HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-1428 - Ordinance - 06/23/1983ORDINANCE NO. 1428 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 4 OF TflE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: CHAPTER 11, SECTION 4A. SCHEDULE OF RATES IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 4: ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. SCHEDULE OF RATES The monthly rates to be charged consumers for public utility services, namely electrzc connections, shall be in accordance with the schedules as follows: (1) Electric Rate - Schedule R (Reszdential Customers) (a) Applicable to single-family reszdential customers for all domestic usage where all energy is taken through a single meter. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. (b) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single phase, 120/240 volts. (c) Rate: Service Charge: $4.00 per month, plus Energy Charge: 9.5¢ per kwhr for the first 100 kwhrs; 6.5¢ per kwhr for the next 400 kwhrs; 5.8¢ per kwhr for all kwhrs over 500, except; 5.0¢ per kwhr for all kwhrs over 500 used per month in the billing months of November through April. (d) Multiple dwelling units where served under one (1) master meter shall be billed under Rate Schedule R-1. (e) Power Cost Ad3ustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be ~ncreased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. 038 1 automatic leaveon service will be b~lled at the be d~leted. Customers w~ll be required to contract with the City for th~s service provision. (2) Electric Rate - Schedule R-I (Ma~ter Metered Multiple Dwellmn~ Units~ Aopl~cable to multiple dwelling units for all d¢.mest~c usage wh~re all energy 1~ taken through one master meter. Service wall be f~rn~shed ander thls rate ~che~ule su~,O~ct to the es:abl~sh~d rules and regulations of the C~ty covering th~s t~pe of service. (b) Character of Service - A.C., ~0 cycles per s~cond, s~ngie-phase, 120/240 volts: three phase 120/2~0, 120/208.240/480, 277/~80. 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts a~ available at point of serv~e. Three- phase customers served v~a underground primary to pad-moanted transformers will b~ furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt Rate - The monthly rate charge for service under th~s schedul~ shall b~ determined as follows: The average kwh u~age per month per dwelltng uni~ shall be determined by d~vmd~ng the total monthly kwhrs purchased, as determined by the C~tv's master meter, by eighty-five percent (85%) of the total number of permanently constructed dwelling unlts. The indmvidual rate charge per dwelling unxt shall thence be computed on the basis of the average kwh usage per month per dwelling unit figured at the following rate: Service Charge: $4.00 per month per dwelling unit, plus Energy Charge: 9.5c per kwhr for the first 100 kwhrs: 6.5¢ per kwhr for the next 400 kwhrs; 5.8¢ per kwhr for ail kwhrs over 500, except; 5.0c per kwhr for all kwhrs over 500 used per month in the bill~ng months of November through Apral. The total monthly bill shall thence be determined bT multiplying rate charge computed under the above rate by eighty-five percent (85%) of the number of permanently constructed dwelling units. reziect the application o£ a power cost adoustment ca!cuiated in acc~rd~nce with Schenule FCA. Submeterln~ - Where electrmc service Ks ~ubmetere~, the words "dwelling unit" in the above rat~ and minimum bll] clauses shall be replaced with the word "submeter". k~ere service is taken hv the customer at the C~tx's available primary voltage, and where the custom=r ~nsralls, ow-as, operates. and ma2nta~ns all service facilities, mnclud~n~ metertng, re~uire~ to take service at such voltage, and where the cosromer provmdes for bill~n~ each month ~acb muitxoie dw=ll~ng un~£ tenant, a d~scount of ten percent (10%) of the net base rate bill w~ll be allo~d. Meter~n~ m~ be promar"' or ~condar~ ~correcte~ for transformer losses~ at the cmtv's option. Th~ customer operating the submeterlng system shall provzde electric servzce to his tenants and render bills therefor an strict accordance with the clectric submeter~ng rules and regulations as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas an Substantive Rule No., a cop} of which ~s on fil~ ~n the office of Clt} Secretary. All records and reports provided for ~n these rules and regulat~uns, other than those specified below, shall be made acailable to the clt~ upon request. The customer shall not ~mpose any additional charges on his tenants over and above those charges which are b~lled bY the Cmt}. for %er~ficatlon