HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-1505 - Ordinance - 02/23/1984ORDI,qA[ICE NO. 1;505 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 850, REVISING THE LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, the City Councll held a public hearing in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on Thurs- day, February 23, , 198q, on the question of amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 850; AND WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to amend Ordinance No. 850; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED DY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: The Zoning Ordinance No. 850 is hereby amended as follows: 7-0. APPLICATION OF SECTION. Except as otherwise provided below, the landscaping requirements of this Section shall apply to all land located in the City of College Station. Such landscaping requirements shall become appllcable as to each individual lot at such time as an application for a building permit on such lot is made. These requlrements remain with any subsequent owner. 2. Each phase of a phased project shall comply with the requirements of this section. The )andscaping requirements of this section with the exception of Section 7-D.h(lO) shall not apply to building permits for single family and duplex units. Where a valid building permit is issued prior to the effective date of this section, the landscaping ordinance of College Station in effect at the date of such issuance shall apply to such permit. When the requirements of this Section conflict with requirements of other provisions of this Code, this section shall prevail. Provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall be subordinate to the provisions of Section 6-A pertaining to traffic and pedestrian safety, and the provi- sions of Ordinance )301 pertaining to waterway development. 7-D.i. PURPOSE To improve the safety of traffic Flow and to improve community appearance. 7-D.2. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the special meanlngs ascrlbed to them below, which special meanings shall govern in case of conflict with the general definitions of Ordinance 850 Section 1-0. Canopy Tree - Any self-supporting woody plant with one well defined trunk and a distinct and definlte formed crown which attains a height of at least 30 feet. Ordinance No. 1505 page 2 7-D.3. Non-Canopy Tree - Any self-supporting woody plant with one or more trunks which attains a height of at least 15 feet. Existing Tree - Any self-supporting woody plant, except Celtis occldentalls (Common Hackberry), with one well defined trunk slx inches in diameter or greater at one foot above the ground. Shrub - A woody perennial planting differing from a perennial herb by its more woody stem and from a tree by its low stature and habit of branching from the base. Groundcover - A spreading plant including sods and grasses less than 18 inches in helght, which Is used for erosion control. Barricade area for existing trees - A protected area extendlng in a radius seven feet from every protected tree that prevents intrusion by construction equipment and other vehicles. Parkln9 - Interior - Parking rows which are not located on the periphery of the proposed project slte and further, where none of the parking spaces abut any property line associated with the proposed project site. Parkln9 - Peripheral - Parking rows consisting of indlvldual parking spaces which abut the periphery or property lines associated with the proposed project site. Parking Eows - Single Parking Row: A single row of spaces for the parking of motor vehicles as illustrated in Figure 1. Double Parklng Row: Two parallel rows of spaces for the parking of motor vehicles arranged so that when parked, the front end of each motor vehicle faces the front end of another motor vehlcle as illustrated in Figure 2. Parkln9 Space - A space used for the parking of a motor vehicle, where said space ts not less than nlne (9) feet wide, twenty (20) feet long and contains not less than one hundred eighty (180) square feet of area. Project Review Committee - A committee composed of the Director of Planning, the City Engineer, and the Chairman of the Plannlng and Zoning Commission, or hls or her designated alternate. PROCEDURES (1) When site plan review by the Project Review Committee and/or the Planning and Zonlng Commisslon is required the site plan shall contain the informa- tion listed in the subsection below. a. The location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the tract. b. The location of existing and proposed utility easements on or adjacent to the lot and the location of overhead power lines. The location, size and type of proposed landscaplng in proposed land- scaped areas; and the size of proposed landscaped area. Botanical nomenclature as well as common names must be listed. d. All canopy trees must be labelled as containerized or balled and bur- lapped. Ordinance No. 1505 Page 3 e. The location and species of existing trees having trunks six (6) inches or larger in diameter. An indication of ho~ the applicant plans to protect the existing trees, which are proposed to receive 150 points, from damage during construction. g. Locate the proposed irrigation system or hose connections. h. Information necessary for verifying whether the minimum required landscaping points have been met under section 7-D.4. i. An indication of adjacent land uses, existing development and roadways. 