HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1919 - Ordinance - 10/10/1991ORDINANCE NO. 1919 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF TIIE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, BUILDING REGUhATIONS, BY REPhACING TIIE CURRENT SECTION 1; BY DELETING 'l"rlE CURRENT SECTIONS ~., 3, AND 7; AND BY RENUMBERING SECTIONS 4, 8, 6, AND 8 AS SECTIONS ~., 3, 4 AND 5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That Chapter 3, Building Regulations, Section 1, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: BUILDING REGULATIONS SECTION h STANDARD ADMINISTRATIVE CODE A. TITI~ AND SCOPE 1. Title The provistcms of the following chapters shall constitute and be known and cited as 'The Standmd Admlnlstmtwe Code' (hereinafter mfon, ed to as 'this Code'). The purpose of this Code is to provide for the admlnistmtton and enIorcement of the Standard Building, Cas, lVlechanical. Plumbing and Fire Codas, and the Nattonal Electrical Code (hereinafter referred to u the 'Technical Codas'), as adopted by thru City. 'City' in this Cede shall mean the City of College Station 'State' in this Code shall mean the State of T,~v.~ 'Bua~l~g Of~:isl' shaft lncfl~de eacfl o! the sepurate o~c. Ja~ de~'~ated by eacA of tile Te~t~aJ Codes. General. Tkis Code is hereby declared to be remedY1; and shall be con- stnled to secure the beneficial interests and p~ of the Tecluncal Codes, which are public sufoty, health, and general welfare, and the specific bene~-Jal intereats and purpoass to which each of the Technical Codas applias, as stated in 101.33 below. Ouahtv Control Oualtty cmttml of matel'isle and werknmnsklp is not within the ptu~.ew of the Technical Codes except as ~t relates to the purpoaes stated herein. (c) Permittina and Ins~ecticm. The inspection or permitting of any bmlding, system or plan by the City, under the requirements of the Tecl'uucal Codes or this Code, shall not be construed in any court as a warranty of the phlmt.'al coaditicn of such btffidmg, system or plan or their adequacy. Neither the City nor any employee thereof shall be liable in tort ior damages for any delect or ~=-~loas or dlegal conchtion or inadequacy in such buitding, system or plan, nor for any failure of any component of such, which may occur suI0suquent to such inspectton or pernulting. Ordinance No. 1919 Page (1) Blnldin~. The presb~ns o! the 1991 Standard B-flrllqg Code ~ apply to the exmstrueflon, alteration, repab', equ~ment, use and occupancy, location, maintena,~ce, removal and demolflion, of eve~ bu~hng or structure or any appun'enar~.es connected or attached to such buildings or structures; except as altered by Appeudin 1 attached and incorporated hereto. (z) Electrical. The pro3fl~flqs of the 1990 National Electrical Code fhttall apply to the lnsf~ll~ation of alectF]cal 8ystenm, including alter- ations, repairs, replacement, equ~ment, applbnces, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto; except u altered by Appendix 2 attached and incorporated heru~. (3) Gas. The pro3nmoes cd* the 1991 Standard Gas Code shall apply to the Jnat=llAt~on of cmmumer's Qes piping systems extending fi'om the point of dehve~ to the inlet connections of appliances, and the mstalintJon and operation of residential and commercml gas apph- ances and related accessoflas; except as altered by Appendix 3 attached and incorporated herein. Mechaninal. ?he provisions of the 1991 Standard Mechanioal Code shah apply to the tnstallatxm of* mechamcal systems, ~cind~g altemttoes, Fepalm, rephcemant, equlpmem, appliances, fintm'es, fittings and/or apptmenances, including ventilating, besting, cool- ing, air co~g and refrigeration systems, incinerato~, and other energy-related systems; except as altered by Appendix 4 attached and incorporated herein. Plunthma. The provtmons of the 1991 Standard Plumbing Code sim.Il apply to every plumbtllg hint=notion, including alterations, repmm, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, when connected to a water or sewerage symem; except u altered by Appendix 8 attached and incorporated hereto. Fn'e Protection. The provisions of the 1991 Standard Fire Code shall apply to the repair, equipment, use end occupancy, and maintenance of every existing ~filPllqg or structure or any existing appufleaances cmmected or attached to such bmldtngs or struc- tures; except as altered by Chapter 6 of the Cede of Ordinances. Structural ~. The provimons of the Structural Standards Code shall be u set out in Appenc~ 6 attached and incorporated herein. (8) Enorav. The provJmons of the 1988 College Statm R,~q~dentlal Energy Comphance Code shall apply to the design of new res~en- tlal buildings and additions to existing building8 that provide shelter for r~qHentml occupancies, as set out in Appendix 7 attached and incorporated herein. Federal and State Authoriiv. Neither the provmions of this Code nor the Technical Codes shall he held to depn~vu any Federal or State agency, this City, or any applicable govuming authority having jurisdiction, of any power or authot'lty that it had on the effective date of the adoption of this Code or Ordinance No. 1919 Page (~) the Tecluucal Codes or of any remedy then existing for the enforcement of its o~lem, nor ~ it deprive any mcL, vidual or ~orporation of its legal rights Re~erenced Standards. Standards referenced in the Technical Code.~ shall be considered an integral pa.,t of the codes w~L~out separate adopm3n. If speck IX~tinan of a standard are denoted by code tant, only these por- t,mm of the standard shall he enforced. Where code pro~ conflict with a standard, the eerie pro.ink:ms shall be enforced. Penslssive and adv~m3~/prov~ns in a standard shall not he construed es mandatory. No prows]ons with respect to the nature of cfly employment re]aticmshipe shall apply. Malntananco. All bulldlags, structures, alectrinal, gas, nxechanical, plumb- ing and fh'e protection systems, both ex~ting and n~v. and all pazt- ~ shall be nmJntalned m a safe and samtary condition. Ali devices or safe- guards that am required by the technical codes when constructed, altered, or repeJred, shall be maintained in good working order. The owner, or designated agent, shall he re~ponm'ble for the maintenance of braidings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection s~tenm. Bufldlna Dees.rtment There is hereby establmhed a depart, ant to he called the B,lldlqg Depaltment and the pemon in charge shall he known as the ]~1111dlqg O~lcinl. Restrintinns On ~.m~lovens. An o~icor or employee connected with the Building Department shall not he fiannc~ally interested m the rustling of labor, material, or appliances for the constreotinn, alteration, or ma.~te- nance of a building, structure, service, system, or in the making of plans or of specf~cations thm'ec~ m~l~ he is the owner of such. TI~s of~cor or employee shall not engage m any other work that m inconsistent with bis duties or co~fl~t with the interests of the Building Department. Records. The Building Of~cial shall keep, or cause to he kept, a record of the bu~nass of the Building Depe.,tmant, which shall he open to public inspect]on an required by State law. Recorin. The B-,~qg Of~c~al shall submh annually a repmt covering the work of the budding department dmtng the preceding year. He may incof Ix)rate in saki report a mmues~ of the decal-ns of the Bean:! of Adjust- mant,= ==nd Appeain during said year. Code Enforcement Manaaer General. There is hereby established a Code Enforcement Manager of the City of College Station. The Code Enforcement Manager is hamby autho- rized and directed to enforce the ~es of zoning, technical, and feinted codes. (b) Rinht of Ent]v. The Code En~cu'cemant Manager is hereby dea~gnated as the pemon authorized to seek a wan'ant ~r the entry of any premlse~ in College Statk)n for the ~ of allowing the inspectk)n to detern~te the presence of a fire or health or unsa.~ bufld~g condition or vfointion of any fire, health or building regulaticm, statute or ordinance. The request for a warrant shall he based upon the following probable caus~ criteria' Ordinance No. 1919 Page 4 (1) (2) the age and general co~ds,,',n of the premises; the prevtons violations or hazards found present ht the premises; the type of' premmns; the pu.qx~Jas for winch the premises are used; and the presence of hazards mr violations in and the general coadinon of premises near the prennsas sought to be inspected. Exiatina Bttlldinns ~eneml. Alterations, repairs or mlm.b~alion work may be made to any e2dsting structure, building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system without reqmfing the building, structure, pinmbing, einc- trica~ mechanical, gas, or fire wotection system to comply with all the requirements of the Technical Cedes provided that the alteration, repair or rehabS#aticn work cmiforms to the requirements cd' the ?enhnical Codes for new construction. The Building Of Sc]al shall deterudne the extent to which the existing system shall be made to conform to the requirements of the Technical Codes for new construction. e of Otc . If the occupancy ciaaal~ation of any m,l~tlsg bufldmg or structure m changed, the building, einctncal, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems shall be made to conform to the intent of the ?enhalcal Codns as reqtl~ by the Building Official. 8. S~ecml Historic Bmldmns The provts~ans of the ?ecinucal Cedes relating to the construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, restemtt~n, relocation, or moving of bl]Jldmgs or structures shall not be mandatory fol' ,~-,fl~ting blfil._dings or structures identified and c~ by the State or City as Historic Buildings, when such bldl,~t~gs or structures are judged by the Bulkimg Official to he safe and in the pubhc mtereM of health, safety and welfare regarding any proposed cmutrucflon, alteration, repair, en]ergentent, z~tomtion, relocation or moving of bldldln, gs within fire diatflcts. AND DUTIES OF THE BUIT.DING OFFICIAl, I General The Bm'Ming Or.mi m horeby authonnsd and directed to enforce the p~o~i~ns of rids Code and the ?ecllmcal Cedes. The Braiding Official is further authorized to render inte~'prutattons of fids Cede and the Technical Codes, wltich are consistent with theh' spn'it and pm'pnse. 2. RJaht Of Entry The BuJldlnGI Official may enter mt to premises for the ptu'lxxm of respecting any bmldino' with the pemusalon of the pe~on in clmrge. In the event thet the Blfll,41.g Official is denied access to premitms he shall contact the Code Enforcement Manager, who may seek a search warrant. 3. Stoo Work Ordem Upon notice from the B1]Jlding Or. iai or Fire Mamhal, work mt any building, struc- tm'e, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumb~g or fire protection system that ia being done contrary to the prov~ons of this Cede or the Technical Cede. or in a dan- gerous or unsafe manner, shall immediately cease. Such notice shall he in wilting Ordinance No. 1919 Page and shall be given to the owner o! the ]~'o]x~, or to his agent, or to the Ix~mo~ doing the work, and shall ~tate the cond~ under which work may be re~. Where the Bufld~ng ~ or ~ ~ obeetvas a health or salty v~o]atlon he shall not be requn'ed to gnma wrrften notice p~or to mopping the work. (a) Misremusentat~n o~ Am)lication. The Bm'Ming Official may revoke a permit or approval, bsued under the provi~mns ~ this Code or the Technical Codes, upon detemdnatkm by the Building Official that the applicant made a false statement or mismp~uJentation as to a material fact Jn the applica- tion or phns on which the permit or appzo~dl was based. ~latlou of Code Provisions. The Building Official may revoke a permit upon determination by the Building Or.iai that the constructx)n, erectimt, alterats:)n, repair, moving, demolition, installation or replacement o~' the build, g, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system for wldch the permit was issued is in violation of, or not ~. conlor- mtty with, the provisions o~ thru Code or the Technical Codes. Unsab BuildJnas Or Svstenm All bttildJngs, structu.m8, electrical, oas, mechanical, plumbhtg or tim protection systems that are unsaf8, unsamtazy, or do not provide adequate egrees, or that co~st#ute a fire haza.,d, or a~e othen~se dangerous to human 1~8, or that in relation to emsting use, constitute a hazard to safety or health, am co~flered u~tmf~ buildings or sexy'ice systems. ReauJ~ements Not Covered By Code Any requirements necessa_.y for the strength, stability or proper operahon of an emsting or propoeed bLdlding, stntcture, electrical, gas, mechanical, plund)f~g or fire protection system, or for the public sa~y, health and general welfare, not specifically covered by tilts Code or the Technical Codea, shall be determined by the Bmldmi] Off. iai or Fire Ol~ial. 7. Alternate Materials And Methods The ~ of the Techmcal Codes are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction not spectflcally prescribed by them, provided any such alternate has been reviowed by the Building Official. The B~,ildl~g Official shall appt. ovu any such alternate, provided the BuJMing Oflichl finds that the alter- hate, for the purpoae intended, is at least the equ~mlent of that pt, ascribed in the T~chmcal Codes, In q3,=h~/, strength, ef~scfiven~s, fire resbtmlce, dumbJJity and safBty. The Bm'ldJng Officml shall zeqtdm that sufficient evklence or ploof be sub- mitred to substantiate any clmm made re0'ardmg the alternate. PERMITS A person, finn or co~omtton shall not erect, construct, enlarge, hmta]l, alter, repair, move, n~prove, remove, cmwe~t or demolbh any building, structure, elect.Tics,l, gas, mechanical, plmubmg or fire protect3on system in the C~Y, or cause the same to be done, without flint obta.mJng a permit ~3r such from the Bm'~ding Official. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 6 (a) When Reauimd. Any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demohsh, or change the occupancy of a building ~r structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repah', remove, comm~ m' rep]ace any electrical, gas, mechanics], plumbing or fire protec- tion system, the hist~11~tion of which is reguhted by the Technical Cedes, or to cause any such work to be dene, shall first make appllcatimt to the Bu.lldhig Official and obtah the required permfl for the work. However, permits shall not be required for the following mechanical work: (1) any portable heating appliance; (2) any Ix~tsb]a ventllatlcm equ~ment; (3) any portable cooling unit; (4) any steam, hot or cldlled water pipmg within any heating or cooihio' equipment regulated by tlds Code; (6) replacement of any part that does not alter its approval or make unns~; (6) any portable evaporate8 c~ler; any ns]f-contained mfrigerution system contshung ten (10) pounds or less of rofngerant and actuated by motom of one horsepower or 1?sm (b) Work Authorized. A building, e]actrk~al, gas, mechanical or plumbing permit shall cany with it the nght to construct or install the work, provkied the same are shown on the drawings end set foflh hi the specifications filed with the application for the permit. Where these am not shown on the drawings and covered by the specifications submitted with the application, separate permits shall be requJrud. (c) Minor Reonus. OrdJns~ minor repalm may be made with the approval of the Building Official without a permit, provkied that such repe]m shall not vfo]ate any of' the provisions of the Techmcal Codes. (d) IMormaflon Reaulmd. Each application for a permll, with the required fee, shall be fhsd with the Bufldhig Of&~al on a form hirulahed for that ~, and shall contain a general description of the PrOlx~ed work end its ioca- tion. The appllcats:m shall be signed by the owner, or his authmhied agent. The b~111dl~.g ~ appllcalton shall md]cate the prolx~ed occupancy of all paris of the bmldmg and of that portio~ of the site or lot, ff any, not covered by the b, fl,4~ng or structure, and shall contain such other hiforma- t~on ns may be required by the B-tiding Officisl. (e) T~te l,mutat]ons. An apphcat~on for e permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned s]a (6) months after the date of filing for the permit, unless before then a permit has been issued. One or more extensions of time for periods of not mere than nhiety (90) days each may be allowed by the Building Of~cJal for the application, provided the e~en- sion is requested hi wFithiO' and Jusfifi~al~le cause is demonstrated. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 7 Drawings And Suecifications (a) Requirements. When required by the B-fldh~.g Official, two or more copim of specifications, and of drawings drawn to scale wzth sufficient clarity and dotafl to indicate the nature and character of the work, ahall accompany the application for a pemut. Such drawings and specifloatlo~s shall contain ln.