HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/26/1981 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Runnels, Kelly,
Boughton, Jones, Dozier, Student Government Liason
City Manager Bardell, City Planner Mayo, City Engineer Ash,
Tax Assessor-Collector/City Secretary Schroeder, Asst.
City Manager/Director of Finance Van Dever, City Attorney
Denton, Zoning Official Calloway, Park and Recreation Director
Beachy, Purchasing Agent Weddle, Data Processing Manager
See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of minutes of Special City Council Meeting, Thursday,
March 5, 1981, Workshop City Council Meeting, Wednesday, March 11, 1981, and
Regular City Council Meeting, Thursday, March 12, 1981.
Councilman Kelly pointed out one change in the minutes of the Regular City Council
Meeting, Thursday, March 12, 1981.
Councilman Boughton pointed out that Mayor Pro-tem Ringer of the Thursday, March 12,
1981 meeting was referred in the minutes as councilman.
Councilman Kelly moved approval of the minutes with the change.
Councilman Boughton second the motion with the correction that Councilman Dozier's
name was left out of the voting on two promotions in the minutes of the Regular
City Council Meeting, Thursday, March 12, 1981.
The minutes were approved unanimously with those corrections.
Mayor Halter pointed out to the press that absentee voting for the upcoming election
will end Tuesday, March 31, 1981
Agenda Item No. 2 - A public hearing on the question of rezonin~ the Emerald Forest
Addition - Phase 3 from Agricultural/Open District A-O to Single F~m~ly Residential
District R-iA. The application is in the name of Haldec, Inc.
City Planner Mayo presented and explained the rezoning. The P & Z and staff recom-
mended rezoning only lots 8-17 to R-iA and the rest of Phase III to R-1. These lots
need the R-iA zoning for patio homes and smaller houses.
Mayor Halter opened the public hearing asking to hear from those in favor of the
rezoning first.
Allen Swoboda, the developer, stated that R-iA is recommended because they could not
see any difference between R-1 and R-iA.
When no one else spoke in favor, Mayor Halter asked to hear from those opposed to
the rezoning.
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.M.
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When no one spoke in opposition of the rezoning, Mayor Halter closed the public
Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above property.
Councilman Ringer moved to approve the rezoning of lots 8-17 to R-iA and the rest
to R-1.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
This created Ordinance No. 1277.
Agenda Item No. 4 -A public hearing on the question of rezon~ng a 4.2 acres portion
of the Woodway Village Addition - Phase One from Townhouse District R-3 to Apartment
Building District R-5. The application is in the name of Arapaho, Ltd., San Antonio, Tx.
City Planner Mayo presented and explained the rezoning. The P & Z recommends that R-3
be rezoned to R-4 instead of R-5, which would allow 16 dwelling units per acre. This
would cause very little design to the project.
Mayor Halter opened public hearing asking to hear from those in favor of the rezoning.
Edsel Jones of San Antonio, one of the owners, stated that they requested R-5 because
a builder wanted to build 6 four-plexes with the idea to dedicate the alleys to the
city for parking.
Jones stated he would settle for R-4, but would not dedicate the alleys to the city.
When no one else spoke, Mayor Halter asked to hear from those opposed to the rezoning.
Mayor Halter closed the public hearing.
Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above tract.
Councilman Boughton asked the advantages of the City owning the alleys.
City Planner Mayor stated that the City would maintain alleys and owners would main-
tain private drives.
After further discussion on the area, Councilman Runnels moved to approve the rezoning
of R-3 to R-4.
Councilman Dozier seconded the motion which passed by the following vote:
FOR: Councilmen Runnels, Boughton, Dozier, Kelly, Jones, Ringer
AGAINST: Mayor Halter
This created Ordinance No. 1278.
Agenda Item No. 6 - Public Hearing on use of Revenue Sharing Funds.
John McBeth and Charles Thompson, of the Brazos Valley M.H.M.R., requested an
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.M.
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allocation of $15,000 for next years' M.H.M.R. Budget. Mr. McBeth explained how
the funds are used throughout the year, and made a point that M.H.M.R. depends mainly
on local support.
Councilman Dozier and City Manager Bardell raised questions concerning M.H.M.R.
Mayor Halter stated his support of the M.H.M.R.
Councilman Ringer complimented M.H.M.R. for their service to College Station.
Linda Pringle, Director of the Bryan Public Library, explained the variety of services
the organization offers. She requested from the City $25,000 for needed books and to
maintain the quality of service.
Mayor Halter stated there would be further discussion at the end of the agenda about
the library.
Dsnny Stripling, director of the College Station I.S.D. Community Education, explained
the summer library program and the variety of sessions it has to offer. His request
for the organization is $787.00.
Shirley Plapp, 1003 Glade St., director of R.S.V.P., explained to the council about
the volunteer work that persons 60 years of age perform for College Station. She
requested $1,800 for 1981.
Mayor Halter stated that all funds are stipulated from the Revenue Sharing Funds.
Councilman Kelly complimented on the great job R.S.V.P. does at the Neal Center.
Mayor Halter closed the public hearing.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Hearing of requests from outside agencies for 1981-82 support
funding from Hotel Motel Tax Fund.
Mayor Halter explained how the Hotel Motel Tax Fund is obtained.