purposes, the customer shall, w~thln five (5) days after his tenant's bills are rendered each month, file a written report with the City showmng a reconciliation of his b~llang to his tenants plus the billing for owner used energy with the charges which are billed by the City. This renort shall provide as a mmnamum the follow~n~ ~nformation: A calculation of the average cost per kilowatt-hour for the current month. A listing of all submeter readings and billings, xncludxn~ kilowatt-hour usage metered and total rate charge, for the current month. (3) Electric Rate - Schedule SC (Small Commercial ¢,ustomers) Applicable te non-residential customers b~lled through a s~ngle meter whose monthly kmlowatt demand does not exceed 10 kW. Service will be furnished under th~s rate schedule subject to the established rules and re~ulataons of the City covering this type of service. . . .',J_ 1428 p'~c,r (b~ Character of Set%Ice - A.C., b0 c}cles per second, sangle- phase. 120/2~0 velts, three phase 120/2&0, 120/208, 240/450, 277/&80. 3400/&160, 7!00/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-pi]ese cuatomers served yea unoerground pramarw to pad-mounted transformers will be furnished only 120~208 or 277/480 volt service. ¢c) Rat=: Service Charge: $7.00 per month, plus Energy Charge: 10.8c per kwhr for the first 200 kwhrs; 9.3c per kwhr for the next 800 kwhrs; 6.3c per kwhr for all Kwnrs uver 1000. (~) Billin~ Demand - Demand meters may be installed on all such customers if ¢1; the anstalled load would indicate that demands over 10 kilowatts would be experienced: or (2) zf the monthly energy usage exceeds 3,500 kilowatt-hours. A customer on this schedule whose demand exceeds 10 kilowatts for anv b~llln~ period shall be billed unaer Schedule LP-1 for the ne,.[ twelve-month period begannlng w~th the current month. Power Cost Ad0ustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as n~cessarv to reflect the applicatlo~ of a power cast adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule FCA. Electric Rate - Schedule LP-1 (Medlu~ Commercial end Industrial Customers) (a) Applicable to al/ commercial and andustrial customers where service as taken through one meter at one point of delaverv and where the monthly kilowatt demand is between 10 KW and 500' KW. Serrate will be furnished under this rate schedule sub3ect to the established rules and regulations of the Catv covering this type of service. Before service is furnished hereunder, an individual service agreement contract between the Customer and the City may be required enriching all details of the service ~o be sapplaed, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. ('b) Character of Scrvzce - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single phase, 120/240 volts; three phase, 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2~00/4160, 7200/12,470 volts, as available at peen[ of serxlce. Three- phase custumers served via underground prmmarv to pad-mounted trans- formers will be furnashed only 120/208 or 277/480 volt servlCeo 03 81, ¢c) Rate: (d~ (e) (gl SerxAce Charge: S25.00 p~r month, plus; D~mand Charee: $8.00 per kW of monthlx' b~lling demand, plu~ Energy Charge: 3.2c per ~whr for th~ fxrst 50,000"r.~hrs:, 3.2c per kwhr for all kwhrs ev~r 50,OOL,. qtnAmm~, i~onthlv Charge - The minAmum monthlx charge under this rate schedule shall be the hxghest one of the £c, llu~zng ~har~ees: i) S105.00 per month plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. The sum of servzce charge and demand charge under th~ above rate plus applicable power cost adjustment on tne kilowatt-hours used. servzce contract w~th the CAt3'. vius applicable power co~t ad3ustment on the kxlowatt-hours used. Bilitn~ Demand - The billing demand shall be the maxxmum 15 minute measured kAlowatt demand zn the bAllAng p~rxod, but not less than 752 of the peak demand measured in the twelve month per~od endxng with the current month. Unless otherwAse specified in a fzrm electric serv1ce contract agreement, ~f at any tame a customer billed under thx~ scaedule contxnues for a per~od of twelve consecutive months without a demand an excess of 10 }.k, Schedule SC shall apply be~nnzng wxth the f~rst month succeeding such twelve month per~od. Lzkewxse, a customer on th~s schedule whose demand exceeds 500 KW for anv'bill~ng period shall be billed under Schedule LP-2 for the next twelve month period beginning w~th the current month. Power Factor - Should the power factor be lower than 0.90 lagging, the Cztv may adlust the measured demand by mult~pl~xng by the ratio of 0.90 £o the actual p,~wer factor. (5) ~qulpment. reouired to tak~ service mt such voltage, a credit of 4% of the baD= rat~ c,arges will be a!lnw~d. MeLerln~ may be primary or s~condar~ (corrected for £h~ lransformer losses) at the L ltv's (h) Power Cost,.