~matlon, in the form of notes or othezwise, as to the ~1~1~ of materials, whore q,1,,1~, is essential to confm'm~ with the ?ecfin.loal Cedes. Such in- fol~nation shall be specific, and the TechnJonl Cedes shall not be cited as a whole or in part, nor shall the term 'legal' or its eqmvalent be used, es a substitute for specfflo in~rmatlon. All infonualfon, drawings, specifications and accompanying' data shall bear the name, signature and seal of the person respe~m*hle for the demon. Additional Data ?he B,flrl~.g Oitloml may require det,afl,,, computations, stress dhgrams, and other data necessaTy to descFO~e the coestrootion or installat~:m and the basle of calculations. All drawings, spec]ficatioes and accompanying data required by the Blfll,~,,g OJScinl to be prepared by an a~clutect or anq~naor shall be ,,~3,,,,d with their otficisl seal. (c) Degi(m l~'ofr,~____jonal. ?he design pro~,a,mL~nal shaft be an m'cldtect or engineor legally registered under the hws of the State reguhlting the practice of arcluteoturo or engineering' and shall al~ les o~ficial seal to said drawings, specifications and accompanying data, for the following: All Group A, E and I occupancies (as defined in the Standard Building Code as adopted by City). (2) Ballding and structures tlu~e stories or more high. (2) BuitdJngs and structures five thousand (5000) square feet or more m For all other buildings and structures, the 81].hndttal ahall bear the ceztiflca- t~on of the applicant that some specific State law exception pe'ndm its preparation by a pe~on not sc regintered, with the exception of ~roup R--3 buildings (as defined in the Standm'd Bttgdmg Cede as adopted by C~y), wluch, regardless of size, shall requne neither a reo~erod a~chiMct or engtneor, nor a certification that an arolutect or engineer Js not required. Structural And Fn'e Resistance Intearitv. Plans for all b11fl~gs shall indi- cate how requ.tmd structural and fire resistive intevid~,' will be maintained where a peneh'ation of a required fire resistant wall. floor or part.on w~l be made for electr~d, gas, mechanical, plumbing and communication conduits, pipes and aystema and also indicate in sufficient detail how the fke integrity wdl be mahttalned where required fire l'~,~f~llt floom intersect the exterior walls. Site Drawmes. Drawings shall show the locat~ of the l~OlX~ed building or stnlcture and of eve~ ex~sthtg, building or stnlcture on the sde or lot. ?he B.tl,4t,~g Of Scisl may require a boundary line su_.vey wepered by a Examination Of Documents Plan Revmw. The Bmldtng Official shall exangne or cause to be examined each application for a permit and the accompanying documents, core.ting of drawings, specifications, computaho~s end additional data, and shall Ordinance No. 1919 Page 8 escertain by such examinations whether the ,"onstructiou lnd~ated and deecEthed is in accordance with the requirements of the Technical ~odes and all other pertinent inws or ordmanc,--. .Am,~ovt. ts. The Buff(ting (::)t~ml may accept a sworn om,.l~.it fi'om a Regis- tered Architect or Engineer stating that the plans submitted conform to the Techninal ~odes. For b, fll~gs and structure~ the nff,~o~it shall state that the plans conform to the requirements regarding egrens, type of construc- tion and general 8rmngmnent. If accompanied by drawings showing the structural design, the =flMnvit must also include a statement that the plans and design conform to the requirements of the Technical Codes es to strength, stresses, strains, loads and stability. The Bu.~ing Official may, without any examination or inspection of the plans, accept such ~ffMAVit, p~o-v~ded the arcMtect or engineer who made such nflMf~vit agrees to subnut to the B,dlfil~g Oflichl, copins of inspection reports an inspections are po~mned and upon cmuplefiou of the structure. For electrical, gas, mechanical plumbing or fire protection systems, the off~l~vit must include a certification that the structure, electrical, gsa, mechanical, plumb~g or fire protection system has been erected in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Codes. Where the Building Official relies upon such ~,~MovIt, the arclutect or engineer shall assume full respo~ for the compliance with all provisions of the Tecluucal Codes and other perthmnt laws or or(h- Action on Permits. The Building Off.mi shall act upon an application for a permit without unreasonable or unnecesus~y delay. If the Building Oflichl is satisfied that the w~k described in an application for a permit and the coutract documents filed therewith confon~ to the requirements of the Technical Codes and other pertinent laws and ordinances, he shall issue a permit to the applicant. Refusal To Issue Putout. If the application for a permit and the ancompa- nying contract documents descrg~ng the work do not conform to the reqmmments of the Technical Codes or other pertinent laws or ordinances, the Building Ofilcisl shall not issue a permit, but slmll return the contract documents to the applicant with h~ refusal to issue such permit. Such refusal sh~all~ when requested, he in writing and shall contam the reason SnecJal Foundation Permit. When application for permit to e~ect or enlarge a building has been filed and pending issuance of such permit, the Bldlfllng Official may, at Ids discrution, issue s specisl permit for the foundation only. The holder of such a special putout is proueedmg at his own fink and w~h- out assurance that a permit for the rema.inder of the work will he granted nor that corrections will not he required in order to meet provbfioan of the Technical Codes. Construction in the Public Riaht-Of-Wav or Easements. A permit shall not be gi3mn by the Building Official for the construction of any budding, or for the alteration of any building the encroachment rotc any right-of-way or easements on any lot or prenues8 of any bmldmg or structure removed fi'om another lot or prembns, unlens the applicant has made applicatmn at the office of the City Engineer for Coancfl approval of the encroachment and ,t shall be the duty of the Braiding Official to see that the fight-of-way or easements are not encroached. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 9 Cmttruotor's Ras~)u~m]iti~ (a) (b) It 8hell be the duty of every co~t~dctor who shall make contmots fo~ the ins*=n~tion or repalm of bl,S,lmg, structure, electrical, gas. mechamcal. plumbing or fire protection systems, for wJttch a permit is required, to comply with State or local rules and regulations conceralng hceasing that the O'ovendag anthony may imve adopted. Dedioa~ of Easqlnants. Where required for the provimon of electrical, water or sewer asz3~ine, the contractor shall obtain for the City any required easements pursuant to the City of College Staticm Right-of-Way Manual. Coaditioas Of The Pemut (a) Permit Intent. A permit isased shall be cc)n~mmd to be a license to pzoceed with the work and not as authority to violate, cancel, alter, or set aside any of the provisions of the Techeical Codes, nor shall issuance of a permit l~event the B1111fllng ~ from thereafter requiring a coTmcifon of erro~ in p]aas, construcbon, or violations of rids Code. Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is com- menced within sst (6) months after ds issuance, or if the work author]zed by such penvit Jo suspended or abandoned for a period of 8ix (6) months offer the time the work is commenced. One or nlme exte~a~,-,n of time, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days each, may be alfowed for the permit. The extension shall be requested in writing and must demonstrate jast~J.- able cause to the Budding OS~ISL All extensions which are granted shall be in writing and mgned by the Building Official. (b) Pemut Issued Based On An Allida~it/I-T=,Mdons Work. Whenever · permit m issued in rellanca upon an =ma=~it or whenever the work to be covered by a pe3mit in3K)lvas Jasta~aifon under conditions that, in the opinion of the BuJMmg Official, a.m b~yJTdons or complex, the B~dl~q~g OfFicial shall requn'e that the erchttect o~ engineer who fdgned the =ff',rlAvit or prepared the drawings or computations shall supervise such work. In additK2n, the arcMtect of engineer shall be rasponm'ble for conforuuty with the permit, provide copws of inspection rapofls as inspections are performed, and, upon completion, make and file with the B11;1r~;~g ~inl a writte31 that the work has been done in conformity with the reviewed plans and the structural provisions of the ?ecluucal Codas. In the event such arcNL- tect or ongineer is not aw~l=Y, in, the owner shall employ in his stead a competent pemoa or agency whoee ~,allflr_atioas are revbM~'ed and approved by the B11~,q~g Official. (c) Plans. When the B~fl;~l;qg OK]cml LSSUas a permit, he shall eadmue, in writing or by stamp, both sets of plans as 'Reviewed for Code Compliance'. One set of c~awtngs so reviewed shall be retained by the Building Official and the other set shall be returned to the applicant. ?ho pmmitted druw- rags 8ha.il be kept at the rote of work and shall be open to inspection by the BuJ~flng Official or lus authorl, zed representat~e. (a) Required Fees. A permit shall not be issued until the ~--. required by Chapter 14 have been paid. Nor shall an amendment to a permit be released unbl the additional ine, if any, due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building, structttre, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas or fire protection systema, has been paid. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 10 Work Commencina Before Permit Issuance. If any person commencas any work on a building, structure, electrical, plmnbtng, mechanical, gas or fire protection systems before obtahlhl~r the necessary pemut, he shall be subject to a penalty of double the permit ~. ~countina. 'llhe Bmlding Official shall keep a penuanent and accurate accounting of all permi~ fees and other inertias collected, the uamas cd oll pemoas upon whoHe account the same was paid, the name of the person who peld the amount, along with the date and amount thereof. ~h~ule cd Permit Fe~.. On fill bldldl~o~, ~'uctur~8, ele~tEi~al, plumbing, mechanical, gas and fire protection systems or alterations requiting a permit, a fee for each permit shall be peld as required at the time the appli- cation is filed, in accordance with the schedule established by the City Council by rasointton from time to tune. Bu]ld~a Permit Valuations. If~ in the opinion of the Braiding Official, the valuntlo~t cd b1111d~ng, altemtlen, stntcture, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection systems appears to be underestimated on the appl]catimt, the permit shall be denmd, anl,,~m the applicant can show detailed astJmatas to meet the approval cd the Building Offlclel. Pernut valuations shall include total cat, such as electrical, gas, mechamca~ plumb~g, fire protection and other systems, including materlah and labor. Iztioas Iasoectioas of Existina Bufldmas. Before maning a ~ the Building Official may examine or cause to he examined any building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection systems fro' which an application has been recenmd for a ~ to'enlerge, alter, repa.h', move, demolish, install, or change the occupancy. He shah inspect all buflding~ structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing 8nd fire protection syBtems, from time to time, duling and upon completfotl of the work for which a permit was msued. He shall make a record cd evexy such ,~T~aminatfon and inspection and of all violatfoas of the Tecluucal Codes. Manufacturem and Fabricators. When deemed nece-,m?y by the B11,,ql~g Official he shall mal~, or cause to he made, an inspection cd nmterleb or assemblies at the point cd man-hcture or fal:~cat~. ?he Building Of Sciel shall make a record cd ev~y such examinatfon and inspection and cd all violations cd the Techulcal Codas. Iasunctiun Se~lce. The Bm'lding Official she.Il make, or cause to be made, the mapectioas required by this section. He may accept reports of iaspec- tom of recogmzed mspectfon asn~cas, prowded that after investigation he is satisfied as to the~ qlml~fif-qtious aLld rellebiiny A certificate required by any p~ cd the Technical Codes shall not be based o~t such mpofls unless the same are m writing and certified by a responsible officer of such Ias~ect]mm Prior ?o Issuance of Ceflilicate of Occuuancv or Comoletion. The Building Official shall respect or cause to be inspected at various inter- vals all construction or work for which a pernut m required, and a final in- spection shall be made of every bufldtng, stnzcture, electrical, gas, mechanical, pinnLbing or fire protection syutem upon completion, prior to the issuance cd the CertLficate of Occupancy or completion or the provinfon cd utility se,vice to the premises. Orcl~ance No. 1919 Page 11 Poatina o~ Permit. Work requu'ing a pernut shall not commence until the permit holder or his agent posts the permit card ~ a ccmsl~uous place on the pMmJses. The pen'nit shall be protected fi'om the weather and located in such position as to allow the Building Official or his author]zed mpre- sentatnm to coavezuently make the required entries thereon. This pemut card shall be nm.intahmd in such position by the pennfl holder until the CeflffJcate of Occupancy or Completion is msued by the Building Official. I ttons. The B,,,lf~iqg Official upon notification from the permit holder or his agent shall make the followhtg inspections and such other inspections as necessary, and shall ether release that poflion o~ the construction or shall not~y' the permit holder or his agent or' any violations which must be corrected in order to comply with the ?echn.ical Codes: (1) Bufldina: Foundatton and Inspection: to be made after trenches ane excavated and forms erected. Frame Inspection: to be made after the roof, all framing, fireblocklno and bracing is in place, all concealing wiring, all pipes, chinmeys, ducts and vents are complete. (]i]~ Insulation Inspection: to be made after wu.lb are hmulated. (iv) Final Inspection: to be made alter the bn'i!Pllq. O Is completed and ready for occupancy. (2) Elecmcal: Underground Inspecticm: to be made alter trenches or &tches are excavated, condmt or cable installed, and before any bacld~l fa put into place. Rough-In Inspection: to be made after the roof, framing, flmblocking and bracmg m ~. place and Mlor to the instal- lattoa of wall or cefltng membranes. Final Inspection: to be made alter the building is complete, all required electrical fixtures are in place and prop~ly cmmected or protected, and the 8tntctum is ready for occupancy (3) Plumbina: Underoround Inspection: to be made after trenches or ditches are excavated, p~phtO installed, and before any backf~l is put into place. Rough4n Inspection: to be made after the roof, franung, flmbloclano mtd bracmo' m m place and all soft, waste and vent p~ping is complete, and prior to the insta.lhtSott of wall or ceiling membranes. Final Inspection: to be made after the building is complete, all plumbing flztums are in place and properly connected, and the structure is ready for occupancy. All tests reqmmd by the Standard Plumbtng Code, as ~clopted by City, must Ordinance No. 1919 Page 1~. (4) be l~.md to the estminct~n o! the Building O~0cin] ~or the ~qnal Inspection to be complete. See Section 417 o! the Mechanical: Underground Inspection: to be n~Afle after trenches er dflches are excavated, underground duct and fuel pildng Installed, and before any bacldSfl is put into place. Rough-In Inspection: to be n~=~e after the roof, frummg, fire-blockfug and bracing are m place and all dnctfug, and other concealed components are complete, and ~ to the mstalhtlen o~ wall or ceiling membranes. (Iii) Final Inspect]on: to be made after the bulldin, g is complete, the mechanical system is in place and properly connected, and the structure is ready for occupancy. (i) Rough Piping Inspection: to be made alter all new p~pmg authonzed by the permit has been installed, and before any such p~l~ng has been covered or cmtcealed or any fixtures or gas applfunces have been connected. Final Pt_ping Inspect3on: to be made after all p~pmg autho- nzed by the permit has been installed and after all portions that are to be concealed by plastering or otherwise have been so concealed, and before any fixtures or gas appli- ances have been connected. ?Ids lnspoctma shall fuclude a pressure test. Final thspocticm: to be made on all new gas work autho- flzed by the permit and such poflions of exbtmg systems ns may be affocted by new work or any changns, to insure compliance with all the reqummtents of this Code and to assure that the inst=l]=tion and construction of the gas system is in accordance w~h the reviewed plans. Fire Protoctma: Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems: To be tested by 'd-w fire test'. Test must be completed and pensed before protected equipment is operated Automatio Fire eztinguishlug 8yutenm must comply with NFPA 17 or 17~ (n~ Automatic Fire Spfln~r Systems: Underground: to be tested and w~tnesesd by the contractor and the properly owner or h.is ropre- esntattve. Cmnpleted~ signed state test sheet must be submitted to the Fire Official prier to Certificate of Occupancy inspection. Above ground: 200 lb. hydrestaflc test to be witnessed by the College Station Fire Mamhal for a Ordinance No. 1919 Page 13 10. period o~ two (2) bourn. State test sheet must be completed, si~ned and submitted to the Fire Official prior to Certificate ~ Occupancy inspection, or storage ~ combustibles witldn the l~'otected struc- ture. All Automat~ Fire Sprinkler Systmus must comply with NFPA 13. (nj) Underground Fuel Systenm: Fuel TankH: all underground fuel tanks must be tested at five (8) psi (air) ~ thifly (30) minutes. The Fire (~&~Jal must witness all teats and approve mst~11~tion before fill ~ m rep]aced. Fuel Linns: all underground fuel haus must be tested at seventy-five (75) i~i (ab:) for tlmty (30) minutes. The FLm Official must witness all tests and approve inst~ll~tiolt be~i'e fill dJl't bi replaced. (iv) ~ ALlirm~: ~1 roqtth'~::l ~ ol~T~t~LS w~l be teated by the Fire Officml immediately after completkm o~ the iustallat~n, or prior to Certificate of Occupancy inspection. Routine Fire/Safety Inspectkms' each commercial pt'opefly w~l be periodically inspected, by the Fire Department, ~m' compliance with applicable fire and safety regulations and to assist owners/managers with fire as/ety proble~m or questions. W~ttun Release. Work shall not be done on any pail of a buildfug, struoture, aleotncal, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protecflmt system beyond the point indicated in each snoc,~m~ve inspectmn without first obtaining a written release from the Building Oalcinl. Such written release shall be given only after un inspection has been made of each successive step in the construction or mstal- iatimt ns indicated by each of the foregoing three (3) inspecllous. Rem.