HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
3:00 P.M.
Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Birdwell,
McIlhaney, Brown, Gardner, Haddox
COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Schneider
City Manager Ragland, City Secretary
Jones, City Attorney Locke, Police Chief
Strope, Director of Capital Improvements
Ash, Assistant to the City Manager
Piwonka, Personnel Director Dickson,
Budget Director Schroeder, Finance
Director Harrison, Municipal Court Clerk
Choate, Assistant Director of Parks and
Recreation Cisneros, Fire Chief Landua,
Public Services Director Miller, Public
Utilities Director Woody, Public Infor-
mation Officer Calliham, Budget Assis-
tant Barnett, Council Coordinator Hooks
See guest register.
Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order. The Council concurred
to cancel the workshop meeting on August 24th.
Councilman Birdwell stated that he will attend the reception at
the Hilton honoring the new airline by Continental Express.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of FY 88-89 Budget.
City Manager Ragland presented an overview of the budget. He
began with the goal of the budget dilemma. First, he addressed
the desires of the Council. This included the thirty top priority
issues, establishing written budget policies, a move towards cost
of service, and move individual funds toward self-supporting and
emphasis shifts.
Mr. Ragland reviewed the six tools available to balance the
budget. No. 1 - Cut Expenditures, No. 2 - Reduce Services, No. 3
- Eliminate Services, No. 4 - Improve Productivity, No. 5 - Shift
the Burden, and No. 6 - Raise Revenues. He explained detailed
factors relating to each tool.
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Mr. Ragland referred to the National League of Cities Annual Sur-
vey of Financial Conditions and what cities have done to adjust
their budgets. He pointed out that the largest adjustment has
been to increase fees and charges.
Finance Director Harrison explained that he looked at some of the
areas which indicate growth and demand of city services: utili-
ties, police, and parks and recreation. Mr. Harrison showed
graphs depicting these areas.
Budget Director Schroeder explained that the increase in person-
nel positions during the FY 88 included three positions in the MIS
Program and 2.5 positions in the Police Grant of the Selective
Traffic Enforcement Program.
Mr. Schroeder showed graphics relating to personnel positions in
the general fund, sanitation fund, and utility fund. He noted
that several reclassifications were made during last fiscal year.
He also indicated that salaries and merit increases (4.22% of the
general fund basic budget increases) totaled $508,725. Councilman
Haddox asked for the total amount of merit increases. Mr.
Schroeder replied $130,000. Mr. Harrison added that the merit
increases take effect on the employee's anniversary date.
Mr. Schroeder showed graphs relating to the salaries as a
percentage of total operating expenditures in the general fund,
utility fund, and sanitation fund.
Mr. Schroeder continued his presentation by showing charts depic-
ting the decision packages submitted for new programs and replace-
ment equipment in each fund. The Council was provided a handout
listing all decision packages submitted for the general fund,
utility fund, and sanitation fund. It also included increased
requests by outside agencies from the general fund.
Mayor Ringer commented that one of the Council concerns is to look
at maintenance and replacement of capital equipment and facili-
ties. The council has directed staff to address these areas. For
instance, the street maintenance programs where streets are being
prioritized to maintain and upgrade the streets. Also, the
facilities maintenance program has been reviewed. Secondly, he
pointed out that the staff has responded to Council's request for
priorities and programs; therefore, the Council should seriously
consider supporting the staff in their requests for decision
packages in order to carry out the concerns of the Council.
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Many key staff personnel were present to respond to Council's
Mr. Harrison indicated that staff's recommends 13 new positions in
the overall budget. Councilman Brown asked for an explanation of
the six new positions in the utility fund decision packages.
Public Utilities Director Woody replied that the Utility Depart-
ment has 102 employees. The six new positions are needed because
of redirection towards infrastructure maintenance. The plans are
underway to maintain the wastewater collection system. One
additional senior foreman is needed for this area. The City has
also added a new wastewater treatment plant, Lick Creek, and a
change in sludge management; therefore, additional operators are
needed in this capacity. Mr. Woody continued to explain the
department's need for additional personnel.
Mr. Ragland described to Councilman Haddox the decision package
ranking process by staff for Council's review. Mr. Ragland
indicated he would like to see the general fund New Programs be
increased to Item 16, the replacement equipment should add all
decision packages through Item 19, and the requested funding from
other funds remain the same as recommended by staff. He remarked
that these additional monies would be approximately $300,000.
Councilman McIlhaney inquired about the decision package No. 24,
fixed asset inventory. Mr. Ragland replied that the goal in
accomplishing this package may be looked at another way.
Police Chief Strope explained to Councilman Birdwell about the
need for a parking attendant in the Northgate area. He explained
that this position would pay for itself based on the current
Councilman Haddox inquired about the Narcotics Task Force
Vehicle. Chief Strope explained that the problems arise when
one officer is occupying a car and another officer is without a
vehicle in an undercover assignment. He added that the car will
be used for but not limited to investigations, undercover opera-
tions, etc.
Councilman McIlhaney asked about the dispatcher/jailer position,
Item No. 7. Chief StroDe stated that this position is very crit-
ical and needs to be addressed in the near future. He noted that
the centralized dispatch proposal for the 911 Emergency Co~munica-
tions District will possibly be in conjunction with this position.
