HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/13/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
JANUARY 13, 1988
4:00 P.M.
Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Boughton,
Haddox, McIlhaney, Gardner, Brown
Councilman Jones
Acting City Manager Ragland, Director
of Capital Improvements Ash, City
Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke,
Public Utilities Director Woody,
Director of Planning Callaway, Director
of Parks and Recreation Beachy, Assis-
tant Director of Parks and Recreation
Cisneros, Building Official Perry,
Energy Specialist Shear, Utilities
Office Manager Piwonka, Director of
Finance Harrison, Budget Director
Schroeder, Public Information Officer
Calliham, Council Coordinator Hooks
Kevin Buchman
See guest register.
AGenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns.
Councilman McIlhaney reported that Sebesta Road is eroding along
the creek near the ARC Industrial Park due to the recent rains.
She also mentioned that the street light has been damaged at the
corner of Emerald Forest Parkway and Sandstone Drive.
Councilman Boughton reported that the Parks Board met and discus-
sed the issue of the school bond election. The Board consented
to ask the Council at their next regular meeting to pass a reso-
lution expressinG support for the February bond election. She
also reported that she has received several inquiries about the
cable packages in Bryan and College Station. Cathy Locke re-
marked that Cooke Cablevision has upgraded the number of channels
in the smaller package and has met with Mr. John Southard,
General Manager of Cooke Cablevision regarding an ordinance
amending the franchise agreement. He has not responded back to
her. Councilman Boughton asked staff to continue work on this.
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Councilman Brown reported that the 911 Board of Directors are
currently advertising for an executive director in the TML mag-
azine. He mentioned that a committee was formed to study a map-
ping system of the county.
Councilman Gardner inquired about the Cable 24 Public Access
channel. Public Information Officer Calliham responded that the
computer equipment is not working at this time, she hopes it will
be working soon. Also, in the future, current information will
be listed.
Agenda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns.
Mr. Ragland mentioned that at an earlier council meeting, several
councilmembers requested to see an unappropriated interest earn-
ings report. He stated that this report will be presented to the
Council at their next meeting. He stated that the Budget/Finance
Committee has tentatively scheduled to meet the following week
and discuss four council priority issues. They are as follows:
1) funding policy for non-profit and outside agencies; 2) pos-
sibly changing the fiscal year; 3) research funding for airports;
and, 4) fiscal responsibility. A presentation may be scheduled
for the January 27th council meeting.
Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation of Wellborn Road/Railroad
Corridor Study by the State Department of Highways and Public
Mr. Carol Ziegler of the Highway Department came forward to pre-
sent a feasibility study on the Wellborn Road Corridor. He de-
scribed the corridor to begin at Villa Maria Road in Bryan south
on Wellborn Road to Texas Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road. The
map illustrated the key area, the Texas A&M University campus
between University Drive and Jersey Street, as the critical part
of the feasibility study. He stated that the design used in this
section will affect the entire corridor development. Mr. Ziegler
described several alternatives: 1) to relocate, elevate or
lower the railroad; and, 2) close, elevate or lower Wellborn
Road. He described the aesthetics, environmental and traffic
issues associated with each.
He described various cost estimates associated with each alter-
native. Mr. Ziegler explained that the most favorable alterna-
tive which appears to have definite advantages is to depress Wel-
lborn Road and the railroad along the existing location. He
stated that the Highway Department plans to proceed with more
detailed planning work for this scheme. He mentioned that a
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Committee has been formed to perform planning work in consulta-
tion with other agencies; the City of College Station, Texas A&M
University, involvement of two Railroad lines, the City of Bryan,
and Brazos County. The final decision of the plan will be made
by the Texas A&M Board of Regents and the Highway Commission.
He presented a drawing of Alternative III at its completion
phase. He ended his presentation by stating that this alterna-
tive is the most favorable by the Commission, no recommendations
have been made but it appears this alternative is the most fea-
sible, economical, and fundable.
Councilman Haddox asked Mr. Ziegler if he had an idea when the
final decision will be made. Mr. Ziegler replied that a concept
agreement may be decided in May. Councilman Gardner asked if
there will be more refinements made to the concept presented and
if further presentations will be presented to the public. Mr.