~orcma Steal and Structural Framus. Reinforcing steel or structural frame work o! any part of uny bmldmg or structure ~ not be covered or cuncealed without first obtaining a written release from the Buildmg Official. Plaster Fire Protection. In all buildings where plaster Js used for fire protection ~, the permit holder or his agent shall notify the Bm'Ming Official after all lathing and ba~ldng is in place. Plaster shall not be applied wilhout first obtaining a written release from the Building Official. Cert~cate Of Occuusncv (a) Bufldina Occuusncv. A new buildhg shall not be occupied or a change made in the occupancy, nature or use of a building or pail o~ a blfil~l~g Wtor to the issuance of a Certificate ~ Occupancy by the Braiding Official. The Btu~img Of~cJal shall not Jmme the Certilicate of Occupancy until all have been inspected for comphance with the technical codes and other applicable ]awn and ordinances and released by the B,lfl,4tng OI~Ioi8.L Ordinance No. 1919 Page 14 11. 12. Issuina Cert,fl~ate Of Occuuancv. Upon estls~hotory completion of con- struotfon of a b~dldmg or structure and inat;dl,tion of electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems in accordance with the Technical Codes, reviewed plans and specifioatfons, end after the final inspection, the Building Officisl shall msue a Certificate of Occupancy stating the nature of the occupancy permitted, the number of pemona for each floor when hmited by law, and the allowable load per square foot for each floor in accordance w~h the provisions of this Code and the Tech- nical Codes. Temeora~v/PaflLal Certificate of Occuz2ancv. At the request of the owner, the B'nfl~lq9' Official my issue a te~/paflial Certificate of Occupancy for a portion or portions of a b~111~q~g if the requirements of the Technical Codes have been completed on a.~l poflinn or portions of the bufld~g end, in the opinion of the Budding Official the completed pofllen or portines of the butlding cen safely be occupied pr~r to final completion of the building. Certificate Of Occuuancv For E2dstina Bulldina. A Certificate of Occupancy for eny existing building may be obtained by making en application to the Balldmg Or,cml, including all relevant informal~m and data necemmry to dotennine compliance w~h the Technical Codes for the occupancy intended. Two sets of detailed drawings, or a general inspection, or both, my be requn'ed prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, ir such infmmatfoa is deemed necessu~ by the Bttllding Ofliclal. When, upon examination and inspection, the Building Officisl determines that the build- ing conforms to the pro3mioruJ of tho Technical Codes and other apphcable laws and ordinances for such occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued. Ceflificate Of Comoletlon Upon suttshctmy completion of a b,,n~'lq9', structure, electrical, gas, mechamcal, plumb~g or fire protection systen~ the B-i~fl~g Official may issue a Certificate of Completion. This Certificate shows that a structure or system has been inspected for complmnce with the ?echnJcal Codes, that construction has been completed, end that the structure or system may be connected to a utility system. This Certifi- cate does not grunt authorliy to occupy or cmmect a b~dlfl~g, such as a shell building, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Connection of UtJhtv Senflce. lqo person shall make connections fi'om a ut]hty, source of energy, fuel or power to eny b~dl,41~g or system that is regulated by the Techmcal Codes and for which a penuit is required, until the building or system m released by the B,,fld~g Of~cinl end a Certificate of Occupancy or CompletSoa is iuued. Temporary Connection of Utility Sen;ice. The Building Official may entho- rtze the tompor'd_Ty connection of the building or system to the utility, source of energy, ~uel or power for the purpose of testing butldmg se~flce systems or for use under a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. (c) Authority to D'dconnect Utility Sez,fice. The Building Ofllclal shall have the authc~y to authorize disconnection of utility sen;ice to the building, fltruc- ture or system regulated by the Technical Codes, in case of emergency where necessaly to elimitmte en immediate bn~d to lifo or properly. The Building Officisl shall notify the se~tng utihty, and whenever reasmubly pGsuible, the owner and occupant of the bufldleg, structure or user of the O~L~ance No. 1919 Page D TESTS Elorv'Jce system of the decmmn to disconnect pTlor to taking such aot~on. I! not notified prior to cHsccanecting, the owner or occupant of the building, stnu=ture or service system shall be notified in writing, as soon as preotlcal thereafter. 13. P~Jtina Floor T.oads (a) Occuuancv. An ,uTiating or new btttMb~ shall not be occupied for any purlxXm that will cause the floom thereof to be lcaded beymtd their acceptable suaroty lhults as d '_,,-~rjned and constructed. The Bu.llding Of~cjol may permit occup&ncy of a bldldblg rOI' morcantfle, commercial or lndlJstFhl purixxJas, by a spec~c business, when he is satisfied that such capacity will not thereby be exceeded. Storaae and Factorv-lndustnal Occueancias. It shall be the rsuponsfl2]hty of the owner, agent, proprietor or occupant of Group S and Group F occu- pancias (as defined in the Standard Building Code as adopted by Cfly), or any occupancy where el~ass~l~J floor lmidJng Jo filmly to occur, to employ a competent architect or engineer in computing the sa.b load capacity. All such computations shah be accompanied by an :,~,avtt from the architect or engineer stating the safe allowable floor load on each floor in pounds par square foot uniformly dJstrll~utad. The computations and ;,~4,avjt shall be filed as a permanent record of the Building Depaflment. Simm ReauJred. In ovsly b~l~ldl~g or 13afl of a bulldhlg uHsd industrial or ~--J~dous purposes, the ~-~ floor loads, as reviewed by the Building Official on the plan, shall be marked on pletas or approvud that shall be supplied and securely ,~flved by the owner of the b1111,41~g in a conspicuous place in each stray to which they relate. Such pletas shall not be removed or defaced, and ff lost, removed or dehcad, shall be replaced by the owner of the b,11,-l~g. The Building Officjol may reqmre tests or test reporls as proof of compliance with the Technical Cedes. Required tests are to be made at the expense of the owner, or his agent, by an approved tasting lsboratmy or other approved agency. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEAI, S 1. Aolx~ntment There is hereby astabllshad a Board to be called the Construction Board of Adjust- ment and Appeals, which shall cens~st of seven members and two alternates. The Board shah be appomted by the governing body of the City. 2. Membemhi~ and Term of Aouointment Membemlu~. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall consbt of seven membem. The Board shall be cmnposed of ind..vidusin with knowledge and experience in the Technical Cedes, such ns design ~ule, contractom or bufldmg industry repreaentatnms. In -ddition to the reguler membem, there 8hoald be two (2) altenmte membem, one member at large fi'om the btttMing indast~y and one member at large from the pubhc. A Board member sim.Il not act m a case in which he has any co~,L.,t of interest. Ordhtance No. 1919 Page 16 CO) (c) (d) Terms. Three (3) members of the Board and the Chairman shall Inllhlly be appointed to se]va a two-yeur Mrm. The remaining three members of the Board shall Iniflally be appointed to serve a one-yeur term. Subaeque~tt appointments to the Board shall be for two-yeur terms, in order to stagger the terms of of~e of the Board Members so that only a poflfon of the Board Js appointed or replaced m any 12-moath period. The two alternates, if appointed, shall serve one-yeur terms. Vacancina shall be filled for an unexl3h~d tenn. Continued absence of any member from required meetings of the Board shall, at the dJsomtton of the governing body of the City, render any such member subject to Jmmedmte removal from office. Ouorum and Votina. A shnple majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In yawing any p~ of this Code or the Technical Cedes, the mmmmtive votes of the maJerity pt~seeat, but not loam than four (4) faro,votive votes shall be required. In ~g a decision of the Building Of~inl, not ]__m~_ than four (4) ~.<ttattve votes, but not less than a majority of the Board, shall be required. In the event that regular membem are unable to attend a meeting, the alternate members shall 3~3te Secruturv of Board. The Building C)f~ml shall appoint a Secruta~y to record minutes of the meetings of the Board and to make a detailed record of all of its proceedings, which shall set forth the masons for its decimon, the vote of each member, the absence of a menther and any failure of a member to vote. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall have the power, us fuflher defined nt tills chapter, to hear appeah of decisions and Interpretations of the Building C)f~ial and to consider vurlancse to the terms of the ?ecluucal Oedse. 4 Az)seals (a) Decm~on of the Building Official. The owner of a b,,,']f~iug, structure or service system, or hJs duly author]zed agent, may appeal a decision of the Btflldlng glacial to the Construction Board of Adjustment and App,~l~ whenever any one of the following condflJOtlS are clmmed to exist: 0) The Bnil~l~g Official rejected or refused to approve the mode or manner of cmmtruction proposed to be followed or materlah to be used In the installation or alteration of a bu~lding, structure or sen;ice system (~ The provisions of this Cede or the Technical Cedes do not apply to fids specific case. An equally good er more desirable form of Installation can be employed in any specific case. (~ The true intent and meaning of tins Cede or the Technical Cedes or any of the regulations thereunder, have been misconstrued or Incormotly interpreted. Co) Variances The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hse21ng, may 3m_ry the application of any provnscm of thin Cede or the Technical Codse to any parficu]ar case when, In opinion, the enforcement thereof would do mamfoat injustice and would be Ordnance Ne. 1919 Page 17 contra3y to the spirit and purpcme of this Code or the Technical Codes or the publ]c interest, and aho finds all of the following: That spec]al co3tditJons and circumstances ex]st that are pec111bat to the bu]lding, stnlcture or eslvlce system involved and that are not applicable to others That the specisl co~dmr,~m and circumstances do not result from the action or inaction of the applicant. That granting the vanance reqtmsted Mil not confer on the appli- cant any specisl privilege that is denied by tlds Code or the ?eclmical Codes to other braidings, structures or esz~,,iae system. (iv) That the variance gFanted bJ the minimum variance that will make pcenble the reasonable use of the building, stnloture or esrvice That the grant of the varisnce will be in harmony with the general intant and purpose of this Code or the Technical Codes and will not be dM.Timental to the public health, safety and general welfare. In granting the variance, the Board may preacnbe a reasonable tnne limit ~ which the action for which the variance m required shall be commenced or completed or both. In artdihnn, the Board may prescribe appropriate ccmcht~es and safeg~rds in conformity with tlds Code or the Technical Codes. ~v'tolation of the condinoes of a variance shall be deemed a violation of this Code. (c) Notice of Auc~ml. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within thirty (30) calendar days after the dacision Js rendered by the Bnila'mg Official. The notice of appeal shall be in a form acceptable to the Building Otlichl. Rules and Re(mletioes. The Board shall establish rilles and regu]ations for its own procedure not mcoesbJtent with the provisioes of this Code or the Technical Codes. The Board shall meet on call of the Chairman. The Board shall meet within thirty (30) calendar days after notice of appeal has been recen, ud.. l:)ecisic(ns. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall, in eve~ case, reach a decmmn w~hout unreasonable or unnecessary do]ay. Each decision of the Board shall aiso include the reasons for the dacimon. I! a decision of the Board revemes or modifies a refusal, order, or dm- allowance of' the Building Officisl or va.Tins the application of any provtJWm of ties Code, the Bmlrllng C)f~ial shall immediately take action in accor- dance with such decision. Every dacmion shall be promptly filed in writing m the office of the Building Official and shall he open to public nmpection es required by State ]aw. An official copy of' the decision 8]udl be sent by certified marl or by hand dehvery to the applicant and a copy shall be kept publicly posted in the oflk~e of the Bttllding Official for two weeks after filing Every decision of the Board shall be final, subject however to such remedy as any aggrieved pafly might hevo at law or in eqmty. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 18 BUII~DING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION 1. Greatina Of The Buildma And Standards Commission There shall be appointed by the City Council a building and standards cammireion to hear and determ~e cnses cuncemtno violatxms of the b, nd~g code. C ' n M . The ~ shall consist cd five (B) appohtted members appointed for two-year terms and four (4) altenmte members who shall es~e m tho absence cd one or more of the re~111=r mer~l.bers whell requested to do so by the mayor or Choy Manager. The alternate ccunndnsion members es~s for the same period and are subject to removal Removal. The C~y Council may remove a cOmnl~n member for cause mt a written charge. Refore a decision regerdJng removal is made, the City Council shall hold a pubilc heermg on the matter ff requested by the commission member subject to the removal action. 2. Heaztnes Before The .Number. All cases heard by the commission shall be heard by at least four Rules. The comnnss]on may adopt rules and establish procedures for use m hearings, providing ample opportunity for presentation cd evidence and testimony by persons oppesmg ~ brought by the municipahty through the Bmldmg Official, Fire Marshal, or Code Enforcement Manager relating to alleged wolations. The Commission shall appoint a chairman and an action chairman to act in the chah'nlan's absence. (c) Meetinas. The meetings cd the comnnss]cm shall be held at the call of the Chalnuan and at other times establt~lted by the Conuuinsion. The meetings shall be open to the public. (d) Minutes. The Commiss~:m sim.il keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member on each question or the fact that a member is absent or f'~11~ tO vote. The Conmns~oa shall keep recmds of its examltm- t]ons and other of~c]al actions. The nlJnUtes and records shall be filed immediately m the or,ce of the Comm~:m ns public records. Vote. The concumng vole of four members of the Commission is necessa~ to take any action. 3. Reoresentative The Bu.~IL~ Official, Fn'e Mamhal, or Code Enforcement Manager is hereby de~g- nated as the representative of the muninJpality before the B-llal~g and Standards Commission (a) Invost]aattun. When the Building O~]c]al, Fire Mamhal, or Code Enforce- ment Manager determines, whether on h.is own i~t!