HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-2115 - Ordinance - 03/09/1995ORDINANCE NO 2115 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDERING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ON SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1995, FOR THE ELECTION OF A CiTY COUNCILMAN PLACE I, A CITY COUNCILMAN PLACE 3, AND A CITY COUNCILMAN PLACE 5, AND A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF A PROPOSITION TO THE ELECTORATE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, DESIGNATING THE TIME, PLACE AND MANNER FOR HOLDING THE ELECTION, APPOINTING JUDGES AND CLERKS THEREOF, AND, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN OFFICIAL ORDER OF ELECTION AND NOTICE OF ELECTION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS SECTION I A General Election shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the first Saturday in May, 1995, the same being May 6, 1995 for the purpose ofeiectmg Councilmembers for Place I, Place 3, and Place 5 In accordance with Local Government Code 253 00l, the City Council has determined that a proposition shall be submitted to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas for the purpose of determining whether the City of College Station should sell 4 31 acres of Park Zone 7 land located west of Weilborn Road and south of George Bush Drive Therefore, at the election to be held on the 6th day of May, 1995, there shall be submitted to the duly qualified resident electors within said city, for their action thereupon, the following proposition, to wit PROPOSITION NO. 1 SHALL THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BE AUTHORIZED TO SELL PARK ZONE 7 LAND LOCATED WEST OF WELLBORN ROAD AND SOUTH OF GEORGE BUSH DRIVE WITHIN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, SAID PARK BEING APPROXIMATELY 4 31 ACRES And the ballot for said eiect~on shall have primed thereon the following question PROPOSITION NO I FOR AGAINST The sale of approximately 4 31 acres of Park Zone 7 land located west of Wellbom Road and south of George Bush Drive Ordinance No. 2115 Page 2 The election shall be held under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing the general elections, and only duly qualified voters who are residents of the City of College Station shall be allowed to vote in this election. Said election shall be held in conjunction with the College Station Independent School District Board of Trustees Election, whereby an election precinct is to be served by a common polling place and election judge. The implementation and actual management of this election shall be with the City of College Station. A single ballot form at each polling place shall be used, provided; however, that no voter shall be given a ballot containing any office or proposition on which the voter is ineligible to vote. The polls shall be opened promptly at 7:00 a.m. and shall be closed promptly at 7:00 p.m. The Office of the City Secretary shall perform all duties normally performed by the County Clerk in general elections with respect to early voting, giving notice of the election, and preparing the official ballots. The City Secretary shall serve as the Early Voting Clerk, The Election Coordinator for the College Station Independent School District shall serve as Deputy Early Voting Clerk. The election shall be held at the following places and the election officials shall be, for the purpose of this election, as follows: Polling Place No. 8, at South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell, in said City and said District, with Karen Tohkubbi as Presiding Judge and Helen Cluck as Alternate Judge; and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her. Polling Place No. 9, at College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive, in said City and said District, with Mary Schmidt as Presiding Judge and Bob Godfrey as Alternate Judge; and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her. Polling Place No. 10, at College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611 S. Texas Avenue, in said City and said District, with Ruby Freeman as Presiding Judge and James Freeman as Alternate Judge; and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her. Polling Place No. 20, at Memorial Student Center, Room 138, consisting of County Voting Precincts No. 21, and 61, in said City and said District, with Meredith Reaves as Presiding Judge and Scott Jeffcoat as Alternate Judge; and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist him. 2115 Ordinance No Page 3 Pollin~ Place No. 24, at College Hills Elementary School. I I01 Williams, consisting of County Voting Precinct No 75 in said City, with ~eeil Parker as Presiding Judge and Marble Wilkev as Alternate Judge, and said Pres,ding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist him Polling, Place No. 28, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxfire Drive, consisting of County Voting Precinct No 58, 59, 71, and No 73, in said City and said District, with Ann Rife as Presiding Judge and as Alternate Judge. and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her Polling, Place No. 31, at A&M Consolidated High School, FM 2818 and Welsh Avenue, in said City and said District, with Vi Cook as Presiding Judge and Joy tlowze as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her Pollin~ Place No. 32, at Southwood Valley Elementary School, 2700 Brothers, in said City and said D~strict. with as Presiding Judge and __as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her Pollin~ Place No..