HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1931 - Ordinance - 11/20/1991ORDINANCE NO. 3-9 3 3. AN ORDINANCE. AMENDING SECTIONS &-A, &-II, &-C.!, 6-C.2.10, 6.C.2.11, 6-C.5.13 AND SECTIONS 6-D.I AND &-D.~.2.1 AND ADDING SECTIONS 6-C.~.14 TI=IROUGH 6=C.7.7 OF THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TO CLARIFY THE SUBMISSION PROCEDI.~E FOR PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS. WHEREAS, the Cily Couucil of the City of College Stnhou, Texas, held n public hearing m Ihe City Hall at 4:00 pm. on Wednesday, November 20, 1991, on the queslion of nmendlng and nddlng ~ecllon,~ to the Subdivision Regulations. WHEREAS. the City Council has determined to amend Ibis secllon; AMEND SECTION 6 AS FOLIX)WS: SECTION 6: PROCEDURE AND PLAT REQUIREMENTS 6-A General 6.-A.I The procedure for review and approval of a subdivision plat consism of nine (9) steps. The subdivider may first re. quest a pm-application meeting. The second step is the preparation and submission of a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision with the appropriate application form. The third step is the consideration of the preliminary plat by the Pre-Submission Conference staff. The fourth step is the consideration of the preliminary plat by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The fifth step is the consideration of the preliminary plat by thc City Council. The sixth step is the application submittal for the final plat with the appropriate application form and construction documents. The seventh step is the consideration of the final plat by the Pre-Submission Conference staff. The eighth fourth step is the consideration by thc Commission of a final plat together with the required certificates and data. The ninth step is the consideration and approval by the Council of the final plat. If favorable action has been taken by the Council, the final plat becomes the instrument to be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk when all requirements have been met. The construction documents when duly signed by the City Engineer are authority to proceed with the construction of streets and utilities. Nothing in the procedure authorizes construction on private property. 6-A.2 Pre-Application Meeting Prior to any application submittal the subdivider shall have familiarized himself with the subdivision regulations and the Zoning Ordinance, and may request a pre-application meeting. A date and time tbr the meeting will be during business hours at the City hall, and held within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the request. The subdivider shall bring to this meeting a City map with the proposed subdivision marked thereon, and information relative to the proposed development. He shall be prepared to discuss its conformity w,th the master plan of the City. 6-B Master Development Plan and Master Preliminary. Plat: 6-B.1 Master Development Plan Ordinance 1931 6-B-I.1 Applicant shall provide a proposed master development plan, which plan shall depict the following: (a) proposed land uses, including but not limited to street rights-of-way: (b) proposed zoning changes; (c) proposed drainage development; (d) proposed public improvements, including but not limited to parks, schools, and other public facilities. (e) impacts of proposed plan on all utilities and traffic as described in 6- C.2.10. 6-B.2 Master Preliminary Plat 6-B.2.1 The subdivider may and is encouraged to submit a master preliminary plat with impact studies as outlined in 6-C.2.10 of the entire area he proposes to subdivide over a period of time, and indicate thereon his propo, sed plan of development by increments. After approval of this master preliminary plat, the subdivider may submit fractional final plats in accordance with the master preliminary plat by units or areas. Each increment or area must be adjacent to a preceding development or area. A master preliminary plat shall be effective for a period of one (1) year, and may be extended for an additional period of twelve (12) months, upon written request and approval of the Commission. The approval of each increment as a final plat will extend the approval of the master preliminary plat for twelve (12) months. 6-C Preliminary Plat: 6-C. 1 The application date shall be at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the meeting of the Commission. at which time the preliminary plat is to be considered. The subdivider shall submit ten (10) paper copies of the Preliminary Plat, and a mylar copy of same, of the proposed subdivision, drawn to a scale of not le~ than one hundred feet (100') per inch. The words "PRELIMINARY PLAT - NOT FOR RECORD" shall appear on the plat in lettem 1/2" high. The date the plat was submitted and the dates of any revisions shall legibly appear on the plat. 6-C.2.10 Traffic, sewer, electric, water and drainage impact studies quantifying the increased demands that will be placed on the system including areas not designated for immediate development. These impact studies when submitted for non-residential properties shall address the impact of the proposed development as well as the impact of the range or uses allowed on the property under the existing or proposed zoning district. When impact studies are submitted for residential property, they shall address the impact of the proposed density. 6-C.5.13 Vicinity map at a scale of not less than five hundred feet (500') per inch, which shall show existing subdivisions, streets, easements, right-of-way, parks, and public facilities in the vicinity,, and the general drainage plan and ultimate destination of water for a distance of one quarter (1/4) m lie, and Ordinance 1931 posslolestorm sewer, water, gas, electric, andsanitaryscwerconnectionsby a~ows. 6-C.5.14 Show number of residential lots. 6-C.6 Ifa change in zoning is contemplated or necessary, the subdivider shall submit a formal request of zoning change as required under the zoning ordinance. 6-C.7 Processing the Preliminary Plat 6-C.7A When the preliminary plat is received with subdivider's application for approval and the filing fee, all copies received shall be dated, stamped, and signed, and one (1) copy returned to the subdivider and immediately distributed to other City departments concerned for their review prior to the Pre-Submission Conference. A Pre-Submission Conference to be held within ten (10) calendar days of the application deadline date will be scheduled and the applicant and all concerned staff notified of such conference. 6-C.7.2 A copy of the preliminary plat will be forwarded to the Commission with Pre-Submission Conference comments. 6-C.7.3 The applicant w,II be advised of the date set for Commission consideration. 6-C.7.4 Within thirty (30) days after the preliminary plat is formally filed with the City, the Commission shall approve or disapprove or conditionally approve the plat with modifications. Upon approval or conditional approval by.the Commission. the plat, minutes or reports, and findings of the Commission shall be forwarded to the Council for approval or disapproval. 6-C.7.5 The City Council, within thirty (30) days after the Commission's action, shall consider the plat and shall approve or disapprove such plat or conditionally approve such plat with modifications. Following formal action by the Council, the City will transmit to the subdivider one (1) copy of the plat marked "APPROVED" or "CONDITIONALLY APPROVED" with the conditions stated on the plat. Approval or conditional approval will be the authority to proceed with the preparation of the final plat but does not constitute acceptance of the final plat. 6-C 7.6 Approval or condltion,a.I appwval of a preliminary plat shall be. effective for one (1) year from the date of such not,ce, unless reviewed by the Commission in the light of new or significant information which would necessitate a revision, in which case the Commtssion shall so inform the subdivider in writing. 6-C.7.7 If a final plat is not submitted within one (1) year of the effective date of approval, the Commission may, upon written application of the subdivider, extend the approval for an additional six (6) months. 6-D General 6-D.! The final plat shall conform to the preliminary plat as approved by the Commission and the Council; and if desired by the subdivider, it may be a portion of a master preliminary plat as authorized in 6-B.2 above; provided it incorporates Ordinance 1931 a c anges, modifications, corrections, and conditions impa,,ed by the Commission and the Council; and provided further, that it conforms to all requirements of these regulations. ~D.$.2.1 The City Council. within thirty (30) days after the Commission's action, shall con.sider the plat and shall approve or disapprove such plat or conditionally approve such plat with modifications. Following formal approval by the Council, the Mayor shall be authorized to sign the plat after any required modification is made. Should the plat be disapproved, the subdivider shall be notified in writing of the disapproval and the reasons therefore as stated in the minutes of the Council. AND, it is ordained that said change shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20tixiay of November, 1991 ATTEST: APPROVED: