HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-1816 - Ordinance - 07/27/1989ORDINANCE NO. 1816 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6C AND SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 9 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION; REQUIRING THE SUBMISSION OF A MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN AS A PART OF THE PRE- LIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND AMENDING THE OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDI- NANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the current ordinance with regard to making decisions on oversize participation and has found the ordinance to be lacking a requirement of a master deve- lopment plan and has found that the current participation re- quirements to be insufficiently explained. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. Chapter 9, Section 6C and Section 9 of the Code of Ordi- nances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "6-C. Preliminary Plat: 6-C.1. At least ten (10) days prior to the meeting of the Commission, at which time the preliminary plat is to be consider- ed, the subdivider shall submit to the Commission, through the City Secretary, ten (10) paper copies of the Preliminary Plat, and a mylar copy of same, of the proposed subdivision, drawn to a scale of not less than one hundred (100) feet per inch. The words "PRELIMINARY PLAT - NOT FOR RECORD" shall appear on the plat in letters 1/2" high. The date the plat was submitted and the dates of any revisions shall legibly appear on the plat. 6-C.2. The subdivider shall submit with the Preliminary Plat an application for approval on forms available in the Plan- ning Department. The application shall include but not be limit- ed to the following: 6-C.2.1. The name and address of the subdivider, record owner,planner, engineer and surveyor. 6-C.2.2. The name and address of all lenders on the prop- erty. 6-C.2.3. The name and address of all easement holders. rl 5 15 -12 6-C.2.4. The proposed name of the subdivision which shall not have the spelling as or be pronounced similar to the name of any other subdivision located within Brazos County, Texas. 6-C.2.5. The total area the applicant intends to develop. 6-C.2.6. The number of lots in the subdivision. 6-C.2.7. The approximate area of street right-of-way. 6-C.2.8. The proposed parkland dedication. 6-C.2.9. Identification of potential oversize items. 6-C.2.10. Applicant shall provide a proposed master devel- opment plan, which plan shall depict the follow- ing: a. proposed land uses, including but not limited to street rights of way; b. proposed zoning changes; c. proposed drainage development; d. proposed public improvements, including but not limited to parks, schools, and other public facilities. 6-C.2.11. Traffic, sewer, electric, water and drainage impact studies quantifying the increased demands that will be placed on the system as a result of the proposed development, including areas not designated for immediate development. 6-C.3. An application fee shall be established by Council resolution from time -to -time. Application fees are not refund- able but shall not be required on subsequent submittals of re- vised plats. 6-C.4. The plat shall be drawn on sheets 24" x 36". When more tone sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire area, an index sheet at appropriate scale showing the entire area, shall be attached. The plat shall be drawn on mylar film posi- tive accompanied by ten (10) paper copies. 6-C.S. The plat shall conform to the general requirements and minimum standards of Design and Improvements as set forth in Articles III and IV, and shall show specifically: 2 - r,n 56g3 6-C.5.1. The name and address of the subdivider, record owner, planner, engineer, and surveyor. 6-C.5.2. The proposed name of the subdivision, which shall not have the spelling as, or be pronounced simi- lar to the name of any other subdivision located within Brazos County, Texas. 6-C.5.3. The name of contiguous subdivisions and names of owners of contiguous parcels of unsubdivided land, and an indication whether or not contiguous properties are platted. 6-C.5.4. Descriptions by metes and bounds of the subdivision which shall close within accepted land survey standards. 6-C.5.5 Primary control points or descriptions and ties to such control point, to which, later, all dimen- sions, angles, bearings, block numbers, and simi- lar data shall be referred. The plat shall be lo- cated with respect to a corner of the survey or tract, or an original corner of the original sur- vey of which it is a part. 6-C.5.6. Subdivision boundary lines, indicated by heavy lines,and the computed acreage of the subdivision. 6-C.5.7. Existing features as follows: a. The location, dimension, name and de- scription of all recorded streets, al- leys, reservations, easements, or other public or private rights -of -way within the subdivision, intersecting or conti- guous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries. In the case of pipelines carrying flammable gas or fuel, the approximate location, size of line, de- sign pressure and product transported through the line shall be shown. b. The location, dimension, description and name of all existing or recorded lots, parks, public areas, premanent structures and other sites within or contiguous with the subdivision. C. The location, dimension, description and flow line of existing water courses and - 3 - drainage structures within the subdivision or contiguous thereto. d. The location of the one hundred (100) year flood according to the most recent best available data. 6-C.5.8. The date of preparation, scale in feet, and north arrow. 