HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1731 - Ordinance - 11/12/19871731 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8, SECTION IO-D OF THE COLLEGE STATION CODE OF ORDINANCES, AUTHORIZING AID ALLOt/lNG, UNDE9 THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEi'I, UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS IN SAID SYSTEF,1 FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEH [,/HO PRESENTLY ARE IN THE EMPLOYMEi'IT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: PROVIDING FOR INCREASED PRIOR AND CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITIES FOR RETIREES AND BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED RETIREES OF THE CITY: AND ESTABLISHING Ai'i EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE STATION, TEXAS: CITY COUNCIL OF TltE CITY OF COLLEGE I. That, Chapter 8, Sectlon IO-D of the College Station Code of Ordlnances is hereby attended to read as follows: D, UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS (1) Authorization of Updated Service Credlt$ (a) On the terms and conditlons set out In Sectlons 63.401 through 63.403 of Title 1108, Revised Clvil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, each n,ember of the Texas Munlclpal Retirement Syst~n, who has current service cre¢It or prior s~rvlco credit in said System in force and effect on the 1st day of January, 1988, by reason of service in the employment of the City of College Station, and on such date has at least 36 months of credited service with sald system, shall be and is hereby allowed Updated Servlce Credit (as thot term is defined In subsection (d) of section 63.402 of said ti,l~) In an amount tha~ is 100 percent of the base Updated Service Credl, of the me~.ber (calculated as provided in subsection(c) of section 63.402 of said ti,I,). The Updaled Service CredH hereby allowed shall replace any Updated Service Credit, prior service credit, special prlor service credit, or antecedent service previously authorl=ed for part of ~he same service. (b) In accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) uf tectlon 63.401 of said title, the deposlts required to be ~,ade by the Texas Municipal Retirement System by employees of the several participatln& departments on account of current service shall be calculated from and after the date aforesald on ,he full amount of such person's earning as an employee of the City. 005196 (2) Increase in Retirement ^nnulties (a) On terms and conditions set out in Section 64.203 of Title 110B, Revised Civll Statutes of Taxas, 1925, as amended, the City of College Station hereby elects to allow and to provlda for payment of th~ increase below stated in ihonthly benefit5 payable by the Texas Municipal Ret~reme,f System to retired employees and to beneflclarles of deceased employees of this City under current service annuities and prior service annuities arising from service by such employees tu this Clty. An annuity increased under this Sectlon replaces any annuity or increased annuity previously granted to the s~me person. (b) The amount of annuity increase under this Section is computed as the sum of the prior and current ~ervice annuities on ft~e effective date of retirement of the person on whose service the annuities are based, multiplied by 70 percent of the percentage change in Consumer Pr ice Index for All Urban Consumers, from December of the year immediately preceding the effective date of th~ pe~un's retlre~.ent to the December that is 13 months before the effecilve date of this ordinance. (c) An increase in an annuity that was reduced because of an option selection is reducible in the same proportion ~nd in the same manner that th~ original annuity was reduced. (d) If a computation hereunder does not result in an increase in the amount of an annuity, the amount of the annuity will not be changed hereby. (e) The amount by which an increase under thls Section exceeds all previously granted increases to an annuitantis an obligation of this City and of It~ account In the nlunicipality accumulation fund of 1he Texas Municipal Retlrement Syrian,. (3) ~ Subject to approval by tho Board of Trustees of Texas Municipal Retirement System, the updated service credits and increase In retirement annuities granted hereby shall be and become effective on the 1st day of January, 1988. Passed and approved thls the 12th day of November .1987 A'FI'EST: APPROVED: 005197