~. at L~ncoln Center, 1300 Eleanor, consisting of County Voting Precinct No 35, in said City and said District, with Celestine Willii~ms as Presiding Judge and Lucy Peterson as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her Polline Place No. 34, at College Station City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 South Texas Avenue, in said City and said District, with Ch rlotte B t d as Presiding Judge and ~ as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her Pollin~ Place No. 39. at Rock Prairie Elementary School, 3400 Welsh, in said City and said District with Linda Middleton as Presiding Judge and Miehelle Leatham as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint not more than 3 clerks to assist her Pollin~ Place No. 40, at Aldersgate Methodist Church, 6501 East Bypass, in said City and said District, with Glenda Baker as Presiding Judge and __ as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her Polling, Place No. 2. at Wellborn Community Center, in said City and sit/d District. with Shlrlev Redman as Pres.ding Judge and Linda Scott as Alternate Judge, and said Presiding Judge shall appoint no more than 3 clerks to assist her Ordinance No 2115 Page 4 SECTION 2 Early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance and by mail The main early voting polling place by personal appearance shall be in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas A temporary branch eaHy voting place by personal appearance shall be at the College Station Independent School District Administration off]ce, 1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas. The last day to receive applications for early voting by mall shall end April 28, 1995 During the period early voting is required or permitted by law, being April 17, 1995 through May 2, 1995, the hours designated for early voting by personal appearance shall be from 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m The Early Voting Clerk for said election shall be the City Secretary She shall appoint City employees and additional asmtance by qualified individuals of the community to serve as deputy voting clerks to assist her at the early voting polling place The Election Coordinator for the College Station Independent School District shall also serve as Deputy Early Voting Clerk in said election The following persons are hereby appointed as the Early Ballot Board to count the early ballots Presiding Judge Clerks Kay Parker To be named by the Presiding Judge SECTION 3 Punch card voting machines shall be used for voting at the foregoing election precincts and electronic count devices and eqmpment shall be used for counting the ballots at said election SECTION 4 The Council Chambers in the College Station City Hall, is hereby established as Central Counting Station to receive ballots for said election, the ballots to be tabulated and returned to the office of the City Secretary The following persons are hereby authorized and approved as persons employed and designated to handle the ballots operate the tabulating equipment, and count the ballots Ordinance No 21 ! 5 Presiding Judge Kay Parker Alternate Judge Manager, Data Processing Tracy Smith Tabulating Supervisor Gary Fritsche Clerks To be named by Presiding Judge The following state officials and other designated persons are hereby authorized to be present at the Central Counting Station to observe the election process a Mayor and members oftbe College Station City Council b The Board of Trustens of the College Station School D~smct c The City Secretary and designated members of staff d The City Manager ofthe C~ty of College Station e The Superintendent of schools and designate members of staff f The County Judge and members of the Commissioners Court of Brazos County g The Attorney General of the State of'Texas or his authorized representative h The County Clerk of Brazos County P~e5 SECTION 5 A committee is hereby estabhshed consisting of the following persons to hold Computer Accuracy Tests, including two tests prior to the state and one test immediately at, er the count of the voted ballots, to ascertmn that the computer wdl accurately coun! the votes cast for the propositions to be voted upon in said election Mayor of College Station The President oftbe CSISD Board of Trustees City Secretary of'College Station CSISD Election Coordinator City Manager oftbe City of College Station The Superintendent of CSISD The presiding judge of Central Counting Station SECTION 6 The Mayor of the City of College Station is hereby authorized to sign an official ORDER OF ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS as prescribed by the Texas Election Code, smd ORDER OF ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF COLLEOE STATION to be attached hereto and recorded as part ofthis Ordinance Ordinance No 2 ! ! 