6-C.5.9. Topographical information, including contours at two (2) foot intervals, flow line elevation of streams, and wooded areas. 6-C.5.10. The location, approximate dimensions, description and name of —all proposed streets, alleys, drainage structures, parks or other public areas, reservations, easements or other rights -of -way, blocks, lots and other sites within the subdivi- sion. Proposed channel cross sections, if any. Existing and/or proposed well site locations. 6-C.5.11. A number or letter to identify each lot or site and each block. 6-C.5.12. Location of current city limits line, and current zoning district boundary. 6-C.5.13. The ultimate destination of storm water for a dis- tance —one quarter mile and possible storm sewer, water, gas, telephone, cable television, electric and sanitary sewer connec- tions. SECTION 9: RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT FOR INSTALLATION COSTS 9-A. General The subdivider shall pay all costs of materials and installation of streets, alleys, sidewalks, drainage and utilities, except as follows: 9-B. Streets Subject to statutory restrictions and approval of the City Coun- cil, the City may enter into a development agreement agreeing to participate in the cost of throughfares where the width required by the City is in excess of those requirements specified in sec- tion 8-G.10. and agreeing to participate in the extra cost according to the following guidelines: 4 - nr•c 95 9-B.1. The proposed thoroughfare and right-of-way, neces- sary for it must be located inside the city limits of the City of College Station at the time the construction of the streets is to begin. 9-B.2. The plans and specifications for the construction of the proposed thoroughfare must have been reviewed and ap- proved by the City Engineer of the City of College Station. 9-B.3. The street must meet the criteria described in the City's "Future Land Use Plan", as follows: 9-B.3.1. A principal arterial located and designed to pro- vide a direct traffic route over fairly long dis- tances within the metropolitan area. It is in- tended that traffic volumes be relatively high, but speeds are high enough only to ensure smooth flow. Access controls are provided only at major traffic junctures with traffic controls located at most intersections. Frontage is either li- mited or controlled by use of service roads. Texas Avenue and University Drive are examples of principal arterials. 9-B.3.2. A minor arterial located and designed to serve the high volume traffic needs of the local area. These routes are continuous through the commu- nity, and should connect with similar thorough- fares in adjacent cities. Access is controlled through placement of entering streets, driveway prohibitions, medians, left -turn lanes, and sig- nalization. Holleman Drive and Southwest Parkway are examples of minor arterials. 9-B.4. A preliminar�equest for oversize participation, based upon an engineer s estimate for the project, must be pre- sented to the City Council prior to the beginning of construc- tion. Upon approval of a preliminary request, funds will be en- cumbered through a purchase order, with the total not to exceed the City's share plus a ten percent (10%) contingency for parti- cipation in the approved project. Council approval and partici- pation shall be contingent and subject to commencement within one (1) year of Council approval and completion of the thor- oughfare by the date so designated by the Council. If construc- tion of an approved project is not either begun within one (1) year of Council approval, or completed by the date designated by the Council, then Council approval shall be automatically re- voked, the funds will be returned to the oversize street fund and will be available for the next request. After the street - 5 - i has been completed and accepted by the City Engineer, payment may be requested. Payment will be contingent upon the City's receipt of a deed for the land and improvements, an updated ti- tle report, and lien subordinations from all lenders. The cost of the City's participation shall not increase more than ten percent (10%) over the amount calculated using the engineer's estimate. 9-B.5. The City's participation shall be limited to a per- centage o-E'construction costs and the actual value of the unde- veloped land in excess of that required for the thoroughfare as established by an appraisal prepared by a MAI appraiser approved by the City Right -of -Way Agent, which appraisal is acceptable to the City Right -of -Way Agent. The cost of the appraisal shall be borne by the subdivider. 9-B.6. At the time of the preliminary request, the City Councii reserves the right to evaluate the overall economic benefit of the thoroughfare to the City. The City Council may elect not to participate or it may elect to limit participation. 