HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/1976 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
Regular City Council Meeting
October 28, 1976
7:00 P.M.
Mayor ProTem Dozier; Councilmen Ringer, Gardner, Halter,
Stephenson, Hazen; City Manager Bardell; Building Official
Koehler; Director of Public Works Ford; City Engineer Ash;
City Planner Mayo; Community Development Planner Callaway;
Parks & Recreation Director Wojciechowski; Planning
Assistant Longley; Liaison Martin; Assistant Snider
Mayor Bravenec
See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting of October 14, 1976.
Councilman Halter asked that the minutes reflect his views on the Housing Code.
He stated that he did not feel that the Housing Code imposed any moral values.
Councilman Halter also pointed out that the second vote under Agenda Item No. 6
should have read'
FOR--- Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Stephenson, Ringer, Halter, Hazen
AGAINST --- Councilmen Dozier, Gardner
Councilman Ringer moved approval of the corrected minutes. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Stephenson and passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors.
Mr. W. D. Fitch stated that the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation
is in the planning stages of widening Highway 6 south of the city limits. He
suggested that the City request an extension of the expansion to include Texas
Avenue, south of FM 2818 to the East Bypass. He stated this would make the
road a uniform four-lane highway without the hazardous narrowing to two lanes
as is presently the case.
Mayor ProTem Dozier asked City Manager Bardell to contact the Highway Department
to request this area be included in the project.
Agenda Item No. 3-- Discussion of Senior Citizens' request for funds.
Councilman Halter stated that the Senior Citizens group was requesting a total
of $10,000 to help pay equipment costs for a facility located in Bryan.
Councilman tlalter moved and Councilman Hazen seconded to appropriate $5,000 now
and $5,000 March 1, 1977 from Revenue Sharing Funds.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. Lola Thompson, representing the Senior Citizens, thanked the Council for
their support.
Agenda Item No. 4-- Discuss time schedule for establishing ward boundaries.
Mayor ProTem Dozier reviewed the recent events relating to the ward system.
Liaison Martin suggested that the Council set the boundaries as rapidly as possible.
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 28, 1976
7'00 P.M.
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Councilman Gardner and Halter agreed that an early date would aid in gaining
proper approval of the Justice Department as well as allowing time for citizens
to consider running for the Council.
Mayor Pro-Tem Dozier set a special meeting for Tuesday, November 2, 1976 at
4:00 P.M. to determine the boundaries.
Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of a Final Plat resubdivid, ing ..a. portion of
Parcel IV, Block 5, Culpepper Plaza Additon.
Councilman Halter asked what the owner would have to do to convert the project
from apartment-hotel to all apartments.
City Planner Mayo stated that this could be easily done, but that if the City
became aware of the situation, the owner would be required to provide additional
parking and an additional parkland dedication. He stated that 24 more parking
spaces would be required to comply with City ordinances.
Planner Mayo further pointed out that the Zoning Board of Adjustment had
determined the project to be apartment-hotel on the following criteria'
maid service, no lease required, daily rental, and by existing in a commercially
zoned area.
Mr. Mayo stated that the only appeal from the Zoning Board of Adjustment is a
court of law.
Councilman Halter moved approval of the final plat resubdividing a portion of
Parcel IV, Block B, Culpepper Plaza addition. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Ringer and passed with Councilman Hazen abstaining.
Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a Preliminary Plat - Southwood Valley_,
Section 8.
This item was passed by consent.
Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat - Woodway Village,
located west_ of Wellborn ..... Road betwe, en the West Bypass and Luther Street. (Edsel
Jones, representative.)
City Planner Mayo described the Master Preliminary Plat.
Councilman Gardner pointed out that accepting this plat would change the City's
overall development plan.
Councilman Stephenson questioned the capacity of the 15" sewer line.
City Manager Bardell stated that the inadequacy of the loading was for 'peak
load' flow rate and that it would be able to handle the average daily flow.
Councilman Ringer moved and Councilman Stephenson seconded the motion to approve
the master preliminary plat of Woodway Village as recommended by the Planning
and Zoning Commission.
The motion failed by the following vote'
FOR--- Mayor ProTem Dozier; Councilmen Ringer, Stephenson
AGAINST --- Councilmen Gardner, Halter, Hazen
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 28, 1976
7:00 P.M.
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Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a Preliminary Plat - Woodway Village, Phase I.
City Planner Mayo described the preliminary plat and the recommendations of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Edsel Jones stated that he would provide two access streets but only one
could be dedicated. The other would be private as he only owned 50% of the
Councilman Ringer moved to accept the preliminary plat of Woodway Village, Phase
I, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Stephenson and passed with Councilman
Gardner voting against.
Agenda Item No. 9 -- Council review of the proposed Planning and Zoning Commission's
Transportation Plan.
Dr. Vergil Stover, Planning and Zoning Commissioner, presented and discussed
the Commission's Transportation Plan. He emphasized areas of possible major
importance in the near future and requested Council direction in these areas.
Mayor ProTem Dozier thanked Dr. Stover and the Commission for this presentation.
A~enda Item No. 10 -- Discussion of proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 850
concerning detached signs.
Mr. John Garner, chairman of the Sign Subcommittee of the Community Appearance
Committee, presented an amendment to Ordinance No. 850.
Mr. Michael Murphy spoke in favor of the amendment.
Mr. Ken Martin inquired as to how many existing signs would be in agreement with
the proposed ordinance, and also how many subcommittee members were businessmen?
Mr. Garner stated that there were three businessmen on the subcommittee and that
roughly 50% of the signs would be in agreement with the proposed amendment.
Mr. Ernest Camp, member of the subcommittee, spoke against the amendment stating
that he felt it too strict.
Mr. Lonnie Stabler spoke in favor of the amendment.
Councilman Hazen moved to send the recommendation to the Planning and Zoning
Commission for consideration.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Ringer and unanimously approved.
Agenda Item No. 11--Discussion of planning and use of recent_ly, acquired property
on Texas Avenue.
Councilman Gardner discussed the land acquisition for the new police station
and maintenance yard.
He questioned the purchase of land shown by the Corps of Engineers to fall in
the 100 year flood plain.
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 28, 1976
7:00 P.M.
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Councilman Gardner requested an independent engineer delinate the exact location
of the flood plain for the architect to design the project.
Agenda Item No. 12 -- Other business.
Councilman Stephenson moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission study and
make recommendations concerning the appropriate zoning for the areas bordered
by Dominik, Stallings, University Oaks and Munson, and the area generally
bordered by Lincoln, Texas Ave., Munson and University.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Ha'zen and unanimously approved.
Agenda Item No. 13 -- Adjourn.
Councilman Stephenson moved and Councilman Ringer seconded the motion to adjourn.
The motion passed unanimously.
City Secretary
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October 28, 1976
7'00 P.M.
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