HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/12/1981 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, February 12 1981
7:00 P.M. '
Mayor Halter, Councilmen Runnels, Boughton. Ringer, Kelly, Jones,
Dozier, City Secretary Schroeder, Fire Marshal Davis,
Fire Chief Landua, Parks & Recreation Director Beachy, Recreation
Superintendent Rogers, Building Official Perry, Assistant Engineer
Smith, Public Works Director Ford, Traffic Engineer Black,
Energy Coordinator Albrecht.
City Manager Bardell, City Attorney Denton.
VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1-Approval of the minutes from the Workshop City Council Meeting of
Wednesday, Januar~ 21, 1981, the Regular City Council Meeting of Thursday, January 22,
1981, and the Special Workshop City Council Meeting of Wednesday, January 28, 1981.
Mayor Halter first made an announcement that the Drug Awarness Rally would be held
Thursday, February 19, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. at the Brazos Center.
Councilman Ringer pointed out one change in the ninutes of the Special Workshop City
Council meeting of January 28, 1981.
Councilman Ringer moved approval of the minutes with the change.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 2-A public hearing on the question of rezoning all of Lots 5 and 6,
Block 9~ of the Boyett Addition from Apartment Building District R-6 to General
Commercial District C-1. The application is in the name of Christian Science Society.
City Planner Mayo presented and explained the rezoning. The P&Z and staff did not
recommend rezoning because of the parking being a major problem in that area.
Mayor Halter opened the Public Hearing asking to hear from those in favor of the
rezoning first.
When no one spoke, he asked to hear from those opposed to the rezoning.
Gerardo Alanis spoke in opposition to the rezoning because of the parking problem in
that area.
Agenda Item No. 3-Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above two tracts.
Councilman Ringer moved denial of the rezoning request based on the recommendation of
the P&Z and staff.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 4-A public hearing on the question of rezoning 7 tracts of land being
portions of a 124.53 acre tract generally located north of University Drive and east
of Tarrow Street and Fed-Mart Drive as follows:
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22.880 acres from Single Family District R-1 to General Commercial
District C-1.
11.895 acres from Single Family District R-1 to Apartment District R-5.
6.631 acres from Single Family District R-1 to Apartment District R-4.
55.102 acres from Single Family District R-1 to Apartment District R-5.
8.322 acres from Single Family District R-1 to Administrative/Professional
District A-P.
11.013 acres from Single Family District R-1 to Apartment District R-5.
8.687 acres from Single Family District to Townhouse District R-3.
The application is in the name of J.W. Wood, Trustee.
City Planner Mayo explained the rezoning of the 7 tracts and stated that the P&Z and
staff recommended approval of rezoning tracts 1,3,4,5, and 7 and recommended denial
of rezoning tracts 2,3, and 6 to R-5 because of the adjacent R-1 zoned land.
Mayor Halter opened the Public Hearing asking to hear from those in favor of rezoning
J.W. Wood developer for the tracts explained the developement problems of this area
and how they came up with the plans for this tract. He pointed out that the Deed
Restrictions will guarantee enough control to make this a high quality developement.
Phyllis Hobson of Homefinder Realty spoke in favor of the rezoning request. She
spoke of the high quality of the developements.
When no one else spoke in favor of the proposed zoning change, Mayor Halter asked to
hear from those oppose.d.
Daniel Perkins President of the Post Oak Forest Homeowner's Association spoke against
the rezoning request because of the high density.
Harry Green, resident of Post Oak Forest, stated the homeowners were present when the
P&Z voted against approval of the tract as a whole. He pointed out that after the
home owners adjourned it was decided the land would be voted on tract by tract.
J.W. Wood explained he had not tried to mislead the homeowners, but was acting with
the best intentions of the rezoning request.
Anne Hazen of 1205 A Munson in College Hills stated she was concerned what impact this
rezoning would have on the traffic on 29th Street.
When no one else spoke the Public Hearing was closed.
Agenda Item No. 5-Consideration of an Ordinance rezonin$ the above seven tra~ts.
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Mayor Halter questioned the quality and manner this presentation had been made to the
Council. He suggested it be sent back to P&Z for reconsideration.
Councilman Jones suggested a compromise be reached.
Mayor Halter stated a compromise could be reached, but felt it should be done in P&Z.
Mr. Perkins stated that at a previous meeting Mr. Wood had stated R-3 was acceptable to
Pat Maher, Chairman of the P&Z Commission, stated that the P&Z had acted according to
correct procedure. He said the recommendation was made to the Council in the same
manner it was presented to the P&Z. He then answered questions of the Coucil.
Mayor Halter pointed out the Council had not received the minutes of the P&Z meeting
until the day of the Council Meeting.
The Council agreed they did not feel it was their place to formulate proper zoning for
the denied tracts.
Councilman Jones moved approval of the rezoning with tracts 2,3, 4, and 6 being zoned
R-4, tract 1 C-i, Tract 5 A-P, tract 7 R-3.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion.
Councilman Runnels stated his opposition to the rezoning. He felt the sense of urgency
for rezoning was improper conditions to conduct proper rezoning. Mr. Runnels stated
he did not think the city needs more Commercially zoned land and that he felt this land
should be left Residential.
Mayor Halter disagreed with Councilman Runnel's concept of Planning & Zoning.
Voting for the rezoning: Mayor Halter, Councilman Ringer, Boughton, Dozier, Kelly,
and Jones.
Voting against the rezoning: Councilman Runnels.
Making this Ordinance #1266.
Agenda Item No. 6-Consent Agenda.
