HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
4:00 P.M.
Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Boughton,
Brown, Haddox, McIlhaney, Gardner
Acting City Manager Ragland, City
Secretary Jones, Director of Capital
Improvements Ash, City Attorney Locke,
Director of Finance Harrison, Budget
Director Schroeder, Software Develop-
ment Manager Earwood, Assistant to the
City Manager Piwonka, Public Utilities
Director Woody, Council Coordinator
Kevin Buchman
See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns.
Councilman Haddox reported that the Comunity Appearance Com-
mittee during their last regular meeting decided to delay further
discussion on the Adopt-A-Street program. He stated that one of
the reasons why the program was tabled because the members inter-
preted that the streets in neighborhoods or subdivisions would be
included in the program. He stated that he will go back to the
Committee and emphasize that this program was implemented to in-
clude only the major streets, Texas Avenue, Harvey Road, and
University Drive.
Councilman Gardner expressed his concern about the overabundance
of signs placed along major streets. Mayor Ringer mentioned that
he is opposed to placement of large signs, such as a 4x8 foot
The council expressed their interest in continuing this program.
Councilman Boughton expressed her concern about the visibility of
the Texas Games banner; it is only visible for persons traveling
from north to south. She suggested that it might be a good idea
to face it toward the south to greet people coming into town.
Councilman Brown reported that the County Health Department has
an excess fund balance accumulating over the last four years. He
noted that College Station has contributed $20,000 to the
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building construction/remodeling fund when the fund was estab-
lished. He stated that Dr. Marsh has expressed an interest in
expanding the health department facility and asked if the City of
College Station would like to leave the money in the fund for
this use or have the money returned to the City. The council
concurred that the appropriate use of the money should remain in
the health department's building fund.
Councilman Haddox reported that the next meeting of the Wolf Pen
Creek Steering Committee will be held in four weeks and at that
time a decision may be made on a preliminary master plan.
Councilman Brown stated that he visited with City Manager King
Cole and reported that he is recuperating well.
Student Gov't Liaison Buchman mentioned that several students
have approached him expressing their concern for more police
patrol in the apartment complexes during the Christmas break.
Councilman Haddox suggested that the Police Department initiate
programs or seminars for the security workers at the apartment
complexes. Mr. Ragland replied that he will follow-up on this.
Mayor Ringer stated that the establishment of a possible sister-
city relationship may occur between Texas A&M University with
Koriyama, Japan. Also, a possible sister-city relationship with
Russia. He noted that a group from the USSR will be composing a
resolution for approval by the College Station City Council and
the Bryan City Council.
A~enda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns.
Mr. Ragland presented to each council member a copy of the annual
audit report of the Texas Public Power Association.
A~enda Item No. 3 - Presentation and discussion of proposal by
A&FCS, Inc, to provide consultin~ services durin~ selection of
the city's Management Information Systems.
Assistant to the City Manager Ms. Piwonka presented a brief
update on the progress of the MIS Steering Committee. She
introduced Mr. Chip Collins from the consulting firm of
Administrative and Fiscal Consulting Services. A&FCS has
presented a proposal to provide their consulting services
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to assist the city in the selection of the following components:
1) Replacement of the current NCR 1-9050 minicomputer with a
newer, more current NCR computer. 2) Selection of the new fi-
nancial management and human resource information systems. 3)
Selection of the new computerized mapping and geographical infor-
mation systems. 4) Acquisition of mircrocomputer equipment and
software to implement the planned office automation systems. 5)
Employment of a MIS Director.
Mrs. Piwonka emphasized that much staff time will be utilized in
considering the need of the city and she stressed the importance
of making the right selection.
Mr. Chip Collins, of A&FCS spoke to the Council. He restated the
five components listed in the proposal. He explained that the
proposal specifies that the city apply the catalog bidding pro-
cess for microcomputers once a year; he added that this process
has been very efficient in other cities. The consultant will
serve as a project manager during the selection of a MIS Director
and the other components as well. He added that there will be
heavy involvement by the city staff in the process of selecting
the right computer software and hardware. Councilman Gardner
asked for clarification of the position of the MIS Director.
Mr. Collins replied that the MIS Director will utilize staff
member's expertise in their particular area to help guide him
through the process of managing the data processing systems.
Councilman Gardner also inquired about the leasing option. Mr.
Collins stated that this option will be considered in the RFP's,
yet it is the most expensive option over a period of time.
Councilman Brown stated that $54,000 is the maximum fee price.
Mr. Collins concurred.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of participation and funding for
the Lone Star Municipal Power Agency.
