HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/1988 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
4:00 P.M.
Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown,
Haddox, McIlhaney, Schneider, Gardner
Acting City Manager Ragland, City
Secretary Jones, City Attorney Locke,
CIP Director Ash, City Engineer Pullen,
Civil Engineer Hester, Assistant to the
City Manager Piwonka, Public Informa-
tion Officer Calliham, Director of
Planning Callaway, Finance Director
Harrison, Budget Director Schroeder,
Council Coordinator Hooks, Public
Utilities Director Woody
See guest register.
A~enda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns.
Councilman McIlhaney reported that Ms. Pam Bryson has turned in
her resignation as a member of the Community Center Advisory
Committee. Mayor Ringer added that Kristin Sayre has resigned as
chairman of the Energy Management Committee. New members to
these committees will need to be appointed.
Councilman Haddox congratulated United Citizens Bank as the first
property owner to sign a letter of intent for Wolf Pen Creek.
He stated that a news release will be prepared.
Mayor Ringer mentioned that he attended the Keep Texas Beautiful
Convention in Galveston on Friday, July 8, 1988. He stated that
Brazos Beautiful received an award for competing in this size
city. In addition, Brazos Beautiful received the Excellence
Award for being the "best of the best".
Councilman Haddox mentioned that he received a document sponsored
by the Michigan Municipal League relating to suicides and lock-
ups. He presented it to Ron for use by the Police Department.
Aqenda Item No. 2 - Cit~; Manaqer Concerns.
Mr. Ragland reported that the Personnel/Administration committee
has scheduled a meeting for next week to discuss the customer
service programs. The meeting will be held at 10:00, Wednesday,
July 20th at the Community Center.
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Aaenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of Railroad Relocation Study.
CPrioritv Issue #36}.
Mr. Jimmy Bond, Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs came forward to
address the Council. He presented the planning stages which have
occurred to this point. He stated that TAMU employed Wilbur
Smith Associates to update their rail planning study in 1987. He
stated that alignment studies for the proposed railroad
relocation program have identified a corridor located west of the
Bryan-College Station area. Mr. Bond described the location of
the proposed corridor. Councilman Gardner pointed out that if
this railroad is moved, the area will not be considered high
potential for industrial, yet it will have other uses.
Mr. Bond explained why the University Board of Regents felt the
corridor should not be located underground. He further stated
that this situation causes the railroad to be irreversible and
many board members felt uncomfortable with the idea.
Councilman Haddox mentioned that many citizens expressed concern
about the spill of chemicals and if the railroad was located in
the trench, there is possible containment of the chemicals.
Councilman Gardner asked Mr. Bond if he knew how many customers
in Bryan will use existing tracks. Mr. Bond stated that the
study does not foresee building new trackage, the existing
trackage could be utilized.
Councilman Gardner mentioned that the Council is currently
updating the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the railroad
relocation project should be addressed in the plan.
Councilman Haddox commented that he is very supportive of the
project for several reasons. One, cooperation with Texas A&M
will enable the university planners to do something they have
wanted for years. Secondly, the City of College Station may
benefit from the relocation by producing a more attractive
development along Wellborn Road. Thirdly, the Governor has
expressed his support. Councilman Brown added that his main
concern is the safety of the citizens.
Councilman Schneider asked if a time table has been determined
and who will be the major persons involved in making the final
decision. Mr. Bond replied that a model is being developed by
the State Highway Department. He stated that a date for com-
pletion has not been established.
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Mayor Ringer expressed his reluctance for a project which will
cost the city $2.5 million. He stated that he has not sensed any
groundswell in the community for moving the railroad track. "If
I had to pay for it, speaking for myself personally, then I don't
want it." He also stated that there has been concern that the
railroad relocation would eventually lead to the closing of
Wellborn Road.
Councilman Gardner remarked that he stands "neutral" at this
point, until more local planning is completed.
Mr. Bond ended his presentation by stating that he feels
satisfied by the response he has received from this meeting.
Aaenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of final report from A&FCS ox
Solid Waste Rate Study and Lona Range Plan.
Mr. Ragland introduced this item. He stated that in the long
range plan, a computer model will be constructed for the staff to
use in the future which will allow assumptions and variables to
be changed as future events occur. Mr. Ragland mentioned that
there are a number of cost issues which need further review
pertaining to solid waste.
Mr. Louis McClain explained the cost of service study. Ms. Becky
Brooks of A&FCS was also present. Mr. McClain referred to page 8
of the report. He pointed out that the need to increase overall
revenues in the sanitation fund of 18.8%. Page 8 showed the
rates for each customer class. He pointed out two programs under
study crucial in addressing cost of service= 1) Container Owner-
ship and Maintenance program; and, 2) developing commercial rates
based on size of container and frequency of collection. Mr.
McClain explained the consultant's recommendations as follows=
Single Family new increased rates - $5.25; Small Commercial -
$25.60: Apartment Rate kept at the current level of $4.20. The
Landfill rates would increase to $10.10 and drainage $.70.