5 Page 6 The Mayor of the City of College Station is hereby authorized to sign an official NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION as set forth in a form prescribed by the S~cr~tary of State of Texas, and a copy of the NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION. when published in a newspaper ofgnneral circulation in the C~ty of College Station, shall serve as proper notice of the election ordered by th~s Ordinance PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9TH DAY OF MARCH, 1995 APPROVED ORDER OF ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS An election is hereby ordered to be held on Salurday, the 6th day of May, 1995, for tho purpose of electing a City Councilman Place 1, a City Councilman Place 3, and a City Councilman Place $ Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station~ Texas, and the CSISD Administration Offices, 1812 Welsh between the hours of8 00 am. and 5 00 p m beginning on Monday, April 17, 1995, end ending on Tuesday, May2, 1995 Applications for ballots by mail shall be mailed to Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P O Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 ISSUED THIS THE ~ DAY OF MARCH, 1995 Conme Hooks, City Seereta~y APPROVED NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that the poling places listed below will be open from 7 00 a m to 7 00 p m on Saturday, May 6, 1995, for voting in the city/school general election to elect City Councilman P/ace 1, City Councilman Place 3, and City Councilman Place 5 LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES: Pollin Pla · No. 8 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 8) at South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell, Pollina Place No. 9 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 9) at College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive, Polling, Place No~ 10 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 10) at College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611 S Texas Avenue. Polline Place No. 20~ 2 IT & 61 (consisting of County Votin8 Precincts No 20, 21, & 61) at Memorial Student Center, Room 138, Pollino Place No. 24 & 75 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No 24 & 75) at College Hills Elementary School, II01 Williams, Polline Place No. 28~ $8~ 59~ 71~ & 73 (consisting of County Votln~ Precincts No 28, 58, 59, 71, & 73) at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxfire Drive, Polline Place No. 31 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 31) at A&M Consolidated High School, FM 2818 and Welsh Avenue, ~ (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 32) at Southwood Valley Elementary School, 2700 Brothers, Pollin~ Place No. 33 & 35 (consistin8 of County Voting Precincts No 33 & 35) at Lincoln Center, 1300 Eleanor, Polling, Place No. 34 (consisung of County Voting Precinct No 34) at College Station City Hall Council Chambers, I [01 South Texas Avenue, ~ (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 39) at Rock Prairie Elementary School, 3400 Welsh, P Ilia PI e No. 40 (consisting of Connty Voting Precinct No 40) at Aldersgate Methodist Church. 6501 East Bypass, ~ (consisting of County Voting Preonct No 2) at Wellborn Community Center Early voting by personal appearance wall be conducted each weekday at the College Station C~ty Hall Council Chambers, 1101 South Texas Avenue,, College Station, Texas, and the CS/SD Administration offices between the hours of 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m beginning on Monday, April 17, 1995 and ending Tuesday, May 2, 1995 Applications for ballot by mail shall be maded to Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P O Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than 5 00 p m April 28, 1995 ISSUED THIS TH~ 9th DAY OF MARCH, 1995 Connie Hooks, City Sec~tary NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that the poling places listed below will be open from 7 00 a m to 7 00 p m. on Saturday, May 6, 1995, for voting in the city/school general election to elect City Councilman Place I, City Councilman Place 3, and City Councilman Place 5 LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES: Pollin~ Place No. 8 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 8) at South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell, Pollinn Place No. 9 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 9) at College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive, Pollin Place No. 10 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. I 0) at College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611 S Texas Avenue, Pollinn Place No. 20, 21, & 61 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No. 20, 21, & 61) at Memorial Student Center, Room 146, Pollinn Place No. 24 & 75 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No 24 & 75) at College Hills Elementary School, 1101 Williams, Polline Place No. 28~ $8~ 59~ 71~ & 7.3 (consisting of County Voting Precincts No 28, 58, 59, 71, & 73) at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxfire Drive; Place No. 31 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 31) at A~M Consolidated High School, FM 2818 end Welsh Avenue, ~ Place No. 32 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 32) at Southwood Valley Elementary School, 2700 Brothers, Pollinn Place No. 33 & 3S (consisting of County Voting Precincts No 33 & 35) at Lincoln Center, 1300 Eleanor, Pollin Place No. 34 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 34) at College Station City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Pollin Place No. 39 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 39) at Rock Prairie School, 3400 Welsh, Polling Place No. 40 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 40) at Aldersgate Methodist Church, 6501 East Bypass, Pollin~ Place No. 2 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No 2) at Wellborn Community Center Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, and the CSISD Administration offices between the hours of8 00 a m and 5 00 p m beginning on Monday, April 17, 1995 and ending Tuesday, May 2, 1995 Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P O Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than $ 00 p m April 28, 1995 ISSUED THIS THE 2-8 DAY OF MARCH, 1995.