HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/1988 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Haddox,
Birdwell, McIlhaney, Gardner, Schneider
Acting City Manager Ragland, City
Attorney Locke, Director of Parks and
Recreation Beachy, Public Information
Officer Calliham, Director of Planning
Callaway, Budget Director Schroeder,
Finance Director Harrison, Council
Coordinator Hooks
See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the City Council
Workshop Meeting, June 8, 1'988' and the City Council Regular
~eeting, June 9, 1988.
Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the minutes as presented.
Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 7-0.
Agenda Item No. 2 - Consent Agenda. Final Plat - Southwood Forest
Phase 2 (88-205).
Councilman Gardner removed the item from the consent agenda.
Director of Planning Callaway explained that Southwood Forest
Phase 2 is a continuation of an existing subdivision, Southwood
Forest. He stated that this plat allows for thirty single-family
lots. This plat was reviewed by the PRC and special provisions
have been made by separate instrument or plat for the required
sewer line easement. P&Z recommended approval.
Councilman Gardner commented that the packet information did not
include reference to parkland dedication. Mr. Callaway stated
that this plat falls under the Southwood Valley dedication. Mr.
Schroeder stated that there are 150 parkland units per single
family residents.
Councilman Schneider moved approval of the final plat - Southwood
Forest Phase 2 (88-205). Councilman Haddox seconded the motion
which carried unanimously, 7-0.
Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of proposed amended budget to
extend fiscal year 87-88 to September 30.
Councilman Brown moved approval of the amended budget to extend
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the fiscal year to September 30, 1988. Councilman Schneider
seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of proposal for audit services.
Mr. Harrison explained that the accounting firm of Deloitte
Haskins & Sells has submitted a proposal to again conduct the
city's annual audit for FY 87-88. The estimated cost for the
proposal is $63,000.
Councilman Haddox asked for clarification of the five-year agree-
ment. Mr. Harrison replied that five-year audit agreements are
becoming an acceptable way to conduct the accounting work. Each
year the audit firm will come to the current council with an
annual contract to perform the audit services for the year.
Councilman Brown moved approval of the audit firm of Deloitte,
Haskins & Sells to perform the annual audit for the fiscal year
87-88 with the three month extension to September 30, 1988.
Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 7-0.
Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of an ordinance amending the
Traffic Control Device Inventory Schedule II for a four-wa~ stop
controlled intersection at Southwest Parkwa~ and Langford.
CIP Director Ash explained this item. He stated that temporary
stop signs were installed at Langford and Southwest Parkway during
reconstruction of Southwest Parkway; the job has been completed.
During their last meeting, Council directed staff to find a
solution to permanently keep the four-way stop signs at this
intersection. The staff has prepared an ordinance amending
Chapter 10, Section 2C, 2D, and 2E of the Code of Ordinances.
Mayor Ringer pointed out that the traffic counts and studies per-
formed at this intersection did not meet warrants.
Councilman McIlhaney mentioned that the children must cross
Southwest Parkway to get to the park adjacent to the school. Many
parents feel the four-way stop has helped at this intersection
especially when school is not in session and there is not a school
crossing guard.
Mayor Ringer mentioned that he received a letter from a resident
in the area requesting that the four-way stop be removed.
' $743
Page 3
Councilman Birdwell asked for the price of push button traffic
light systems for pedestrian walks. Mr. Ash replied that the
price of these particular lights throughout the city ranges from
Councilman Gardner moved approval of Ordinance No. 1763 amending
the Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Sections 2C, 2D, 2E establish-
ing a permanent four-way stop at Southwest Parkway and Langford
Street. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried by a
vote of 6-1, Councilman Birdwell voting against.
Agenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of a new.Home Energy Efficiency
Certification Pro~ram to be funded from the GSU Rebate Fund.
Mr. Shear was present to answer any questions the Council may
have. Councilman Schneider moved approval of the New Home Energy
Efficiency Certification Program. Councilman Haddox seconded the
motion which carried by a vote of 6-0-1, Councilman Birdwell
A~enda Item No. 7 - Consideration of an ordinance amendin~ Chapter
6 of the Code relatin~ to requirements for Dlacing official
numbers on buildings within the city limits.