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Councilman Birdwell asked about the Vibratory Pad-Foot Roller,
Item No. 8, Replacement Equipment. Mr. Alfred Miller, Public
Services Director replied that the repair costs on this machine
have been over $19,000.
The Council recessed for a five minute break.
The Council returned and continued discussion on the general fund
Councilman Birdwell referred to page 16 in the proposed budget
manual. He stated his concern that the base budget in producing
the same level of service as last year has increased significantly
in spite of the fact that the city has faced slow economic times
along with other similar factors. He also believes that the
revenues are estimated too conservatively.
The Council was provided with a copy of a memorandum regarding the
effective tax rate calculation. Mr. Schroeder explained the
calculations which would be published in the newspaper if the tax
rate remained the same.
Mr. Ragland explained the reasons for a new position of an Admini-
strative Assistant in the Administration Department and the
Administrative Secretary position in the Parks Department.
Councilman Brown indicated that he will not support a tax
increase. Councilman Birdwell reported that he would support a
tax increase if there are further reductions in transfers. He
added that the drainage surcharge should be included in the gen-
eral fund rather than the sanitation fund; he commented that he
does not see the justification to raising taxes to continue
existing city business.
Mr. Schroeder explained the transfers from the Utility Fund to the
General Fund.
City Attorney Locke explained to the Council her reasons for
requesting an additional Assistant City Attorney.
Councilman Haddox indicated that he agreed with the City Manager's
recommendation to increase the decision package requests an addi-
tional $300,000. He asked if there are any funds available to
utilize without raising taxes. Mayor Ringer commented that the
only revenue sources available are from the general fund which are
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sales tax, property tax, franchise tax, etc.; and sources from the
utility fund. He noted that the Council could transfer monies
from utilities and not give a large reduction to utility custo-
Councilman Haddox suggested that the electrical savings be divided
in half to accommodate the staff needs. He also suggested that
the water, sewer, and sanitation rates be increased to obtain
Mr. Harrison clarified that there are 13 new positions within the
budget. He stated that if the line was extended under new pro-
grams, 6 new positions would be requested.
Mayor Ringer noted that in last year's budget, 30 positions were
deleted. He feels the Council should provide the staff with
support to carry out the programs the Council has directed them to
Further discussion was held by the Council on the issue of taxes.
Councilman Gardner inquired about the salaries for sanitation
workers and the planning assistant position.
Councilman Birdwell asked if bond funds can be utilized in
replacing equipment. Mr. Harrison replied that bond funds can be
utilized for specific programs, such as replacement of sewer
Councilman Haddox asked staff to explain the debt service
reserve. Mr. Schroeder replied that the debt service reserve is
20% of debt service requirement; ending balance in reserve is
Mr. Schroeder explained to the Council the council's five-year
projection of debt service reserve.
Councilman Birdwell expressed his concern about the base budget
and the large Dercentage increases in certain divisions.
Mayor Ringer asked for the Council's opinions of the base budget
of the general fund. Councilman Birdwell remarked that he would
like to see the base budget reduced $150,000. Councilman
McIlhaney replied that she is supportive of staff's recommenda-
tions. She added that if council feels certain changes should be
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made, then the staff could work on these changes during the next
budget year in preparing for next year's budget.
The council recessed for a five-minute break.
Mr. Harrison suggested to the Council one way to accomplish the
idea of funding additional $300,000 in decision packages. He
noted that the departmental budgets are figured on the basis that
they will use only 97 percent of money they are allocated. The
staff's recommended that the percentage drop to 96 percent, this
will free about $150,000. Another possibility is to increase
sales tax revenues to $3.65 million, generating another $150,000.
Councilman Birdwell remarked that he is in favor of the staff's
recommendation. Yet, he is not in favor of spending the money on
new programs.
Mayor Ringer proposed to draw the line at Item No. 19 of Replace-
ment Programs allocating $419,020 and draw the line at Item No. 16
of New Programs, $306,651, in the general fund.
Councilman Gardner agreed with the Mayor's proposal, but he added
that he would like to see the replacement cardioscope added. Mr.
Harrison explained that this is not a critical item. The first
response units are supplied with operational cardioscopes.
Councilman Haddox, Brown, and McIlhaney agreed with the Mayor's
proposal. Councilman Birdwell commented that he agreed to fund
the decision packages for replacement equipment, but not certain
items of the new programs.
The Council continued their discussion on the Utility Fund
Departmental Requests. The majority of the Council approved these
packages. No remarks were made about the decision packages for
the sanitation fund and the utility billing fund.
Mr. Schroeder pointed out that a public hearing on the budget has
been scheduled for the next regular meeting, August 25th. He also
noted that the public hearing for the tax rate increase has been
tentatively scheduled for September 8th. According to the
statute, this is the only item which can be placed on the agenda.
The Council concurred to meet at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September
8th. Mayor Ringer noted that no workshop meeting will be held on
Wednesday, August 24th.
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A~enda Ite~ No. 2 - Adjourn.
The Council adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
D--~ 'Jones
May o r~-~r~ y