HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-3592 - Ordinance - 08/14/2014ORDINANCE NO. 2D —35C/2. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING CITY COUNCILMEMBERS, PLACE 1, 3 AND 5, BY THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION; ESTABLISHING EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS AND POLLING PLACES FOR THIS ELECTION; AND MAKING PROVISIONS FOR CONDUCTING THE ELECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: SECTION 1. A general election is ordered to be held by the City of College Station (the "City") at the various polling places and election precincts within the corporate limits of the City, as hereinafter designated, on November 4, 2014 from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. This general election will be conducted jointly with Brazos County and will be administered for the City by the Brazos County Clerk, but this general election is not a county -wide election. At this election the qualified voters of the City will elect three City Councilmembers for Place 1, 3, and 5 respectively with each position having a term of three years. SECTION Should any candidate in the general election fail to receive a majority vote, then in that event a runoff election shall be ordered for every place in the general election to which no one was elected as required by Section 17 (d) of the City Charter, as amended. In the event it becomes necessary to conduct a runoff election, it shall be held on Tuesday, December 16, 2014. Canvass of the returns of the runoff election, if necessary, shall be held no earlier than the 8th day and no later than the 11th day following the date of the runoff election. SECTION 3. The polling places for each precinct for this election shall be as follows: 8 9 10, 80 20 21 PRECINCT NO. POLLING PLACE LOCATION Parkway Baptist Church 1501 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Office 1500 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas College Station Fire Station #3 1900 Barron Road College Station, Texas Memorial Student Center (MSC), Room 526 Texas A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd. College Station, Texas College Heights Assembly of God 4100 Old College Rd. Bryan, Texas 24, 53, 58 31 33, 49, 72, 74, 34 35 39 65, 69, 71 68 College Station Fire Station #6 610 University Dr. East College Station, Texas Larry J. Ringer Library 1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway College Station, Texas Lincoln Center 1000 Eleanor College Station, Texas College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas College Station ISD Administration Building 1812 Welsh College Station, Texas St. Francis Episcopal Church 1101 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas Aldersgate Methodist Church 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway College Station, Texas Christ United Methodist Church 4201 State Highway 6, South College Station, Texas Wellborn Community Center 4119 W. Greens Prairie Road College Station, Texas Peach Creek Community Center 2216 Peach Creek Road College Station, Texas SECTION 4. Joint early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance and by mail. The period for early voting by personal appearance for the general election shall be October 20 through October 31, 2014. Optical scan ballots shall be used for early voting by mail and direct recording electronic voting machines shall be used for early voting by personal appearance. The Early Voting Clerk for said elections shall be the County Clerk. She shall determine the number of election workers to be hired and arrange for training of all election workers. Early voting by personal appearance for the general election shall be conducted jointly at the locations and on the following dates and times specified by the Brazos County Clerk: Brazos County Administration Building — 200 S. Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas Arena Hall — 2906 Tabor Road, Bryan, Texas Galilee Baptist Church — 804 N. Logan, Bryan, Texas College Station Utilities Meeting & Training Facility — 1603 Graham Rod, College Station, Texas Memorial Student Center - Room 526, A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd., College Station, Texas October 20 — October 24 (Monday — Friday) October 25 (Saturday) October 26 (Sunday) October 27 - 31 (Monday — Friday) 8:00 am — 5:00 pm 8:00 am — 8:00 pm 10:00 am — 3:00 pm 8:00 am — 8:00 pm SECTION 5. Early voting by mail ballot shall be conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the Texas Election Code. The address of 300 E. 26th Street, Suite 120, Bryan, Texas 77803, shall be the early voting clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent for the City. SECTION 6. All early votes and other votes to be processed in accordance with early voting procedures pursuant to the Texas Election Code shall be delivered to the Early Voting Ballot Board at the Brazos County Clerk's office. Early votes shall be counted at the central counting station. The Early Voting Ballot Board shall perform in accordance with applicable provisions of the Election Code. SECTION 7. A Direct Record Electronic ("DRE") System, as the term is defined in the Texas Election Code, shall be utilized in connection with the election. This system shall be utilized for all early voting as well as for all precinct voting conducted on Election Day. The Brazos County Clerk will appoint a programmer, who shall prepare a program for the automatic tabulating equipment. Ample voting equipment shall be provided for early voting and in each of the various precincts on Election Day. The central counting station is established as the Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Texas. SECTION 8. The Brazos County Clerk will appoint the Early Voting Ballot Board, a Presiding Judge of the Central Counting Station, a Tabulation Supervisor of the Central Counting Station, and a Central Counting Station Manager. SECTION 9. The election will be held in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of College Station and the laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 10. Notice of the election, including a Spanish translation thereof, will be published at least once in a newspaper published in College Station on or after October 5, 2014 and on or before October 25, 2014, and will be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall on or before October 14, 2014. SECTION 11. A writ of election as required by the Texas Election Code will be delivered on or before October 20, 2014 by the Brazos County Clerk to the presiding and alternate judges of each election precinct in which the election is ordered to be held. SECTION 12. Testing of the automatic tabulating equipment will be performed and notice thereof will be given in accordance with Subchapter D of Chapter 127 of the Texas Election Code. SECTION 13. If any portion of this Ordinance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 14. That this ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption. AI' ',2OVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of College Station this 10._ day of .......�� °:. .r� , 2014. ATTEST: Sherry City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: rla R k i ason, City Attorney CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: µm , r7..4A. Nancy Berry; ayor ORDENANZA NO. 2p )14- 35q2. UNA ORDENANZA AUTORIZANDO ELECCIONES GENE' A LES A CELEBRARSE EL 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014, CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELEGIR MIEMBROS DEL CONSEJO, PARA LOS PUESTOS NOMERO 1, 3 Y 5, ESTABLECIENDO LOS CENTROS DE VOTACIONES TEMP ' A NAS Y CENTROS DE VOTACIONES PARA EL DIA DE LAS ELECCIONES; Y LOS ARREGLOS NECESARIOS PARA DIRIGIR DICHAS ELECCIONES. POR LO TANTO, El CONSEJO DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION DISPONE LO SIGUIENTE: SECCEON 1. Se ordenan elecciones generales a celebrarse para la Ciudad de College Station (la "Ciudad") en los diferentes centros de votaciones y distritos electorales dentro de los limites corporativos de la Ciudad, como se designa en este documento, el 4 de noviembre de 2014 de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. Estas elecciones generales de la Ciudad se celebraran conjuntamente con el Condado de Brazos y sethn administradas para la Ciudad por el Oficial de Elecciones del Condado de Brazos; pero estas elecciones generales no seran elecciones para todo el condado. En estas elecciones, los votantes calificados de la Ciudad elegithn a tres Miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad para los Puestos numero 1, 3 y 5 respectivamente en donde cada puesto tendra un termino de tres afios. SECCION 2. Si algin candidata en las elecciones generales no recibiese una mayoria de votos, entonces en esa ocasion se ordenaran elecciones de segunda vuelta para cada puesto en las elecciones generales en las cuales nadie fue elegido, como se requiere en la Seed& 17 (d) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad, segim la enmienda. En caso fuese necesario realizar elecciones de segunda vuelta, estas se celebraran el martes 16 de diciembre de 2014. El escrutinio de los votos de las elecciones de segunda vuelta no se podran realizar antes del 8° dia ni pasarse del 110 dia despues de la fecha de las elecciones de segunda vuelta. SECCION 3. Los Centros de Votaciones para cada distrito para estas elecciones serail los siguientes: DISTRITO NO. 8 9 10, 80 CENTRO DE VOTACIONES Parkway Baptist Church [Iglesia Bautista Parkway] 1501 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Office [Juez de Paz, distrito 3 Oficina] 1500 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas College Station Fire Station #3 [Estacion de Bomberos de College Station Numero 3] 1900 Barron Road College Station, Texas 20 21 24, 53, 58 31 33, 49, 72, 74, 34 35 39 40 41 Memorial Student Center (MSC), Room 526 [Centro Conmemorativo Estudiantil Salon 526] Texas A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd. College Station, Texas College Heights Assembly of God [Iglesia College Heights Assembly of God] 4100 Old College Rd. Bryan, Texas College Station Fire Station #6 [Estacion de Bomberos de College Station # 6] 610 University Dr. East College Station, Texas Larry J. Ringer Library [Biblioteca Larry J. Ringer] 1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway College Station, Texas Lincoln Center [Centro Lincoln] 1000 Eleanor College Station, Texas College Station City Hall [Municipalidad de College Station] 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas College Station ISD Administration Building [Edificio Administrativo del Distrito Escolar Independiente de College Station] 1812 Welsh College Station, Texas St. Francis Episcopal Church [Iglesia Episcopal St. Francis] 1101 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas Aldersgate Methodist Church [Iglesia Metodista Aldersgate] 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway College Station, Texas Christ United Methodist Church [Iglesia Metodista Christ United] 4201 State Highway 6, South College Station, Texas 65, 69, 71 68 Wellborn Community Center [Centro Comunitario de Wellborn] 4119 W. Greens Prairie Road College Station, Texas Peach Creek Community Center [Centro Comunitario de Peach Creek] 2216 Peach Creek Road College Station, Texas SECCION 4. Las elecciones tempranas conjuntas se realizaran en persona y por correo. El periodo para las votaciones tempranas en persona para las elecciones generales sera del 20 al 31 de octubre de 2014. Las boletas electorales de escaneo Optic° serail utilizadas para las votaciones tempranas por correo y las maquinas electronicas de registro directo serail utilizadas para las votaciones tempranas en persona. El Oficial de las Votaciones Tempranas para dichas elecciones sera el Oficial del Condado. Ella determinard el numero de personas a contratar y hard. los arreglos necesarios para la capacitacion de todas las personas contratadas para trabajar en las elecciones. Las votaciones tempranas realizadas en persona para las elecciones generales serail dirigidas conjuntamente en los centros de votaciones y en las fechas y horarios selialados por el Oficial del Condado de Brazos. Se detalla como sigue: Brazos County Administration Building [Edificio Administrativo del Condado de Brazos] 200 S. Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas Arena Hall [Salon Arena] 2906 Tabor Road, Bryan, Texas Galilee Baptist Church [Iglesia Bautista Galilee] 804 N. Logan, Bryan, Texas College Station Utilities Meeting & Training Facility [Edificio de Conferencias y Capacitacion de la Empresa Electrica de College Station] 1603 Graham Rod, College Station, Texas Memorial Student Center [Centro Conmemorativo Estudiantil] Room 526, A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd., College Station, Texas del 20 al 24 de octubre (de lunes a viernes) el 25 de octubre (sabado) el 26 de octubre (domingo) Del 27 al 31 de octubre (de lunes a viernes) 8:00 am — 5:00 pm 8:00 am — 8:00 pm 10:00 am — 3:00 pm 8:00 am — 8:00 pm SECCION 5. Las Elecciones