HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
4=00 P.M.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown,
McIlhaney, Birdwell, Haddox, Gardner,
City Manager Ragland, City Secretary
Jones, City Attorney Locke, Budget
Director Schroeder, City Engineer
Pullen, Police Chief StroDe, MIS
Director Cowell, Assistant to the
City Manager Piwonka, Planning
Director Callaway, Public Information
Officer Calliham, Council Coordinator
See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns.
Councilman Gardner stated his concern that a Charter Review
Committee be established to begin their process of reviewing the
Charter and possibly reporting their recommendations before the
next municipal election. He asked that each councilmember begin
thinking about citizens who will be available to serve on the
Councilman Birdwell complimented the staff on the new "Citizens
Handbook" He suggested that copies be available at the library.
Mr. Birdwell referred to an accidental gasoline spill he had at a
self-service station. He stated that these types of modules on
the gas pump should be prohibited by ordinance.
Mr. Birdwell mentioned that he would like to see an agenda item
placed on a future workshop meeting regarding the city's policy
of funding oversize streets.
Councilman Brown reported that the new Amtrak train will be
arriving in College Station at 12:25 p.m, Monday, November 14th.
Councilman Haddox concurred with Councilman Birdwell's comments
regarding the oversize street participation policy. Mr. Haddox
suggested that the city provide the library with materials on
Wolf Pen Creek.
Mr. Haddox remarked that he would like for the staff to look into
re-analyzing the placement of bicycle signs.
City Council Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 1988
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Councilman McIlhaney reported that she attended the Texas
Municipal League Conference on Managing Infrastructure System.
She pointed out one topic which was discussed was drainage/road
maintenance. She hoped that a workshop meeting could be set up
to discuss the pros and cons of the concept. Mrs. McIlhaney
commented on another concern and asked for clarification from the
staff in regard to the council's decision to fund the entry-way
signs. She pointed out that the Community Appearance Committee
is looking for direction regarding the location and funding for
each sign and may have a misunderstanding of the responsibility
for the Industrial Park sign.
Mayor Ringer recalled that the money which the Council desig-
nated for all entry ways signs did not include an entry way sign
for the Industrial Development.
Mr. Ragland pointed out that the Community Appearance Committee
has been charged with selecting the locations.
Student Gov't Liaison Shannon Maloney reminded the Council that a
revised proclamation for the Hurricane Bowl has been placed on
the agenda for Thursday night.
Mayor Ringer announced that Youth Government Day is November 17th
and lunch will be provided at Elks Lodge in Bryan. He also
mentioned that Steven Stewart resigned from the Planning and
Zoning Commission, and Hugh Nations resigned from the Community
Appearance Committee.
Agenda Item No. 2 - City Manager Concerns.
Mr. Ragland reminded the Council that a special meeting has been
scheduled for Monday, November 28th at the City Hall in Bryan to
meet with the Bryan Councilmembers and Wixon Valley Aldermen to
appoint a member to the 91! Emergency Communications District
Board of Directors. Also, the joint landfill study will be
presented to both councils.
Mr. Ragland presented the Council with a brochure from the Texas
City Managers Association Annual Workshop Series. He stated that
this series has been named after Mr. King Cole who was instru-
mental in starting this program. A presentation will be made in
Denton on December 7th and Mrs. Cole will be present to receive
an award. Mr. Ragland stated that he and Mayor Ringer will also
be attending the presentation. He asked the Council if there
would be a problem in moving the workshop meeting to another
date. Mayor Ringer asked the Council to look at their calendars
and report back to staff for their preference.
Finance Director Harrison presented to the Council a memorandum
and the annual financial reports for the fiscal year ending
Spptember 30, 1988. Mr. Harrison reaffirmed to the Council that
City Council Workshop Meeting
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staff will keep the Council informed on the
hotel/motel taxes as the year progresses.
status of the
Item No. 3 - Presentation of a "menu" of possible
regulations affectinq parking of vehicles in residential areas.
City Attorney Locke presented a slide presentation and described
the "menu" of parking regulations. She pointed out the pro-
visions as set out in the "menu" and illustrated by the slides.
Mrs. Locke mentioned that a permit may be granted upon applica-
tion and approval of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Councilman Brown asked if other cities are passing similar
ordinances. Mrs. Locke replied affirmatively, stating that the
illustrations shown are common problems.
The Council held discussion. Councilman Blrdwell expressed his
concern that the city should allow parking of recreational
vehicles on residential streets for a certain duration of time;
for example, 72 hours in a 30 day period. The Council asked
staff to rewrite Statement A to reflect the council's concern for
a time limit. The second statement (B) should reflect a time
period of 72 hours for recreational vehicles. No trailers or
trucks should be parked on residential streets.
Councilman Haddox commented that motorized vehicles should not be
allowed on grass or non paved areas in the front yard. The
Council concurred to remove all recreational vehicles from the
streets and prohibit trucks and trailers from the grass or non-
paved areas in the front yard.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation
Survey conducted for the College
District (Council Issue No. 3)
of the Drug and Alcohol Use
Station Independent School
Police Chief StroDe introduced this item. He stated that a
questionnaire was completed by 1800 College Station students from
the 7th to 12th grade. He introduced Dr. Ray Chancellor,
Superintendent for College Station Schools, and Dr. Sandra
Parker, Director of Secondary Education, CSISD.
Dr. Ray Chancellor presented to the Council the drug and alcohol
use survey. The report concluded that use of alcohol (within the
past month) by high school students was reported to be 45%. He
pointed out several key points in the survey.
Councilman Brown asked Mr. Chancellor if he felt programs were
needed to educate the parents. Mr. Chancellor replied that the
school district is hoping to inform the parents of the problems
occurring. Councilman Haddox commented that most people are not
aware of the magnitude of problems that exist. He hoped the
media would publicize some of the facts as pointed out in this
survey. Councilman McIlhaney asked if there was a correlation
between the students who used alcohol and drugs and involved in
City Council Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 1988
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extracurricular activities, if the usage was down, versus
students who were not using drugs. Ms. Parker replied that this
issue was not addressed in the survey. Ms. Parker pointed out
that 10% at the senior level will try alcohol. She added that
there are no facts to conclude that students who are involved in
more activities use less alcohol.
Councilman Gardner asked if this survey was conducted in con-
junction with the War on Drugs Committee Report. Mr. Chancellor
replied that the survey was received after the committee was
finished with their report. Mr. Chancellor concluded his
presentation by stating that the School District will be
receiving additional information and the Council is welcome to
use this data for future needs.
Agenda Item No. 5 -
(Council Issue No. 5)
Status Report on Citizen Communication
Peggy Calliham, Public Information Officer, presented a policy
statement for Council's approval. She summarized the operations
of the Public Information Office and defined its purpose to
provide better communications with citizens and news media, and
internal communications with the staff.
Ms. Calliham reported that the future plan for Public Infor-
mation and citizens communications is to write a communications
plan to be incorporated into the Public Information Handbook.
Ms. Calliham read the Public Information Policy Statement.
Councilman Gardner suggested that the word "need" replace "right"
in the first sentence of the second paragraph. He also suggested
a correction in the last paragraph to change the last word
"customer" to "citizen". Ms. Calliham asked that councilmembers
give her their comments and she will rewrite the statement and
bring it back for their approval at a later time. She asked if
any Councilmember would be interested in serving as a liaison to
the Committee by assisting in writing the communications plan.
Councilman Gardner asked if there will be an annual report. Ms.
Calliham replied that there is a need for an Administrative
Assistant to assist in preparing an annual report.
Mayor Ringer mentioned to the Council they should let him know if
they would be willing to serve as liaison to this team.
Agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of replacement of the Financial
and Human Resources computer system.
MIS Director Charles Cowell presented this item. He introduced
Mr. Chip Collins of A&FCS. He stated that in December 1987, the
Council approved the replacement of the existing Financial
Accounting and Human Resources System. A Request for Proposal
was prepared and 40 copies were mailed. Six responses were
received. A selection team evaluated these responses and Hebert
and Harward Technical Enterprises were selected as finalists. He
City Council Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 1988
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reported that the selection committee chose Harward Technical
Enterprises (HTE) of Houston as the primary vendor. Total
expense for this computer system and software is $420,000-
$425,000. The budgeted amount in the MIS Plan is $480,000.
Mayor Ringer mentioned that this item has been placed on the
regular meeting agenda for consideration.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Presentation of preliminary cost estimates
for Sandstone Park practice fields.