Deputy Fire Marshall Bland Ellen came forward to address this
item. He stated that the Police Department, Fire Department, and
Electrical Services have experienced difficulties identifying
businesses, services, and residences in College Station because
of the lack of identification of a building or home.
Councilman McIlhaney asked if there is a section in the ordinance
regarding maintenance of the numbers on the structure. Mr. Ellen
replied that the present ordinance states that the structure is
inspected by the building department and/or fire department; also,
the owner is responsible for maintaining the numbers. The present
ordinance gave no direction in enforcing this clause of the ordi-
Councilman Birdwell asked who determined the size requirements for
the numbers. Mr. Ellen replied that the committee felt the 6"
number would be an adequate size. Mr. Ellen stated that the meter
cans are stamped when they are issued, but he is not sure what
action will be taken to mark the existing meter cans.
He stated that the markings will give the meter reading staff the
correct residence for connection or disconnetion services in an
apartment complex. He also pointed out that the Fire Department
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is responsible for "shutting down" the electrical services in
emergency situations, so the markings should be clearly visible.
Councilman Schneider commented that he feels the multiple unit
complexes should be easily identified. Mr. Ellen stated that the
requirements set forth in this ordinance will greatly enhance
response time.
Ms. Barbara Jones of 1401 FM 2818 (Doux Chene Apartments) came
forward to address the Council. She commented that the proposed
ordinance is vague. She referred to Section 603.17.7 and
603.17.8 of the proposed ordinance. Ms. Jones stated that the
ordinance needs to be studied further and she asked if the apart-
ment association could provide input into the preparation of this
Councilman Birdwell moved to refer this ordinance back to staff
and the Development Policies Committee for further study.
Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 7-0.
Mayor Ringer noted that the Council would like to receive input
from other entities throughout the City.
Agenda Item no~. 8 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing the
City Manager to execute agreements with Peoples Mortgage and the
CSISD for the purpose, development, and lease of property owned by
Peoples Mortgage ComDany.
City Attorney Locke described this item. She stated that the City
Council initially looked at a tract of land with the School
District for joint use with the CSISD for an elementary school
site and park site. The tract is located off Rock Prairie Road
which meets at the extension of Welsh. Division of the twenty
acre property would be as follows: ten acres purchased by the
school district, five acres purchased by the City; and five acres
dedicated as parkland. She stated that the property is currently
owned by Peoples Mortgage Company. Mrs. Locke summarized the
lease agreement.
PARD Director Beachy pointed out that this is the first project
which the CSISD and the City have jointly participated in terms of
a neighborhood park and elementary school site. He described the
park site.
Councilman Gardner asked if this park is part of the Comprehensive
Plan. Mr. Beachy replied that it is not reflected in the Compre-
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hensive Plan, but once the elementary site is in place it will be-
come a recreational site. Mr. Gardner asked what monies will be
used to purchase the site. Mr. Beachy stated that the acquisition
has been paid for from the parkland acquisition bond fund. Dis-
cussion followed by the Council. Mayor Ringer asked if the city
purchased the parkland with bond funds designated for parkland
acquisition, and then funds are derived for parkland dedication in
this zone, could the city use these monies to reimburse the bond
funds used and then utilize those bond funds elsewhere. Mrs.
Locke replied that she initially did not see any reason why it
could not be done, but she encouraged the Council to seek advice
from the bond counsel.
Councilman Gardner commented that during the updating of the Com-
prehensive Plan, this particular zone should be reflected in the
change. Mr. Beachy replied that this zone should be addressed in
the Plan.
Mr. Ash stated that the City will be responsible for payment of
$10,000 to Peoples Mortgage for the oversized participation costs
at the extension of Rock Prairie Road from the point at which it
terminates at Victoria Avenue to the Southwest property line of
~stchester Subdivision.
