HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/1985 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
4:00 P.M.
Mayor Halter, Councilmen Bond,
Boughton, Brown, McIlhaney, Runnels
Councilman Tongco
City Manager Bardell, Assistant City
Manager VanDever, City Attorney Locke,
City Secretary Jones, Deputy Finance
Director Schroeder, Utilities Office
Manager Piwonka, Assistant Utilities
Office Manager Albright, Purchasing
Agent McCartney, Personnel Director
Dickson, Administrative Assistant
Magoon, Administrative Assistant
Barnett, Council Coordinator Jones
Mike Hachtman
See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Council concerns.
Councilman Runnels stated that Mr. Dennis Driscoll, 213 Redmond
Terrace, had called and reported that the water lines in front of
his house had broken. He inquired about any plans that the city
has for remedying this problem.
City Engineer Pullen stated that the staff is in the process of
designing replacement service for this area.
Councilman Boughton stated that she had received several calls
from citizens questioning why the sidewalk on Southwest Parkway
was not going to be extended to Texas Avenue. She noted that she
had spoken with City Engineer Pullen concerning the matter and
he informed her that it would be an expensive undertaking to ex-
tend the sidewalk to Texas Avenue. She further stated that she
requested the staff to investigate the possibility of extending
the sidewalk along the north side of Southwest Parkway to the
parking lot of the Parkway Plaza Shopping Center and return cost
estimates to the Council.
City Engineer Pullen stated that he would bring cost estimates
for the proposed project to Council for consideration sometime in
Councilman Boughton reported that the Administration Offices in
City Hall were extremely warm and questioned the efficiency of
turning the air conditioning system off in the evenings rather
than raising the thermostat.
Utilities Office Manager Piwonka stated that if the Administra-
tion Offices are not getting cool it probably is a result of mai-
functioning equipment and noted that the problem would be re-
Councilman Brown stated that the Emerald Forest Homeowners Asso-
ciation had approached him again about the possibility of the
city erecting stop signs at the intersection of all the streets
in the subdivision that cross Emerald Forest Parkway.
Mayor Halter requested Traffic Engineer Black to investigate the
Councilman McIlhaney stated that a citizen had contacted her re-
questing that the city erect a street light at the intersection
of Emerald Forest Parkway and the East Bypass Frontage Road.
City Manager Bardell pointed out that there is no electric ser-
vice at that location, but noted that he would investigate the
possibility of extending electrical service to the area.
Councilman McIlhaney asked if the city has any plans for striping
Rio Grande Boulevard and if so would it be completed prior to the
start of fall classes. She noted that striping would improve the
safety in the vicinity. She reported that the speed sign erected
on Sebesta Road has been completely painted over. She questioned
whether the city has made any provisions for intensifying police
patrol around the schools in the early mornings and the late af-
City Manager Bardell replied affirmatively.
Councilman McIlhaney noted that she had received some literature
on Davis, California, the bicycle capitol of the world, which she
brought to share with the Council and staff. She stated that she
received this information from a citizen who had written her to
express thanks to the Council for consideration of the bicyclists
on Southwest Parkway.
Student Government Liaison Hachtman stated that there is not a
street light at the intersection of FM 2818 and West Holleman.
He reported a large pile of trash at the intersection of West
Holleman and Wellborn near the railroad tracks.
Councilman Boughton asked if Southern Pacific Railroad had con-
tacted the city concerning the proposed crossing at Holleman.
City Attorney Locke stated that all the contracts have been
signed and they have a year from the date of signing.
City Engineer Pullen stated that he had spoken with an engineer
with Southern Pacific concerning the scheduling of the city's
portion of the project and he informed him that they would proba-
bly be available the first of February, 1986.
Mayor Halter announced that the city had received the Municipal
Finance Association's Certification for the audit for FY1984-85.
He noted that this is the fourth year that the city has received
the certification. He thanked the Ea~le and other news media for
their efforts in promoting the city's Load Management Program.
He further stated that the Postal Service is considering the con-
struction of an additional Post Office in College Station. He
urged the Council to write individual letters in support of the
A~enda Item No. 2 - Discussion of feasibility of chan~in~ fiscal
year date.
City Manager Bardell presented the item. He pointed out that the
city's current fiscal year does not parallel many other govern-
mental entities and has very little uniformity as it relates to
them. He stated that the primary problem relates to the fact
that the municipal election occurs in April, which results in new
Councilmembers having to come into the middle of the budget pro-
cess. He explained that new Tax Laws of the State of Texas pre-
sent another problem with the current fiscal year date.