Councilman Haddox expressed his curiosity about keeping the
apartment rate the same level while increasing all other rates.
Mr. McClain replied that any reduction in the apartment rate
would cause greater increase to other classes. By not raising
the rates for apartments, this step will help equalize the rates.
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Councilman Brown mentioned that the rates charged by the City are
far below other cities surveyed. Mr. McClain explained the
rolloff charges. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the rates have not
changed in five years.
Further discussion was held by the Council.
Councilman Brown moved to accept the report as presented.
Councilman Schneider seconded the motion which carried unanimous-
ly, 6-0, Councilman Birdwell absent.
A~enda Item No. 5 - Discussion of the En~ineerin~ Services
Agreement for the Rock Prairie Road landfill permit amendment.
City Engineer Pullen addressed this item. He provided the
Council with background information on the permit amendment
approved by Council in early 1987. He stated that the method
used at the landfill was changed to an aerialfill method. Mr.
Pullen explained that the permit amendment was taken to the
Health Department in October, 1987. He further explained that in
December, the Health Department adopted changes in their rules in
respect to permitting and operating landfills. The staff has
requested additional monies to continue the landfill permit
process. These monies will be utilized as follows: Air Emission
Study Phase I and II and revising the site development plan.
Mr. Ed Mc Dow of Riewe & Wischmeyer was present to explain the
changes in further detail. Ms. Robin Runnels of ToxCon Engi-
neering was present. Mr. Mc Dow explained that all necessary
information was prepared and submitted to the Health Department
in November. The State now wants everything technically docu-
mented and oriented so that all information will be readily
available for public hearings. This requires the engineers to
provide increased work. Mr. McDow recommended ToxCon to develop
the model which the State now requires. He stated that ToxCon
was highly recommended by the City of Garland.
Councilman Brown stated that he does not understand why we could
not interview other consultants to perform the type of work done
if possible for less money, rather than selecting one consultant
who sets its own costs. He further stated that he cannot com-
fortably accept this recommendation not knowing if this price is
Mr. Ragland reaffirmed to Councilman Brown that the Health
Department is unsure about how much information they need; they
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are still learning from this process. He pointed out that there
is no impact to the consumer who pays a rate of $10.10 to use the
landfill. Also, he pointed out that $60,000 is a good investment
for doubling the life of our landfill. Mr. Ragland commented
that he has great confidence in Mr. Pullen's ability to manage
this contract.
Agenda Item No. 6 - Requests for Proposals for Bank Depository
Finance Director Harrison presented this item. He stated that
the current bank depository agreement will expire September 30,
1988. The current contract dictates that all funds will be
invested with the local banking agreement. He recommended to the
Council that the local bank handle all transaction work on a fee
basis and allow the city to directly purchase securities for its
investment pool earning an additional $250,000 for the City's
1988-89 budget.
Councilman Haddox congratulated Mr. Harrison for his efforts in
recognizing transactions which would allow the city to obtain
additional monies.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Discussion of revisions to the goals and
objectives included in the Plan 2000.
Mayor Ringer commented that this item has been discussed at a
previous workshop meeting. Included in the packet were sugges-
tions of changes from Councilman Gardner and Councilman Bird-
Councilman Gardner summarized his suggested revisions in the
goals and objectives of the Plan. He explained the rationale of
why he deemphasizes the push for growth. Mr. Gardner expressed
his hope that everyone will read his statements he prepared.
Mr. Gardner added that the initiative should be taken to have
more "town meetings" or "quorums" so the citizens can provide
their input.
Mayor Ringer mentioned that there have been public hearings held
to give citizens the opportunity to provide input into the Goals
and Objectives. He further commented that the Goal statement
should provide a broad statement of a descriptive nature as a
desire for an outcome. The Objective statements should give the
sense of accomplishment, result oriented. He stated that he had
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read where the Objective statements should begin with a verb to
imply some type of action.
The Council began discussing the goals and objectives starting
with City Character.
Councilman Haddox mentioned that in Councilman Birdwell's sugges-
tion for this item he changed the goal to read "An attractive
community serving the employees and students of TAMU". Mr.
Haddox commented that he feels the other citizens of the commu-
nity should also be recognized.
Councilman Haddox remarked that the citizens he communicates with
everyday approve of the changes which have taken place in College
Station. He further stated that we should not create an atmo-
sphere that is discouraging for the type of businesses we want in
the city. He pointed out one reason why he feels there should be
more meetings of the Council so that the Council can further
understand each member's thoughts and ideas about different
Councilman Schneider commented that he feels the goal of City
Character should read "An attractive university-oriented com-
munity with a healthy, diversified economic climate".
After further discussion, the Council concurred that a special
workshop meeting should be held to continue discussion of this
AGenda Item No. 8 - Adjourn.
The Council adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
~ity Se~af~ Dian Jones
' 6757