Public Utilities Director Woody presented the item. He stated
that the City of College Station is the principle city involved,
paying approximately 82% of the bills. The City Council pre-
viously recognized the need for a future power cost supply, and
at that time, funding was committed for the first six months of
the fiscal year. Mr. Woody stated that the activity of LSMPA
has increased on a project that could have a substantial impact
on reducing or stabilizing the future power costs. He recom-
mended that the Council authorize funding LSMPA for the balance
of the city's fiscal year.
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He reported that the anticipated costs for funding the last six
months is $19,000; also, $16,000 will remain from funds set aside
for the power cost study.
Councilman Haddox asked if the rate contract with Gulf States
Utilities includes selling power to LSMPA or the City. Mr. Woody
replied that it applies to LSMPA who is the negotiating body;
LSMPA would be the agent between the City and Gulf States
Mayor Ringer stated that the consensus of the Council would be to
continue funding to LSMPA until the end of the budget cycle.
Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of status of appropriated and
unappropriated capital improvement funds.
Budget Director Schroeder came forward to present an overhead
presentation of this item. He began by stating that several
months ago, Council asked staff to prepare a report of the unap-
propriated interest earnings on the bond monies invested.
He presented an overview of the general obligations bonds author-
ized in 1981, 1983, and 1984, total monies were $25,080,000. The
city has issued $19,425,000 of these monies. He pointed out
major projects which bond monies were issued for and have not
been completed. He pointed out that $4,901,000 of general obli-
gation bond monies remain. He noted that a majority of the
projects are growth related; the bonds were issued at the time
when the City was growing rapidly; and, when the growth pattern
slowed down, some of the bond monies were not expended.
Councilman Haddox asked if the parkland acquisition bonds were
for a specific issue. Mr. Schroeder replied affirmatively ad-
ding that the information put before the voters were fairly
specific in the utilization of those monies. He noted that
$400,000 was designated for a community park east of the bypass
in the area of Rock Prairie Road.
Councilman Haddox asked that a report of this nature be presented
to the Council on a continuing basis so they may be kept abreast
of the utilization of the bond monies for various projects.
Mr. Ragland pointed out that staff has discussed this issue and
plans are being made to create an annualized capital improvement
budget to be implemented along with the operating budget. As
part of the process, similar reports will be presented to the
Council on a quarterly basis.
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Councilman Gardner noted that the Capital Improvements Committee
should set up a meeting. He would like to see capital improve-
ments programs integrated with the comprehensive plan.
After further discussion, Councilman Haddox suggested that it may
be a good idea to go back to the voters and propose that the bond
monies allocated in parkland acquisition in previous bond elec-
tions be attributed to other projects, one being the Wolf Pen
Mr. Schroeder continued to discuss the total interest earnings
and grants in bond funds. Total monies were $5,741,871. Mr.
Schroeder explained that over the past seven years, $25,000,000
was issued and large amounts of interest earnings have accumu-
lated on the projects which have not begun. He stated that as a
project is nearing completion, the interest earnings will slow
down tremendously. He indicated that major uses of unappropri-
ated interest earnings and grants totaled $5,650,517. Some of
the uses included the following: Police Modifications/Additions,
Wolf Pen Creek Study, Holleman Drive and Dartmouth Drive exten-
sions. Proposed uses of these earnings are City Hall modifica-
tions (MIS), Police Addition/Changes, and Debt Service (MIS).
Councilman Gardner noted that some of the projects listed were
not included in the bond elections, for example, Greens Prairie
Road project. Mr. Schroeder responded affirmatively. Director
of Capital Improvements Ash clarified that changes occurred in
the scope and size of the Dartmouth/Holleman project requiring a
large sum of money to be allocated from unappropriated interest
earnings to cover the costs of the project.
Mr. Schroeder indicated that at this time, total available unap-
propriated fund balance and interest earnings of the general ob-
ligation bonds are $232,671.
Councilman Brown asked if funds could be utilized for the 911
mapping system from utility revenue bonds or general obligation
bonds. Mr. Schroeder replied that Mr. Ash and Mr. Woody will be
the coordinators in preparing the city's mapping system.
Mr. Schroeder explained that the total interest earnings in the
utility revenue bonds amounted to $7,712,626. A few of the major
uses of these bond monies were as follows: Dowling Road Distri-
bution, Research Park treatment, and Redmond Terrace Water Line.
Two of the proposed uses of these bond monies are: Utility Ser-
vice Center Changes, and the Mapping System (MIS).
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Mr. Ash stated that the staff is hoping to compile a capital im-
provements budget in the next twelve months which would be
brought to the Council in the operating budget cycle. He re-
ferred to a memorandum addressed to Mr. Ragland. Mr. Ash stated
that at the present time, the extension of a street to the
Emerald Parkway overpass is of utmost importance regarding the
general obligation bonds. He noted that the Dartmouth/Holleman
project expended all the funds from the bond program for street
construction to the extension to Emerald Parkway overpass. The
only funds available in the bond monies for street or overpass
construction is the right-of-way funds for the right-of-way ac-
quisition of the original Emerald Parkway overpass. He pointed
out that the State Department of Highways and Public Transpor-
tation changed the design of this project; now it is an inter-
change with total access to the bypass. Total costs estimated
for this project is $1,359,000.
