HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/1988 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Haddox,
Birdwell, McIlhaney, Gardner
COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmen Brown and Schneider
City Manager Ragland, City Secretary
Jones, City Attorney Locke, City
Engineer Pullen, Assistant Director of
Parks and Recreation Cisneros, Assistant
to the City Manager Piwonka, Budget Di-
rector Schroeder, Public Information Of-
ficer Calliham, Council Coordinator
See guest register.
A~enda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns.
Councilman Haddox reported that Mr. Ed Latta recently resigned as
the President of the Bryan Economic Development Foundation. He
stated that it might be an opportune time to begin thinking about
the possibility of merging the College Station Economic Develop-
ment Foundation and Bryan Economic Development Foundation as one.
Councilman Birdwell agreed.
Councilman Gardner mentioned that he attended the last meeting of
the C.S. Economic Development Foundation and he felt background
material should be provided to the Council on role, funding, fi-
nancial obligations, etc. of the various Brazos County develoDment
Mr. Gardner clarified to the audience that the Council is not
considering a resolution condemning the movie, "The Last Tempta-
tion of Christ." Mr. Gardner asked if the staff has begun to work
on the situation regarding a certain vehicle parked in a neighbor-
hood. Mrs. Locke replied that she has drafted an ordinance and
she will review the ordinance with Planning Director Callaway.
Mayor Ringer indicated that he has no intentions of placing a
resolution on the agenda regarding "The Last Temptation of
Christ." Councilman Birdwell agreed that he would not want to see
this issue placed on future agendas.
Councilman Birdwell reported that he attended the Metropolitan
Planning Organization meeting. A report was presented by Wilbur
Smith & Associates, consultants preparing a study for the reloca-
tion of the railroad. He commented that the original reports in
1980 and the current reports reflect the fact that the railroad
will not likely be relocated without substantial financial support
from the City of College Station. A ~853
Page 2
Mr. Birdwell suggested that this issue be placed on a future
agenda to discuss the possibility of placing a referendum on the
next May election ballot to receive citizen input.
Councilman Gardner added that he hoped there will be an opportu-
nity that this issue be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission as it relates to land use and other aspects of the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
Agenda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns.
City Manager Ragland reported no concerns.
Agenda Item No. 3 - Signing of a proclamation designatigg the week
of September 17-23, 1988 as "Constitution Week".
Mrs. Cluck and Mrs. Cooper were present to accept the proclama-
tion signed by Mayor Ringer.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Approval of the minutes of the City Council
S~ecial Meeting, August 4, 1988, the City Council Joint Session
with County Comm~ssl~oners, August 8, 1988, the Workshop Meeting,
August 10, 1988, and the Regular Meeting, August 11, 1988.
Councilman Birdwell corrected page 10, August 4th minutes, third
paragraph to read "...that the city should find ways to encourage
vacant areas surrounded by development to be developed."
Several corrections were made prior to the meeting.
Councilman Gardner deleted the second sentence of the second para-
graph, page 5, August 4th minutes. Mr. Gardner asked that the
sewerage usage monthly service charge fee be checked for commer-
cial customers. This was noted on page 8 of the August 4th
minutes. The statement was corrected to read that the commercial
customers proposed monthly service charge is $4.00 plus $1.30
water usage per gallonage charge. Mr. Gardner referred to page 9,
paragraph 7, of the same minutes changing the word or to and on
the third line.
Mr. Gardner changed the word map to plan in the fourth paragraph,
page 3, August 8th minutes. In the August 10th minutes, page 7,
next to last paragraph, the word repressive should be regressive.
In the August llth minutes, page 3, under Agenda Item No. 5 the
second sentence should read that "He expressed concern that
separate units would be of a unified design." On page 8, second
paragraph, Ms. Attorney should be corrected to state, Ms. Locke.
Page 3
Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the corrected minutes.
Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
Agenda Item No. 5 - A Dublic hearing on proposed FY 1988-89 Annual
Budget Director Schroeder explained to the Council that all
advertising was completed in accordance with the City Charter.
Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing.