=tn~e or as a res111t cd a complaint, that a braiding, dwelling or structure is an unsafe building within the meaalng cd the Cede cd Ordinances, he shall upon the completion of h~ investigation document the ~o]at~ons. (b) Determination. ~ upan the conclusion of h.is investigation, the Bu.lld~ng Official, Fire Mamhal, or Code ~-n~ruemeat Manager concludes that there Ordinance No. 1919 Page 19 in a probable cause to belinve that the h'lldlqo' Is ~ dilapidated or unfit for human lmbitalic~l and a haserd to the ~ health, mfoty and welhre, he 81mll make a relx~ to the Oonu~tam,'m and O~%'e notice of a hearing to the owner, llenholder(s) and moflgagee(s), all peflies having a legal interest In the premises, end to such other pemons as the C:onmdnkm may direct. Function O~ The Comn,~,~,~ Cases Heard. The Commission may hear cues conceruing 3r~latkms of ordinances that reouinte: the preeanflition of public safety, feinting to the matensla or methods used to construct a b.,ldl,~g er improvement, including the foundation, structural elements, einotncal wiring or apparatus, plumbing and fl~auru~, entrances and ecits, relating to the fire safety of a btllldln, g or improvement, including provisions relating to materials, types of constnmtion or design, wanting devices, sprinklers or other fire supprass~n devicas, awll.htldy of water supply for extinqublflng time, or location, design or width of entrances or emts; (c) relating to dangerously damaged er deteriorated buddings or improve- ments; relating to conditions caused by accumulatioas of refuse, vegetation or other matter that cmatas a breeding ground for insects and rodents. Notices Of Hearlnas (a) Not,cas sent. The B111ldi~g Officlal~ ~ MerBhal, er Code Enforcement Manager shall send to the property owner end each mortgagee and lien- holder nobce of the hearing ut the following manner: by delnrery to each party IXmJonally or by leavh3g the notice at the usual place of abode of' that pan'y with a person of sixteen (16) yasru of age or older or by depofa~ i_t~tg the notice in United Statas marl addressed to the pafly at his last known ad~, certified marl return receipt requested. (z) by lx~ting on the property end keapmg pested for thlfly (30) con- secutive days notice of the hearing, m placard form, in a conspicu- oas place; (3) by publishing not]ce m the BOufl~ollege Stat~ofl Eagle, at least twice. V']olations. It shall ha unlawful for any person to remove, deface or cover such notice lx~sted pumuant to 106.$.1¢~) un~ after the date of the hea.--lng. (c) Contents. The not]ce of the hennng shaH. (1) be in writing, (2) state the Lime and place of the hearing; (3) include a description of the building end property on which it Is located ~n~f~.iont for kie~flse.~tion; Ordinance No. 1919 Page 9.0 (4) bst all of the owne~, be~toldem and moFtgagees shown to have a legal interest in the property; $. The HearJna provide a description o~ the viohtkm(s) of the mun~ipa] standards that is(am) present at the budding; A statement of the action that Wl.]l be recommended to the CommJs- stoa by' the B11fi,41n~J Of~c]~, FIre ~ o~' Codo Ext~3~'cement Manager which may include vacating, securing, removing or demo- lltion cd the building or relocating the occupants cd the btuldJng. Presentation of ewdence. The Commbmon she.Il provide each pafly an opportunity to present evidence and cross ,~Y=,,tine witnesses at the hearing Action Of The Com.,uJsmoa Decision. The Commission may declare a budding substandard, ,~fl~apidated ~ unfit far human habitation and a hazard to the publK: health, safety and Remedy. The Commission may order, in an appropriate case, the immedi- ate removal o! pe~ons or property found on wtvate woperty, enter on private property to secure the removal ]f it is determined that conchtions ex]st on the property that cmmtitute a vK)latimt cd an ordinaltce, and order action to be taken as necessary to remedy, alleviate, or remove any sub- standard building found to ex~st. (l) I! the Commiss~mt dec]ams a b,fllrl~g substandard, dilapidated or unfit ~o~ human hab~tatifln and a hazard to the public health, safety and welhm, it may order the b-fl,4Mg to be vacated, secured, repaired, removed or demobshed or for the occupants to be relocated within a fixed period time. The order shall provide that the owner hos a fixed period of rune to comply and will also provue an additional bed period or' thne for compliance by the mortgagee(s) and UenholderC,) Jn the event that the owner f=ll~ to comply with the order of the Cmnmbmion within the time period prov~ed to ldm. (3) If the Buddmg Officml, Fire Mamhal, or Code Enforcement Manager finds that the owner has faded to comply w~h the order he shall notify the mortgagee(s) and lien.holder(s) ~t wri~Jng by certified mail ~turn receipt requested with a copy of the order of the Comnus- sion. If the Building Offichl, Fire l~f. al'ShA11: or Code En.~orcement Manager finds that neither the owner no~ the mort~]a~ee(s) and lienholder(s) have complied he shall noti~ the Commismmt. Peace Officer. The Commmmon may msue orders or d=ective8 to any peace cdlicer of the state, tncludhtg a sher~ or constable or chief o! the CJ~Y c~ College Station pohce force, to enforce and can? out the lawru.l orders or directives of the C~ Ordinance No. 1919 Page 21 Fatima of I.,ienholder. It shall be unlawl'ul for the owner, lien.hoMer(s) or mo~tgagee(s) to ~ to comply ',~lth an order of the Gonu~,~',u. Cnnl Penalty. The Cmmnmsion may determine the amount and duration of a ci3dl penalty that it may ~. (1) The annl penalty may only be enforced if the municipal secmtfuy has filed with the DJstflct Clerk o~ Braze8 County a ce~4fl~i copy o~ the order c~ the Commisskm establ~ the amount and duration of the penalty. No other pro~ shall be required for a district court to ente~ final Judgment on the penalty. (~) 'The determJ~mtioa of the Commission with regard to the cs;il penalty is final and binding and consMutes prima facto evidence of the penalty in any court of competent Jurisdiction in a civd broughl by the City for final Judgment. The civil penalty shall accrue interest at a rate of ten (10) percent per year ~or the date of the assessment until paid in full. Co~ Action. If a building is not vacated, secured, repaired, removed or demolished, or the occupants are not relocated within the allotted tnne, the Commission may, upon the reconunendaUon of the Build- ing or Fire Official, order the City to vacate, secure, remove or demolhh the b~d~.g or relocate the occupants at City expense. (1) The Commission may only order the repair of a restdentLul dwelling unit with ten (10) or fewer dwelling units The Commission may only order the repair to the extent neceemuy to bnng the building into compliance with minimum City standords. The mpaim may not improve the bu.~dJng to the extent that the building exceeds minimum housing standards. lien The Commission shall order the C~ty Attorney to place a lien against the properly for the expenses incurred. (1) The Commission may place a hen against the property unless it is homestead. (~) The City Attorney shall recmyi the lien a! the office of the county clerk m BmzoH County, Texas. (3) The I~en notice shall contain the name and address of the owner if that information can be determined with reasonable e~brt, a legal de~criphon o~ the property on wluch the bmldJng was or is located, the amount of the expenses incurred by the C~ty c~ College Station and the ~fa~ce due. The lien shall be a prmleged hen su.bordinale only to tax liens and all previously recorded bo~a fide mortgage liens attached to the The lien may not be foreclmed if the prope~y on which the repairs were made Js occupied u a residential homestead by a person 65 yea.m of age or older. Ordinance No. 1919 Page (6) · rhe ext~nsse incurred shall accrue interest at a rate of tan (10) percent per year fi~u the date of the as~,~ ~,~ent until paid in fult 8. A~De]~te REnrinw Notification o! decision. 'rhe decision of the Oununisalon shall be totaled by first class nmil. certified return receipt requseled. Any pa.n~ shall have thh'ty (30) days from the date of p~,lUng to file a petition. A copy of the order shall he published in the ~-,/an/C:~ ~atJon BagJe w~hin ten (10) calendar days after the date of ~,111,tg of the notice. A copy shall he filed with the City Secretary. Appeal in the chstriot ceu~ shall he bruited to a hearing under the su.hetantisl evidence rule. The decision shall become final ~f no appeal ~s taken within the thhty (30) day time Severabilitv If any sectinn, sut~ec~on, sentence, clause or phrase of tl~ Code or t~ T~ C~ ~ ~r any ~ he~ to ~ ~c~t~u~ ~h d~ ~ n~ ~t the ~ ~ the ~g ~ of t~ ~e or t~ T~ C~. Any person, firm, corpomtton or agent who shall vininte a provis]~n of tlds Code er the Technical Cedes, or MI1~ to comply therewith, or with any o! the requirements thereof, er who shall erect, construct, ~lter, hu~t~ demohsh or move any structure, einctncal, gas, mechamcal, plumbing er fire protection system, or has erected, constructed, altered, mpa]red, moved or demolished a building, structure, electrical, gas, mecbanioal, plumbing or fire protecbon system, in violation of a detailed statement or drawing submitted and per- mitted thereunder, slmll he guilty of a n~sdemeanor. Each such person shall be co~ddered gmlty of a separate OffBnse for each and eve3y day er portion thereof during which any ~dolation of any of the prov~ions of tlus Code or the Technical Codes is commflted or continued, and upon conviction of any such vio]ation such pemon shall he punished w~h a fine pursuant to the generul penalty section of the Cede of Ordinancse. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 23 APPENDI 1 S?ANDARD BUILDING CODE ADOPTED A booklet entitled 'Standard Bmlding Code 1991 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be mended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Blfll,41~Lg Off~inl O~ the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and d,~q~t~mated as the Bufldleo Code of the City of College Station, Texas. AM~OM~iTS TO STANOARO B'o'~LOING ~ The above rofereanod Standard B' Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 103.4 is amended by deleting therefrom the following sentence: "All unsafe b,,,1,h,,gs are hereby declared illegal and shall be a.batod by repair and rehebllita- tion or by demolition in accordance with the provisions of the Structural Standard Code for the elimination or repair of unsafe bufldinge.' Section 103.2.3 m amended to read as follows: 105.2.3. Home Owner Permit - A property owner shall obtain a pernut for work to be clone by Ithn on a bu]Mleg owned and ccc~ by h~ as his homestead. After twenty-four (~4) months, the perm~ is ~ and must be re-permitted by the home owner or a contractor at the discretion of the Building Official and subject to appeal to the Board of AdJ~ut.~nts Table 400 shall he amended by the addition of the superscript 'l~ to the allowable areas tabulated in the ~ HI, V, ~I, columns for Oroup R Occupancy, story height three (3) and above, and the addition to the table of a new note 'l~ to read: 'Two (2) remote independent means of egreas from each floor area occupied by separate tenants shall he provided.' Section 402.2.3.0 shall, he amended by adding to the defindlon of *mezzanine" a new sentence to reed: 'A mezzanine 8hall be considered to he an additional story only in Group R Residential and Group A Assembly occupancy types.' Seotlon 403.2 is amended by deleting therefrom the following phrase: '~-ept that in Group B-Bnsinnss and Oroup S-Storage Braidings, ncc-fire rated pa.~fions may be used to nsperete tenants provided, no area between paflllinns rated at one (I) hour or mere exceeds three thousand (3,000) square feet. Section 404.6 shall he amended by adding the following sentence: "There shall be required a supplementa.~ lighting system in addition to the re~,lnr system by local eleotnc power m Group A Small Assembly." Section 403.5.3 shall be added to read as follows: '403.5.3 Public Rsntal Storage Warehouse - (A) A public rental storage warehouse is a struottLm used solely for storage occupancy, which uf divided rolo separate spaces accessible to each tenant and in which the management doe8 not boar re~pons~ll~t4,o~ a~ a ware- houseman. (B) Te~tant nspa~at~f:m shall not be regu~ in a public rental storage wamhonse. (C) A wall having fire remstance of not less than two (~t) houm, parallel to the longitudinal mos of the b,,~l,~g and dividing the he]ldtng into two (3) pans of equal area insofar as the configuration of rental spaces permits, shall he prowded in each pubhc rental storage warehouse building.' Ordinance Ne. 1919 Page 24 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. lg. 20. Section 806.1.1 Im amended by deleting therefore the pltmse 'or areas of refuge (compurtmentaticfl) in accordance with Section Section 806.8.3 shall be added to read as follows: 'AU enclesed stairways are to be pressurized.' (See Sectton 806.11 #8) Seot]on 808.11 shall be added as follows: 'The one and one-half inch (1 1/2') wet standpipe hose and nozzles Jo not required; however, the Fire Depurtment rbsm and hnse connnotJons are to be pro3flded in the cc~rrldor and not m the stairway.' Section 704.3 - Table 704.3 shall be amended to read u follows: 'Muumum flame spread classifications for oll group A-Assemblms shall be Class A interior finish nsiterhl in ~ comdors and exfls when aprtnklered.' Section 704.4 shall be amended with the flint paragraph to mad as follows: 'Delete Excepllons.' Section 901.8.6 shall be added as follows: 'An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in group A-Assembly cccupanclas (except churches), when a group A-Assembly total floor area exceeds five thousand (8000) square feet.' Section 901 8.7 shall be added to read as fallows '(7) An approved spr]nklor sys- tem sim.Il be provided in all stl'uoture~ where the total building area exceeds fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet and in all structures exceeding two storlns in height.' Sectm 901.8(d) shall be added to read as follows- 'An approved sprinkler system shah be provided in all hotels and motels.' Section 1703.12 shall be amended by adding: 'AU concrete ,t;al~j at grade shall have special termfle protection by soil treatment or other approved methods of ter- mite protection', per Section 1703.11 Section 170~.7 shall be amended to read as follows: 'Attic spaces shall be provKled with an access opening not less titan twenty inches (20') by twenty-four inches (24'). Access opanmg shall be readdy accessible and provided with a lid or device that nmy be easily removed or operated, when mechanical equipment is to be in- stalled in the att~ and only interior access is to be provided. The access opening shall be not 1_~ than specified above, but in no case less than the s~re required to install or remove the largest major componmtt of the unit wflhout disassembly. Access Jo not required when the clear height of the att~ space measured at the roof pea.k, is less than twenty-four roches (24'). ' AU Appe~tdices except D and H are hereby adopted. Section A-103.4.8 shall be added to read: 'There shall be no cmubnstible or flammable matefia.is pieced on site, lot or su.bdiv~ion where waterlines and fire by- drents as requLmd by the applicable subdivision regulations are not completed and m nsx~'tce and where aU-westhur access for emergency velucles does not exjot to within one hundred fifty feet (180') of the most remote part of the structure.' Section A-103.8 is amended by deleting therefrom the phrase 'to pay a license tax as provided in the general license ordinance,' and adding: "Buildina Contractom. It shall be the duty c~ EMMy contractor who shall maim con- tracts for the instn11=tfon or repair c~ buildings for which a permit Jo mqmred, and every contractor or b-flfler making such contracts and subletting the same ur any part there~ to regtster Ids name and license with the BufldtnGr Official, gtvtng full ~d~nance No. 1919 Page 21. 22. 23. 24 name, r~=~rlence and place of busmass, and in case of removal fram one place to another to have made co~ change to the Building OflicmL Plumbing_.~ontmotom. Plumbing contmctms that have a State of Texas Master Plumb-rog Contractor's License must regmter their license Mth the City of College Staifon bofore a permit wm he immed by the City. Air Oandifionina. Reffloemtlon and Heatina Oontractoru. Ah' conchtiontng and heat- ing contractors that have a State of T,~ra~ Air Conditioning, Rofrlgemtion and Heat- ing Contractors license must register theft licenses with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. lawn SDfinider or In'foaticn Contractom. I~awn Sprinkler or Irrigation Contractors who have a State of ?n~r=~ T.icease must register thek license with the Cay of College Stat)on befora a penmt will be issued by the Ciiy Electrical Contractors. Electrical Contractors who have a Master's L~cmme mum pay a hceuse fee to the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Before a license is registered by the Gay, applicant shall provide adequate proof of insurance coverage for bodily injmy, proparty damage and worhex's compaasat~on in the ~llowing amounts: (a) $300,000 combined single limit; (b) Worker's Comlxmsation m accordance with the State of Texas. All Contmotors. Each velucle used shall have affixed to the beck window driver's side identification numbers and letters two inches (2') lflgh as follows: For Building Contractors For Electrical Contractom For Plumbing Contractors For Air Conditioning Contractom For Irrigation Contractms C.C B.I,. (License No.) C.C.E.T.. (License No.) C.C.P.I.. (License No.) C.C.