Tempranas por correo sethn dirigidas de acuerdo con las provisiones aplicables del Codigo de Elecciones de Texas. La direction siguiente: 300 E. 26th Street, Suite 120, Bryan, Texas 77803, sert la direction de correo del oficial de elecciones tempranas a donde se podran enviar las solicitudes y las boletas con votos emitidos para la Ciudad. SECCION 6. Todos los votos anticipados y otros votos a ser procesados de acuerdo con los procedimientos de las votaciones tempranas conforme el Codigo de Elecciones de Texas serail entregados a la Junta de Boleta de Votaciones Tempranas en la oficina del Oficial del Condado de Brazos. Los votos anticipados serail contados en la estacion central de conteo. La Junta de Boleta de Votaciones Tempranas desemperiard su cargo de acuerdo con las provisiones aplicables del C6digo de Elecciones. SECCION 7. Un Sistema Directo de Registro ElectrOnico ("DRE, por sus siglas en el idioma ingles"), como se define el termino en el Codigo de Elecciones de Texas, sera utilizado en conexi6n con las elecciones. Este sistema sera utilizado para todas las votaciones tempranas asi como tambien para todas las votaciones realizadas en los distritos el Dia de las Elecciones. El Oficial del Condado de Brazos nombrard a un programador para preparar un programa para el equipo de tabulacion automatic°. Se proporcionard suficiente equipo para votar en las votaciones tempranas asi como tambien en cada uno de los diferentes distritos el Dia de las Elecciones. La estacion central de conteo se establecerda en el Brazos Center [Centro Brazos], 3232 Briarerest Drive, Bryan, Texas. SECCION 8. El Oficial del Condado de Brazos nombrard a la Junta de Boleta de Votaciones Tempranas, a un Juez que preside en la Estacion Central de Conteo, a un Supervisor de TabulaciOn de la Estacion Central de Conteo y a un Gerente de la Estaci6n Central de Conteo. SECCION 9. Las elecciones se celebraran de acuerdo con las provisiones de los Estatutos y Ordenanzas de la Ciudad de College Station y con las leyes del Estado de Texas. SECCION 10. La Notification de las Elecciones, incluyendo la respetiva traduccion al idioma espafiol, se publicath por lo menos una vez en un periodic° publicado en College Station el dia 5 de octubre de 2014 o despues de esa fecha y el dia 25 de octubre de 2014 o antes de esa fecha, y se colocard en el tablero de avisos de la Municipalidad el dia 14 de octubre de 2014 o antes de esa fecha. SECCION 11. Una orden de elecciones, requerida por el Codigo de Elecciones de Texas, sera entregada el dia 20 de octubre de 2014 o antes de esa fecha, por el Oficial del Condado de Brazos al juez que preside y a los jueces alternos de cada distrito electoral en el cual se dispone celebrar elecciones. SECCION 12. Se haran las respectivas pruebas del equipo de tabulacion automatic° y los resultados de dichas pruebas se entregaran y se hark' saber de acuerdo con el Subcapitulo D del Capitulo 127 del COdigo de Elecciones de Texas. SECCION 13. Si alguna parte de esta Ordenanza se considera invalida por una corte de jurisdiccion competente, las provisiones restantes de esta Ordenanza permaneceran en plena vigencia. SECCION 14. Que esta ordenanza entrara en efecto inmediatamente despues de ser adoptada. APROBADA Y ADOPATADA por el Consejo de la Ciudad de College Station elclia del mes de / ep de 2014. DOY FE: Sherry Mas ' rn, Secretaria de la Ciudad APROBADA EN CUANTO A FORMA: Gala 1 la de la .Ciudad CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION: Nancy Berry, A lcalde Water Tap Fee Ordinance 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 11 "Utilities" Section 2 "Water And Sewer Services", D "Water And Sewer Rates, Usage Charges And Fees", 4 "Water and Sewer Tap Fees, Meter Set -In Fees, and Sewer Inspection Fees", A (1) "Fee For Water Tap", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as set out below: (a) Fee for water tap. The City will charge a service charge to all customers connecting to the water system within or outside the corporate limits of the City. They service charge will be based on water tap size. (i) The water tap service charge shall apply to tall connections to the water system requiring a tap to be made to the water main, construction of the service line and meter set-in. Service Charge for Water Tap: Tap Size Charge % inch $533.00 1 inch $739.00 1 1/2 inch $2,001.00 2 inch $2,961.00