the operation of such motor vehicles and shall be required to obey all traffic rules and regulations prescribed by law and to use every safety measure possible to prevent accidents. Further, all drivers must have valid operator's license for the type of vehicle which they operate. -3901915 - Section 6. Operation of Motorized Equi went continued It shall be the duties and responsibilities of all operators of motor equipment, both heavy and light, to report .to their supervisor any defect in Vleir mechanical equipment when same occurs and to use every precaution to pre -vent additional property loss, expense, or recurrence of such condition. Operators of all motorized equipment used in the service of the City gevernjilent who violate th-'Ls regulation or become involved in any acci-dent will be subject to disciplinary action if, upon investigation, it is determined that the employee is responsible for such ac.tion, or through carelessness or recklessness, he con- tributed to the cause of the accident. Section 7. Name Tags Name tags are issued by the c'.-'7 to permpnent city employees. They are reques-ued to wear them du_rJ.-ag official work. When the L L employee separates from service with the city, the name tag shall be turned -j*.rL be -.ore the f.final pay check is issued. Section 8., kcti-o-p.; for City Mann In the absence of the City Manager from the city, the Head, Public Works Department shall assume responsibility for opera- tion of the City. If both are absent, the City Engineer will assume this responsibility. It is imperative that someone be in charge due to such as an emergency utility failure that would re- quire prompt action. Section 9. Expense Incurred in Travel See Section 20, page 18, for those authorized to incur "I .. expenses on be*-a".f of the city. Section 10. Removal of Files from City Office No employee of the city is authorized to allow any indi- vidual to take city files from the city office, Any person has a right to review aul;hnrlzed fil,ps 1-n. the presence of a city employee but they should not be taken from the office. ,Section ll_. . City Organization On the following page the organizational pattern of the city government is given. It shows the line of responsibility for the various departments. V J� � z' `� � o • �' coo ,Q o m M, y p � o � O 1 CD C coo o K m w m c+ ` iy y r n 2 1 `� w �. f7 �j V y ,� ~ hn N w (D p� w o CD CD (D `C co c CD w r a P) 0 o W.A. o(D w o ( c• cD a CD �C r• cD d� ¢' P w, ram.. a rl m o (D o y + � w y ro p ( n r° w °' oo m c o n w r. a ¢ m w c• c O @ O UQQ ((D � l MEDICAL EXAMINATION REPORT Police Department Name Date Height fto in. Weight lbs. Chest Inspiration Chest Expiration Heart Lungs Mouth and Teeth Hernia Varicocole Scrotal Enlargement Hemorrhoids Varicose Veins Hearing Indistinct Speech Flat Feet Hammer Toes Defects of Extremities Spinal Curvature Obesity. Nervous Diseases Evidence of Previous Operations Urinalysis: Sugar Albumen Wasserman Vision (Without glasses) Left Eye Right Eye Both Eyes___ Vision - Color This applicant is rejected for appointment to the police force for these medical reasons igna ure oT He ical xaminer This applicant is accepted medically for appointment to the police force. Signature of Medical Examiner REQUIREMENTS FOR POLICE OFFICERS City of College Station College Station, Texas 1. AGE. From 21 to 35 years. 2. EDUCATION. High school graduate or equivalent (GED, etc.) 3. CHARACTER. Must be of good moral character, not addicted to habitual use of intoxicating beverages or drugs. Must have a good credit rating.- 4. POLICE RECORD. Individuals will not be acceptable if they have a record of conviction other than traffic violations. 5. DISMISSALS. No consideration will be given to a person who has been dismissed from public service for delinquency or misconduct. 6. PHYSICAL. All applicants must pass a physical examination given by the City Health Officer. He must be free from any marked deformity or disfiguring markings. 7. HEIGHT. Applicant must not be less than 5'8" in height or exceed 614". 8. WEIGHT. Must weigh at least 2Y4 pounds, and not more than 3 pounds, per inch of height. 9. FINGERPRINTS. Fingerprints will be taken of those success- fully passing the entrance examinations. They will be sent to the D.P.S. and the F.B.I. for routine check. 10. EXAMINATION. A written examination to test the applicant's aptitude and general knowledge will be given. A grade of 70 is passing. 11. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. Possession of a valid Texas Driver's License at time of appointment; ability to read and under- stand departmental policies, rules, instructions and police literature; aptitude for law enforcement work; ability to analyze situations and adopt a quick, effective and reason- able course of action, ability to write clear and accurate reports; ability to understand and follow oral directions; ability to drive an automobile; ability to learn the use and care of small firearms; keen observation and ability to remember names, faces and details of accidents; physical agility; and ability to'meet standards cited above. _43 i