~d)ustmsnt - The monthly charges under this rate schedul~ shall be increased or decreased ss necesssr~ to reflect the application of a power cost ad3ustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. (i) Offpeat Rider - k~ere the customer reimburses the C~t~ for the cos: of purchasmn~ and lnstallmng the required ~emana meterina equipment, as selected by the City, to contlnuoust~ monitor a customer's load peat, aemand, this off-peak rider shall apply la computing the customer's monthly electric bill. Unoer this rider, the d~mand for bmll~ng purposes shall be the h~nest one of the following: i) The peak demand measured durmng the period d~fined as the on-peak period, or il } The pea~ demand measured during the period defined as th~ on-pea~ period plus one-half the amount the pes~ demand meesured during the off-pee~ period e)cee~s the peak ~emand measured during the on-peak period. However, in no case shall the billing demand in an} month be less than 752 of the peak demand measured mn ~he twelve month Der~od end~_ng w~th the current month The periods for application of this rider are defined as follows: On-Peak Period 6:00 A.M. through 11:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday Off-Peak Period - 11:00 P.M. through 6:00 A.M. on Monday through Frldsy and 11:00 ~.M. on Friday through 6:00 A.M. on Monday. Electric Rate - Schedule LP-2 (Large Commercial and Industrial Cus:omers] (a) Applicable to all commercial and industrial customers where service is taken through one meter et one poant of deliver)' and where the monthly kmlowa~t demand is between 500 kW and 2500 kW. Service will be furnished under this rate ~chedule subject to the established rules and regulations ot the Cxt} covering thzs type of servxce. Before service is furnished however, an individual service agreement contract between the customer and the City may be requxred outlining ail details of the service to De supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. 03886 ,[ ..... £ ,( . 1428 I, - (c) td) Character of Sef~c~ - A.C., 60 cycles per ~c~.nd, s~n~le ~has~, 120z£~U volts: three ph~sc, 120/240, 120/208. 240/48U, 277/45C, Thr~-pn~se cttstcmer~ ~erved via und~r~round prlmar,' to l>ad-mounted ~ransfot~ers w~l! be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt Rate: Service Charge: $50.00 per month, plus Demand Charge: $4000.00 for the fzrst 500 KW of monthly billing demand $7.50 per KW of monthly bzllzng demand for all additzonal kW, plus Energy Charge: 3.4c p~r P~r for the fmrst 250.000 ~whrs: 3.0c per kwhr for all k~nrs over 250,000. Minimum Monthly Charge - The minzmum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the h~ghest one of the following charges: $4050.00 per month plus applicable power cost adjustment on thr kilowatt-hours used. rate plus applicable power cost adjustment on the P~lowatt- hours used. The minimum monthl,* charge specmt~ed zn the customer's ser~ce contract with the Czt~, plus applxcable puwer cost ad0ustment on the kmlowatt-nours used. Bill~n~ Demand - The billing demand shall be the maximum 15 mznute measured kilowatt demand mn the billing per~od, but not less than 75% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month per~od ending with the current month. Unless otherwise specified in a fzrm electrzc service contract agreement, zf at any time a customer billed under this schedule continues for a perzod of twelve consecutive months without a demand ~n excess of 500 KW, Schedule LP-i shall apply beginning w~th the fzrst month succeeding such twelve month per~od. Lzkew~sc, a customer whose demand exceeds 2500 KW for any b~llzng per~od shall be bzlled under Schedule LP-3 for the next twelve month perzod be~nnzng with the current month. Power Factor - Should the power factor be lower than 0.90 lagging, the CAt~ may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratao of 0.90 to the actual power factor. Primary. Service - ~ere service is taken by the customer at the C~tv's avamlable primary voltage and where the customer owns, operates, and maintains all service facilities, except o3a ? a crealt of 4;~ of th= base rate char~es will bc allowed. Power Cost ~dlustment - The monthly charges under this rate scbeiul~ shall be increased or decreased as nece%sar% tc refl=c£ the application of a power cost ad3ustmeut calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. OffveaP Rider - Where the customer