~C. (License No.) C.C.I.L. (License No.) Use State of Texas License number, if appifonble.' Section 101.4.1 ts mended to provide that the B,,fldlt~g Oiflciel is an employee-at- will and may be terminated as per the pemoanel Ula,~11a1 Tablo 600 shall he amended to read' "After 15' them is no flrawall on exterior walls req~r~ (N T. %)." Accsesery Pomible Storage B1,11d~ng. Portable storage befldlngs am defined as those portable storage buildings that are not permanently aSbmd to the ground. One accessory portable storage b,fil,tlng, not over one hunch'ed (100) square feet irt area, per p~flflentinl lot will be allowed m the rea~ yard without a bufldinGI permit if it can be moved and aseltary facilitms, water supply, and electric system are not contained in the structure and structm'e is not placed in surface drainage easement. Sectton 1104.4 shall be amended to read as followB: "Every sleeping room in ene and two famdy dwellings shall have at least one operable window or ex'tenor door approved for emergency egress or rescue. The units must he operu.hle f]om the in- side to a full clea~ opening w~thout the use of separate toois. Where windows m provided as a means of egress or rescue, they shall have a sill height of not mom than lofty-four inchse(44') above the floor." Ordinance No. 1919 Page ~.6 All egress or rescue windows fram sleeping rooms shall hav~ a minimum net clear opan~ng of twenty-funr inches (Z4') by twenty in~hse (20'). 25. Se~ticn 1301.l.Z TRENCH SAFETY. On all construction projects, pubhc or private, witlun the boundaries of the C~ty of College Station, or within the ~,~,'eterrlto~hl Jultsdiotion, the l~l document and the cmttraot shall costa.m: Detailed plans and specifications ior adequate safety systems that meet (b) A pay item for tho~e safety systems. (c) TILts requhument shall not apply to pemous subject to safety standards adopted under Article 6083-1, V.T.C.S., and subject to the adndnistmt~e penalty provlsJous of Article 6093-2, V.?.C.S. (d) Violatious will be reported to OSHA and the job superintendent. REGISTRATION FEES. License iose ~or contractom shall be set by Council resolution. TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY OF STREETS WITH BUILDING MATERIAl,. ETC. Hereafter any parson or pemous, firm, or corporation desiring to temporarily occupy any portion of any pubhc street, alley, or skiewalk within the C~ty of College Station for the purpose of placing thereon material or rubbish for or fi'om l~dldt'ng opem- tmrts, or ior any pu-tlxxm whatsoever connected with the erection, removal, alter- atkm, or repair of any bmldJng or other structure, shall apply to the Build~g Offleinl for a permit for such temporazy occupation as a~o~-~h~ki, and it shah be unlawful to occupy or obstruct any street, alley, or mflewall~ as aforesaid, w~thout a permit therefor from the Building Oitic~al, wbtch permit shall not be Jsuued until the person, persmm, firm, or corporation applying therefor shall have first presented a bu.ildmg permit with a bend upproved by the City A~toruey, concbtioned that the p~incipal therein will dJscherge all clahus of evezy character a.t. Jf~g fi'om or ocCASd.'~*~ted by such occupancy of such street, alley, or sidewalk or tho construction or rulxiJr of such building or the ma.king of such excavabon and discharge all judgments obtained, too'ether with all coets attached thereto aga~st the City of CoileO'e Station, by reason of any such clahu, injury, or damage sustained, and every person or persons, fl.m, or corporatiou carf3dng on any such excavation or building opera- tion shall keep all streets, alleys, and sklewa.ilm adjacent to such e~cavatious or building operahous carried mt by them, in a clean and orderly cundibon, and unob- struoted, except as prov~ed herein, der~O such operation, and at the expiration of the time stipulated in the peFmit aforesaid, they shall restore all such streets, alleys, and sidewalks to ns good condibon as they were beiore the beginning of such operations. 2. Reauimte of Pernut Permits for temporary street, alley, or sidewalk occupancy as hereinbe~re provided shall be msued by the Building Of Ocml, shall be in writing, and shall be for a period of time not to e~ceed ninety (90) days, such as rm',.I Building' Officinl may deem ex- pechent; provided that such tnne may be extended by the City Council of the C~ty of College Station; such penmt shall spec~y' how much of the street, sidewalk, or alley shall be obstructed, which mount of obstruction shall be wilkin the cilscrefion of Ordinance No. 1919 Page 27 the Building Official; provided that not mom than one-bsif (1/~) of any alley, not mom than two-thirds (~/3) of any sidewalk, nor more than one-fourlh (1/4) of any street shall be obstructed. 3. Protectmn of Sidewalks Wharever any pemon of any street, aJley, or sidewalk slla]l be obstructed under a penmt as hereinbe~m~e pro~ed, the sidewalk or driveway themo~ shall be ]3~o- tected by a covm4ng, which shall be sufficient to protect the public from danger attendant up(m such build.g, and a driveway and s~dewa.]k ~l~f~lnient in the opimon of the BuJkling Or.iai, kept in good coachtion for travel; and a failure to comply with th~ mthaeotion shall hnmedlately work a fori~ture of the peraut gi~mn there- under and aH the rights and pt, ivl'legas gTanted therein. CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWAI,I(S AND GU]tBS 1. T.tcease and Permit Reanlred I-lerema~er no persoa, person, fin.. or corpomifon shall lay, cmmtruct, build, m- pair, or feb1111~ any sidewa~ curb, gutter, or dziveway mt any sUeet, alley, or thor- ougldure wi. thin the City of College Station, without flint ha~mg obtained from the City Engineer a hcenan to do such work, haying made sad executed a bond to smd C~/in the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dosare ($~t,500.00), having paid a lioease fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) ~ aanum, and having obtained a perm~ from the C~ty Engineer to do such work. Provided, however, that for bnlldmg construc- tion, only the coastzuct~m of sidewalks, curbs, guttem, driveways, and appronchas to a bmldmg may be included in the btlJldh~ contractor's permit for the construc- tion of the building if application to coaslntct such sidewa~ curb, gutter, dthreway, and d~ve approach is made at the tLme the braiding permit is applied for. Prowded ~.-.ther, that the preceding sentence shall allow only the building co~tLmctor Elmself to construct curbs, gutlem, s~dew'alks, d.~veways, and drive approachas on his btnldmg contractor's bond without the nec_m~__'_l~y of making a separate cemeat bond for the~ construction, and the wecedlng sentence shall not apply if the building contrector contracts w~th another to construct the sidewalks, curb., guttem, drive- ways, and approaches. The bm~lmg contractor sbs]l have the construction of such s~dewnlks, curbs, guttem, driveways, and drive appreachas inspected and approved by the City Eng~ner. Where the ~1111dlng contractor a~m11~ hinlM~ of the ~ of this subeect~n, he shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of such concrete construction m the same manner as indJv~d11~j~ hokim~' a l~e~ to do such concrete work, and ins b1.1,4;.g contracto3's bond shah be ame3tcl, ed and supplemented to comply w,.th tins as.bsect~on. 2. Re(:maste of z.ioease and Bond The hcease hereinbefore me~ttioned shall be issued and approved by the Engineer, and before the issuance of same, the applicant shall file in the office of the City Engineer a statement of Ids q~1=~ltf~-=~lio~18, together w~th a surety bond in the penal sum of 'lNvo Thousand Five Hand.red Dollam ($2,500.00), conditioned that ml,4 app11~ant ',mil mdenm.ify and save hannleas the City of College Station from any and all damagas of eve~ character arising horn or caused directly or indirectly by negl~ence in dc~g smd work, or for any anperiect or inadequate work doae by the applicant, and that he will maintain as.id work in a good and workman._ll~e state of repair for and dur~g a period o! one (i) yeur fi'om and a~ter its completion and acceptance by the C:~ty. Said statement of q,l..rlr.atmne approved by the City Engi- neer, together with bond, and date of mauance shall be fllad by .ml~l Gity Engineer wUh the C~ty Secreta~/. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 28 The applicant shall also state m ins appliuation for heenas, his pines of b,,~,em, and shall noth'y the C~ty En~inenr immadintely of any and evezy change in addmes or style of 1~ firm. All such bonds shall be subject to the approval of the City Altor- ney, and shall nm for a period of one (1) year from date, or until revoked as here- maflor provided. Such bond shall be on substantinlly the same form as that shown on Exldbit A, as gimn in subasction C herein. ENOI.,OSUP~ OF SWlMMINO POOI~ 1. Fences Every outdoor swinuning pool shall be completely surrounded by a fence or wall not lees than four feet (4') high, wl~lch shall be so constructed as not to have openings, holes, or gape larger then four mchas (4') in any dimension except for doom and gates; and d a fence b erected or maintained, the horizontal spacing between fuckers shall not exceed four inchas (4'). A dwelling house or accassmy building my be used as a part of such enclosure. All gates or doms opanfeg through such anclesure shall be equipped with a self- clesing and aslf-latcltlng device for keeping the gate or dom: securely closed at all times when not in actual use, exnept that the do~ of any dwelling which forms a par~ of the enclesure need not be so equipped. ?Iris requirement shall be applicable to all new swimming pools hereafter con- structed, other then indoor pools, and shall apply to all ex~sting pools whfeh have a depth of e~ghteen mchas (18") or more of water at any point. No pemon in pessas- sion of land within the C~y, either as owner, purclmser, lessee, tenant, or a hceasee, upon which ~s situated a swimming pool having a depth of e~ghteen inches (18") or more of water at any potnt shall f~l to provide and ma~tain such fence or wall as herein provided. The GUy of College Station Bu.~iing Code Board of Adjustments and Appe~is may make modJficat~ in individual ca~s, ulxm a showing of good cause with respect to the height, uature of location of the fence, wall, gatso or latches, or the necasshy therefor; provided the protectmn as sought hereunder is not reduced thereby. The Building Cede Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City my penmt other pro- tectwa dev~as or structures to be used so long us the degree of protect-'m afforded by the sul~titute devices or structures is not l~ than the protection afforded by the fence, gate, or latch deec~:l herein. The Butlding Official shall allow a reasonable period ~ which to comply with the requirements of this sub- section. 8. Swimmin Pool Defined The term swhnmmg pool as used herein shall mean a body of water in an artificial or asmi-urtfficisl receptacle or other container located outdoors, used or intended to be used for publi~, esmi-pubhc, or private swmuning by adults or c~sA~en, or both adults and children, operated and maintained by any person, whether he be an owner, levee, operator, licensee, or conc,~,~,na~re, and shall include swhm~ing pools used or intended to be used solely by the owner or fronds invited to use it without payment of any fee. Ordnance No. 1919 Page 29 BUILDING~ PI~RMI'I' F~ES B,,,],~,,~ pemut fees will be established by City Council resolution adopted pursuant to Chapter 14 o~' the Code of Ordinances. An of~clal copy c~' the latest such fees shall remain on file in the O~ce of the C~y Secretary at all tnnes. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 30 APPENDIX A booklet entitled 'Nallcmal Electrical (::ode 1990 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the o~ce of the Building' Official of the City o~ College Station, T,u~n~. is hereby adopted and dastgnated as the Electrical Code of the City of College Station, Texas. The above referenced Natkmal Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows: Seot]on 210-23(a) shall be amended to include after the words "... are aino supplied." the following sentence: However, a ciFonit of fifteen (15') ~ shaft not serve more than ten openings unless authorized by the Electrical Inspector. Table 210-21(b)(2) or (b)(3) shall be en~.ended by adding the following: Refereuce all 14 AWG conductor indicated m the table with asterisks (***) and add this foot- note a! the bottom o~ the table '*** specinl note: Except for fixture wires in Ur. or other listed fixtures, no conductor o~ a sise smaller than 12 AWG copper is allowed m rasidentinl wiring." Section 210-82(b) shall be amended by adding the following: Exception No. 4. A separate cuonit is required for each refi30~rater, deep freeze, dishwasher, disposal, trash compactor or any other load exceeding six (6) amperes. 4 Section 210-82(c) shall be amended by adding the follow~ng at the end of the section: Exception: A separate circuit is required for ndorowave ovens or any other counter top appbance with a load exceeding snc (6) amperes. Section 210-92(0 shall be amended to include after the words '... for the laundry.' the following sentence. However. a separate cJrcmt is required for a wasleng muclune or any other leund.,y appliance with a load exceeding six (6) amperes. Section 310-52 shall be amended by adding the following subsection: (i) Spare CircuJls. In all raskientud electrical system spare circuits shall be prowded ut the crawl space or attic of at least one (1) 12-2 and one (l) 10-3 with equipment grounding conductor. Such circuits shall terminate in a junctam box with a proper cover and br, aa~r space must be a3ra~l=hln in panel ior these spares. 7 Section 280-52 shall be amended by adding the following subsection: (]) Other r.ocations. A separate circmt is required for each well pump or other outdoor loads enceedmg six (6) amperes. The Electrical Code shall be amended by adding the following sect]on: 230-10 Meter Mounting Heights. Individual meters shall be mounted at a height not greater than 8'--6' nor 1,~q than 4'-6' above flninhed gFade. Meter packs shall be mounted with its horizontal centeritne not greater than 4'~6' nor less than Ordinance No. 1919 Page 31 Sect]on 230-72 shall be amended by adding section (d) to read: (d) l,ocation: The sersioe dhconnectmg means 8hall be installed at a readdy accassiole iocat~on. Such location shall be on the outside of cmnmercinl l~l~l~gs or strectums. Rasi- dentkd b,,fl,~,tgs may pro,fide tlus disconnecting means either outside or ~e the nearest point of entrance of the service conductors. 10. Section 230-79(c) shall be amended by changing the paragraph to read: For a one- h.,nfly dwelling, the se~ice disconnocttng means shall have a rating c~ not less than 12~ amperes, 3-w~re under each of the following conditions: (1) where the inllinl computed load m 10 KV'A or more, or (3) where the n, tml inetalhtion consists o~ six or more 2-wire branch c~mts. 11. Section 280..83(c)(1) end (2) shall be amended by allowing only coppe~ coated grounds. 13. Section 310-3(b) shall be amended to read as follows: Conductor Material. Conductors In this article shall be copper only. 13. Section 333-6(b) shall be amended to read as follows. Uses Not Permitted. Type AC cable shall not be pent. ted in commercinl b~dlflln, gs as a w:.mg method. 14. Sect]on 334-4 shall be amended to read as follows: Uses Not Perautted. ~ MC cable shall not be permitted m commercml buildings as a wh~ng method. 15. Sect]on 337-3 shall be amended to read as follOWB: Uses Permitted. Type SNM cable shall be used only as follows: (1) where opereting temperetttre8 do not exceed the rating marked on the cable, (2) in cable trays or in raceways, and (3) m msidentull w]nng only. LICENSING 1. L~censma as Master Electrician RemLbed It shall be unlawful ~r eny person to do eluctncal work witlun the City of College Station unless such perm:m Js licensed under the L~u~'~uJ of this ordinance by the City of College Station as a master electrician, or unless such electrical work is pen'~ormed under the pemonal control, supervts]on, direction and responsibility of such a lioensed master electriomn. The term "electrical work' as used m this mdi- nance shall mean the instslling, maintaining, altering, repairing or erecting of eny eluctrlcal wtnng, apparatus, devices, app]inncas, fixtures or eqv.lpn]ont for which a pent~t is req3mud under the tenas end provis]oas of thru ordinance, except poles end guy enchom installed by en electric telephone, telegraph, slonal or publk: asn~e company as a part of its distributfon system. 