HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/22/1981 - Regular Minutes City CouncilREGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Thursday, January 22, 1981
7:00 P.M.
City Manager Bardell, Mayor Halter, Coucilmen Runnels, Kelly,
Boughton, Dozier, Ringer, City Secretary Schroeder, City
Engineer Ash, City Planner Mayo
MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jones
VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register
Agenda Item No. 1-Approval of the minutes form the Workshop City Council Meeting
of January 7~ 1981, 4:00 P.M. and the Regular City Council Meeting of January 8,
1981~ 7:00 P.M.
Councilman Boughton pointed out a typographical error in the Workshop minutes of
January 7, 1981, 4:00 P.M.
Councilman Runnels moved approval of the minutes with the correction mentioned.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 2-A public hearing on the question of rezoning two tracts west of
and adjacent to F.M. 158 and 2~200 feet north of Highway 30 as follows:
TRACT A: 1.186 acres from Agricultural/Open District A-O to Commercial-Industrial
District C-2.
TRACT B: 2.246 acres from Agricultural/Open District A-0 to Single Family Residen-
tial District R-1.
The application is in the name of Mrs. Joyce Bell.
City Planner Mayo explained the rezoning and stated the staff and P&Z suggested
The public hearing was opened. When no one spoke it was closed.
Councilman Dozier moved to pass the proposed ordinance to rezone the two tracts of
land mentioned.
Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously making it Ordinance
Agenda Item No. 3-A public hearing to consider proposed 1981 Community Development
Block Grant Application.
Community Development Planner Jane Kee presented and stated that this was the final
public hearing before the application would be presented to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
Mayor Halter opened the Public Hearing.
Robert White spoke highly in favor of the Community Development Program.
Regular City Council Meeting page 2
Thursday, January 22, 1981
7:00 P.M.
Agenda Item No. 4-Consideration of proposed 1981 Community Development. Block Grant
Councilman Dozier moved to authorize the Mayor to make the application of the
proposed Community Development Block Grant.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion.
Ms. Kee answered questions of the Council. The motion was passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 5-Consent Agedna.
Consideration of a final plat - Post Oak Mall.
City Manager Bardell requested to delay this item. There was no objection from
the Council. Mayor Halter moved on to. the next item on the Agenda.
Agenda Item No. 6-Consideration of an ordinance increasin~ the fees of Health Service.
Councilman Ringer stated that he, Councilman Jones and City Manager Bardell had met
with some of the City's Restaurateurs. The major disagreement had been over the
inspection times being on an average of two hours. The Restaurateurs reported this
inspection time to be forty-five minutes to an hour. As a result the City Representa-
tives agreed on a fee of $50.00 for eating and drinking establishments, with the
understanding that the City Staff would continue to investigate this area.
Councilman Ringer moved to pass the Ordinance, making it Ordinance #1263.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A~enda Item No. 7-Consideration of a resolution increasin~ the fees of Health Service.
Councilman Ringer moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign Resolution #1-22-81-7
establishing Health inspection fees.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion.
Councilman Ringer stated this had been accepted by the Restaurateurs.
The motion was passed unan.imously.
A~enda Item No. 8-Consideration of an ordinance allowing oil and gas drilling in the
City Limits.
City Manager Bardell stated that he and City Attorney Denton had met with several
independent oil men who had operated under Municipal Ordinances. These representa-
tives of the Oil Industry had suggested the City take each drilling application
and consider it individually.
City Manager Bardell stated that the major consideration should be establishing a
permit fee and who should issue this permit.
The Council delayed action unt$1 a copy of the proposed ordinance was before the~.
Agenda Item No. 5-Consent Agenda.
Regular City Council Meeting
Thursday, January 22, 1981
7:00 P.M.
page 3
Consideration of a final plat - Post Oak Mall
Councilman Dozier requested removal of the Post Oak Mall plat which was the only
item on the Consent Agenda.
City Planner Mayo presented the plat. He stated the P&Z and staff recommended
approval of the plat with several changes; 1) that the plat be redrafted on a standard
24X36 size sheet, 2) that an electrical easement be taken care of, and 3) that an
access to Richard Smith's property be provided.
Councilman Dozier moved approval of the plat with the three conditions mentioned.
Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passes unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 8-Consideration of an ordinance allowing oil and gas drilling in
the City Limits.
The Council was furnished a copy of the proposed ordinance.
After much discussion the Council decided to pass the proposed ordinance with the
addition that the application be considered at a regular public meeting and the
fee shall be set by Council Resolution.
The Council appointed a committee to formulate the policy for permit application.
The committee appointed was:
Councilman Dozier - Chairman
Councilmen Kelly and Jones, City Manager Bardell, City Engineer Ash, City Planner
Mayo, and City Attorney Denton.
Councilman Kelly seconded the motion to pass the ordinance making it Ordinance #1264.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 9-Consideration of an ordinance providing requirements for Parkland
City Attorney Denton presented the proposed ordinance. He pointed out this ordinance
is more specific in stating where the Parkland Dedication money is spent and how
it is accounted for. He stated the two primary changes in this ordinance and the
present one are; a. attempts to prescribe a relationship between the location of
the ~arkland and the developement bearing the cost burden or to provide the same
relationship in the case that cash is paid in lieu of land and b. that the cash
payment will be refunded if it is not used within a two year period.
Councilman Runnels moved approval of the proposed ordinance with the addition of a
repeal sentence and an addition to Section 2 so that it includes all residential
Councilman Dozier seconded the motion which passed unanimously making it Ordinance
Regular City Council Meeting page 4
Thursday, January 22, 1981
7:00 P.M.
A§enda Item No. 10-Consideration of an ordinance increasin~ wrecker service fee.
Mayor Halter stated a delay had been requested in order that members of the
wrecker service could meet with members of the City Staff before action be
The Council agreed.
Agenda Item No. il-Closed session to discuss personnel and pendin~ litigation.
The Council moved to closed session and later opened to the public.
Agenda Item No. 12-Action on closed session.
No action was taken on closed session.
A~enda Item No. 13-Adjourn.
Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting.
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Regular City Council Heeting
Thursday, January22, 1981
7:00 P.H.
Please sign below:
1. ~,,,.,~1,/ Cl~..,,-~s k,4~ c_ 19.
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18. 36.