Ziegler responded that the committee is still in the planning
stages, and the presentation made to the Council tonight is
definitely not a final concept. He added that the State Depart-
ment of Highways and Public Transportation will be reporting back
to the Council as the plan develops.
Councilman Gardner asked if studies will be conducted for the
other elements in the corridor. Mr. Ziegler stated that an
interchange may be provided at Point D, Wellborn and 2818. He
added that a concept should be decided at the B and C section be-
fore other elements are looked at.
Mr. Jingly Bond, Vice Chancellor of Legal Affairs at Texas A&M,
briefly addressed the Council on this issue. He stated that A&M
has expressed concern that the 2818 westerly corridor utilize a
connector with Texas Highway 6 further south than its current
location. He mentioned that no particular interchange has been
Councilman Haddox commented that this facility outlined at the
meeting tonight was very impressive. Councilman Brown asked Mr.
Ziegler when construction would begin. Mr. Ziegler replied that
estimated construction time would possibly be in 12-18 months at
one location.
Mr. Carol Ziegler introduced Mr. Nick Turnham of the Public Af-
fairs office at the Highway Department.
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Mr. Bond added that the Highway Commission, in their own inter-
est, adopted a 10 mile corridor for study and development. The
presentation made tonight is a basic design of what they have in
mind. He stated that it is very beneficial that the Highway
Department Commission showed their interest in the 10 mile proj-
ect. He commended the District 17 staff for their partici-
pation and effort toward this goal.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of proposed ordinance amendin~
Chapter 3 of the Code by adopting a new Section 2.B, Residential
Energy Compliance Code.
Energy Specialist Mr. Charlie Shear presented the item. He in-
troduced Dr. Dave Claridge of T~IU Mechanical Engineering Depart-
ment and his assistant Derek Schrock who assisted with the prep-
aration of the code.
Mr. Shear began his presentation by defining the goals achieved
in the Energy Compliance Code: 1) set minimum requirements; 2)
upgrade model energy code; 3) cost effectiveness; 4) easier to
understand and administer.
He continued to explain several techniques and changes that will
be required by builders as stated in the Energy Compliance Code.
He stated that the Energy Compliance Code will set standards and
produce savings for a single family residential home and multi-
family housing.
He recognized the persons responsible for their input in com-
piling this Code.
Councilman Brown asked if the citizens could have their homes
checked for energy efficiency. Mr. Shear replied that the staff
is looking into a certification program for residents who comply
with the energy efficiency standards. Councilman McIlhaney asked
if this study would be feasible to address commercial establish-
ments. Mr. Shear replied that this study would be very dif-
ficult and currently there are no plans to study commercial prop-
Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion of the proposed City of Colleqe
Station investment policy.
Finance Director Bill Harrison presented the item. He stated
that the the Council completed questionnaires in regards to the
city's investment policy. A draft was prepared from these
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questionnaires. He stated that the goal of the City of College
Station Investment Policy shall be to ensure the safety of all
public monies, the availability of those funds for needed pay-
ments, and to provide for the investment of all funds. The ob-
jective of the process is to obtain a better balance within the
city's investment portfolio by diversifying into the government
securities market. He added that state law requires the City to
proceed with a policy.
Councilman Brown inquired as to how much extra money the city
could make by investing funds. Mr. Harrison stated that there
are no guarantees because of the changing interest rates, but
there is no reason the city cannot gain a full percentage point,
meaning that the City could gain approximately $5000 per week.
Agenda Item No. 6 - Orientation and Preview of the 1988 Texas
Director of Parks and Recreation of College Station, Steve
Beachy, and Director of Parks and Recreation of Bryan, Dr. John
Blackburn presented the item. Mr. Beachy began by giving a brief
history of the Texas Games. The 1988 Texas Games are a group ef-
fort of five different agencies, Texas A&M University, City of
Bryan, City of College Station, Chamber of Commerce, and the
Bryan/CS Athletic Federation. He presented a slide presentation
and described the various events and the facilities where these
events will take place. Mr. Beachy mentioned that the Texas
Amateur Athletic Federation is the governing body for the Games.
The games will begin in February with the 10K Run Event. The
opening ceremonies will be held Friday, August 5th at the Olsen
Field on the Texas A&M University campus.
