HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/1970 - Special Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES
July 15, 1970
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Bill J. Cooley,
James H. Dozier, Joseph J. McGraw, Cecil B. Ryan,
Dan R. Davis, and C. H. Ransdell; City Manager
Ran Boswell; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland
Visitors Present: See Guest Book in Vault
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p. m. in the Council Room
of the City Hall. He explained that the purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a
public hearing on the proposed Subdivision Regulations Ordinance. Mayor Anderson
stated that the Council had reviewed the ordinance several times, page by page, as
had the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Mayor Anderson opened the floor for the public hearing. There were no initial
comments from citizens. City Manager Boswell recommended a change in wording on
Page 19, Section 9-G. 1. There was considerable discussion among councilmen concerning
this item. Councilman McGraw moved that the following correction be made on Page 19,
Section 9-G. 1: "The Subdivider shall select and install the type of street light, pole, and
luminaire, of a design approved by the City Engineer, and shall pay the cost of secondary
electric lines to the street lights, and the original installation cost to the city. The City
will then maintain the street lights and furnish electric energy. " Councilman Dozier
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A discussion concerning Section 10, Parks and Other Public Use, was held among
council members. Councilman McGraw moved that the following correction be made in
Section 10, Parks and Other Public Use, in 10-A, as follows: 1110-A: One acre of land,
or a pro -rated part thereof, shall be dedicated to the public for parks for each two
hundred ( 200) dwelling units, with the number of dwelling units calculated on the following
In Districts R -O and R-1, each lot shall be considered one dwelling unit.
In District R-2, each lot shall be considered two -dwelling units.
In District R-3, one acre shall be considered twenty (20) dwelling units. "
Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried.
Jim Gardner, a citizen present, questioned 10-C.1 on Page 20, under "Parks
and Other Public Use Section" of the proposed ordinance. Some discussion followed
among councilmen concerning this particular section.
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Minutes of July 15, 1970 Page 2
Councilman McGraw moved that the wording in 10-C.1 under Special Conditions
on Page 20 be changed to read as follows: 1110-C. 1. Play areas within an apartment
complex shall not be credited toward public land use as a park, unless each is in
excess of one (1) acre in area. " Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion
Councilman Dozier then went through each page of the proposed ordinance where
there were write-in corrections and the councilmen discussed these items.
Mayor Anderson called the attention of the Council to Page 6-A, Section 6,
Procedure and Plat Requirements, and read a letter from the City Attorney relative
to whether the Mayor needed to sign the Final Plat. The City Attorney's letter related
that, legally, the Mayor does not sign the Final Plat for the Council.
Councilman Dozier suggested that under Section 6-A, General, the word in the
next to the last sentence should be changed from recommended to "approved". The
councilmen were all in agreement with this. Also, after some discussion, it was agreed
that the wording of the next to the last sentence under 6-A, General, would be as follows:
"The construction documents when duly approved and signed by the City Engineer are
authority to proceed with the construction of streets and utilities. It
Mayor Anderson stated that it would be necessary to rewrite Ordinance No. 608,
the present street ordinance, in order for it to be in agreement with the Subdivision
Regulations. City Manager Boswell stated that he was working on this at the present
time and would try and have a draft prepared as soon as possible for the Councilmen
to review.
A considerable discussion followed concerning sidewalks being made mandatory
for all streets. Citizens present had comments concerning this subject. Also, the
question of underground utilities was discussed. The council members explained to
the citizens present that the electrical consultant to the city had recommended the city
not require underground utilities in this ordinance at the present time.
Councilman Dozier moved that on Page 21, under Section 14, Ownership,
14-A. 1 be changed to read as follows: "Upon completion by the subdivider, and
acceptance by the city of the streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks, drainage facilities,
and utilities required to be installed by the subdivider, they shall become the property
of the City of College Station. " Motion was seconded by Councilman McGraw. Motion
The question of whether sidewalks should be left to the recommendation of the
City Engineer or the Planning and Zoning Commission was raised, referring to the
asterisk section on Page 15. It was the opinion of some councilmen that leaving the
option for sidewalks to the City Engineer would, or might place a great deal of hardship
on one person. After some discussion, and on motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded
by Councilman McGraw, the wording on Page 15 by the asterisk should be changed to
read as follows: "Sidewalks on residential and collector streets wi '. nal at
the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 11"
Minutes of July 15, 1970
Page 3
Motion carried. Councilmen Ransdell and Cooley asked to be recorded as voting no.
Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 690, an ordinance regulating,
controlling, and governing the subdivision of land, the platting and developments of
subdivisions and additions to the city; prescribing requirements, repealing any other
ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; reserving a savings clause;
providing for filing fees; providing penalties for violations; and providing for an
effective date, be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman McGraw. Motion carried.
On motion by Councilman McGraw, seconded by Councilman Ransdell, the meeting
was adjourned, subject to call.
4Civy Secretary