2. Electrical Board Created To Administer T.iceastna Provisions There is hereby created an Electrk:al Bored consisting of five (8) members. The five members of the Board shall be aPlX~nted by the City Council. The five shah not be employees of the City, and one shall be licensed as a master electrio~un by the City. The Bom'd shall select its own chamnan The members o~ the Board shall serve at the pleasttre or the Gity Council except any Board member shall be replaced any time he t~l~ to meet the cnterin for appointment or if his attendance at called meetings tnun below seventy percent (70%) for eny twelve (12) month period or he hfl~ to attend three (3) cmmecutive meetings. The Boa.rd shall revmw applicants ~ license, determine if their experience L~ such that they are q~al~od to take the examinabon, grade said exammetioas, end determine by majority vote of the Board that a license shall or shall not be issued. Said Board shall determine, by majority vote o~ the Boant, as hereafter provided, when hceasas shall be revoked Ordinance No. 1919 Page 32 for cause. If said Board revokes a license fur cause, the individual whese license is revoked shaU cease all electrical work within the City unless or until said a,"tion of the Board ]s altered by ectfon of the GUy Councit or a court of law. Also sen~mg with the Board will be an omployee from the GUy who w~ serve as a staff ]inbon. (~m!ts*atioas for Master Electrkdan l,icense Anyone ~l to ~mllty for a "MasteF Einotl'~inn's T.ioeilS~" 8ha~ procsed in the following manner: (a) A~ehcation for Easmbmtfon: Fee Apply ut writing to the Secretary of the Electrical Board to toke the q~tollry. in0* examination. ?he application shall state the ~tAli~-~-ations and mq2e- fiance of the apphcant and shall be accompanied by an ~tfon fee of Fifty Dol]ers (~0.O0), which fee shall be rofundable if the Electrical denms the appncant the oppoflunuy to take the exandnndon because Ids anpeflence shall be four [4] yea~ full time employment in electrical work under direct supe~fls~on of a hcansed master electrfoinn.) Along with the applioat~on shall be two (2) letters of recornmrmdation. ?he letters shall be from Master ElectncJana or Electrical Inspectors who can recmmeend the apphcant for exandnatL-,n. Cb) Easmmat,on: Adminmtration of Take the examination prescF]bed by the EiectFioal Boerd, which exandna- tion may be written, ora], ur beth, and shall relate to their q'~mli~r'atk:~, to in- stall, repair, alter and nuintaln electrical apphutcse, w~mo*, apperetus, devices, fixtures or eqmpment, for which a permU m reqmred under the terms and conditions of tl~ls o~linanoe and as to their ~,-l~V-atioas to plan insta~atfons of electrical wiring and eqmpment, to plan changse, to interpret plans and specifications, and to supendse vaflons types of electrical installations f~r which a permit m reqmmd. Exa.minatfons will be scheduled during the first week of each month and an appitcant may take the exami- nation not eurller than two (3) weeks or hter than eight (8) weeks alter he is certified eitgfole to do so by the Board. Fadm'e of the apphcant to appeer for the examination alter written notice he Js eligible to do so or hiture to satisinctorl]y pass the examination shall result m forfeiture of Ids Fhly Dollar (SS0.00) fee. (c) Examination Recto*ds A complete record of the examination given, cmudsting of the questksm, answers, grades and final results shall be kept in the records of the Electri- cal Boazd for a period of not less than one ("!) year. The applicant will not be allowed to review l~J exa.minat]on papers, he will only be told his grade. (d) Issuance of r.tcense: Terms of Upon cemficat~:m by a majority of' membem of the Board present that he has passed the examination and is ebg'Wle for the ]ioense as a "Mnster Electrician", he shah be betted as.rd License by the Secretary of the Electri- cal Board upon payment of a Twenty-five Dollar ($28.00) fee and filing a bend, in a form as msnad by a company satisfactory to the City, in the amount of One ?hoasand Doitam (SI,G00.00), conditioned upon cmupliance with the ordinancns of the City regnlatmg electrical work and faithful per Ordinance No. 1919 Page 33 fonusnce of all contracts. Smd hceuse shall be good for a period of one (1) year fly:~m date of JmJue unless revoked by the Electrical Boa. rd for due (e) l~lceuse Renewals: Fee At least one (1) month prior to the exl~ratlo~ date of the license, licensee shall apply for renewal for tho subsequent year. Unless said lineuse Js denied by the Electrical Board for due cause, the Seoreto~ of the Electd- cai Board Js autherJesd to msue a renewal of the license upon payment of a renewal fee of' Twenty-five Dollars ($28.00). (f) lnellcrJ~lltv Anyone licensed under the pro3mfous of tlus or prey]oLin ordinances per- taialng thereto who does not practx:e Ins pro~lfln within the City of College Stat]on fro' two (2) cmmecuttve yearn after the date he received les license or any mthesqueet renewal thereof, shall not be ellg'dale for renewal of his hcenes. He may, at uny biter date, re-q~,ali~y according to the provi- sions of rids ordinance. 4. Recinrocal ,Atn'eements The City of College Station may negotmte reciprocal agreemunm with other municipal~es whorem the license requirements ere deemed to be eqval, to those of tl~s o~linunce. Under said reciprocal agreeusnts, a license may be issued to uny- one IX~Q",~lqg a v-alt-! llceuse in the mumctpall~ with which the reciprocal agree- merit e~sts w~dhont the applicant being required to take the writton and oral exunu- nations provl, ded fur m tins erdmance. SaKi apphcunt shall be required to fulfill all other reqvlzements und pay all fees provided horein. Forfeiture or Any Bonds The amount reshsed upon the for~mture of uny bond over und above the expemJe involved in its forfeiture shall be eapondnd in making the necessary changes in the electric work found to be contrary to the provisions of this ordinance or deficient in q~lol,ty or other pe.rticuhrs as specified in the contract or contracts entered into and covered by the bond, and the unused b~alAnce, if uny, sholl be paid into the Ctty Treasury. ELECTRICAl, INSPECTIONS AND PERMITS 1. When Perm~ Reauired: Excentious No wtring, poles, duct line, guy anchom, apparatus, devices, applJancos, fixtures er equipment for the tmmm~sion, d~fibutiun or utilization of electrical energy for any purlx~e shall be installed within tho City limits, nor shall uny alteration or addition be made to any such existing wiring, poles, duct lines, guy unchom, apparatus, de- vices, fixtures or equtpme~t w~hout first escm'~g a permit therefor from the Electfl- cai Inspector, except as stated m the following paragraphs: (a) Reulecina Fuses No pamut shall be required for replacing fuses of like rating or ~ or the connectfon of portable appliances to suitable receptacles which hove been pennununtly installed or for rapaim to portable appliances. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 34 (d) ReDlacma Flush or Snap Switches No penuh shaft be required for replacing flush or snap switches, recepta- cles, lamp sockets, the mpt.11,atfon of lamps, or minor repalm ~t perma- nently connected electrical appismces. conyema s~ No pennil shall be required for the in~:,11~tion, maintenance or alte~'alfon of wtz'lag, pole. and down guys, appamtns, device., appliance, or equipment ~r telegraph, telephone, stg~tal nsndce or cantral station protective service used in conveying signals or mtalJJgence, except where electrical work ts done on the p~a~y side of the source of power at a voltage over 50 volts und of ~ than 500 watts. Wirina by Electric Public Service Gomnsnv No permit sha.ll be required for the installatfon, maintenance o~ alteration of electric wu'lng, appamtns devices, appha,nces or equipment to be installed by an electric public eszvioe company for the use of such company in the generatio~ t~, distr~utfon, sale or l~tfll~otion of electrical e~ergy. However, an einotnc pubhc esndce comixuty shall not do any wiring on a cnstome~'s distribution system, including metering equipment wherever located and transformer vaults in which cnstomer's transfom~m are located, nor shall any of its employee, do any work othe~ than done for smd company es herembe~'e provided for by 3drtue of this exception. ?emuorarv Wmna No permit shall be required for the ilmtallation of te~npomly ~:.;~t~, appa- turns, devices, appliances or equipment used by a recognized elaotrJcal training school or college. Railway Croesina Sienal Dev~ce~ No permit shall be required for the installation and maintenance of railway cmeslag signal devices, when such is peri~m~od by due authorily of the raj]mad and m accordance with the standards of the American Railroad Association, and m colhal~Tatiou with aed approval of the Depaflment of Pubhc Senflces o! the Cily o! College Station. (1) The Electrical Inspector may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permi~ issued under the pro3nmons of this ordinance whenever the pernm ts Jesued in error or on the l~-b~ of inc. m'mct in:rormatic~ supphed or when in violation of any ordinance, regulation or any of the provisions of this ordinance. (2) A pernut may be cancelled upon notification by the owner of the property that the contracto~ Js no longer employed to do work on smd properly after written notification by the Elactncal Inspector and a hearing by the Electrical Examining Board. (3) Failure on the part of any licensed master electric]an to cormot any defect, error or deflcmncy in any work installed under the authority of an electrical permit issued to him ~ ten (10) calendar days after wn~ten notJflcatio~ thereof ~ the Electrical Inspector, the Ordinance No. 1919 Page 35 Electrical Inspector shall, without further nottce, stop the msuance of permit8 to such licensed ntsmer electrician until such cmrectJ~s have been made, inspected and approved. ?Ids provision sludl be cumu]ative of all other peaalflns provided herein. Notification and Final ADerovals (a) Electricmn to Notify Electrical Insuector When any peri of a wire itt~allat'len ba to be hidden from view by the per- manent plecement of pe.~s of a bm'Ming, the licansed alectriclen to whom the perunt has been msued shah notify the Electrical Inspector. licensed electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall gtve the Electrical Inspector due notice and htspectinn shah be made peri~hcally during the progress of the work, and where st the discretion of the Elec- trical Inspector or Ins Assmtant ,t is necnssa.,y, he shall poet notice on the premises statinO' that work is a~ and may be covered, or it m not approved and my not be covered, until such fuflher inspection as is necnss~y has been made. Any person removing, destroying, altering or defacing said notice without the consent of the Electrical Inspector, shall be deemed gtulty of an offense under this section, and uny work described in smd notice shall ha stayed pending the ftuther necessary mspectiun. Upon completion of the work which has been authonnsd by the issuance of a peri,it, it shall be the duty of the licensed electrician, to whom the permit has been issued, to nnmedmtely notify the Electrical Inspector, who shall inspect or cause to be inspected, such inp~llmt~n w~thin thJn~y-six (36) houm, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays. and holidays, of the time such notice ts given. 03) Final Certtficatns of Aneroval If the work is found to be in compliance with the provJmcms of this ordi- nance, the Electrical Inspector, subject to the other applicable ~ of tlds ordinance, shall msue a final Cextificate of Approval to the public utility company inznlehing the electrical service or to the person supplying the energy, wluch ceflJflcation shall authonze connection of such approved work to the source of energy of the electrical sense, the turning on of the curnmt, and the use of the instaJletJ~m. No connection shall be roads unttl such authorisatimt and final cefl~cate is issued. Ordinance No. 1911) Page 36 APPmqDIX 3 A booklet en~led 'Standard Gas Cede 1991 Editkm' as mended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the or,ce of the Building Offlcbl of the City of College Statim~, Texas, ,~ hereby adopted and designated as the Gas Cede of the City of College Statkm, Texas The above-entitled Gas Code is hereby amended as follows: Article 306.1 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: Copper end brass. A~lcle 306.2 is amended to read as follows: '306.2 - Underground Sen~ce Line. Se~ce lines underground shall be standard weight wrought iron, galvamzed sten), black steel protected agaJast ~ cor~,'~n with an approved type protective coat- ing, or polyethylene pJ~e, tubes and fittings conform~g to A.S.?.M. D-2613-87 and C.S. 255.63, and ~ be installed according to manu~cture~s recommendat~oas. l~,_~!d wrapping shah be ]Jn~ed to shor~ asctleas stripped for threading end ~ttings.' A~licle 306.3 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: "Plastic Pipe Polyvmyl Cklerlde type 1, 3 & 3". A~t~cle 30~.4.2 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: Item 3 of Section 308.4.2. ArLicle 308.8 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: Item 2 of Sectmn 308.8. A~ticle 309.3.3 ,e amended by deleting therefrom the following term as used in Items 1, ~- and 3: Pisshc. Arttcle 309.8.~t is amended by including the ~:~,~ing addendum: 'Gas lmas must not be installed in duct systems used for supply or return of cond~tmned air ' A~t~cle 311 2 - Tasting, is amended by changing '6 mchas of Mercu~ to read as ~s: 'ten inches (10') of Mercury.' Articles 314.1 and 314.2 are amended by deleting therefrom the following: "Use of Plastic." 10. Article 605.4 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: "Single wall vent pipe.' Ordinance No. 1919 Page 37 API~NDI~ 4 A booklet enthled "Standard Mechanical Cede 1991 Edition" as amended and as here~er may be amended, as least o~te (1) copy of wluch is mt file in the office of the Building Off. mi of the Ciiy of College Station, Texas, m hereby adopted and d,~'_~nated as the Mechanical Cede of the Ciiy of College Station, Texas. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 38 API ND 5 A booklet entitled 'Standard Pluml~ng Cede 1991 Ed~ion' as mended end as hereafter may be amended, at least ;me (1) copy of wluch is ;m f~e in the ~ of the B~ldMg Of~isl of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and d,~Vj~a_ ted as the Plumbing Code of the Ci~ of College Station, Texas. The above-named Plumbing Cede is hereby amended as follows: Secbon 404 is amended to read as follows: '404 - Individual or Private Sewage DIS- peusl System. When there is no sewer a~m;l=t~e within two h;mdmd feet (300), en approved p~te dislx~al system may be installed. P~ate sewage systems must comply with City of College Staticm's Cede of Ordinances (refer to Chapter 11, Section 3). Ownem a~e requ~sd at their expense to bare Cily sewer extended to their property ff not over ;me hundred fifty feet (180). If over flus distence, owner must agree to cmutect to Cfly sewer whe~ made av=flat~le (w~tl~n 60 days of written not~ce as refoned to m Chapter 11, Sectkm 2, oftbe College Station Code of Ordi- nancas). All private sewage disposal systems mast comply with the latast adopted standards of the Texas Depmlment of Health and be constntcted under the direc- tion of Brazes County Health Department. The installer mast be reg~temd with the State Health Depa.rtmant as a Registered Private Sewer Facilitias lasta]ler.' 2. Table 500 - Materials and Usas is amended with the following deletioas: Materials ~k~lV~TT~i.n ~tand=rd~ D~r 501,3 Asbestos - Centent Sewer Pipe Asbasto~ - Cement Sewer UnderdMht P~ Asbesto~ - Cement Sto~ ~ P~ ~1~ La~ato~ ~ge ~te~ L~e ~ter ~ ~ ~ ~lybuty~ne ~ & T~g ~) N~r 2110 ~lybutybne ~ & ~ ~) Nu~r 2308, 2~, 3~ ~, ~08 AS'I'M C 439-81, (1985) ASTM C 644-78 ASTM C 633-83 CAN/CSA-BI81.3-M86 CAN/CSA-B 188.4-M90 ASTM D 2553-88, ASTM D 3666-88, Lmted, See 504.3 ASTM D 2104-88, AS'I'M D 2239-88, AS'I'M D 3737-88, Idsted, See 504.3 Ordinance No. 1919 Page 39 Insert Fittings Grens-llnhad Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing 8rstems for Pressure ~ Injection Molded G~ted Hflmga and Pressure Applicallons Polybutylane (PB) Plastic Hot ASTM D 3609-88, Listed CAN/CSA-B13?.5-M89, Listed CAN/CSA-B 137.;-M89, ASYM D 3309-88a, l~sted 10. Il. Table ~ is amended to read as 'Plastic pipes or fittings are not allowed for water dismbution inmde a building.' T~hle 500 is amended to read as 'Type M copper is not allowed for pressure piping.' Sectmn 801.6 ~s amended to read as follows: '801.6 - Sand Traps. All garage, auto leandflns, or gasoline or oil filling fJtatiolL9 having Ca~ WaSh IRCkB 8h~ Jl~ta]~ and maintain in proper repair an applied sand trap in accordance w~th the plans and specifications mt file m the office of the Plumbing Inspector.' Sect]on 908.2 - Connections, is amended by adding the following statement: 'Connections behmd bathtubs. All connects behind tubs shall have access paneis.' Section 1205.1.1 m amended by the deletion therefrom of 't~pe M copper~ from the meterinh for water pipmo. Section 1210.1.1 is amended by the deletic~ therefrom of the following meterisle: Type M Copper, Polyvmyl Cltkmde (O.P.V.C.) pisntic pipe, and Polybetylane (P B) plusUc pipe. Section 1208.5 is amended to read ns follows: '1205.5 - Water Supply Control. An approved gate valve shall be installed in the water sen;foe pipe on the l~operry side of the meter and protected by an approved ancloeum w~h a removable cover and a covered valve b~x over cut o~.' Section 1104.2.3 is amended to read as follows: 'i104.2.3 - Depth of Building Sewer. Braiding sewers must be installed with a minimum of twelve roches (12') of cover. Where conditions prohibit the requh'ed amount of cover, cast iron pipe with caulked or approved mechamcal Joints must be used unless other means of protecting the pipe is provided. Use of cast iron of twelve inches (12') depth cannot be main- taJnnd.' Sectic~ 1411.3 is amended to read as follows: '1411.3 - Multi-Story Wet Vanting. Water closet re-vents must be two inches (2'), not one and one-half inches (1 1/2'). Under these circumstances, a four inch (4') braiding drain must be used and not a three tach (3'). (See Dmgrams No. 1 and No. 2.)' Ordinance No. 1919 Page 40 APPENDI 6 TITLE AND SCOPE 2 The prowmous embraced in this section shall constitute and be known as "The Structural Standards Code' of the City of College Stat/on, Bmzns County, Texas. The code e~ablishns mhdmum standards for occupancy, and does not replace or modify standards otherwise established for construction, replacement, or repair of buildings except as are contm_,y to the provJmons of figs code. Evezy building, structure, or dwelling, perumnent, movable, or mobfie, 8hall con.fonu to the requirements of tkls code regardless of the prtma,'y use of such building, structure, or dwallmg, and regardless of when such building, structmu, or dwelling may have been constructed, altered, or repehud. 