PARD Director Steve Beachy explained that during the last Council
meeting, the Council instructed staff to prepare a preliminary
cost estimate for the construction of practice fields at the
undeveloped Sandstone Park site. He stated that the 15 acre site
is located on the south side of Sebesta Road by Emerald Forest
Subdivision and the approximate costs of the fields will be
$17,580. The improvements include four soccer practice fields,
four baseball or softball fields, no irrigation nor lighting, and
use of natural turf. Staff recommended doing the park fields
project in-house utilizing city crews where possible.
Councilman Gardner pointed out that there are no parkland
dedication funds available in Park Zone 4. Councilman Birdwell
suggested that one soccer field and one softball field would be
suitable to serve the residents. Councilman McIlhaney and Haddox
commented that many people utilize the area and the staff's plan
would suffice the number of people who do. Mr. Beachy mentioned
that there are no prepared infields or bases, only backstops.
Aqenda Item No. 8 - Discussion of potential first phase
implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Study (Council
Issue No. 4)
PARD Director Steve Beachy stated that several staff members and
Councilman Haddox met with the Tx. Dept. of Parks and Wildlife in
Austin to acquaint the Department with the Wolf Pen Creek Project
and receive input from them as to what type of elements would be
eligible for grant monies. He stated that the officials seem to
favor the area at the intersection of Dartmouth and Holleman to
the present Brentwood Park site as a starting phase. He dis-
cussed elements of the park which would be eligible for the grant
applicatton~ including trails, neighborhood playgrounds, ponds,
amphitheater, or any recreational facility.
Mayor Ringer commented that the first phase should be visible to
the public. Mr. Beachy pointed out the area on the map.
The Council discussed the type of features which could be visible
in this area.
Councilman Gardner commented that he would like
amphitheater built early in the project and the
include much of the core area.
to see the
first phase
City Council Workshop Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 1988
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Councilman Schneider asked what the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department considered as recreational facilities. Mr. Beachy
replied that certain things such as parking lots, trails, ponds,
and playgrounds would be eligible.
Councilman Birdwell proposed a $3 million general obligation
bond issue be brought before the public to finance the core area
and then utilize the tax increment financing for the maintenance.
This solution would eliminate the cash flow problem.
Mayor Ringer stated his concern that the grant application is due
on January 31st. Mayor Ringer asked the staff to look further at
the ideas which have been suggested by the Council members and
bring back a recommendation to the Council.
Agenda Item No. 9 - Discussion of a sanitary sewer Master Plan
for Harvey Hillsides Addition.
Item 9 and l0 were discussed together.
City Engineer Pullen introduced Veronica Morgan, the Project
Engineer, on this project. Mr. Pullen stated that two requests
were received for sanitary sewer service outside the city limits
in the Harvey Hillsides area. Mr. Pullen explained the sanitary
sewer master plan.
Councilman Haddox and McIlhaney left the meeting.
Councilman Brown asked who is responsible for the cost of the
extensions. Mr. Pullen replied that the developer or property
owner usually pays the costs. Mr. Pullen explained that the
master plan was developed because two people requested sanitary
sewer service and also, because the Health Dept. recommended that
the city have a plan to serve the area.
Mr. Pullen explained Mr. Hartmann's request. Mr. Hartmann
suggested an alternate route for the sanitary sewer line serving
his lot, different from the route on the master plan.
A~enda Item No. 10 - Discussion
agreement for Richard Hartmann,
the Harvey Hillsides Addition.
of a sanitary sewer service
a resident of 34 Marcy Lane in
Discussion continued. Mr. Pullen remarked that Mr.
would prefer to maintain his own line.
Councilman Birdwell suggested that the master plan be adopted,
yet allow Mr. Hartmann to build his own line, providing that if
Lot 31 is separated from Lot 34 he would be required to pay the
pro rata share if the six inch line used by the City is connected
to his line.
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Mayor Ringer interrupted the discussion. He asked that Item No.
11 - City Hall Renovation be removed from the agenda and
presented to the Council at the Thursday night meeting.
Mr. Hartmann spoke to the Council. He mentioned that if the City
annexes the Harvey Hillsides Addition he would want to connect to
the six inch line across the front property line.
Mayor Ringer stated that consideration of
placed on the Thursday night agenda.
this item has been
Agenda Item No. 11 - Presentation for proposal of City
Mayor Ringer stated that
Thursday night meeting.
this item will be presented
Agenda Item No. 12 - Adjourn.
Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
at the
Cit~e-tary Dian Jones
Guest Register
City Council Special Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 1988
12:00 noon