HomeMy WebLinkAbout1428 ST THOMAS SIGNAGE 2014 09 29 FINALN 906  George  Bush  Drive,  College  Sta7on,  Texas    77840 Saint  Thomas  Episcopal  Church  Campus Architect  and  Texas  A&M  educator  Ernest  Langford  used   an  English  Country  Church  style  for  the  Chapel  that  was   dedicated  by  Bishop  Quin  in  September  1938.  Architect   Eva  Read-­‐Warden  of  the  Arkitex  Studio  in  Bryan  led  a   major  restora7on  in  2013. Saint  Thomas  Chapel The  Bell  Tower The  1994  Church 1920 The  first  Episcopal  services  for  cadets  at  the  A&M   College  of  Texas  were  held  in  the  YMCA  building  on   the  campus,  led  by  the  clergy  of  Saint  Andrew’s   Church  in  Bryan. 1937 1994 The  250-­‐seat  church  built  in  1994  is  approached   through  a  common  entrance  space  on  the  site  of   the  original  Rectory,  that  also  accesses  the  1938   Chapel.  The  church  has  a  center  aisle  with  sea7ng   closely  related  to  the  chancel  plaYorm,  and  is  lit   by  large  etched  glass  windows.  The  date  stone   was  carved  in  the  stone  yard  of  the  Na7onal   Cathedral  in  Washington,  DC. 1964 Saint  Thomas  Early  Learning  Center  was   established  as  a  model  Chris7an-­‐based  school  for   pre-­‐school  through  kindergarten  children.  The   ELC  uses  two  classroom  buildings  and  a  house   built  in  1940  by  Professor  Silvey.  The  playground   and  Nick’s  Meadow  are  integral  parts  of  the   learning  programs. 1974 The  Canterbury  House,  the  Episcopal  Student   Center,  was  built  by  the  Diocese  of  Texas  to   support  the  growing  student  body  at  Texas  A&M   University.  The  building  houses  Saint  Jude’s   Chapel,  mee7ng  spaces,  and  offices  for  the   missioner.  The  date  stone  is  from  the  13th   century  cloisters  at  Canterbury  Cathedral,   England,  the  mother  church  of  the  Anglican   Communion. The  tower  design  was  part  of  the  Arkitex  Studio  work   for  the  75th  anniversary  of  the  establishment  of  Saint   Thomas  mission.  The  600-­‐pound  bronze  bell  was  cast  by   Mears  and  Stainback  in  London  in  1907. The  church  was  designed  by  Architect  Char7er  Newton   of  Aus7n,  a  former  student  of  Ernest  Langford.  Newton   also  designed  the  Ministry  Center,  Parish  Hall,  and   classroom  buildings.  The  Visser-­‐Roland  organ  with  nine   stops  and  550  pipes  supports  an  ac7ve  music  ministry   for  the  church  and  the  community. You are! here! Newton  Road Ab e r d e e n   P l a c e Ge o r g e   B u s h   D r i v e Playground Narthex Ministry  Center  Oxley   Classrooms Woodcock   Classrooms Silvey   House Bell  Tower Gathering  Tree Nick’s   Meadow   Canterbury   House Church 1938  Chapel   Parish  Hall   Early  Learning   Center   Parish   Offices 1957 Saint  Thomas  granted  parish  status  in  the  Diocese   of  Texas  acer  twenty  years  as  a  mission.   2002 The  two-­‐story  Ministry  Center  houses  all  the   clergy  and  parish  offices,  a  Community  Room,   Youth  Room,  Library,  classrooms,  and  support   facili7es  for  the  Parish  Hall.  The  ceramic  date   stone  was  made  by  a  member  of  the  parish. Garden Accessible Route! ELC   Office Courtyard Office Saint  Thomas  Parish                   (979)  696-­‐1726                 sfhomasbcs.org   Early  Learning  Center         (979)  696-­‐1728         sfhomaselc.org   Student  Center             @episcoags           episcoags.org     Photographs  created  by  Charles  Davis  Smith,  AIA                              08/2014 Parking The  Episcopal  Diocese  of  Texas  established  a   formal  mission  to  the  College  on  the  south  side   of  campus,  across  from  the  newly-­‐constructed   Corps  dormitories.  The  100-­‐seat  Chapel  was   completed  in  1938.  At  that  7me  A&M  had  2,500   men  in  afendance.  The  Chapel  was  restored  in   2013  in  celebra7on  of  its  75th  anniversary.   Hillel  Parking Parking