'lids code m hereby declared to be remeflml; and shall be cormtmed to secure the beneficial interests and purposes thereof (which am public ns~ety, health, and general welfare) through structural strength, stabil~y, sanitation, adequate hght and ventilation, and safety to life end properly from fire and other b;,~=.ds incalent to the construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition, use, and occupancy of buildings, dwellings, and structures (pe-,manent, movable, and mofale). The code does not alter the provisions for the immod~ate security or demolition of ),=~w].ous structures m cans~ where there exhts imminent danger to human hfo or health. Existin Bufldin . The prov=dJions of this code shall apply to any ~11~1~1T~, dwelling, or structure regardless of when saki bu]lding, dwelling, or structure was constructed, altered, or repaked. Maintenance. All bu~:iings or structures, beth existing and new, and all paris thereof, shall be maintained in a safe end sanitary condition. All dev]cns o~ safe- gua_.ds wlflch am required by tins code in a building when erected, altered, or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order. The owner, or his designated agent, shall be reopens]bin for the maintenance of buildings, structures, and premises to the extent set out in tins code. The tenant shall be respc~s~)le for the maintenance of buildings, structures, and prenuses to the extent sot out in this code. Movina Dwellmas and Structur~a~. The owner of any dwelling or structme, or his designated agent, shall secure a permit from the Bl~flflFi. g Of~cial at the City Hall of the City of College Station, Texas, he.re moving a dwelling or structure into, within or out of the City lm~s, and be responsible to the extent to this code. ~. Nothing in this Mchou or in the code hereby adopted shall be cmmtrued to affect any 8mt or proceeding now pending In any court, or any rights acquired or llabihty incun'ed, nor any cause or causes of action accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby. Nor shall any right or remedy of any character be lost, nupalred, or affected by tins sect]on Ordinance No. 1919 Page 41 GENERAl= MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR BASE EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another for occupancy uny dwelling or dwelling unit demgned or intended to be used for the ~ (d living, sleep- rog, cocking, or eating therein, nor shall any vacant dwelling b~dlr~g be permitted to exist which does not comply with the fellowmg ~ments: Samterv Facfl~tias Runuired. Every dwelling rout shall contain not less than a kitchen slik, levatmy, tub or shower, and a water cioeet all in good working condi- tion and properly cmmected to un approved water and sewer system. Every pl~ fix'lure and water waste pipe shall be properly installed und maintained in good sa.n~f,=,y workmg condflion, flee from defects, leaks, und obetmotions. I=ocatfen of Sanitary Facmt~. All reqmred plumbing fik'teras shall be located within the dwelling u_,ut and be acceam'ble to the occupants of same. The water cleaet and tub or shower shall be located in a room affording privacy to the user and such mom shall have a minimum floor space of thirty (30) square feet. Hot and Cold Water SuDelv Every dwelling unit shall have connected to the lotchen sink, lavatory, and tub or shower un adequate supply of both cold water and hot water. All water shall be supplied through an approved pipe distribution system connected to a potable water supply. Water Heat~. Every dwelling shall have water heating hcllitfes which are properly installed und maintained in a sa~ und good working coprlit~n and are capable of heating water to such a temperature as to ~ un adequate amount of water to be drawn at every required kflchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub, or shower at a temperature of not ~ than one hundred twenty degrees (120~) Fahrenhe~. Such water heating fec]linas shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this su.b~ect]on when the dwelling or dwelling unit heating inc~tle~ required under the provisions of this section are not m operation. $. Heatin Facihtms. Every dwelling unit shall have heating fecflitiea which are properly installed, are melntained in safe and good worldng copd~.~s, and are capable o~ sa~ly und adequately heating all ~=~h#able rooms und bathrooms m every dwelling unit located therein to a temperattu'e of at least seventy d~ (?0~) Fahrenheit at a distance three feet [3') above floor level, under orch- Where a gas or electric central heating system is not provided, each dwelling unit shall be prov~ed with s-f~lent fireplece~, chimneys, flues, or gas vents whereby heating applinnce~ may be connected so as to fulnish a minimum temperature of seventy deg:"~-~ ("/0~) Fahrenheit measured at a point three feet (3') above the floor during ordinary rainJmum water condi- tions. Cooldna and Heatina E~ltr~mAnt A~ cocldng and heating equipment and fec]litias shall be installed in accordance with the braiding, gas, or electncel cede und shall be maintained in a safe and good worldng condition. Oarbaae Disnoasl Fs~-_ilgt,~ Every dwelling unit shall have access to adequate garbage disposal fec]htlas or garbage storage contsmem, type, und location of which fecil~,=s or contelnem comply with the reguletions for solid waste dlspeaal. Ordiuance No. 1919 Page 42 C MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR LIGHT AND VENTILATION No pemoa shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another for occupancy, any dwelling or dwellmg unit d,~q'_~ned or intended to be used for the purpoee of hying, sleep- rog, cocking, or eating thereto, nor shall any vacant dwelling building be permitted to e~st wltlch does not comply with the following requirements: 1. Habl~hle Rooms - Windows and Skvllahts (a) Every ~ room shall have at least one 0) window or sl~light facing directly to the outdoors. The nunuunm total window area, measured between stops, for every habitable room shall be seven percent (7%) of the floor area of any such room, e~cept sleeping rooms where the minimum total window area shall be the ]~r of seven percent (7%) of the floor area or twelve (12) square feet. If light obstnmting structures are located less than five feet (8') fi'om the window and extend to a level above that of the ceiling of the room, such a window shall not be deemed to face directly to the outdoors and shall not be included as contributing to the required minimum total window area. Whenever the only window in a room is a sky- light tlrpe window in the top of such room, the total window area of such sl~llght shall equal at least flitenn percent (18%) of the total floor area of such room. Yeer-mund mechanically venti]almg co~,rilt~f'yned air systems my be sub- stituted for windows, as requnud herein, m rooms other than rooms used for sleeping ~. Habitable Rooms - Ventilation_ Eve~ habitable room shall have at least one (1) window or skylight which can easily be opened, or such other device as Mil ad- equately ventilate the room. The total of operable window area in every ha.hitable mom shall equal to at least fofly-five percent (45%) of the minimum window area size or nL~J~num skyhght type window raze, as reqmred, or shall have other approved, equivalent ventitat~on. Bathroom. Every bathroom shall comply with the light and ventilation requirements for habitable rooms eacept that no window or skyhght shall be requn-ed in adequately ventilated bathrooms equipped with an approved ventilation system. Electric L~ahts and Outlets Reauir~. Every dwelling shall be wired for electric lights and convenience receptacles. Every habit;,l~le room in such dwelling shall contain at least two (2) separate floor or wall-type alectnc cenvemence outlets; and every intchen, bathroom, inundry room, furnace room, corridors or hallways, and perches shall contain at least o~te (I) supplied ceiling or wall-t~q~e electric light fixture. Every such outlet and fixture shall be properly installed, shall be nmmta.ined in good and safe working condition, and shall be connected to the source of elec- trio power in a safe manner Linht ut Public Halls and StalEwavH. Every public hall and stahway m every multiple dwelling cuntsnting five (8) or more dwelling units shall be adequately lighted at all tunes. Every pubhc hall and stairway m structures devoted solely to dwellin~i occupancy and contanung not more than four (4) dwelling units may be supplied with commnlently located light sw~chas, controlling an adequate lighting system winch may be turned an when needed, instead of inll-tJme liphtmg. All publb- out- door walkways or mdewalks wltl~ln multiple dwelling complexes shall be adequately l~hted at all times. Adequate liphtmg shall be defined as an average horizontal foot candle level of 0.2 lumens per square foot with no value of 1~,~ than 0.02 lumens per square foot. Ordinance No. 1919 Pa~e ~3 MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another for occupancy any building, dwelling, or structure, nor shall any vacant blnldmg, dwelling, or structure be permitted to ,wtm which does not comply w~th the following requirements: General. All fixtures, receptacles, equipment, and wiring shall be maintained in a state of good repair, safe, capable of being used and installed and connected to the source of electric power in accordance with the adopted Electrical Code of the C~ty of College Station, Texas. Where the doterminatlen 1. made, upon examination of ,,..ta~ing electrical asndce supply, that such electrical service supply ia obeolete or is being used in such manner as would constitute a hazard to life and property, the following shall be used for determining the ~dequacy of such service supply and main dmconneot switch: Total Number of Lighting l~,lectrkeal Capacity of Mare Sendce Supply and Main D~scounoct Outlets Only Switch 0-24 60 amp sendce 25-50 100 amp service The min.lmum capacity of the se~'ice supply and the main disconnect switch shall be s11~nt to adequately can'y the total load required in accordance with the Electrical Code of the G~ty of College Station, ?,,..,e GENEP, AL REOUIREMENTS FOR THE EXTERIOR AND II~T,-:RIOR OF STRUCTURES No person shall occupy as owner-occupant o~ let or sublet to another for occupancy any building, dwal]ing, or structure, nor shall any vacant building, dwelling, or structure be permitted to ,~,,t which does not comply with the following requirements: Foundation. The building foundation walls, plem, or other structural elements shall be maintained in a safe manner and capable of supposing the load which normal use may cause to be placed thereon. Extermr W~11- The exterior ~ shall be 8ub~ant1~lly weathertight, watertight, and shall be made lmpen, toas to the adverse effects of weather and be maintained in sound copd.1,-,n and good repair. Roofs. ~ shall be maintalnad m a safe manner and have no defects wluch might admit rain or cause dampness in the walls or interior portion of the bldldtvtg. Means of E . Eve~' dwelling unit shall have .a~, unobstructed means of egress with mfs.tmom ceiling height of seven feet ("f') leading to a sa~ and open space at ground level Stairs. Porches. and A~mutenanc,~-. Eve~ inmde and outside strut, porch, and any appurtenance thereto, shall be safe to use and cal~hle of supporting the load that nm~nal use may cause to be placed thereon, and shall he kept in sound and good repair. Protective~. Protective ~-,~tlt,~gs shall be required on any unenclosed struc- ture over five feet (5') from the ground level or on any stepa contah~g four (4) Ordinance No. 1919 Page 44 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Wtnd~ ~d Doo~. Bvery window, exterior door, besement or cellar dom', and hatchway aha.Il be suhstanti~y weather~ht, watertight, and rodent proof; and shall be lmpt in scund werldnq conc2iou and good mpan'. Windows to be Glazed. Window panes or an approved sul~titute shall be msJn- t~d. without cracks er holes. Window Sash. Window sash shall be properly fitted and weatherflght welun the wL, tdow frame. Windows to be Oneas.b~. Every window requn, ed for light and ventilation for habitable rooms in dwallmgs or dwelling units shall be capable of being easily opened and secured in pceitfon by window hardware. Hardware. Eyre7 exterior door shah be prov,.ded with prol~r hardware and main- tained in good condition. Door Frames. Eyre7 extefim, doer of a dwelling or dwelling u.fit shall fll reasonably well within its flame so as to subatantmlly exclude ram and wind from entenng the dwelling budding. In dwelling bu.~iings without central heating fumacas and mr c, oad~foning equipment ~or mechanically venhlallng the budding year-round, every door opening dh'ecfly from a dwelling unit to outdoor space shall ha~e screens and a self-closing device; and every window o~ other ope~ng from a dwelling unit to outdoor space, used or intended to be used for ventilation, (c) Dwelhag buildings coutahung central heating' fumacas and mr conditfonmg. eqmpment ~' mechanically ~mntdating the building, yem'-round am not required to have screens on door openings. Non-owner occupied dwelling' buildings coutahdng' central heatfmg, furnaces and ah' condltl~ equ~ment for mechanically ventDating the year-round and required to have screens by building' regulations apphcable to their cons12uctfon o~ reconstruction shall have a~ such screens main- tamed in working' re'der. 'l'he manag'emeat of non-owner occupied dwelling buddings coutaJnJng central heating furnaces and air co~,,l~,,~lng eqmpment for mechanically venttinting' the building year-round and not othe~vise requked to have screens shall make screens avAtl=lqe to the tenants who requast them under the following terms: (1) A reasonable refundable deposit, the amount of which for uny apa,-tment complex may be appealed to the Strectural Standa.,'ds Boaxd, may be requLmd to be paid ~r each such installation for replacement. (~) Each ma~--gement shall keep on hand a sul~lent quanll~y of scl'~ll a~tllhhe~ to :h,lml nollTlal demand wahin seven (7) working days of any requeet for ins~-11Atkm. (3) Where a screea is required for an opening which can senm no pu.,poae for ventilation, the Bldl,41,,g Official, after inspecting the prenuass in the presence of the te~tant and the manager, may Ordinance No. 1919 Page relieve the management of the obligation or ~.lfllllqg the request. Such determination shall be in writing and subject to appeal as provided in subsection 202.B(c). Notice of the ava.ahtlity of m3mens and the temm under whk=h they may be installed shall be posted tn the place or places where rents are collected and will be delivered to each occupied dwelling unit dm'in~r the first month o! the lease te~m. 14. ~. All exterior wood surhces, other than decay resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. 15 Accesso~ Structures. Garages, stmage buildings, and other accessory structures shall be maintained and kept in good repair and sound structural condition. 16. Interior Floats. Walls. and Ceflino~. Every floor, mtenor wall, and ceiling shall be sttbstantJally n3dent proof; shall be kept m sound condition and good repm~, and shall be safe to use and capable of suppoztmg the load which normal use may cause to be placed thereon. 17. Structural SUDDOrM. Every structural element of the b,,r~t,,g, dwelling, o~ structure shall be maintained structurally sound and show no e3fldence ~ deterioration wluch would render them incapable of ~g the loads which normal use may cause to be placed thereon. 