7-0.4. LANOSCAPING REQUIREMENTS Landscaping points are generated by either the square footage of the development or the number of its parking spaces. The higher of the two point totals will be applled. The minimum number of points for any develop- ment is 500 points. 0 - 50 spaces 51 - 100 spaces (next 50 spaces) 101 - 200 spaces (next 100 spaces) 201+ spaces 30 points per I000 square feet of site area. 16 points per space 12 points per space I0 points per space 8 points per space 2. Accrued landscaping points are expended on landscaping material with the following point values. *Protected existing canopy tree Unprotected existing canopy tree New canopy tree New canopy tree (balled & burlapped) New canopy tree (containerized) Non-canopy tree Shrubs Groundcover (excludlng grasses) 150 pts. 75 pts. 1OO pts. 75 pts. 75 pts. qO pts. IO pts. 10 pts. min 6" callper at 12" above the ground min 2" caliper at 6" above the ground min 3.5" caliper at 6" above the ground min 2" caliper at 6" above the ground min 1.5" caliper at 6" above the ground min 5 ft. to 6 ft. min. 5 gallon min. 1 gallon for dwarfs 100~ cover in one year from the date of issuance of Certi- ficate of Occupancy. (As determined in accordance with standards in Landscaping and Nursery Trade, it being the intent of this ordinance to provide a reasonable, rather than a strict requirement). Ordinance No. 1505 Page ~ Groundcover 0 pts, (grasses) See Section 7-D.q.3(a) $ (bi. *To receive 75 or 150 points, all existing trees must be in good form and condition and reasonably free of damage by insects and/or disease. 3. (al Groundcover is required in parking lot islands, in swales and drainage areas, in the 8 foot setback area provided by Section 7.0.7 and In all unpaved portions of street or highway right-of-way abutting the property. (bi If grass is to be used for groundcover, 1OO~ live grass groundcover is required, whether by solid sod overlay or preplanting and success- ful takeover of grasses. Every project must expend a minimum of 50~ of its point total on canopy trees. 5. Landscaping must be reasonably dispersed throughout the development. To receive 150 points for existing 6" caliper trees, a barricade with a m)nlmum radius of seven (7) feet from every protected tree must be installed prior to gradlng and construction, The barricade must remain in place until all ground disturbing activities are completed. If the protected tree(s) is located in a parking lot island the barricaded area must become the tree(s) island upon project completion. No utilities or sprinkler system may be located In the barricaded area. This area shall not be used as a storage area or dumping area for paints, concrete, and other toxicants deleterious to a tree's survival during any phase of the project. 7. Every development must employ either a sprinkler system or have a hose connection within 150 feet of any ]andscaping. aw Replacement of dead landscaping must occur within q5 days of notification. Replacement material must be of similar character and the same or higher point total as the dead landscaping. All landscaping must be completed before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. However, planting of trees and shrubs between June 15th and September lSth may be delayed until October 15th. During this three-month perlod landscaped area must have all groundcover in place before a Certificate of Occupancy is Issued. 10. Eroded or otherwise displaced soil must be removed from the R.O.W. abutting the development before the Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. 7-D.5. LANDSCAPING GUIDE The City Forester shall determine which types of generally used plants are vlable in the College Station area, and shall prepare a guide of such plants, settlng forth their generic and scientific names. At the request of the Planning Department, the Commission, or any appli- cant, the Forester wili determine the viability of any other plant variety proposed for utllizatlon upon a plan, or for inclusion in the guide. 2. The Plannlng and Zoning Commission may consider and approve any other plant variety not listed in the guide on the basis of viability in the Ordlnance No. 1505 Page 5 7-0.6. 7-D.7. 7-D.8, 7-D.9. 7-D.10. 