Ms. Terri Tongco, 2705 Woodcliff, C.S. came forward to address the
Council. She explained that she was present on behalf of the
College Station Public Library and that the budget which funded
the library three years ago was basic funding. She stated that
three decision packages in the proposed budget will enable the
library to continue providing its basic service. These are as
follows: shelving spaces, an additional card catalog, and an
outside book return. Total requests are $7,000. She asked that
these items be considered in the basic budget for next fiscal
Ms. Phillis Nelson, 1413 Austin, C.S. addressed the Council. She
manages the Brazos Valley Contract Procurement Office and has
educated 145 small businesses in the past 14 months. She
commented on several of the accomplishments of the office. Ms.
Nelson concluded by requesting $7,500 funding.
Mr. Charles Zickerman, 3800 Holly Dr., Bryan, addressed the
Council. He serves as Regional Manager for Ethany Check Protec-
tor Company. He added to Ms. Nelson's comments and urged the
Council's financial support to the Brazos ~alley Contract Pro-
curement Office.
Mr. Page Heller, 2511 Monitor, came forward to speak to the
Council. He is the owner of Micon Engineering and he expressed
his support for the Procurement Office.
Mr. Rusty Higham of the Bryan/College Station Athletic Federa-
tion came forward and thanked the city for previous year's fund-
ing. This year's request is $10,000. He described several events
which which have taken place in the past year and events scheduled
for the future.
Councilman Gardner asked if the B/CS Atheltic Federation request
was reviewed by the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee.
' ?. 855
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Mayor Ringer replied negatively. Funding will be allocated at the
same level as last year which was $7,500.
Mr. John Crompton of 1000 Rose Circle, C.S., addressed the
Council. He serves as President of the Aggie Swim Club. He asked
that this organization be included for monies from the Hotel/Motel
Tax Fund, if monies become available in the next few months.
Mr. David Shellenberger, representing the B/CS Chamber of Commerce
addressed the Council. He requested that the Council consider
meeting the Chamber's requests if additional monies are made
Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing.
AHenda Item No. 6 - Discussion. of proposed 1988 tax rate and
settin~ of date for public hearing.
Budget Director Schroeder explained that this item relates to the
the Truth and Taxation Act. The legislature changed this law sig-
nificantly whereby two calculations are required. According to
the Brazos County Appraisal District, the effective tax rate has
been calculated at ($.3821/$100 valuation) and the rollback tax
rate calculated at ($.3421/$100 valuation).
Councilman Birdwell moved to adopt a proposed property tax rate of
$.3925/$100 valuation and eliminate the drainage surcharge on the
utility bills. He explained that the revenues generated from the
property tax increase would be about $140,000 - the same amount
the city collects in drainage assessment fees. He added that the
maintenance of drainage would be paid for through property taxes
rather than paying for maintenance of drainage through the sur-
charge on the utility bills.
Councilman Birdwell also suHgested that at the appropriate time,
he will propose to the Council to increase the amount the city
funds the library from $190,000 to $210,000 to allow the library
further growth. He added that three years ago, the City raised
taxes two cents for the establishment of a library. At this time,
the full two cents has not been fully budgeted and he will ask
that $20,000 be funded from contingency fund.
Finance Director Harrison explained that the manpower and
equipment used for drainage are also being used by the sanitation
Page 5
fund equipment and personnel. The sanitation fund is an enter-
prise fund which does not receive general tax revenues. He does
not feel any insurmountable problems would be created in handling
this tax rate change. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion.
Mayor Ringer pointed out that if the Council votes on a tax rate,
the tax rate can be decreased, not increased during the public
The motion carried by a vote of 3-2.
FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Birdwell, Gardner
AGAINST THE MOTION: Councilmen McIlhaney and Haddox
Councilman McIlhaney asked that the staff look into this and see
if there are any areas which may become a problem by changing the
drainage surcharge to the general revenue account. Mayor Ringer
also asked that staff contact other cities about the set-up of
their drainage assessments.
Councilman Birdwell moved approval to set a public hearing date
for the proposed tax rate at 5:30 p.m. on September 8, 1988.
Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 5-0.
A~enda Item No. 7 - Consideration of the abandonment of a portion
of an alleywa~ adjacent to Lot 10, Block 3, Southeast College
Park. (ADDlicant: Judith B. Corley)
City Engineer Pullen explained that the abandonment request by
the applicant is for a part of an alley which is not currently
used. Staff recommended approval of the abandonment. Mr. Pullen
further explained that the abandonment includes only the portion
under the building which is 36.8 square feet.