Councilman Haddox moved approval of Resolution No. 06-23-88-08
authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements with Peoples
Mortgage and CSISD for the purpose, development and lease of
property owned by Peoples Mortgage.
Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
Agenda Item No. 9 - Consideration of funding for City of College
Station's joint participation in a lon~ term regional water
resources plan. (Council Priority Issue #20).
Discussion was held on this item at the workshop meeting held pre-
viously. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of funding the City's
joint participation in a long term regional water resources plan
with the City of Bryan and TAMU, Phases I and II and for the prep-
aration of the grant application not to exceed the amount of
$15,000 funding from the City. Mr. Ragland pointed out that the
grant application will be processed first. At the time the grant
application is approved, work will begin on Phases I and II.
Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
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Mr. Birdwell commented that if the city does not receive the grant
application the Council should consider stopping at that point.
Mr. Ragland responded that he will express the Council's concern
to the Committee about the quality issue and also expressed con-
cern about proceeding with the study if the grant application is
not approved.
Agenda Item No. 10 - Consideration of funding for the .expenditure
of $5000 from the General Fund Contingency; Budget to equip the
Brazos Count~; Emergenc~; Command Post Vehicle.
Emergency Management Coordinator Beachy addressed this item. He
requested funding to equip the vehicle with radios and related
equipment. He pointed out that the bus is operating under a joint
agreement with TAMU, Brazos County, and City of Bryan, approved by
the Council earlier this year. This vehicle is intended to be a
mobile command and control center available for county-wide disas-
ters or emergency situations.
Mr. Beachy explained that the two primary users of the bus will
be Bryan and College Station. The major contributor has been
Texas A&M with the initial donation of the bus.
Councilman Birdwell moved approval of funding $5000 from the
General Fund Contingency Budget to equip the Brazos County Emer-
gency Command Post Vehicle.
Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 7-0.
Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of revisions to the goals and
objectives included in Plan 2000.
Planning Director Callaway introduced this item. He stated that
the Planning and Zoning Commission has worked with staff during
the past two years in updating the City's comprehensive plan. The
Commission prepared draft goals and discussed this draft with the
City Council in a joint workshop. The Commission held a public
hearing to receive citizen input and reaction to the draft.
Following the public hearing the Commission prepared its final
recommendations to the Council regarding goals and objectives.
Mr. Callaway pointed out several areas which received changes
after comments were received at the public hearing. Councilman
Gardner remarked that there were not any substantive changes in
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the goals and objectives indicating that there were not many
changes in our economy or base studies. Mr. Callaway responded
that the base studies indicated there were changes in the economy
and documentation indicated substantial change in volume of retail
sales. Also, substantial change in nature and type of growth
rates since the adoption of the Plan 2000.
Councilman Gardner moved to refer this item to the Development
Policies Committee of the Council and place it on the workshop
agenda for discussion before placing it on the regular agenda for
action. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion which carried unan-
imously, 7-0. Councilman Gardner commented that there should be
more citizen participation.
Agenda Item No. 12 - Hear Visitors.
No one came forward to speak.
Agenda Item No. 13 - Closed session to discuss legal report and
The council convened to closed session.
Agenda Item No. 14 - Action on closed session.
The council reconvened in open session at 9:12 p.m.
appointments were announced:
The following
Councilman Schneider moved to appoint Susan Causey, 5/90 to the
Community Appearance Committee. Councilman Haddox seconded the
motion which carried unanimously, 7-0.
Councilman McIlhaney moved to appoint Maureen Chase, 5/90 and
Carole Murphy, 5/90 to the Community Center Advisory Committee.
Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
Councilman Brown moved to appoint John Grillo, 5/90 to the
Electrical Examining Board. Councilman Schneider seconded the
motion which carried 6-0, Councilman Birdwell absent.
Councilman McIlhaney moved to appoint Larry Duckworth to replace
Mr. Terry Rosser upon receiving resignation as anticipated.
Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried 6-0,
Councilman Birdwell absent.
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Agenda Item No. 15 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Ci-ty S-~c'r~'t~ry Dian Jones
7:00 P.M.