HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1970 - Special Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES
May 1, 1970
Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Bill J. Cooley,
James H. Dozier, Joseph J. McGraw, Cecil B. Ryan,
Dan R. Davis, and C. H. Ransdell; City Manager
Ran Boswell; City Engineer Lloyd James; and City
Planner George Eby
Visitors Present: Ray E. Abbott, Frank Griffis, Jim Gardner, Dean Platt,
Bob Wimbish, W. D. Fitch, Codie Wells, William G.
Adkins, Don Dale, George H. Boyett, John Denison,
Patsy Eby, Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Edwards, John Brewer,
Clyde McQueen, Charlene Lusk, Bernard J. O'Neill,
and Dorsey McCrory
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. M. in the Council Room
of the City Hall in College Station, Texas.
Mayor Anderson stated that the purpose of the Special Council Meeting was to
establish an ordinance creating a Planning and Zoning Commission and to appoint
members to such, appoint members to the Business Development Committee, and
critical review of the proposed Subdivision Regulations draft, by council members.
Mayor Anderson recommended that the following be appointed to the Business
Development Committee:
Don Dale, Chairman
A. C. Vinzant
W. D. Fitch
Dr. O. C. Cooper
Howard Vestal
Bob Evans
Mrs. Ed Miller
Mrs. Lee Verrips
Councilman McGraw suggested that Joe Sawyer be appointed, in addition, to serve on
this committee. Councilman McGraw said he had talked with Mr. Sawyer and he was
willing to serve. On motion by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Davis, the
committee, with Mr. Sawyer added, was approved. Motion carried.
The next item was the approval of an ordinance creating a Planning and Zoning
Commission. The following suggestions were made concerning corrections or
amendments to Ordinance No. 682.
Minutes of Special Council Meeting, May 1, 1970 Page 2
Councilman McGraw moved that the wording in Paragraph 2. A be changed to
read as follows: "Members shall be residents of the city, and qualified voters" and
delete the wording "and real property owners". Councilman Dozier stated if Councilman
McGraw would rephrase the motion as follows, he would second it: "Members shall be
residents of the city and 'eligible' voters". Councilman McGraw was agreeable to this
change. Councilman Dozier, therefore, seconded the motion. A lengthy discussion
ensued among councilmen concerning this motion and the wording of the ordinance
which concerns the Council bringing charges against a Planning and Zoning member
for removal from office. The vote on the motion on the floor was as follows: Ryan,
Cooley, Davis and Ransdell: No. Councilmen Dozier and McGraw: Yes. Motion
did not carry.
Councilman McGraw then moved that the sentence be worded: "Members shall
be residents of the city, eligible voters, and the 'majority' real property owners".
The motion died for lack of a second.
Councilman Ransdell moved that the sentence in the proposed Ordinance No. 682
in Paragraph 2. A at the bottom of the paragraph be reworded as follows: "Vacancies
shall be filled by the City Council at the next regular meeting for the unexpired term for
any member whose position becomes vacant. " Motion was seconded by Councilman
McGraw. Motion carried.
Councilman McGraw moved that an introductory paragraph be inserted as
follows after C. Duties: "The following areas of responsibility, among others, are
mentioned here for clarity". Motion was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion
Councilman McGraw moved that the first sentence of Paragraph (c) read as
follows: "Preparation, adoption, and modification of the Comprehensive Plan of
Development of the City, for approval and adoption by Resolution by the City Council".
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried.
Councilman Ransdell moved that the last sentence of Paragraph B. read as
follows: "Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,
and no recommendations shall be advanced to the City Council with less than a concurring
vote of four members. " Councilman McGraw seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Councilman Dozier moved that Paragraph (c), #7, should read: "The Planning
and Zoning Commission shall keep the City Council informed of its progress on their
plans and make periodic status development reports to the City Council and said reports
shall be made within 6 months after their appointment and every 6 months thereafter".
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ryan. Motion carried.
Councilman Ransdell moved that the Repealing Clause under No. 3, should
read:" "Ordinance No. 22 is hereby repealed, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances,
orders and policies in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed
to the extent of such conflict". Motion was seconded by Councilman McGraw. Motion
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Minutes of Special Council Meeting, May 1, 1970
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Councilman McGraw moved that an additional sentence be added to Paragraph C. #8,
as follows: "Make studies and recommendations with regard to proposed annexation". Motion
was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman McGraw, the first para-
graph of Ordinance No. 682 shall read as follows: "The City of College Station, Texas, as
a home rule city, has by City Charter, adopted all the powers authorized by Chapter 4
of Title 28, Revised Civil Statutes, more specifically Article 1011a through j, Revised
Civil Statutes, and adopting Article 974a and 970a, Revised Civil Statutes, which are
hereby adopted, which authorize the appointment of a Planning and Zoning Commission,
and which set out certain authority and responsibility for such a commission. "
Motion carried.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman McGraw, Ordinance
No. 682 was recommended for adoption, with amendments as approved. Motion carried.
Mayor Anderson read the Minutes of the September 5, 1969 meeting of the City
Council which concerned the expansion of the Planning and Zoning Commission from seven
to nine members. He also explained the terms of office of the present Planning and Zoning
Mayor Anderson recommended C. D. Wells as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Councilman Cooley moved that the mayor's recommendation be accepted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. The vote was 4 Ayes and 2 Noes. Motion
carried. Councilmen Dozier and McGraw asked to be recorded as voting no. Councilman
Dozier voted no because of citizen complaints concerning Mr. Wells' past acting -chairmanship.
Councilman McGraw voted no because he felt something was to be desired in the way the
material at the Planning and Zoning Meetings is presented to the public.
Mayor Anderson recommended the following persons to serve on the Planning
and Zoning Commission, with terms as follows:
C. D. Wells ( Chairman )
J. A. (Joe) Orr
George Boyett
Bob Evans
Carl Landiss
Carl Tishler
Douglas Stone
Term expires in 1971
Term expires in 1972
Term expires in 1972
Term expires in 1972
Term expires in 1971
Term expires in 1971
Term expires in 1971
There was a discussion concerning students from Political Science Classes
serving as part-time salaried members of the staff. The Mayor .related that this
matter could be further discussed at the budget hearing, depending to a considerable
extent upon funds. Councilman Cooley suggested it be left up to department. heads and
the City Manager.
Minutes of Special Council Meeting, May 1, 1970 Page 4
Mayor Anderson discussed with the council a conversation he had with C. I. Miller.
At his request, City Manager Boswell distributed copies of a letter addressed to the City
Engineer that had been received from C. I. Miller concerning flooding along Bee Creek.
City Engineer James explained that during a recent rain, water had almost gotten into
Mr. Miller's home. He further stated, that although some work had been done on
Mr. Miller's property, it could not be completed because of an existing high pressure
gas line that would have to be lowered and that the cost for lowering the line would
be approximately $3, 000. Mr. James then described the lack of grade through
Mr. Miller's property and stated that for any channel improvements to be effective,
the work would have to be extended through Mr. Kapchinskie's property to the By-pass
and this was the conclusion of not only he, but the Highway Department too. After
some discussion, it was decided that the channel would be extended within Mr. Miller's
property and legal means of going through Mr. Kapchinskie's property would be investigated.
On motion by Councilman McGraw, seconded by Councilman Ransdell, the Mayor
was authorized to sign the Economic Development Administration Grant for extension of
water and sewerage lines in the city. Motion carried.
The Council reviewed the proposed Subdivision Regulations in depth. The lateness
of the hour did not allow time for its completion. John Denison gave his comments on
underground wiring during the discussion.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Ransdell, the meeting
adjourned, subject to call.