reimburses the Czty for the lost of purchasing and installing the requlred demand metering equipment, as selected by the City, to continuously monitor a customer's loao peak demand, this off-peak rider shall appl} in computing the customer's monthl3 electric bill. Under thl& rider, the demand for bllling purposes shall be the highest of the following: The peak demand measured durxng the period defined as the on-peak perxod, or The peak demand measured during the period defined as the on-peak period plus one-half the amount the peak demand measured during the off-peak perlod e~ceeds the oeak demand measured during the on-pea~ period. However, in no case shall the billing demand in any month be less than 75% of the peak demand measured an the twelve month perxod endxng wlth the current month. The periods for applicatxon of thxs rider are defined as follows: On-Peak Per~od - ~:00 A.M. through 11:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday Off-Peal, Period - 11:00 P.M. through 6:00 A.M. on Monday through Friday and 11:00 P.M. on Friday through 6:00 A.M. on Monday. Electric Rate - Schedule LP-3 Ilndustrial Customers) (a) Applicable to all large industrial customers where servzce is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and who contract for at least 2500 ~ of monthly demand. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering th~s type of service. Before service is furmlshed hereunder, an mnd~vidual service a~reement contract between the Customer and the City may be required, out- l~n~ng all deta:ls of the service to be suppl~ed, the terms of the contract, and the obligations uf each party. (bi Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three-phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/280,277/480, 2400/41b0, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers ~erved via underground primary to pad-mounted trams- formers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. ~c) ?Jte Servmce Charge: $50.00 per month, plus; Demand Charge: Energy Charge: $18,750.00 for the fmrst 2500 Kb of monthl" billmng demand; $7.00 per Fk for all additional KW of b~lllng dewand, plus; 3.0¢ per kwha for the fxrst 900,000 kwhrs; 2.6¢ per kwhr for all kwhrs over 900,000. (d) Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the highest one of the following charges: 1) $18,800.00 per month plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. :) The sum of service charge and demand charge under the above rate plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt- hours used. 3~ The minimum monthly charge specified in the customer's service contract with the City, plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. O3 8S (g) (h) (i) ~mllzne Demand - The billing demand shall be the maxxmum 15 m~nute measured km]owatt demand in the billing per~od, buz not less than 75~ of the peak aemand measured in the twelve month per~od enuing with the current month. Unless otherwise speci- fied ~n a f~rm electrzc service contract agreement, if at any time a customer billed under th~s schedule contznues for a per~od of twelve cansecutive months wmthout a demand in excess of 25~a }~, Schedule LP-2 shall apply be~mnning with the f~rst mon~k succeeding such twelve month permod. Power factor - Should the power factor he lower than 0.~ lagging, the C~ty may adlust the measured demand b) multm- plvmng by the ratmo of 0.90 to the actual power factor. Primary Service - %~ere servmce ms taken by the customer at the Cmt¥'s a%amlab]e pr~mry voltage, and where the cus:omer owns, operates, and maintains all service facilities, except metering equipment, required to take service at such voltage, a credit of 4% of the base rate charges will be allowed. Metermng may be primary or secondary (corrected for the transformer losses) at the City's option. Power Cost Adjustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated mn accord- ance with Schedule PCA. Offpeak R~der - Where the customer reimburses the City for the cost of purchasing and installing the required demand metering equmpment, as selected by the City, to continuously monitor a customer's losd peak demand, this off-peak rider shall apply in computing the customer's monthly electric bill. Under this rider, the demand for billing purposes shall be the highest one of the following: 1) The peak demand measured during the period defined as the on-peak per~od, or The peak demand measured during'the period defined as the on-peak period plus one-half the amount the peak demand measured during the off-peak period exceeds the peak demand measured durzng the on-peak period. However, in no case shall the billing demand in any month be less than 75T of the peak demand measured zn the twelve month period ending with the current month. The periods for application of this rider are defined as follows: On-Pea~. P~rztd - c:O(, ~..F. tnrL, u_-n l]:0c F.G. o~ %,n~a, through Frlaa: tnr,.ugn Frlda% and 11:00 P..