Mayor Ringer pointed out that utility revenue bonds do not re-
quire a vote by the public.
A~enda Item No. 6 - Discussion of the draft policy on annual
budget appropriations to outside a~encies.
Finance Director Harrison presented the item. As one of the
council's priority issues and the direction of the Council, staff
has attempted to structure a better policy for funding of outside
agencies. Mr. Harrison referred to his memorandum to the Council
on this issue. He noted that the Budget/Finance Committee pre-
viously met to discuss this issue.
At the request of the committee, staff was requested to look into
the possibility of finding an umbrella agency for the purpose of
distributing the health and human services funding which cur-
rently falls under the Con~unity Development program. Staff has
contacted United Way.
If the Council so desires, the Budget/Finance Committee has
volunteered to review all the applications and bring their recom-
mendation to the Council concurrent with the budget year.
Mr. Harrison explained that United Way has committees organized
to take care of such purposes. Mayor Ringer expressed his con-
cern about the United Way's committees in that they have estab-
lished their own priorities for the organizations which support
them. He suggested that a committee appointed by the
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council would be a better solution to the problem.
Councilman McIlhaney expressed the need for United Way to follow
guidelines set by the City in reviewing the applications.
Mayor Ringer remarked that he is in strong favor of a committee
appointed by the council; this committee would ensure that each
applicant receives fair and equal consideration. He would like
to see the amount of money funded for the health and human ser-
vice agencies calculated on a percentage basis of the ad valorem
tax revenue or a percentage of the city's assessed value; in
other words, determining a fixed amount. He emphasized that the
committee's tasks would be to allocate those funds to the organi-
zations and the Council would consider the final appropriations.
Councilman Gardner commented that he feels the committee's tasks
would take away some responsibility of the council and this would
be undesirable. Councilman Brown mentioned that he did not want
to see the citizens taxed in order to allocate funding for social
Councilman Haddox concurred with Mayor Ringer's suggestion. Mr.
Ragland stated that in the past, staff has played a significant
role in making funding recommendations to the Council and in cer-
tain ways the staff was put in an awkward position in making such
decisions. Mayor Ringer concurred.
Mayor Ringer summarized the process applied in past years. He
stated that the staff received the requests and the budget was
presented to the Council which listed the monies recommended for
each organization. A public hearing was held and each organiza-
tion presented a brief presentation. Then, the Council made a
final decision.
Councilman McIlhaney emphasized that if a committee is appoin-
ted, specific guidelines should be established.
Mr. Ragland suggested that the staff could assist the committee
in the beginning, informing them of city policies, etc.
Mr. Harrison pointed out that there are no funds available for
organizations which have not been funded previously.
A~enda Item No. 7 - Discussion of a resolution adopting a policy
on contingency budget transfers.
Mr. Schroeder presented the item. At the request of the Council,
staff has worked in developing a set of written policies
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relating to the fiscal welfare of the City. On different occa-
sions these policies will be presented to the Council for their
approval. Recently, the Council approved the city's investments
policy. He explained that the resolution before the Council
authorizes the city's police on the transfers of contingenices.
He pointed out that this policy states that the City Manager can
authorize a transfer of $10,000 limit or less if the appropria-
tion meets the following criteria: 1) request must be an emer-
gency nature; 2) if the item was not budgeted in the normal
budget process; and, 3) justification why transfer cannot be made
within the division or department. He pointed out that items
above $10,000 would be presented to the Council for action.
A~enda Item No. 8 - Discussion of feasibility of chan~in~ the
fiscal year.
Mr. Harrison presented the item. He mentioned that the City
Council requested staff to look at the possibility of changing
the city's' fiscal year. The staff has concluded that the most
important concern is the problem between the current election
date and the start of the fiscal year. The staff's recommen-
dation is to change the fiscal year to October 1- September 30.
This will necessitate amending the current budget to add three
months July, August, September of this year. He explained that a
provision of the Charter states that 100 eligible voters in the
City must sign a petition to bring this action before the
Council. Mr. Harrison noted that the reason for adding three
months to this current fiscal year is because of the changes of
the new data processing system in the accounting department.
Mr. Harrison noted that action by the Council to change the fis-
cal year will require an ordinance, and the petitions may be
circulated at a later date to amend the budget.
The council concurred for staff to proceed with the recommenda-
tions as presented.
Agenda Item No. 9 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
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Mayor Larr~7"J} ~ ~
4:00 P.M.