Mr. Beachy mentioned that all hotels in the two cities will bene-
fit from the Texas Games. The staff of all entities will be in-
volved in the preparation of the Games. Mr. Beachy pointed out
that the financial support will be gained by individual contribu-
tions, event sponsorships, corporate sponsorships, donations of
equipment and services. In 1987, the direct economic impact in
Ft. Worth was $2 million. He stated that the 1988 Games will
definitely meet that mark, if not exceed it. Mr. Beachy stated
that the most important point is the image that this community
will project on a state-wide basis.
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Councilman Gardner asked if there will be an admission charge.
Mr. Beachy replied that the admission charge has been discussed,
but has not been decided. There will be an admission charge to
the opening ceremonies, a can good. This food will be donated to
the Brazos Food Bank.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Signing of a proclamation initiating the 1988
Texas Games.
Mayor Ringer signed a proclamation initiating the 1988 Texas
Games and College Station as a host city. Mr. Steve Beachy and
Dr. John Blackburn accepted the proclamation. Mayor Ringer was
presented with a plaque designating the College Station as a host
Agenda Item No. 8 - Presentation of the Sanitary Sewer Master
Plan for the Sandstone and Foxfire Subdivisions.
City Engineer David Pullen explained that the subdivisions of
Sandstone and Foxfire were originally planned as rural, large
lots. Since their development, public sanitary sewers have been
installed through their drainage basins and many homes have con-
nected to it at their expense. He stated that the staff has seen
a problem with property owners extending their sewer lines be-
cause they are primarily interested in the costs. However,
expanding this system is leading to duplication of services and
if continued will lead to an unnecessarily large operating ex-
pense to service the system.
At the request of Councilman McIlhaney, staff has prepared a
master plan utilizing the services of Municipal Development
Group. The plan is designed to serve all current and undeveloped
areas and benefit those who seek to extend service to their prop-
erty by providing them with the most cost effective way to do
that. Mr. Pullen added that funds for the plan have been expend-
ed in the operating budget.
Councilman Haddox asked if the persons who live outside the city
limits, would follow the plan. Mr. Pullen replied that the plan
was prepared for the property owners to follow when the time ar-
rives for them to construct their sanitary sewer system. Mr.
Haddox expressed concern that the plan include a statement so
the city could enforce this plan. Mr. Pullen stated that as
stated in the resolution, the master plan is a guide for property
owners to follow.
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Councilman Gardner asked if the costs are an obligation of the
developer or property owner. Mr. Pullen replied affirmatively
and stated that there would be an exception, in the case where a
party petitioned for pro-rata consideration.
Councilman McIlhaney commented that she appreciated the staff's
work on the plan. She reported that five or six homes have been
built and the owners did not have a plan to follow. She mention-
ed that many homeowners have expressed relief to be connected to
the city sewer system.
The council consented to ask staff to change the resolution with
stronger wording and bring back to the Council at their regular
Agenda Item No. 9 - Dicussion of the Trinity River Authority
Hydro Electric Pro~ect in relation to the needs and goals of the
City of College Station.
Public Utilities Director John Woody stated that in 1983, Council
directed the City of College Station along with the Trinity River
Authority to prepare a licensed application to be submitted to
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the construction of
a Hydro-Electric Project on Lake Livingston.
In December 1987, Council granted authorization to obtain the
firm of Burns and McDonald to evaluate the city's long range plan
of our power supply.
Mr. William Dermann, Project Manager for Burns and McDonald pre-
sented a brief report on Phase I of the power supply study. Mr.
Dermann stated that the projected estimated financial requirement
is $161,300,000, or $3,226/kW. He pointed out that Gulf States
Utilities Power costs per mills/kW is 47.5 mills/kW. He stated
that Gulf States Utilities is a long term stable utilities oper-
Mr. Dermann presented overhead projections on the basis of power-
purchased today and power purchased in the future from GSU in
comparison to power purchased from the hydro electric project.
Mr. Woody noted that staff has recommended withdrawal from fur-
ther participation. The Council consented to withdraw the City's
participation from Trinity River Authority Hydro Electric
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Agenda Item No.
[6252-17 (2) (e) ].
10 - Closed session to discuss litigation
The council convened in closed session at 6:40 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 11 - Action on closed session.
At 7:00 p.m., the council reconvened in open session.
was taken.
Agenda Item No. 12 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer declared the meeting adjourned.
No action
City Sec~y Dian Jones