~. [riGa, through ~:00 A..~:. o~ '-) Electrmc Rare - Scheou]~ SL (175 Watt Security Llzhts~ fa) ~oDlicabie to service 175 watt ~ecur~ty l~ghts ~nstalled and maintained by ~he C~tv for customers st their request. Tbs cus:omer will b~ ~equmred to contract for thls ser%lce for a period to be determzned b} the City. Service will De furmlshed under t]]~s rate schedule sub3ect to the establ!sh~ rules and regulatzons of the Cztv coverzng this type of service. (b) Character of Service - Security l~ht~n~ e~u~pmen~, Ancludzng lamps, fi:.tures, contr¢.l un,ts: an~ tbs'necessary securer% ]~ht~ng ctrcu:ts, transf~,rmers, guys~ anchors, f~trzugs,'etc. w~ll be fur~sh~d by the Cit% sub3ect to the pa}ment of an tnstmllatzon fee as set b} the C~tv. (c) Rake - $8.25 per month per light. ~d) Power best ~d~_9_ustment - The monthl} charges unoer th~s rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the appllcatlon of a power cost sdjusgment (based on'estimated 63 kwhrs per lzght per billing period) calculated mn accordance w~th Schedule PCA. (8) Electrmc Rate - Schedule SL (400 Watt Securlt~ Light$~ (a) Applicable to service 400 watt security l~ghts mnstalled and ma2ntalned by the Citx for customers at their request. The customer will be required to contract for this servlce for a per~od to be determtned by the City. Servlce wmll be furn2ahed under this rate schedule sub3ect to the established rules and regulatlons of the C1t} coverlng this type of service. (b) Character of Service - Security lightmng equipment, includ~n~ lamps, fxxtures, control units, and the necessary security ltghting c~rcu~ts, transformers, guys, anchors, ~ittlngs,'etc. will be furnished by the City sub~ecr to the payment of an mnstaliation fee as set by the C~%. (c) Rate - $11.55 per month per light. Cd) Power Cost Adjustment - The month]~ charges under thms rate schedule shall be mncreased or dec~eased as necessary to reflect the application of s power cost ad3ustment (based on estimated 144 kwnrs per l~ght per bml]ing per~od) calculated tn accordance w~th Schedule PCA. O3851 1428 Electric Pmte - Schedule PCA (Power Cost Adjustment Factor5 The formula for calculatxon of the I'nwer Cost Adouqtment Factor shall be as follows: PCA = ,WC - (P)(K) - CF~ ~ S J befmnitions: PCA -- WC = CF = Power cost adoustment factor (6 per kwh~ rounded to the nearest 0.0001¢. ~otal wholesale cost of energ} purchased b} the C;tv from its supplxer for the xmmediately precedmng billing month. ($) Total energy purchased by the Cxty from ;ts supplier for the ~mmed~atelv preceding bmlling month. Ckwh) Base wholesale power cost ~ncluded mn the Cith's retail elecrrmc rate schedules ($0.03 per kwh) Total estimated kwh sales to City customers for the current City hilling per~od. Correction factor adoustment to be supphed in the current billing month to provide for correct,on of the variance between actual and estzmated power cost adous=ment revenues derived from the Power Cost Adjustment Factor for the second preceding billing month prior to the curreat blllmng month. ($) The formule for calculation of the Correction Factor ms as follows: CF = (A) - (~) where (A) = The actual power cost adjustment revenues received from application of the Power Cost AdJustment F~ctor mn the secoud preceding billing month. ($) (B) = %'he actual power cost adjustment revenues which should have been collected from application of the Power Cost AdJustment Factor in the second preceding hzlling month. Ii. SECTIO:~ ~F, EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATES, IS qEREB~ A~nCNDED TO PEAk. F. Effectxx'e Date of Rates These races shall be effective on all xnvox~es subm~tte¢ b> the 61tx of College Station to users on or a~ter Jul, 1, lq63. III. Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance be aeclared unconstmtutlonal or invalxd for any purpose, the remainder of thms ordinance shall not be affected thereby. IV. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are renealed to the extent of the conflict only. V. and. mt ~s ordained that this ordinance shall become effective from and after ~t. passage mn accordance with the City charter of ~he Clt~ of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ~lrd DAY OF Jlb-~e . 1983. APPROVED: f_/ _1//,:'/' Ga~v~--~al t~t Mayor ATTEST: D~an Bones, Ct~Secretary