7-D.11. local area alone. The Commlssion may require reasonable screening within a project, or of adjacent land uses, and may reject any particular types of plants proposed in a landscaplng plan, whether or not prevlously approved by the Commlssion or the City Forester as to viabillty, where a parti- cular type of plant Is necessary and appropriate for such screening purposes. The Commission shall have no authority to reject any land- scaplng plan on the basis of types of plants proposed for any reason other than viability, necessary screening, or utility interference. PUBLIC PROPERTIES All matters involving the preservation, pruning, plantlng and removal of trees and shrubs in parks, along City streets and in other public places shall be the responsibillty of the Community Appearance Committee and the City Forester. SEPARATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PARKING AREAS A raised Island, not less than six (6) inches in height and not less than eight (8) feet in width shall separate public right-of-way from parking areas. RAISED ISLANDS FOR SINGLE PARKING ROWS A raised Island, not less than six (6) inches in height and encompassing not less than one hundred eighty (1801 square feet in area with a bottom contiguous with exlstlng soil, shall be located as follows: A. Interior Parking: At both ends of every slngle parking row, regardless of the length of the row. B. Peripheral Parking: Between every twenty (20) parking spaces. RAISED ISLANDS FOR DOUBLE PARKING ROWS A raised Island, not less than six (6) inches In height and encompassing not less than three hundred sixty (360) square feet in area with a bottom conti- guous with existing soil, shall be located at both ends of every double parking row regardless of the length of said row. HAXIHUM ROW LENGTH AND WHEEL STOP REQUIREMENT No single or double Interior parking row shall exceed fifteen (15) parking spaces per slue. Where a single or double parking row contains more than ten (101 spaces per slde, wheel stops shall be provided as illustrated in Figure 6. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PROJECT REVIEW COHHITTEE Any Individual desiring to place structures and/or facilities in any Zoning Olstricts other than R-1 and R-2 shall present a parking area safety and land- scaping plan to the Olrector of Planning. If the plan includes nineteen (191 parking spaces or less, the Director of Planning shall submit said plan to the appropriate staff for review accordlng to the standards established in (hls ordinance and other ordinances of the Clty of College Station. If the plan Ordinance No. 1505 Page 6 includes twenty (20) parking spaces or more, the Director of Planning shall notify the indivldual of the time, date and place for the plan to be reviewed by the Project Review Commlttee (PRC). The deliberations of the PRC shall be recorded and flled in the office of the Oirector of P1annlng. A copy of the report shall be sent to the individual(s) seeking approval of the plan. The PRC may recommend, and the Planning and Zoning Commlssion may impose additional conditions, and may further modify the literal terms of this ordinance where such modifications, or conditions, are reasonably necessary to insure the protection of public health, safety and general welfare, and where such condi- tions or modlflcatlons are reasonably required to implement the intention of this ordinance, as reasonably apparent from its terms, and do not impose a disproportionate or arbitrary burden upon any particular property owner. 7-D.12. PENALTIES Any property owner failing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and liable for a fine of not less than twenty- five dollars ($25.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200,00). Each day such vlolation shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. 7-D.13. VARIANCE AND APPEAL PROCESS Any request for a variance to the requirements of this ordinance or an appeal of the PRC~s recommendations will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The request shall be filed with the Zoning Official, in writing, no later than ten (10) days after the PRC meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the request at a regularly scheduled meeting within twenty (20) days of receipt of the request. The decision by the Plannlng and Zoning Commission shall be subject to appeal by an applicant or by the City pursuant to the statutory and ordinance requirements and provisions pertaining to appeals to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 7-D.lq. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES Any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, or which is inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed to the extent necessary to give thls ordinance full force and effect. 7-D.15. SEVERABILITY Should any action of this ordinance be declared by a court of record to be unconstltutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validlty of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd day of ATTEST: February, 1984. City Secret~_,~ Dian Jones