HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-2008 - Ordinance - 04/22/1993OI~DINANCE NO. 2oo~ AN ORDINANCE REZONING THREE TRACTS TOTALLING 85.25 ACRES SITUATED IN THE PEBBLE CREEK SUBDIVISION IN THE S. W. ROBERTSON SURVEY IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZES COUNTY, TEXAS; TRACT A TOTALLING 18.44 ACRES FROM A-O AGRICULTURAL OPEN TO R-lA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TRACT B TOTALLING 46.48 ACRES FROM A-O AGRICULTURAL OPEN TO R-I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENT[AL AND TRACT C TOTALLING 20.33 ACRES FROM R-3 TOWNHOMES TO R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the Ctty Council held a pubhc hearing in the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 22, 1993, on the question of rezonmg certain areas within the City limits: AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the following: To rezone or change the classification of three tracts totalling 85.25 acres situated in the S. W. Robertson Survey in College Statton, Brazes County, Texas, being a part of that 1152.60 acre tract conveyed to Pebble Creek Development Company by deed recorded m Volume 1671, Page 276 of the Official Records of Brazes County, Texas. Said tracts are more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Tract A - 1844 acres to be rezoned from A-O Agricultural Open to R-IA Smgle Family Restdenttul: All that c'eltam [ra~.t or parcel of land lyntg and being saualed m the S.W. Robertson Survey tn College Station, Brazes County, Texas, being a part of that 115260 acre Iract conveyed to Pebble Creek Development Company be deed recorded tn Volume 1671, Page 276 o[ the Official Records of Braces County, Texas, and being more particularly desertbed as follows Beginning in the northeast line ti[ that 27 29 acre iract to the City of College Station. Texas, by deed recorded in Volume 1029, Page 13 of Ihe Official Records of Brazes County, Texas, S 39°34'29'' E - 1535 81 feet hem the mosl northerly corner of the same. Thence S 39°34'29'' E - 1021 97 feel along the northeast hne of the ~ld City of College Slacken 27 29 acre tract to the mosl southerly corner of this tract which is also the most westerly corner of Pebble Creek phase 2C addition to the City of College Statton, Texas, according to plat of record in Volume 1659, Page 309 of the ()fflcta[ Records of Brazes County, Texas, Thence Ihrough the said Pebble Creek Development Company 1152 60 acre tract as follows: N 50°25'31'' E - 505 00 feet along thc northwe,,t hne of the sa~d Pebble Creek phase 2C; N 5°25'31'' E - 9899 feet continuing along the northwest hne of Pebble Creek phase 2C; N 50°25'31" E - tO3 29 feet continuing along the northwest hne of Pebble Creek pha:,e 2C; N 29°30'47'' W - 557 22 feet, N 82021'45.. W - 311.91 feet, N 19°42'33'' W - 2.39 15 feet, N 86°56'47" W - 242.00 leer. N 86°17'15'. W - 151.93 feel, S 8°37'18' W - 478.00 feet to the Point of Beglnmng and conmmmg 1844 acres of land more or [ese, Ord. # 2008 Pa§e 2 Tract B - 46.48 acres to be rezoned from A-O Agrwultural Open to R-1 Single Faintly Residentml: All that certain tract of land lying and being situated in Ibc S.W. Roberlson Survey in College Station, Brazes County, Texas, being a part of that 1152.60 acre Iract conveyed to Pebble Creek Development Company by deed recorded in Volume t671, Page 276 of the Official ReceSs of Bra?os County. Texas, and being more particularly described as follows' Beginning in the northeast line of that 27 29 acre tract conveyed to the City of College Station, Texas, by deed recorded in Volume 1029, Page 13 of the Official Records of Brazes County, Texas, at the most southerly corner of Pebble Creek phase 2C addition to the City of College Slatlon. Texas. according to plat of record m Volume 1659, Page .309 of the Officml Records of Brazo~ County, Texas Thence S 39°34'29'' E - 874 4') feet along thc northeast line of the said City of College Station 27 29 acre tract to the mosl .,,oulherly corner of Ibis tract; Thence through the said Pebble Creek Development Company 1152 60 acre tract as follows: N 50006'52'' E - 251 83 feet, N 75°01'19" E -30265 feet; N 50°01'50" E - 300 12 feet; N 82°02'25'' E - 599 88 feet: N 48018'27'' F - 615.14 feet; N 22°21'30'' W - 44675 feet, N 60026'30'' W - 448 28 feel. S 82°26'41'' W - o08 19 feet, S 62(133'45.' W - 573 99 feet, S 50°25'31'' W - 84842 feel along Ihe southeast hne of Pebble Creek phase 2C to the Point of Beginning and conta[mng 46 48 acres of land more or less Tract C - 20.33 acres to be rezoned [rom R-3 Townhomes to R-I Single Farmly Restdentiak All that certain tra~.t or parcel of land lying and being sltualed in the S W Roberlson Survey m College Station, Brazes County, Texas, being a part of thai. 115260 acre tract conveyed to Pebble Creck Development Company by deed recorded in Volume 1671, Page 276 of the Official Records of Brazm, County, Texas. and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most Soulhv, eslerly corner of Pebble Creek phase IE addilion lo the City of College Station, Texa~, a~'ordmg lo plat of record in Volume 1448, Page 317 of the Officml Records of Brazes Coun .ty, Texa~ Thence S 9°19'39" E - 334.63 feet through the sa~d Pebble Creek Development Company tract to the Point of Begmmng of this Iracl Ord. # 2008 Page 3 Thence through the said Pebble Creek Development 1152 60 acre tract as follows. S 9°19'39'' E - 19205 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left {R=370'); Alo,n~. t,h,e ,,arc of said curve through a central angle of 40005'26. to the end of said curve, S 49 25 05 E - 206.39 leer to the beg nmng of a curve to the left IR--1285 }; Along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 36°49'18'' to the eh,d. of said curve, S 86Ul4'23'' E - 148.93 feet Io the begmmng of a curve to the left (R=775 }; Alonj~ t.h,e arc of ',aid curve through a central angle of 1q~12'58' to the end of said curve; N 74"32 39' E - 45 68 feet, N 15°27'21'' W - 12000 feet, N 26°06'12' W - 421.94 feet, N 40°22'37' W - 225.00 feet, N 65014'36'' W - 150.00 feet. N 77°15'34' W - 595.9'4 feet, $ &R°21'38'' W - 24547 Itel; S 8t1°40'21'' W - 190 23 feet to the Point el Beginmng and containing 20 33 acres of land more or less AND, it is ordained that said change shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of April, 1993. A'VI'EST: -- City Secretary, Connie Hooks APPROVED: PEBBLE CREEK SUBD. PEBBLE CREEK DEV. CO. Rezone 3 Tracts of land 0 ucc PAW Irt al an A-0 — jI A - 0 Ct 2 R-4 C-1 A—P I mum aLval mf PLANNING DIVISION City of College Station, Texas CASE NUMBER: 93-105 TYPE OF CASE: REZONING Sam