9-B.7. The City's participation will be limited to a maxi- mum of thirty percent (30%) of the engineer's estimate unless the Council agrees otherwise and the project is placed out to public bid. SECTION 9-C. WATER SUPPLY. Subject to the statutory require- ments and the approval of the City Council, the City may enter into a development agreement agreeing to participate in the cost of water pipelines according to the following guidelines: 9.C.1. A determination must be made by the City Engineer that th�ditional capacity is necessary for serving areas be- yond the limits of the area established by the subdivider's mas- ter development plan. But however, in no event will the City participate in the cost of a waterline of a diameter of eight (8) inches or less. 9-C.2. The proposed waterline must be located inside the city iT mits of the City of College Station at the time the con- struction of the waterline begins. 9-C.3. The plans and specifications for the construction of the waterline must have been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer of the City of College Station. 9-C.4. The waterline must be new. Ct= r,r, 5o97 9-C.I. A preliminary request for oversize participation based upon an engineer s estimate for the project must be pre- sented to the City Council prior to beginning construction. Upon approval of a preliminary request, funds will be encumbered through a purchase order with the total not to exceed the City's share plus a ten percent (10%) contingency for participation in the approved project. Council approval and participation shall be contingent and subject to commencement within one (1) year of Council approval and completion of the thoroughfare by the date so designated by the Council. If construction of an approved project has not begun within one (1) year, of Council approval, or completed by the date designated by the Council then Council approval shall be automatically revoked, the funds will be returned to the oversize waterline participation fund and will be available for the next request. After the water line has been completed and accepted by the City Engineer, payment may be requested. Payment will be contingent upon the City's receipt of a deed for the land and improvements, an updated title report, and lien subordinations from all lenders. The cost of the City's participation shall not increase more than ten percent (10%) over the amount calculated using the engineer's estimate. 9-C.6. The City's participation will be limited to a per- centage of construction costs only. 9-C.7. At the time of the preliminary request, the City Council reserves the right to evaluate the overall economic benefit of the waterline to the City. The City Council may elect not to participate or it may elect to limit participation. 9.C.8. The City's participation will be limited to a maxi- mum o—thirty percent (30%) of the engineer's estimate unless the Council agrees otherwise and the project is placed out to public bid. SECTION 9-D. SANITARY SEWERS. Subject to statutory requirements and the approval of the City Council, the City may enter into a development agreement agreeing to participate in the cost of san- itary sewer lines according to the following guidelines: 9-D.1. A determination must be made by the City Engineer that additional capacity and/or depth is necessary for serving areas beyond the limits of the area established by the subdivi- der's master development plan. But however, in no event will the City participate in the cost of a sewerline of a diameter of eight (8) inches or less. - 7 - I' r r' ,11.Q 9-D.2. The proposed sanitary sewerline must be located in- side the city limits of the City of College Station at the time construction of the sanitary sewerline begins. 9-D.3. The plans and specifications for the construction of the sanitary sewerline must have been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer of the City of College Station. 9-D.4. The proposed sanitary sewerline must be new. 9-D.5. A preliminary request for oversize participation based upon an engineer's estimate for the project must be pre- sented to the City Council prior to beginning construction. Upon approval of a preliminary request, the funds will be encum- bered through a purchase order with the total not to exceed the City's share plus a ten percent (10%) contingency for participa- tion in the approved project. Council approval and participa- tion shall be contingent and subject to commencement within one (1) year of Council approval and completion of the thoroughfare by the date so designated by the Council. If construction of an approved project is not either begun within one (1) year of Council approval, or completed by the date designated by the Council then Council approval shall be automatically revoked, the funds will be returned to the oversize sewerline fund and will be available for the next request. After the sewerline has been completed and accepted by the City Engineer, payment may be requested. Payment will be contingent upon the City's receipt of a deed for the land and improvements, an updated title re- port, and lien subordinations from all lenders. The cost of the City's participation shall not increase more than ten per- cent (10%) over the amount calculated using the engineer's esti- mate. 9-D.6. The City's participation shall be limited to a per- centage of construction costs only. 9-D.7. At the time of the preliminary request, the City Council reserves the right to evaluate the overall economic benefit of the proposed sewerline to the City. The City Coun- cil may elect to not participate or it may elect to limit parti- cipation. 9-D.8. The City's participation will be limited to a maxi- mum of thirty percent (30%) of the engineer's estimate unless the Council agrees otherwise and the project is placed out to public bid. SECTION 9-E. BRIDGES. The subdivider shall, at his own cost, dedicate all rights -of -way and construct all drainage facilities =>C r1n5699 according to the Drainage Policy and Design Standards of the City of College Station. When, in order to comply with the Drainage Policy and Design Standards, it is necessary to install bridges with capacity in excess of that required to serve the area being developed, the developer shall construct such oversize struc- tures. The City may participate in the cost of oversize bridge struc- tures according to the following guidelines: 9-E.1. The proposed bridge or culvert must be located in- side the c ty limits of the City of College Station at the time construction of the bridge or culvert begins. 9-E.2. The plans and specifications for the construction of the bridge or culvert must have been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer of the City of College Station. 9-E.3. The proposed bridge or culvert must be on a new street. The street must meet the criteria described in the City's "Future Land Use Plan" for a major or minor arterial. The bridge or culvert must either have a span greater than twenty (20) feet or have an open end area greater than two hun- dred (200) square feet. The bridge or culvert structure itself, headwalls, wingwalls and the excavation and backfill necessary for the installation of those items. 9-E.4. A preliminary request for oversize bridge and cul- vert pa�cipation ased on an engineer's estimate for the pro- ject must be presented to the City Council prior to beginning construction. Upon approval of a preliminary request, funds will be encumbered through a purchase order with the total not to exceed the City's share plus a ten percent (10%) contingency for participation in the approved project. Council approval and participation shall be contingent and subject to commencement within one (1) year of Council approval and completion of the thoroughfare by the date so designated by the Council. If con- struction of an approved project has not begun within one (1) year, of Council approval, or completed by the date designated by the Council then Council approval shall be automatically re- voked, the funds will be returned to to oversize bridge fund and will be available for the next request. After the bridge or culvert has been completed and accepted by the City Engineer, payment may be requested. Payment will be contingent upon the City's receipt of a deed for the land and improvements, an up- dated title report, and lien subordinations from all lenders. The cost of the City's participation shall not increase more than ten percent (10%) over the amount calculated using the engineer's estimate. 9 - nr..5 00 9-E.5. The City's participation shall be limited to a per- centage of construction costs only. 9-E.6. At the time of the preliminary request, the City Council reserves the right to evaluate the overall economic benefit of the proposed bridge or culvert to the City. The City Council may elcet not to participate or it may elect to limit participation. 9-E.7. The City's participation will be based on the per- cent capacity required in excess of the capacity needed to serve property owned or controlled by the developer. The amount of participation by the City shall be limited to a maximum of thirty percent (30%) unless the Council agrees otherwise and the participation project is placed out for public bid. SECTION 9-F. ELECTRIC SERVICE 9-F.1. Overhead electric services will be installed by the City at no cost to the subdivider. 9-F.2. Residential: If the subdivider elects the option to place single phase electric lines underground, the City will in- stall the electric lines at a cost to the subdivider of the aver- age amount the cost of underground facilities exceeds the cost of overhead facilities. This cost is set at two dollars ($2.00) per front foot of all lots in the subdivision. 9-F.3. Commercial and Industrial: In any commercial and industria area of a subdivision, the City will provide under- ground electric service insofar as practical to do so, if re- quested to do so by the developer. In each instance, the City shall compute the amount the cost of the underground facilities exceeds the cost of overhead facilities and shall charge the developer this sum. SECTION 9-G. STREET LIGHTS The subdivider shall select and install the type of street light, pole, and luminaire, of a design approved by the City Engineer, and shall pay the cost of secondary electric lines to the street lights, and the original installation cost to the City. The City will then maintain the street lights and furnish electric energy. SECTION 9-H. STREET SIGNS The City will install street signs at no cost to the subdivider. - 10 - SECTION 9-I. ENGINEERING 9-I.1. The City will make no charge for engineering inspec- tion as is considered necessary during construction and for final inspection; however, it is to be understood that the City will do no layout work or daily inspection. 9-I.2. The City may require compaction test on embankments and flexible bases, and depth tests on flexible bases and pave- ments, and pressure tests on piping systems, before final inspec- tion and approval." II. This ordinance shall become effective and in full force and ef- fect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly attested by the Mayor of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 27th day of July, 1989. APPROVED: ATTEST: i City Secretary � �' 7 2