HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1928 - Ordinance - 11/20/1991ORDINANCE NO. ]. 9 2 8 AN ORDINANCE RKZON1NG A 9.84~' ACRE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, OUT OF AND BEING A PART OF THE RICHARD CARTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. {, ACCORDING TO A DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME .~$~', PAGE 241 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM C-I GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO C-B BUSINESS COMMERCIAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the Oly Council held a public heanng xn the Cily hall Council Chantbem at 4:00 P.M. on Thumday, November 20, 1991. on the quesl{ou of rezonlng eerlaln areas w]thlu thc City Ha.ts: AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has detenmned the followmg: To rezone or change the classification ora 9.842 acre tract of land situated m the Richard Caner League m College Station, Brnzos County, Texas, according to a deed recorded in Volunre 259, Page 241 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas, fi'ora C-1 General Commereial to C-B Busmess Cmnmereral. More specifically described aa follows: BEGIIN'NINO at a point in the mteraectlon Oflha norlhwesterly line ofthe said 171.038 acre Iract with the northwesterly line of F.M. Hsghv/ay 60 that bea~s N 41°53'18" E., 26.03 feet fmra the mosl v/esterly corner Ihereof, said poml being an ~ron pipe for the most westerly comer of this Iract, THENCE N 41°53'18' E - 1610 17 feet with said northwesterly line as fenced to an ~mn pipe iii the v/esl Im~ of ~o. 6, East Bypass for the northerly comer of this tract, THENCE S 20059'48" E - 310.56 feet v/ith the west line ofssld Highway 6, East Bypass IO a point thereon at the northwesl comer of a certain 50,06').4 ~quare foot tract heretofore conveyed for the most easterly southeast corner of this tract, _THENCE S 5 {°00'27' Vi/- 2~_.8.05 feet w~th the north line of the aboveraentloned tract to a point at the northwest comer thereof for an ell corner of this tract; THENCE S 38°50'18" E - 235.00 feet v/ith the west line of the said 50,06').4 square foot tracl to a poml at the mouibv/est corner thereof, same being in the northv/esterly line of Ibc said F M 60 for the raost soulherly corner of this tract; THENCE with the northwesterly line of F.M. 60 as follows S 50"50'07" W - 25.02 feet to a concrete highway monument; S 55o03'I$· W - 484.71 feet to a concrete highway monument: S 66°10'16' W - 2~3.27 feet to a concrete highv/ay monumenl; S 69o34'48, W - 267.46 feet to a concrete haghway mmtunlent; S 69O40'08" Vi/. 300 04 feel to a concrete highway monument, S 74°12'15' W - 3.67 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and contalmng 9.8,12 acres of land, more or less, from Stogie Fanuly Residential DIslncl E-I to General Cmmnerclal District C-1. AND, it ~s ordained Ihat said change shall become effective immedrately. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20lb day of Novemher, 1991 APPROVED: C3ty Seeretaty, Connie Hooks ��,..�►. �. � teat