18 19. Protectnm J~fl~a8 for Interior Stal~. Interior stairs and stalEwells with more than four (4) risers shall have handrails located m accordance w~th the requirements of the b, flr~ag code. Handrmls or protective ~a~gs shall be capable of bearing nor- nully nnpesed loads and be maintahted in good condition. Notification of Fkx)d Hazards. If a dwellm~r unit m damaged by flooding, ,f shall be the respmmibildy of the owner or his agent to provide prospective tenants or pur- chasers with a written record describing all flood damage w.thin the past te~ (10) years. MINIMUM DWELt.lNG SPACE REQUIREMENTS No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another for occupancy any dwelling unit d,~4~ned or intended to be used for the propose of living, sleeping, cooking, or eating therein, nor shall any vacant dwelling building be permitted to ernst wlttch does not comply w~h the following requirements: ReauJred Suace ht Dwelling Umt_ Every dwelling rout shall contain at least one hundred fifty (180) squa.m feet of floor space for the first occupant thereof and at least one hundred (100) additional square feet of floor space per additional occu- pant. ReQuired Suace in Sleeeina Ro~nvt~ In eve~ dwelling un~ of two (2) or more rooms, every room occupied for sleepin~ p~ by one (1) occupant shall contain at least seventy (70) square feet o~ floor space, and eve~ room occupmd for sleeping purpoaes for mom than ~me (1) occupant shall contain at least fifty (80) square feet o! flo~r space for each occupant thereof. Minunum ~ At least one-half (1/2) of the floor area of evet'y hahtahle room foyer, hall, or corridor shall have a ceding height of at least seven feet (7'); and the floor area of that part of any room where the ceiling height is less than Ordinance No. 1919 Page 46 seven feet (?') shall not be considmed as part of the floor area in computing the total floor area of the room ~' the purpane of determining the maximum penv.~hle occupancy thereof. Occunencv of Dwelling Un.~ Below Orade. No basement or cellar space shaft be used as a habitable room or dwelling ~ The floor and walls are impez3aous to leakage of unde~roand and surface runoff water and are insu.inted against dampnea8. The total of window m'ea in each room m equal to at least the minhnum window area raze as Mquired m subsection 102.1 of this code. (c) Such mquued r,o~utum window a~ea is located entuuly above the grade of the ground adjuring such window a~ea. (d) The total of openable window ama in each room is equal to at least the minanum as required under suhaection 102.2 of this code, except where there is supplied some other device affording adequate venttintion. SANITATION REQUIREMENTS No pemoa shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to anothe~ for occupancy any dwellin~ unit designed or intended to be used for the purlx:~e of ]iv~g, sleeping, cocking, or eating therein, nor shaft any vacant dwelling buJding be permitted to exist when it does not comply w~h the following requ~ements: Sanitation. Every owne~ of a dwelling co~ttaining flu'ee (3) or more dwell~g units shall be raspesu~ble for maintaining m a clean and asn~ary condition the shared or pubhc areas of the dwelling and premises thereof. CleanlJnass. Every occupant of a dwelling unit shall keep in a clean and sanitary ccmdition that pail cd the dwelling, dwelling umt, and premises thereof wldch he ocCUl:~as and contrels or which is provided for ~ par~u.lar use. ~e ~lx~Jal. Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall dispone of all bin ga~hage and any other oroantc waste whfoh might provide ~ for rodents and all nzbbmh in a clean and sanitary manner by complying with the applicable GUy ordinance. 4. Care of Premissu It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of a rasidentisl building, structure, or property to utitLze the prembes of such resJdenthl property for the open storage of any abandoned motor velucle, ice bo~ refrigerator, stove, glass, building metsflal, bmlfllTl~ rubh~fJh, or similar items. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every such owner or occupant to keep the prenusus of such reeJdantJal property clean and to remove from the pramissu all such abandoned items as listed above, including but not itmlted to weeds, dead trees, trash, garbage, etc., upon notice from the B1111i'11~1g (~flCial Ow'AeFH and occupants shall maintain ]awn areas m a manner consistent wi. th adjacent properties. For the purpose of this secttoa, an abandoned motor vekk:le is defined as one that is in a state of dsu'epabr and incapable of being moved under its own power. Orcl~nance No. 1919 Page 47 Extermination. Every occupant of a single dwellmg building and every owner cd a building containing two (a) or more dweiting units shall be responsible for the extermination cd any insects, rodents, or other pests within the b~dldlqg o~ ~. Use and Operation cd SuDDllad plumbm~ Finturp~. Every occupant of a dwelling unit shall keep all plumbing fl~uras therein In a clean and sanitary condition and shall be reqxxunbla for the exercise cd reasonable care In the proper use and opemticm themcd. ROOMING HOUSES No person slla]l operate a rooming house, or sludl occupy or let to another for occupancy any roemmg unit In any morning house, e~cept ut ocmpllance with the provisions cd every section of tlsa code except the provls~ns cd asl)~ect]on 106. 1. Water Closet. I,avatorv. and Bath Fac]btm At least one (1} flush water clsaot, lavatory basin and bathtub or shower, properly connected to a water and sewer system and In good working con- dit]on, shall be suppllad for ch four (4) rooms within a rooming house wherever said Incitit~ns are shared. All such facilities shall be located on the floor they serve within the dwelling so as to be reasonably aocnsslbla from a conueca ]tall or pas- nsgeway to all persons shurJng such Incflitie~. Water Heater ~uired. Every lavatory bnsin and bathtub or shower shah be supplied with hot water at all times. Minhaum Floor Area for Sleaema Puzl~,~. Every room occulded for sleeping pur- poees by one (1) pemon shall contain at least seventy (70) square feet cd floor space and every room occupied for sleeping puqx:mns by more than one (I) pemon shall contain at least f~ty (80) square feet of floor space for each occupant thereof. ~meat Every rooming rout shall have safe, unobetrncted means of egress leading to safe and open space at ground level, as required by the laws cd the governed area or cd the state. San~ Conditions. The operator cd every monling hot]se shall be responsible for the sanitary maintenance cd ali waits, floom, and ceiitnos, and for mainte~mce of a samtary condition In every other pm1 of the rooming house; and he shall be further rnsl~nsible for the sanitary maintenance cd the entire premises owned, leased, or ocCUl:ded by the operator UNSAFE STRUCTURES All structures, dwellings, apartment houses, rooming honsns, buildings, or outbuildings wldch are unsafe, ansanhary, unfit for human habitation; or wluch constitute a fire hazard, or are othenAdse dangerous to hlmlan life, or wluch ~n relatk)n to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health by reason of Inadequate maintenance, ~l~lmpidation, obeolaecence, abandonment, or lack of adequate egress, are generally in contemplation of this section, unns~ buildings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared illegal and a public nui- sance and shall be abated by repair and rehabflitatJon or by demoht]on in accordance with the provisions of tllJs sect]on and the laws cd the State cd Texas. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 48 I. DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of tltls 8ect~un: 1. Alter or Alte t~on means any change or modflioatiun in cmmtrecUon or occupancy. Am~hcable Govemin(r Body nmans the City Cotmcfl, College Station, Texas, to administer and enforce the provisioas of tlus cede, as adopted or amended. 3. ADl~:)ved shall mean approved by the B~fll,~mg Official. 4. Basement shall mean a portion of a building located partly underground but not ha%,mg leto than one-hail (1/2) or more of ~ts clear floor-to-ceiling height below the average grade of the adjoining ground. 5. Bu]biina she.Il mean any structure built for the suppofl, shelter, or enclosure of perso3m, animals, chattek, or properly of any innd. The term braiding shall be construed as ]f followed by the words 'or pail thereof.' 6. ~ shall mean the of~cer, or the person, charged wflh the administre- tion and enforcement of this sect]on or his duly authorized representative. 7. Cellar shall mean any bedding which is wholly or partly underground, having one- halt (1/2) or more of its clear floor-to-ceding height below the average grade of the adjoining ground. Dw~a shell mean any bmlrqlng wluch LS wholly or partly used or intended to he used for living or sleeping by human occupants whether or not such beiidlng is occupied or vacant; provided that tampom..~ housing as hereinafter defined shall not be regarded as a dwelling, nor shall tra]lers be mcinded as a dwelling. ~ shall mean any room or group of roonm located w~bin a dwelhng and fornmtg a single habitable unit with faoflitle8 whioh are used or intended to be used for living, slenpinG~, cooking, end entm~r whether or not such unit is occupied 10. Extermination shall mean the control and extermination of insects, rodents or other pests by eliminating their harborage places, by removing or making macceasible materinls that may serve as their food; by poisoning, spraying, fnndgating, traPl:~ng, or by any other recognized and legal pest ellminatlun methods. Il. Family means one (1) or more parsons living together, whether related by blood, marnage, or adoption, and having common housekeeping facfl~tisu. lB. Fioor Ama shall menn the total area of all habitable space in a building or structure. 13. Ger~ shall mean the annual and vegetable waste rem]iting fi'om the handling, preparation, cocking, and consumption of food. 14. Habitable Room shall mean a room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cocking, or eating purpoeen, excluding bathrooms, water closet compartments, inundflas, pantries, foyem, or communicating corrkiors, c](~ets, and storage spaces. 18. ~ shall mean the presence witlun or around a dwelling of uny mseot8, rodents, or other peets. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 49 16. 17. 18, 19. 20 21. 22. 33. Ml~tiDl~ ~N~llina shall mean ally b~lflr]hlg or portion thereof, which is d~d_rmed, bruit, rented, leased, let, or ldred out to be occupied, or which is occupied as the home or r~e;,4,=~tce of more than two (2) famJllas ~ independently of each other and dofng their own cooking in the said building, and shall include fiats and apa_q- meats. Ommable Area shell mean that pa~t of a window or door which is ay=fl=hie for unobstructed venttletion and which opens chrectly to the outdoors. Ormmtor shall mean any person who itu charge, care, or control of a budd~g, or pan thereof, m which dwelling units or rooming un~s are let. Owner. shall mean the holder of the Mia m fee simple and any person, group of persons, company, aasocmbon, or corporation in who~e name tan ~ on the prop- arty are subnutted. It shall also mean any person who alone or Jo/ntly or severally w~th others shah have legal t,fle to any dwelling or dwelling unit, with or without acoompany4~tg actual lx~se~.q thereof~ or shall have charge, care, or control of any dwelling or dwe]]ing unit, as owner, e~ecutor, executrng, adrainistrator, trustee, guarcUan of the estate of the owner, morlgagee, or vendee in pcx~m~,',n, asmgnee of rents, lessee, or other person, I:.,~k or corporation m control of a b. flfltng, or their duly authorized agents. Any such person thus representing the actual owner shall be bound to comply with the prov~Kms of this section, and to the ntles and regula- tions adopted ptusuant thereto, to the same exlent as if he were the owner. It is Ids respoas~hillty to notify the actual owner of the reported refractions of these regule- tions pe~ to the property which apply to the owner. Person shall mean and include any mchvtdual, firm, coxporat~on, asaccletion, or partnenth~. Plumbing shall mean the practice, matedais, and fixtures used ht the mstallation, manttenance, exteasu~t, and alteration of all piping, fixlore~ applinnces, and apportenancas m connection with any of the following: asmta~y dra~e or storm dr~e facilities, the venting system and the public or priv~,te water supply systems, within or adjacent to any building, stracture, or conveyance; also the practice and materials used in the matallation, maintenance, eate~n, or alteration of storm water, liquid waste, or sewerage, and water supply systems of any premises to their connection with any point of public d]spoasl or other acceptable terminal. Pramums shall mean a lot, plot, or parcel of ]and mcludJng the bullchngs or strac- tums thereon. In the case of melti-dwellmg units, each dwelling unit as defined in rids section shell be considered a separate prentise. Public Areu as used in this code, means an nnoccupled open space adjobdng a building and on the same property, that is permanently maintained accessible to the Fire Department and free of all encumbrances that nd~ht interfore with its use by the Fn'e Department. Rerm.tr means the replacement of existing work with the same kind of material used in the existing work, not inaludmg additional work that would change the stractural saJety of the building, or that would effect or change required exit facilities, a vital element of an elevator, plumbing, gas piping, whtng, or heating ht;t~.=tions, or that would be in v~oinbmt of a provu;~mt of law or erdmance. ?he term repair or repaJm shall not apply to any change of construction. Remured means reqmred by some provision of tins code. Ordinance No. 1919 Page 50 26. Residential Occur)ahOy means L'~l~l~glJ m which fo_m,Luq or households Kve or in which sleeping accon'uundaflons are provided, and all donnitorias shall be craasz- fled as r,,m,qenttul occupancy. Such b,.b41,tOs moinde among others, the followmo: dwellings, multiple dwellinos, and lodo~ng houses. 27. Roomma House shah mean any dwelling, or that part cd a dwulling containing one (1) or more rooming units, in which space is let by the owner or operator to three (3) or more pemons who are not husband or wife, son or daughter, mother or rather, or sister or brother cd the owner or operator. 28. Roondna Unit shall mean any room or group cd rooms forming a single hab~Ahle unit used er intended to be used for sleeping and living, but not for cooking or eetmg ~. 29. Ru.bb]sh shah mean combustible and noncombnst]ble waste materinra, except garbage, and the term shall include the reaM. un from the burmng cd wood, coal, coke, and other combustible material, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood excehinr, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metal, mineral matter, glass crockery, and dust. 30. Stmrway means one (1) er mom flights cd stmra and the necassmy landincrs and pintrorms connectmg them to form a continuous and uninterrupted passage from one (1) stray to another in a building or structure 31. Story means that pertK)n of a betiding included between the upper su..-hce cd the floor next above, except that the topmo~ story shall be that portion cd a betiding mclnded between the upper surface cd the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. 32. Structure means that which ~s buLlt er constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, er any pince of work ertfficrally bruit up or composed cd paris joined together m some definite manner. The term structure shall be cmmtrued as if followed by the words 'or ~ thereof.' 33. SUDDIied shall mean paid for, furumhad, er provided by or under control cd the owner or ope~'dtor. 34. ?emz3erurv Honsina shall mean any tent, trailer, er other stmoture used for human shelter which is desipnsd to be transportable and wluch ~s not attached to the ground, to another structure, or to any utility system on the same premraas for more than tlun'y (30) consecutnm days. 3S. Ventilation means the process cd supply'rog and remov'mq3 ah' by natural or mechanical means to or fi'om any space. 36. Yard means an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building extending along the entire length of a street, rear or interior lot line Whenever the words dwelling, dwelling units, roommg house, rooming units, or prennses are used in thin sectinn, they shah be construed as though they wore followed by the words "or any part thereof." Ordinance No. 1919 Page APPENDIlC ? There are hereby adopted reguhtiosa astablisklng minimum requirements for the design of new ~flential bu.lkUngu end additions to exhting buildings that provkle shelter ~ residential oc(~upan- ci88, smd regulations being specifl~Llly contained m a cdy code book eatJtled 'College Stat]on R,'~,~ential Energy Compliance Code - 1988 Edition." Smd "College Station Remdential Energy Compliance Code," a copy of which ia filed with the C~ty Secretary, is hereby adopted as the official residential energy compliance code to the same extent as ~f set forth at length here~t. ResKiential buildings which a~e not covered by saki cede am thodm that have more than 8,000 square fset of gross floor area per dwelling unit.' That Sections 2, 3 and 7 of Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, are hereby deleted; and Sections 4, 5, 6, and 8 are to be renumbered as Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5. Tl~is ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. PAS$1:~, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 10th day of October, 1991. ~ Secretar~r ' APPRO¥~: