HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/1987 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Jones, Brown,
Gardner, McIlhaney
COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmen Boughton and Haddox
Assistant City Manager Ragland, City
Attorney Locke, Director of Planning
Callaway, Director of Capital Improve-
ments Ash, Deputy Finance Director
Schroeder, Director of Parks and
Recreation Beachy, Assistant Director
of Parks and Recreation Cisneros, City
Secretary Jones, Public Information
Officer Calliham, Council Coordinator
Kevin Buchman
See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Signing of a proclamation designating
September 26, 1987 as "Hunting and Fishing Day" in Colleg~
Station, Texas.
Mayor Ringer signed the proclamation designating September 26,
1987 as "Hunting and Fishing Day". Elrey Ash, representing the
Brazos 4-H Sportsman's Club, accepted the proclamation.
Agenda Item No. 2 - Signing of a proclamation designating the
month of October as "Learning Disabilities Month" in the City of
College Station.
Mayor Ringer signed the proclamation and presented it to Ms.
Maxine Pickard, representing the Texas Association of Children
with Learning Disabilities.
Agenda Item No. 3 - Council Concerns.
Councilman Brown stated that he recently was made aware that the
City of College Station's water supply is not fluoridated. Mayor
Ringer responded that the Council will have an opportunity to
discuss this topic at the first meeting in October.
Agenda Item No. 4 - City Manager Concerns.
Acting City Manager Ragland did not report any concerns.
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Agenda Item No. 5 - Approval of the minutes of the Cit~ Council
Workshop Meeting, September 9, 1987, the Joint Cit~ Council
Meeting, September 9, 1987, the Cit~ CounCil Special Meeting,
September 10, 1987, and the Cit~ Council Regular Meeting, Septem-
ber 10, 1987.
Councilman Gardner referred to paragraph one, page 5 of the mi-
nutes of the September 10th regular meeting. He corrected the
last word to read "firm" instead of "team".
Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the minutes as corrected.
Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
AGenda Item No. 6 - CONSENT AGENDA:
Final Plat - Woodcreek Block C Lot 1 (87-210)
This item was approved by common consent.
Agenda Item No. 7.- Congideration of an ordinange setting the
1987 tax rate.
Councilman Brown moved to approve Ordinance 1725 setting the 1987
tax rate at $.38/$100. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Jones and approved by a unanimous vote of 5-0.
AGenda Item No. 8 - Consideration of a resolution endorsing.the
federal minimum securit~ cam~.a.t the Allen Academ~ site.
Mayor Ringer stated that this item is to express an endorsement
by the City Council, of a proposal to locate a federal minimum
security camp in Bryan.
Councilman Jones moved to adopt the resolution endorsing the Col-
lege Station City Council's support toward the federal minimum
security camp at the Allen Academy site.
Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unan-
imously, 5-0.
AGenda Item No. 9 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing the
Ma~or to execute a lease for the old cit~ hall site.
CIP Director Elrey Ash presented the item. He stated that Mr.
and Mrs. Anz previously submitted a bid for the old city hall
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property. The city-owned tract includes the old city hall struc-
ture and twelve lots, eleven facing Wellborn Road and one lot at
the corner of First and Church Street. The bid proposal from
Mr. and Mrs. Anz specified $2,206.00 per month for a period of
ten years with a five-year option to renew. Mr. Ash pointed out
that the Council asked the staff to negotiate further with Mr.and
Mrs. Anz. He noted that in the city's best interest, the terms
should state a five-year lease with a five-year option to renew.
Mr. Ash distributed copies of a lease proposal drafted by the
city attorney; he explained that Mr. and Mrs. Anz have indicated
they will agree to lease Lots 1-7 along Wellborn Road and Lot 22
located at First and Church Street. In this case, $1,470.67
would be payable each month for five years. Also, the terms of
the lease state that renovation of the structure shall be
brought to code within a 24-month period.
Councilman Gardner inquired about the possibility of providing a
parking lot for the Northgate area. Mr. Ash replied that the
staff reviewed this consideration and concluded that the location
of this property does not readily lend itself to the construction
of a commercial lot unless some type of shuttle service were of-
fered in conjunction with the lot. Mr. Ash further stated that
there is a possibility the city and the State Department of High-
ways and Public Transportation could work together to build a
park-and-ride facility on the remaining four lots.
Councilman Brown moved approval of the resolution authorizing the
Mayor to sign a lease with Mr. and Mrs. Anz for the old city hall
Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 5-0.
Councilman Brown thanked Mr. and Mrs. Anz for their patience and
time spent with the city staff.
Agenda Item No. 10 - Consideration of support for a request by
TAMU to the State Department o~ Highways and Public Transpor-
tation for street signage and graphics.
Mr. Ash stated that this item related to highway signs along
roadways entering into the city and in the vicinity of the main
campus. He stated that the staff sees no problem in supporting
the report provided by Texas A&M University.
Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the city's support for the
Texas A&M University Report on street signage and graphics to the
State Department of Highways.
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Councilman Jones seconded the motion.
unanimously, 5-0.
The motion was approved
Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of user fees for FY 1987-88 at
the Community Center.
Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Tony Cisneros reported
that the Con~nunity Center Advisory Committee appointed a subcom-
mittee to update the user fees for the Community Center. He
noted that the committee recommended reducing commercial rates to
promote more usage; the evening rates were also used to encourage
increased usage as opposed to further usage in daytime. The most
important aspect, in the committee's opinion, was to simplify the
categories for a clearer interpretation of the fee schedule.
Councilman Brown asked Mr. Cisneros how the different rate
changes will affect city revenues. Mr. Cisneros replied that the
committee believes the increased volume will offset the rental
costs and bring a better return of revenue for the Con~unity
Councilman Brown moved approval of the user fees for 1987-88 at
the Community Center as recommended. Councilman Jones seconded
the motion.
The motion to approve the recommended fees passed by a unanimous
vote, 5-0.
Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of award of contract for
irrigation of the Police Station Grounds. (G-81-81-02).
Mr. Cisneros stated that the staff recommended acceptance of the
low bidder, Prince Irrigation, whose bid was $3,850.00 for the
irrigation system on the Police Department grounds.
Councilman Jones moved approval of awarding the contract for the
irrigation system on the Police Department grounds, Project
G-81-81-02, to Prince Irrigation for the amount of $3,850.00.
Councilman Jones' motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and was
approved unanimously, 5-0.
Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of award of contract for
landscape construction of the Police Station Grounds.
Mr. Cisneros showed a rendering of the landscaping proposed for
the grounds at the Police Building. He explained that the desian
would maintain the quality level established for landscap.t~fg~57!
Page 5
municipal buildings in the city.
Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the low bid of Prestige
Environments in the amount of $27,295.00 for the landscape con-
struction at the police grounds, Project No. G-81-81-02.
Councilman Jones seconded the motion, which was approved unani-
mously, 5-0.
Agenda Item No. 14 - Consideration of an ordinance assessing
proDerty owners in the College Hills Subdivision for the cost o~
replaced sewer line laterals on private property and for levying
the assessment for the Dayment of the cost of fixing a charge ana
lien upon said properties.
CIP Director Ash noted that the council packet contains the "con-
sent to relocate" forms from the private property owners who
chose to use the city's contractor for the placement of the sewer
line laterals.
He noted that twenty-one homeowners accepted to use the city's
contractor and each owner will be assessed 8 percent interest
charged against the unpaid balance on the amount for each prop-
erty owner choosing a five-year pay plan. The total cost to be
borne by the City is $22,171.00.
Councilman McIlhaney asked if staff received any calls regarding
the interest rate. City Attorney Locke replied that the Engi-
neering staff informed several callers that the interest rate
is 8 percent.
Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance 1726 assessing prop-
erty owners in the College Hills Subdivision for the cost of re-
placing sewer line laterals on private property.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner and carried unan-
imously, 5-0.
Agenda Item No. 15 - Hear Visitors.
No one came forward to speak.
Agenda Item No. 16 - Closed session to discuss land acquisition
[6252-17(2)(f)] and personnel [6252-17(2)(9)].
The council assembled in closed session.
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Agenda Item No. 17 - Action on closed session.
The Council reconvened in open session. Mayor Ringer invited
councilmembers to submit nominations for the appointments under
Councilman Jones moved to appoint members to the Wolf Pen Creek
Project Steering Committee as follows: Councilman Dick Haddox,
Councilman Fred Brown, Councilman Jim Gardner, Walter Wendler
(Planning and Zoning Commission), Judy Arnold (Parks and
Recreation Board), and Jim Jett.
Councilman Gardner seconded the motion, which was approved unan-
imously, 5-0.
Councilman Jones moved to appoint Brett Henry to the Zoning Board
of Adjustments as a regular member to complete a term expiring
April 1988 (previously held by John B. Evans), and to appoint
Glenda Baker as an alternate member, term expiring April 1989.
This motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and was approved by
a vote of 5-0.
Councilman Jones moved to appoint Terry Vernon as a member of the
Energy Management Committee.
Councilman Gardner seconded the motion, which carried unanimously
by a vote of 5-0.
Councilman Gardner moved to appoint three members to
Community Appearance Committee for two-year terms, as follows:
Phillis Nelson, Diana Kratchman, and Hugh Nations.
Councilman Jones seconded the motion, which was approved unan-
imously, 5-0.
Agenda Item No. 18 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
City Sec.~e~ary Dian
City Council Regular Meeting
Thursday, September 24, 1987
7:00 P.M.
· ~L~.~,o~_ .
5. 17.
6. 18.
7. 19.
8. 20.
9. 21.
16. 22.
11. 23.
12. 24.