Ann Bell, Director of the Information and Hospitality Center of Brazos Valley,.
explained to the council the organizations activities which includes meeting the
needs of newcomers, tourist, conventions, schools, etc. She requested $27,500 from
the Hotel Motel Tax Fund.
Judy Rychlik, President of the Board, thanked the council for their past support.
Jody Bates, Director of Arts Council, requested funds for their organization and
explained how they had used the funds in the past. Her request was for $27,500.
Dennis Goehring, President of the College Station Industrial Development Foundation,
explained the programs objectives and purpose. Mr. Goehring requested funds for
the amount of $50,000.
Phil Springer, from the Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce, explained how they
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.M.
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promote the City as a tourist and convention center. He requested $28,256.00 for
the Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Halter closed the public hearing on funds from Hotel Motel Tax Fund.
A~enda Item No. 8 - Consent A~enda.
Lions Park Development Project
Community Development Project PI-81-1
Thomas Park Phase II
Heritage Conservation & Recreation Service Project 48-00764
Krenek Tap Park Tennis Courts
Heritage Conservation & Recreation Service Project 48-00701
8,000 gallon asphalt storage tank
Hydraulic Sewer Cleaning Machine
Plats: Consideration of a final plat - Emerald Forest Phase 3.
Consideration of a final plat - Resubdivision of Lots 8 and 9; Block D;
College Heights Addition.
Consideration of a final plat - K.F.O. Addition Phase 3.
Consideration of a final plat - The Boardwalk.
Consideration of a final plat - Lincoln Place Addition.
Mayor Halter requested that park items be reviewed to benefit the public.
Steve Beachy, Parks and Recreational Director, presented and explained the
Park Development Projects.
The plats were approved by common consent of the Council with the provisions
stipulated by the P & Z Commission.
The bids were anDroved b~7 common consent of the Council as recommended by
the staff.
A~enda Item No. 9 - Consideration of an ordinance pertainin~ to utility rate
for Texas Instruments.
City Manager Bardell presented and explained the proposed ordinance.
Mayor Halter asked the public for any comments on the ordinance.
Councilman Kelly moved to approve the ordinance.
Councilman Ringer second the motion which passed unanimously with Councilmen
Dozier and Jones absent at the time.
This created Ordinance No. 1279.
Regular City Council Meetin§
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.M.
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Agenda Item No. 10 - Consideration of ordinance amending the Easterwood Field
Joint Airport Zoning Board.
Mayor Halter asked the Council to appoint two (2) representatives for College
Station to be on the board.
Councilman Runnels moved the approval with the Council appointing James S. Noel
and Albert O. Mayo as city's representatives.
Councilman Kelly asked Noel's qualifications for the board.
Councilman Runnels stated he is a civil engineer professional and has done de-
sign work on airports.
Councilman Kelly second the motion that passed unanimously.
This created Ordinance No. 1280.
Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of an ordinance regulating the purchase of
used jewelry and certain precious metals.
Mayor Halter presented and explained the ordinance and asked for questions from
the public.
City Manager Bardell stated the ordinance must be published 10 days in newspaper.
Councilman Ringer moved approval of the ordinance.
Councilman Kelly second the motion that passed unanimously.
This created Ordinance No. 1281.
Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of Resolution setting fee on permit for dealers
buying jewelry and certain precious metals.
CgDncilman Ringer moved to approve the resolution setting the fee for $50.00.
Councilman Kelly second the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Ringer moved to reconsider Ordinance No. 1281.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Kelly moved to change Section C in the Ordinance No. 1281 in which
state a permit is valid for 3 year to be changed to 1 year.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 13 - Request for funds for Texas Designers Craftsman State
Convention by Arts Council.
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.M.
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Jody Bates, of the Arts Council of Brazos Valley, explained to the Council
the State Conference of Texas Designers and Craftsman and how it is promoted.
The Council raised several questions concerning the Texas Designers and
Councilman Dozier moved to aid the Arts Council for the $2,000 in which they
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Stem No. 14 - Discussion of improvements of library services in College
Mayor Halter proposed to create a committee to study the means of improving
the library services in College Station.
Councilman Dozier stated that he would be opposed to a branch library if it
would duplicate the services of the Bryan Library.
Councilman Ringer stated his support and volunteered to become Chairman of
the committee.
The committee was chosen as follows:
1.) Councilman Ringer, Chairman
2.) Councilman Jones
3.) Councilman Runnels
Agenda Item No. 15 - Discussion of joint animal shelter.
Mayor Halter presented and explained the proposal for the animal shelter and
several proposed sites.
Councilman Jones moved to recommend the site on Finfeather Road for the joint
animal shelter.
Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 16 - Hear visitors.
No one spoke.
Agenda Item No. 17 - Closed session to discuss pendin8 litisation, land adquistions,
and personnel.
The Council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public.
Agenda Item No. 18 - Action on closed session.
Councilman Kelly moved to authorize the expenditure of $7,200 for addition of 2
personnel staff and office improvements for the Planning Department.
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Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.M.
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Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 19 - Adjourn.
Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting.
Regular City CouncilMeeting
Thursday, March 26, 1981
7:00 P.H.
3. ~.)~~ 21.
4. 22.
6. 24./_~.~
10. 28.
11. ' ~~~. /. 29.
12 ·~///~/,/~~ 30.
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