HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2038 - Ordinance - 10/28/1993ORDINANCE NO 2038 AN ORDINANCE AlVlENDING CHAPTER I I. SECTION 2. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS RELATING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES. AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION That Chal~cr I I. Section 2 A oftbe Codc of Ordinances oftbe Cs.ty of College Slatton ts hereby, amcndcd to rend as follows "SECTION 2 WATER AND SEWER SERVICES A S_CHEDULE OF RATES The monthly rates lo be charged to mmdent customcrs for pubhc utiiny services, namely wntcr and/or sewc~nge connections, shall be tn accordance with the schedule as follows (I) RnK's for Water Sesvtcc (a) Restdem customers, whether smglc-htmly, mulU-hnuly, or conunerclal nnd/or mdustrmi umng water within the corpomlc hinds of the Ci~ shall have a service charge rinsed on the wmer mc~er stze Sen, ice Charge Meter S~ze Senlcc Charec 5/8" S8 30 per momh 3/4" $8 30 per month I" $10 45 per month I 5" $15 50 per month 2" S24 50 per month 3" S77 40 per month 4# $115 (JO per month 6" $140 00 per month Usage Charge $2 03 per 1.000 gellons Co) SubJect 1o a,,adnble caixict~ unticr present City of College Station I(md requirements. present .system napabih~, anuclpatcd load rcqmrcmcnts, and anUclpeted s?stem c. apabtllW, the CI~ of College Stotlon City Council may chief into coMrncts for thc sale of water outrode thc CiP,. 's corporate broils (c) All cngomors receiving water s~ ice under contra~ wberc thc wntc:r roles ~rc not addressed m the contract or where water rotes arc set I~. ordnuncc shall pay I 25 times the amounts scl foflh m (n) nbove rd) In the event thc City of College Stalmn is unnble to meet the ~ater serwce demands of ils testdenl customers nnd/or those customers outrode thc City of College StaUon corporate hmfls then resident customers shall recetve preference tn service (2} Rntes for Sev~ra (al For ~s~a~nt cuslomers using ~g~ ~ for h~ld ~, sidle or m~lt= f~tly, w~n ~c ~te hmfls ~t~ M~ntMy c~ ~r (bi For ~nt ~ ~ng ~m~ ~ for ~m~ml a~or n~n~ ~m~ ~l~n~ witch the ~m~ h~ oft~ C~ U~ C~ $2 I I ~r i.~ ~ll~s ~wa~ u~ge {c) For ~t ~,~n~ C~rge ~r ~n~ s~l ~ I 15 t~ t~ ~ ~ fo~h m (a) a~ ~) ~" II ~t C~er I I. ~mn 2 E of ~ m ~ ~ foll~s "E Er'F~ DATES ~ ~S or ~er Nm~r I. 1~3" III S~d ~y ~;on. ~ph. ~. cla~. ~, or ~ of ~s o~ ~ ~la~ ~n~ao~l or invalid for And. st IS ordmned that tlus ordinance shall Ix:come effective from and ~ tis passage tn accordance with the Cfly CbaflcF of the Cfly of'College Station PASSED AND APPROVED THIS .2.[3:Cb-- DAY OF October . 1993 -I EST APPROVED