HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/28/1973 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
May 28, 1973
7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred R. Brison, Homer R.
Adams, Don R. Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and
C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer George
Ford; City Planner George Eby; Street Superintendent Alfred
Miller; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Stirl
VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register
The regular meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order
on Monday, May 28, 1973 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by Mayor
J. B. Hervey. The Mayor welcomed the news media and the interested citizens.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the minutes of the
April 23, April 26 and May 8, 1973 meetings were unanimously approved.
Mrs. Jane Barry, of 1303 Glade, presented to the Council, a petition for sidewalks, on the
east side of Glade Street from Anna Street to and including Lot 1, Block 11, Section 10 of
the Glade Subdivision. There were approximately twenty-one (21) signatures on the petition.
The Council accepted the petition and informed Mrs. Barry that the matter would be checked
Mayor Hervey then opened a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 5.7 acre tract of
land located in the C. Burnett League in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, from
Single Family Residential District, District R-lC, to General Commercial District, District
C-1. City Planner George Eby showed the location of the property in question and stated
that the approval of this rezoning request was recommended by the Planning and Zoning
Commission with the condition that a street be constructed on this property to connect
Park Place to Holleman Drive.
Councilman Dale stated that he was against this property being zoned commercial. Council-
man Dale stated that a large commercial area would not be suitable so close to a large
residential area;-that it would infringe on the residents of that area. Councilrmn Radeleff
stated that he agreed with Councilman Dale; this situation is commercial property in the
wront territory.
Mr. J. W. Wood, representative of Anderson Ridge Corporation, stated that his firm was
trying to get a way from '~strip" zoning and have a commercial cluster; have only one major
curb cut instead of a number of small cuts for each business.
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City Coaucil Meeting
May 28, 1973
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The public hearing was then closed and Councilman Adams moved that Ordinance No. 875,
an ordinance rezoning the above described property, be adopted. The motion died for a
lack of a second.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance No. 875 was
rejected with only Councilman Adams voting "no".
A public hearing was then opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning a 1.257
acre tract of land located between the Treehouse Subdivision and the abandoned I&GN Rail-
road right-of-way from Single Family Residential District, District R-lC, to Apartment
Building District, District R-3. City Planner George Eby showed the location of the property
in question on the opaque projector and stated that it was adjacent to an earlier request but
was not owned by these people at that time.
Mr. A. W. Davis, of Callaway-Slate, Inc., stated that his firm owns the adjacent 15-acre
tract (the Treehouse Subdivision) and had only recently acquired this other small adjoining
When no one else commented, the public hearing was closed and on motion by Councilman
Dale, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 876, an ordinance rezoning the property
described above, was unanimously passed and approved.
Mayor Hervey opened a public hearing on garbage collection. Mr. A. J. Buck, of 118 Miller's
Lane, stated that he would like to know just what is proposed and why.
City Manager Ran Boswell stated that for many years, the City of College Station has picked
up garbage from the back of the house. Mr. Boswell further stated that the City was con-
sidering changing to curbside pick-up with plastic or paper bags.
Councilman Dale stated that there is a tremendous turn-over in the garbage department
personnel because of the disadvantages in that department. The pails are so heavy; the men
get garbage all over them and somtimes get cut. Councilman Dale further stated that the City
felt that some of these problems would be lessened if the curbside-bag method was used.
Mrs. E. B. Reynolds inquired about the elderly people who were not able to carry their
garbage out to the curb. Mayor Hervey stated that this was a very good point and would be
under consideration.
Mr. Ed Miller wanted to know what type of bag would be used and who would be responsible
for the purchase of the bags. City Manager Boswell stated that a 2 mi. plastic bag or a
paper bag would be used and the citizens would have to purchase their own bags.
Mr. E. M. Bailey suggested that the City go to curbside pick-up and then possible to the
bag program.
City Coau¢il Meeting
May 28, 1973
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Dr. Charles Pinnell stated that regardless of the system used, it will cost an amount of
money and as a citizen, recommended that the City go to the curbside-bag method.
After considerable discussion, the public hearing was closed.
A public hearing was opened on the subject of the general revenue sharing funds. Mayor
Hervey stated that all citizens had this opportunity to express their ideas and feelings as
to how they felt that the general revenue sharing funds should be spent.
Mrs. Thelma Van Overbeek, of the Brazos County Child Welfare Board,
came before the Council, to request funds for the construction and one year's operation
of a chilren's shelter. Mrs. Van Overbeek stated that there are many times when parents
are arrested for drunken driving and various other incidents, and a social worker can not
be contacted; so the children have to be kept in jarl for the remainder of the night before
being placed in a foster home.
Colonel Waiter Parsons, Board Member of the Bryan City Mission, came before the Council,
supporting this project. Colonel Parsons stated that the County Judge's mother had given
the Bryan City Mission 9 1/2 acres of land and this tract of land is available for the con-
struction of such a shelter. Colonel Parsons stated that the building and operating
costs would be about $15,000.00 a year.