Assistant City Manager VanDever listed the advantages that might
be achieved by changing the fiscal year date as follows: (1)
Remedy the awkward timing in establishing the annual tax rate
considering the "truth in taxation" requirements; and, (2) Allow
newly elected councilmembers to become more familiar with current
city matters and the procedures of the budget process. He listed
the disadvantages that relate to the proposal to change the fis-
cal year date as follows: (1) Additional interim audit would in-
cur additional expense and staff time; (2) Distortion of the ten
year trending and forecasting information due to the change over
period; (3) Loss of vacation flexibility during the summer vaca-
tion months for the Council and staff; (4) Production of an in-
terim budget for the change over period; (5) Consideration of an-
nual salary adjustments and how to administer them, in order to
insure continued uniformity with each annual budget cycle; and,
(6) Loss of good bargaining position regarding the selection of
auditors, noting that the current fiscal year falls between the
tax year and most other governmental entities audit year.
Mr. David Fetzer, the city's Financial Advisor, noted that the
October 1 - September 30 Fiscal Year is being considered because
it most closely coincides with the tax year. He pointed out that
with the changes in the state tax law the 10/1 - 9/30 fiscal year
may not work as well as it used to work. He stated that College
Station does not have the problem of having taxes as a primary
revenue base, which most cities do, who have the 10/1 - 9/30 fis-
cal year. He noted that changing the fiscal year represents a
very major decision and would impact negatively the city's pre-
sentation to rating agencies and bond buyers.
City Manager Bardell summarized the Charter requirements for con-
currently adopting the budget and tax rate, noting that they are
not State requirements. He stated that if further consideration
is given to changing the city's fiscal date, review of the char-
ter requirements should be undertaken. He stated that the prob-
lems encountered concerning new councilmembers coming into the
middle of the budget process might be better addressed by chang-
ing the date of the municipal election.
Mayor Halter addressed the possibility of changing the election
date and noted that the only other feasible date would be the
third Saturday in January. He pointed out that having the elec-
tion in January might possibly get national and state issues in-
volved in municipal elections.
After further discussion concerning the possibility of changing
the date for the municipal election, Mayor Halter reiterated that
the problem is one of education of newly elected councilmembers
in regard to budgetary matters. He pointed out that unless the
city is going to back up the budget process and begin the initial
phases much earlier so that the Council has a longer time to ex-
amine the budget the same problem might still be encountered. He
noted that the further the budget process is backed up the less
accurate the projections become.
Councilman Bond questioned how the city plans to solve the prob-
lem created by the new "truth in taxation" law.
Deputy Finance Director Schroeder explained that in the adoption
of the budget rather than adopting an ordinance levying the
taxes, the ordinance could state that per the City Charter the
city will adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance of tax par-
ticipation notices, which would in effect fund the budget through
participation notices. He noted that the tax rate could then be
finalized after the tax roll is certified by the Appraisal Dis-
After further discussion, the Council concurred to have discus-
sion of the matter rescheduled on the Workshop City Council Meet-
ing Agenda, September 11, 1985.
A~enda Item No. 3 - Consideration of a resolution concernin~
Treasur~ Tax reform proposal.
City Manager Bardell presented the item. He stressed that the
one percent rule is particularly offensive to municipalities who
own electrical systems and presented evidence in support of the
Mr. David Fetzer stated that the proposal will eliminate all ad-
vance refundings. He expressed his opinion that municipalities
should maintain the ability to refund their debt when the inter-
est rates change favorably.
Mayor Halter pointed out that if the proposal is approved no ad-
vance refundings will be allowed after December 31, 1985. He
stated that the city has asked its financial advisors to investi-
gate the feasibility of authorizing an advance refunding of the
city's General Obligation Bonds. He noted that the Council would
be considering a resolution in September or October to indicate
the Council's interest in the refunding.
After further discussion, Mr. Fetzer recommended that the Council
act favorably on the proposed resolution.
Councilman Boughton moved approval of Resolution No. 08-21-85-03
in opposition to the President's Treasury Tax reform proposal.
Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which was approved unani-
mously, 6-0.
A~enda Item No. 4 - ~djourn.
Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 5.-05 P.M.
Dian Jon~ Secretary
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