Councilman Birdwell moved to defer this item and asked staff to
look at the possibility of total abandonment of the alleyway. The
motion died by lack of second.
Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the abandonment of a portion
of an alleyway adjacent to Lot 10, Block 3, Southeast College
Park. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried
unanimously, 5-0.
Page 6
Councilman Birdwell asked staff to look at the possibility of the
total abandonment of the alleyway dedicatinG half of the alleyway
to each adjacent lot and report back to the Council. The Council
A~enda Item No. 8 - Consideration of a request for a sanitary
sewer service connection. (Applicants Melvin and Jane Pearce)
Mr. Pullen explained that the applicant's lot is one of three lots
surrounded by Foxfire Subdivision, but is not part of the Foxfire
Subdivision. Staff recommended approval of the request if an
acceptable contract can be negotiated.
Councilman Haddox moved approval of the request for sanitary sewer
service connection subject to the contract negotiation terms.
Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 5-0.
A~enda Item No. 9 - Discussion of a Bank Depository A~reement.
Finance Director Harrison indicated that one valid bid was re-
ceived from NCNB Texas (formerly First Republic Bank A&M). He
noted that the bank is the current holder of the contract and that
the terms of the contract are similar to the terms set out in the
past two years, with the exception that this contract is for a
three year period. One major change in the contract is that the
city has retained the right to manage its investment portfolio.
Mr. Harrison pointed out that NCNB Texas has agreed that all
collateral securities be held independently by a third party which
is First City Houston.
Councilman Birdwell asked if Mr. Harrison contacted other local
banks to find out their reasons for not bidding on this proposal.
Mr. Harrison replied that he contacted four local banks; he ex-
plained the reasons why they chose not to bid at this time.
Mr. Harrison explained to the Council that the city's money is
fully secured by $100,000 in FDIC insurance; and, also through a
safekeeping account at First City Houston, the city will have
collateral in federal government securities for any monies over
Representatives from NCNB were present at the meeting.
Page 7
Agenda Item No. 10 - Consideration of the Bank Depository
Councilman Birdwell moved
Agreement with NCNB Texas.
approval of the Bank Depository
Councilman Gardner seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of a resolution imposing an
interim fee on applications for abandonment of all or portions
City Attorney Locke described this item. She stated that at a
previous Council meeting, the Council expressed an interest in
having an application fee for an abandonment of an easement as
well as for a license to encroach. As the staff continues to look
at Council Issue ~18, an interim fee of $250.00 has been pro-
Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Resolution No. 8-25-88-11
imposing an interim fee of $250.00 on applications for abandon-
ments of all or portions of easements. Councilman McIlhaney
seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0.
Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing.the
City Manager to execute a contract for services from the Brazos
Valley Softball Umpires Association.
Mr. Cisneros, Assistant Director for Parks and Recreation addres-
sed the Council. He explained that the schedules have been set
for spring, fall and summer leagues. Rather than coming before
Council each season, the funds can be expended as soon as league
registration is completed. He stated that a maximum ceiling of
$60,000 has been established and is included in the present
Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of Resolution No. 8-25-88-12
authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for services
with the Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Association for city
recreation leagues for FY87-88 and FY88-89. Councilman Haddox
seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0.
Agenda Item No. 13 - Hear Visitors.
No one spoke.
· HURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1988
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A~enda Item No. 14 - Closed session to discuss legal report
[6252-17(2)(r)] , land acquisition [6252-17(2)(f)] , and personnel
[6252-17(2) (g)] .
The Council convened into closed session at 8:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 15 - Action on closed session.
The Council reconvened in open session at 9:14 p.m. Councilman
McIlhaney moved to appoint Col. Terry Rosser as a member of the
Easterwood Airport Zoning Board. Councilman Birdwell seconded the
motion which carried unanimously, 4-0, with Councilman Gardner
Councilman McIlhaney moved to appoint Mr. Brad Lancaster as a
member of the Community Center Advisory Committee. Also, if
persons are needed to occupy vacancies in the future, Connie
Hansen and Jack Lamkin will be asked to serve respectively.
Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
4-0, with Councilman Gardner absent.
A~enda Item No. 16 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
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7:00 P.M.