HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/26/1973 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
March 26, 1973
7:00 P.M.
Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer
Adams, Don Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and
C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer
George Ford; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative
Secretary Nancy Stirl
See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Hervey and on motion by
Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the minutes of the February
26, March 12 and March 16, 1973 meetings were unanimously approved.
Ms. Gloria Martinson, of 305 Dexter, came before the Council to inquire if anything
had been decided concerning Dr. F. B. Clark's claim that the City of College Station
owes him money for sewer lines in the South Knoll Subdivision. Mayor Hervey in-
structed the City Manager to place this item on the agenda for the April meeting and
then instructed the City Attorney and the City Manager to thoroughly research this
situation so that a decision could be made at the April meeting.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 869,
an ordinance providing for the use of the electronic system of voting in all precincts;
designating a Central Counting Station location; appointing a Presiding Judge for the
Central Counting Station; and designating authorized persons to be present at the Central
Counting Station, was unanimously passed and approved.
Mr. Bill McLeod, of Custom Printed Products Co., briefly explained the operation of
the electronic voting system. Mr. McLeod stated that the Council Room of the College
Station City Hall was designated as the Central Counting Station. The ballots will all be
brought to the Central Counting Station and taken from there, by police car, to the Texas
Data Center, Inc., located at 114 S. Bryan Street, Bryan, Texas, where they will be
tabulated by the computers and then brought back to the Central Counting Station where
the results will be officially released.
On the recommendation of the City Manager, the Council unanimously set April 6, 1973
at 5:00 P.M. as the date for canvassing the election returns.
City Council Meeting
March 26, 1973
7:00 P. M.
Page 2
Councilman Dale moved that the Council adopt the TOPICS Program as outlined by the
Texas Highway Department with reference to the signalization of State Highway 6 and
authorize the Mayor to sign the appropriate documents. Councilman Bonnen seconded
the motion. Councilman Adams stated that he felt that it should be pointed out that the
City's traffic consultant had recommended against adopting this program. The motion
was passed and approved with Councilman Adams voting "no" and Councilman Radeleff
abstaining from voting. Councilman Brison moved that the Mayor write a letter to
Mr. Joe Hanover of the Texas Highway Department, stating the concern of the Council
on this situation and to stress that the Council passed this program with considerable
reservation and concern, particularly in view of the adverse recommendation of the
traffic consultant. The Council was influenced, almost entirely, by Mr. Hanover's
assurance, given at a meeting with the Council on Thursday, March 22, 1973, that the
Texas Highway Department will be absolutely responsible for the satisfactory operation
of the proposed signal system. Further, that the Highway Department will make ad-
justments and changes as are required in the new system to provide the type of service
recognized as being: acceptable by standards ordinarily used to judge such equipment.
The motion, seconded by Cotmcilman Dale, was passed and approved.
City Manager Ran Boswell stated that numerous requests for gasoline bids were sent
out but only five were returned and only one of those five actually submitted a bid. The
remaining four stated "No Bid" on their forms. Atlantic Richfield Co. was the only
company who placed a bid and their bid is as follows-
1. Min. 90 octane gasoline less state and federal tax $16.65
2. Min. 100 octane gasoline less state and federal tax $20.20
3. No. 2 diese 1 fuel $15.80.
City Manager Ran Boswell recommended that the Council accept Atlantic Richfield
Co. 's bid. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the
Council unanimously approved the City Manager's recommendation and authorized the
bid be awarded to the Atlantic Richfield Company.
A public hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning those lots
facing Old College Road from the Bryan city limits to University Drive and consisting
of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Block 15 and a part of Block 15; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
7of Block13; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Block 11; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 of Block 10 of the Boyett Addition from Commercial-Industrial District, District
C-2, to General Commercial District, District C-1. City Planner George Eby explained
the location of the property in question and showed the location to the audience on the
opaque projector. When no one spoke concerning this rezoning request, the public
hearing was closed and on motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Brison,
Ordinance No. 864, an ordinance rezoning the property described above was unanimously
passed and approved. '
City Council Meeting
March 26, 1973
7:00 P.M.
Page 3
Mayor Hervey opened a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot I and 65 feet of
Lot 2 of Block A of the College Heights Subdivision from Apartment Building District,
District R-3, to General Commercial District, District C-1. City Planner George Eby
showed the location of the property in question on the opaque projector. No one spoke
concerning this rezoning request and the public hearing was then closed. On motion by
Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 865, an ordinance
rezoning the property described above, was unanimously passed and approved.
A public hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning a tract of
land immediately south of the intersection of Old College Road and Luther Street,
extending from said intersection three hundred (300) feet back from Old College Road
and south to the Henry Moore property line from Commercial-Industrial District,
District C-2, to General Commercial District, District C-1. City Planner George
Eby explained the location of the property in question and when no one spoke concerning
this request, the public hearing was closed. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded
by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance No. 866, an ordinance rezoning the property described
above, was unanimously passed and approved.
A public hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning an 8.76 acre
tract of land located in the Star line Ridge Subdivision from Single Family Residential
District, District R-lC, to Apartment Building District, District R-3. City Planner
George Eby explained the location of the property in question and stated that some changes
had occurred since this request was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
At that time, it was believed'that this property could be served with sewer lines into the
Bryan system. Since then it has been revealed that it will not be possible to service this
tract into the Bryan system and definitely not possible for it to be sewered into the College
Station facilities which are already overloaded. The public hearing was closed when no
one spoke. In view of the changes, Councilman Radeleff moved that this item, Ordinance
No. 867, an ordinance rezoning the above described property, be deleted from the agenda
until such time as more information is available on this situation. The motion, seconded
by Councilman Dale, was unanimously approved.
Mayor Hervey then opened a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.53 acre tract
of land located in the Starline Ridge Subdivision from Single Family Residential District,
District R-lC, to Neighborhood Business District, District C-N. City Planner George
Eby explained the location of the property in question and pointed out that the same situation
exists on this tract of land as the preceding request. After a brief discussion, the public
hearing was closed and Councilman Dale moved that Ordinance No. 868, an ordinance
rezoning this property, be deleted from the agenda until such time as more information
is available. The motion, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, was unanimously approved.
City Council Meeting
March 26, 1973
7:00 P.M.
Page 4
Councilman Brison requested the City Manager to check into the possibility of erecting
"Children at Play" signs on the dangerous curve at Bell Street and Hereford Street.
Councilman Dale brought up the garbage collection problem. Councilman Dale stated
that he felt that the City should look into the possibility of using plastic bags for the
collection of garbage. City Manager Ran Boswell state6 that he would look into the
costs and other aspects of this possibility.
Mayor Hervey requested that the Fire Protection Committee make a thorough study of
the College Station Fire Department System.
A member of the audience suggested that speed limit signs be erected on the West
By-pass near the new high school. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that this was a
state highway and the Texas Highway Department has been requested to erect these signs.
Mrs. Paul Kramer, of 1604 Dominik, wanted to know what the City planned to do about
condition of Dominik, Merry Oaks and Berekeley Streets. City Manager Boswell informed
Mrs. Kramer that the Engineering Department had gone out to Dominik Street and made
a test repair and as soon as the weather will permit, the City is planning to get started
repairing this section of streets.
As there was no other business to discuss, Mayor Hervey declared the meeting
City Secretar