Consideration of a preliminary plat - K.F.O. Addition Phase 3.
Consideration of a preliminary plat - Resubdivision of Lot 18, Block 10,
Southwood Section 26.
Consideration of a revised preliminary plat - Southwood Valley Section 22-C.
Consideration of a revised preliminary plat - Southwood Valley Section 19.
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Consideration of a final plat - Resubdivision of Part of Lot 1-F and
Lot 2, Block A; Culpepper Plaza Addition.
Consideration of a final plat - Chimney Hill Addition.
Consideration of a final plat - Resubdivision of Lot 2, Block 46,
Southwood Valley Section 10-A.
Consideration of a final plat - Dragon's Nest.
Consideration of a final plat - Southwood Valley Section 30.
Councilman Runnels asked that all plats be removed from the Consent Agenda in order to
get the City Planner's opinion.
City Planner Mayo presented and explained the plats. He stated that all of the plats
were approved by P&Z with certain conditions on some.
Plat #1 -
Councilman Ringer moved approval.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Jones abstained from voting.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #2 -
Councilman Ringer moved approval.
Councilman Jones seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #3 -
Councilman Kelly moved approval.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #4-
Councilman Kelly moved approval.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #5 -
Councilman Runnels moved approval.
Councilman Jones seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #6 -
Councilman Ringer moved approval.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #7 -
Councilman Boughton moved approval.
Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanumously.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #8 -
Councilman Kelly moved approval.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Councilman Dozier was not present at that time to vote.
Plat #9 -
Councilman Ringer moved approval.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanlmo~.~
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Mayor Halter stated that the city staff had requested that the lighting material for
two ball fields be removed from the bids on the Consent Agenda.
No other items were removed. The two other items were passed by common consent.
BIDS: 1. Used law books
2. Cab and chassis with Utility body
3. Lighting material for two ball fields
Purchasing Agent Weddle explained to the Council that Central Electric had requested
their bid be changed because of an error on their part. The Purchasing Department
and Parks and Recreation Director recommended the Central Electric bid be rejected
and the Priester-Mell & Nicholson bid be accepted and to rebid the lamps as a seperate
Councilman Jones moved to accept the Priester-Mell & Nicholson bid and to rebid, the lamps
as a seperate item.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion.
Voting For: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Kelly, Jones and Runnels.
Voting Against: Councilman Dozier.
Agenda Item No. 7-Presentation of Petition concerning rezonin~ question on a 53.03
acre tract alon~ the Highway 6 Bypass.
City Secretary Schroeder presented the Petition to repeal Ordinance #1258 passed on
January 8, 1981, to the Council.
Councilman Jones moved to hold a Public Hearing on the question of this Petition at
the next Regular City Council Meeting on February 26, 1981.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion.
David Stasney of 206 S. Baker, Bryan, and attorney representing residents of Raintree,
stated that in reading Section 105 of the city Charter he saw no need for the Public
Hearing to be held. Mr. Stasney suggested considering taking action immediatly.
Mayor Halter stated that the Council could call a public hearing and did not want to
take any action at that time without- the opinion of the City Attorney who was out of
All voted unanimously in favor of the public hearing.
Agenda Item No. 8-Consideration of a resolution setting child care fees.
Energy Coordinator Albrecht presented the proposed resolution and explained that
Ordinance #1252 allows the Council to set Childcare Fees by Resolution.
Councilman Boughton moved approval.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
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Agenda Item No. 9-Consideration of an ordinance ordering a general municipal election.
Councilman Dozier moved approval,
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously making it Ordinance #1267.
Agenda Item No. 10-Consideration of a contract for services for the general election.
Councilman Dozier moved approval.
Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. il-Consideration of an ordinance adopting the City Code.
Mayor Halter briefly explained the Codification for the benefit of those who were not
present at the workshop meeting.
City Secretary Schroeder recommended approval of the Ordinance enacting the Code.
Councilman Dozier moved approval.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously making it Ordinance #1268.
Agenda Item No. 12-Consideration of an ordinance adopting the 1979 Building Code with
1980 revisions and amendements.
Councilman Jones questioned what affect this would have on the builders in this area.
He did not feel the builders had enough opportunity to give input.
Eddie Schultz requested this be tabled in order to give the builders a chance for input.
City Secretary Schroeder suggested adopting the 1979 Building Code with the 1980
revisions and discuss the amendements later.
Councilman Boughton moved to adopt the 1979 Building Code with the 1980 revisions
and without the amendements.
Councilman Jones moved to table this consideration.
Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The Council appointed a committee to meet with the builders to discuss this with them:
Fire Marshal
Councilman Boughton
Councilman Jones
Councilman Kelly
Agenda Item No. 13-Hear visitors.
No one spoke.
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Agenda Item No. 14-Closed session concerning pending litigation and personnel.
The Council moved to closed session and later opened to the public.
Agenda Item No. 15-Action on Closed session.
Councilman Dozier moved to reappoint the present Board of Equalization; Detrich Bengs,
David Benson, and K.A. Manning. This will be the last Board of Equalization in
College Station due to the effect of the Peveto Bill.
Coucilman Ringer seconded the motion which passes unanimously.
Mayor Halter announced that the Bryan-College Station Apartment Owners have asked that
someone from the College Station City Council serve on the Ethics Committee which
consists of eight members; two owners, two managers, one representative from each city,
and two representatives from the Student Services.
Mary Elizabeth Herring volunteered.
Agenda Item No. 16-Adjourn.
Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting.
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, Februar~v 12, 1981
7:00 P,M.