HomeMy WebLinkAbout141003 - Oath, Statement of Officer, Open Meetings - Jon DentonIn the name and by the authority of City of College Station Oath of Office I, -3 o v,_v,,,, do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office as member of the Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenways Advisory Board for the City of College Station, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States and of this State, so help me God. SWORN TO and Subscribed before me by City Official on this the day 0 20 1 . oPer n Adriinistaing Oath/Notary Printed Name of Notary Title of Notary GINA BOSQUEZ Nolan. Public State of Texas V.:;ommission Expires PUBLIC ACCESS OPTION FO The Public Information Act allows employees, public officials and former employees and officials to elect whether to keep certain information about them confidential. Unless you choose to keep it confidential, the following information about you may be subject to public release if requested under the Texas Public Information Act. Therefore, please indicate whether you wish to allow public release of the following information. Home Address: Home Telephone Number: Social Security Number Information that reveals whether you have family members Home E-mail Address: r.Aielc.' v-. \A-7 7,T., (Texas Government Code Section 552.024) No Yes,N Yes Yes Yes? Yes