Rev. Eiland, Director of the Bryan City Mission, also came before the Council in support
of this project. Rev. Eiland stated that on numerous occasions, when children are in need
of shelter, and a social worker or foster family could not be reached, he had kept
children in the Mission. Rev. Eiland stated that he felt that the Bryan City Mission just was
not a place for children to stay.
Mrs. Reynolds wanted to know if there was an age limit on the children to be accepted
into a shelter of this kind. Colonel Parsons stated that the age limit is usually about
fourteen years but in an emergency, any age child would be accepted.
Mr. J. W. Wood stated that he felt that would be a very good project for the
communities to work together for a common need.
A gentleman then inquired how much general revenue sharing funds were available. City
Manager Bo'awell stated that the funds for 1973 were $78,000.00 and $93,000.00 for 1974.
Mrs. Jane Barry stated that she felt that maybe some of these funds could be used for
the requested sidewalks on school routes.
Mayor Hervey stated that in July 1972 the City of College Station made an application to
the Texas Water Qaality Board and the Environmental Protection agency for a state and
federal assistance 75~c matching grant to construct major sewer outfall lines. The City
City Council Meeting
May 28, 1973
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has since been informed that the grant will not be approved and on recommendations of the
City Engineer, City Planner, and Planning Consultant, the City Council is considering using
a large portion or all of the general revenue sharing funds for the construction of the much
need outfall lines.
After considerable discussion, the public hearing was declared closed and the Council will
take this under consideration at its next regular meeting.
City Manager Ran Boswell stated that bids for electrical equipment were opened on May
21, 1973 and were turned over to Electrical Power Engineers, Inc. for tabulation, review
and recommendations. Mr. Jim McCord, of Electric Power Engineers, stated that the bids
were as follows:
Tabulation of Bids
City of College Station
North Gate Voltage Regulators
Bid Opening - May 21, 1973
Three (3) 1~, 416.3 KVA Voltage Regulators
· .
Dealers Electric
McGraw- $17,782. 28 weeks
Proposed Size - Not
REA Approved.
Temple, Inc.
G.E. $18,903. 8-10 weeks
REA Approved - Service
Engineer to be provided
to check out units prior
to energization.
Wholesale Electric
G.E. $18,903. 8-10 weeks
REA Approved.
West. $19,116. 12-14 weeks REA Approved.
Ne lson Electric
A.C. $19,134. 7 weeks
REA Approved.
Techline, Inc.
Southway Electric
Mr. McCord recommended that the City Council award the bid to either Temple, Inc. or
Wholesale Electric. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Lindsay,
the City Council unanimously awarded the bid to Temple, Inc.
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May 28, 1973
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City Manager Ran Boswell stated that a proposal of financing sanitary sewer project in the
amount of $789,500.00 had been presented to the Council on/~pril 26, 1973. At that meeting
the Council agreed that the City should start legal work on the sale of $500,000.00 of revenue
bonds as part of the financing of this project.
Mr. Ernest Brown, the City's Financial Advisor with Moroney and Beissner of Houston,
stated that it would take approximately 30-45 days to get everything ready to accept the
bids for the sale of these revenue bonds.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council authorized
Mr. Brown to proceed towards the sale of these bonds. Councilman Adams voted "no"
stating he felt that Mr. Brown charged more than was necessary for this service.
City Manager Ran Boswell stated that Ordinance No. 877, an ordinance providing rules,
regulations and standards under which the City of College Station may give its written
consent for the creation of any political subdivision having as one of its purposes the sup-
plying of fresh water for domestic or commercial uses or the furnishing of sanitary sewer
services, within the area of the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of College Station,
and providing for an effective date, had'been prepared by Mr. Ernest Brown at the Council's
request. Councilman Radeleff stated that he felt that the Council should not act upon this
ordinance until the Council and the City Attorney had more time to review this ordinance
The Council unanimously agreed to reject this ordinance at this time and consider it at a
later meeting.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 878, an
ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.6 acre tract of
land located in the C. Burnett League from Single Family Residential District, District
R-lC, to Heavy Industrial District, District M-2, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council unanimously
agreed to employ the firm of Durst, Wood and Ingram to make an independent audit of the
City's records for the 1972-73 Fiscal Year.
Mayor Hervey stated that the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission whose
terms expired April 1973 had been reappointed with the exception of Bill Cooley who had
requested that he be relieved of his office because of the time he has to devote to the office
of County Commissioner. Mr. Chris Matthewson has been appointed to take Mr. Cooley's
place. Mayor Hervey instructed the City Manager to write letters to these members and
the news media so they will be informed of this action.
Mayor Hervey then stated that he would like for the Councilmen to alternately preside at
the council meetings, and if it was agreeable, the Mayor Pro Tern Fred Brison would
preside at the next meeting.
Mr. A. J. Buck, of 118 Miller's Lane, wanted to know the status of the sewering of
Miller's Lane. Mr. Buck was informed that the City is working on this and will take care
of the sitatuion just as soon as they possibly can.
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May 28, 1973
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Mr. Bill Wischmeyer, Consulting Engineer, gave a progress report on the status of
the Sewage Treatment Plant stating that it is about 80e/c complete.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was declared adjourned,
subject to call.
City Secretary