HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2100 - Ordinance - 12/08/1994ORDINANCE NO 2100 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 20 236 ACRE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE MORGAN RECTOR SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 46, IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL TO C-N, R-2 AND R-5 WHEREAS, on December 8, 1994, the C~ty Councd of the C~ty of College Station convened and pursuant to nohces proscribed by law he~d a pubhc heanng w~th regard to the apphcation for the rezonmg of a 20 236 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being s~tuated in the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract No 46, in College Stabon, Brazos County, Texas, being a part of that 23 33 acre tract descnbed m the deed from Hugo Harold Krenek to John Ben Carrabba, Jr, by deed recorded m Volume 470, Page 334 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds m Exhibit 'W' attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, WHEREAS, the above-described property ~s currently zoned R-1 Single Family Resi- dential, and the current use is vacant land, WHEREAS, the owner of the above-described property, Southwest Parkway Joint Venture, has apphed for the rezonlng of the above-descnbed property to C-N Neigh- borhood Business, R-2 Duplex, and R-5 Apartment/Medium Density zomng, WHEREAS, the C~ty Council of the C~ty of College Station, Texas, heard ewdence that the C-N use was for one (1) acre of land within the tract, the R-5 use was for 12 038 acres w~th~n the tract, and the R-2 use was for 5 824 acres w~th~n the tract as depicted ~n the d~agram attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and ~ncorporated here~n by reference, WHEREAS the C~ty Councd of the C~ty of College Stabon Te,as, heard ewdence that t~e proposed zoning change ~s ~n conformity w~th the C~ty's Comprehensive Plan, WHEREAS, the C~ty Councd of the C~ty of College Stahon, Texas, heard ewdence as to the Iocabon of the property in College Stabon, WHEREAS, ewdence was presented that th~s area of College Stabon ~s rapidly devel- oping and that there are a hm~ted number of tracts available for sa~d uses, WHEREAS, ewdence was presented that the proposed use of the property as R-5 Apartment/Medium Density w~ll be twenty-four (24) apartm~-nt un,ts per acre, WHEREAS, evidence was presented that the proposed use of the properly as R-5 Apartment/Medium Density at twenty ~our (24) units per 3cra will satisfy some o! lhe demand for apartments ~n th~s area and WHEREAS, the C~ty Council of the C~ty of College Stahon, Texas has concluded that said rezonlng is in accordance with ds revised comprehensive plan and more suited to the aforestated uses, Ordinance No Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'IHE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l'ltl~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS that the above de.~¢nb,=,d properly ~s hereby rezoned from R-1 Single Far'rely Res~denbal Io C-N N,~ghl',orhood Bus,ness, R-.'" Duple, and R- S Apadment/Med~um Densdy. effectwe ~mmed~alel¥ PASSED and APPROVED th~s 8th day of December, 1994 APPROVED ATTEST *Connie ~'1,',oks C ~y Secretary ORDIAIANC~. ~ 2100 Page 3 Proposed Rezone to C-N 1.00 Acre John Ben Carrabba Morgan Rector Survey, A-46 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Field notes of a 1.00 acre tract or pamel of land, lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of the 23.33 acre tract described in the deed from Hugo Harold Krenek to John Ben Carrabba, Jr., recorded in Volume 470, Page 334, of the Deed Records of Brezos County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in the southeast right-of-way hne of Southwest Parkway located N 42° 05' 13" E - 438.18 feet from the north corner of Ashford Square according to the Plat recorded in Volume 590, Page 289, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE N 42° 05' 13" E along the southeast right-of-way line of Southwest Parkway for a distance of 200.01 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the south, having a radius of 25.00 feet, marking the proposed extension of Dartmouth Drive; THENCE along the southwest right-of-way line of the proposed Dartmouth Drive extensmn as follows: Easterly along sa~d curve for an arc distance of 39.26 feet, the chord bears N 87° 04' 41" E - 35.35 feet, S 47° 55' 51" E 75.02 feet the beginning of a curve concave to the northeast, hawng a radius of 965.01 feet, Southeasterly along sa~d curve for an arc distance of 93.68 feet, the chord bears S 50° 42' 42" E - 93.64 feet; THENCE S 42° 05' 13" W 229.60 feet; THENCE N 47~ 54' 47" W 193.54 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1.00 acres of land, more or less Rev,sed 10112/94 EXHIBIT A - Page 1 ORDTNANeE # 2100 Page 4 Proposed Rezone to R-5 12 038 Acres John Ben Carrabba Morgan Rector Survey, A-46 College Station, Brazos County. Texas F~eld notes of · 12 038 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated ~n the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract No 46, College Station, Brazos County. Texas, and being part of the 23 33 acre tract descnbed in the deed from Hugo Harold Krenek to John Ben Carrabba, Jr, recorded In Volume 470, Page 334, of the Deed Records of Brazos County. '~exas, and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at the north corner of Ashford Square according to the plat recorded in Volume 590, Page 289. of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, card corner being ~n the southeast right-of-way hne of Southwest Parkway, located N 42° 05' 13' E - 249 70 feet from the west corner of the beforement~oned 23 33 acre tract, THENCE N 42" 05' 13" E along the southeast r~ght-of-way hne for a distance of 438.18 feet, THENCE S 47° 54' 47" E 193.54 feet, THENCE N 42° 05' 13' E 229 60 feet to the southwest r~ght-of-way line of the proposed extension of Dartmouth Dr~ve, same being a curve concave to the northeast, hawng a radius of 965 01 feet; THENCE along the southwest r~ght-of-way I~ne of the proposed Dartmouth Drive extension as follows' Southeasterly along sa~d ~urve for an arc d~stance of 114 17 feet to the end of th~s curve, the chord bears S 56= 52' 55" E - 114 10 feet. S 60a 16' 16"F 246 24 feet fo The beg~nmng of a curve concave to lhe southwest, hawng a radius of 850 64 feel. Southeaslerly along sa~d curve for an arc d~slance of 190.93 feet and corner ~n the southeast I~ne of the beforement~oned 23 33 acre tracT, the chord bears S 53=50' 27" E- 190 53 feet. '[HENCE along the southeast hne of the befo,emenhoned 23 33 acre tract as follows: S42°01' 19"W S42~03'14''W S42"12'43"W S 41a54'44' W S42°18'56"W S42°12' 34"W 92 25 feet. 172 89 feet, 172 79 feet. 173 07 feet, 173 50 feet. 167 58 feet to the east corner of the beforement~oned Ashford Square. THENCE along the northeas! I~ne of Ashlord Square as follows N27~03'02"W 50 72 feet. N 11~14'51'W 14631feet. N 39" 04' 49" W 577 69 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. conta~mng 12 038 acres of land. more or less Rewsed 10/12/94 EXHIBIT A - Page 2 ORDINANCE # 2100 Page 5 Proposed Rezone to R-2 5 824 Acres John Ben Carrabba Morgan Rector Survey, A-46 College Station, Brazes County, Texas F~eld notes of a 5.824 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being s~tuated in the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract No 46, College Station, Brazes County, Texas, and being part of the 23.33 acre tract described m the deed from Hugo Harold Krenek to John Ben Carrabba, Jr. recorded ;n Volume 470, Page 334, of the Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows' BEGINNING at the common corner between the beforement~oned 23 33 acre tract end the west corner of the Southwest Cross;ng. according to the plat recorded In Volume 523. Page 433, of the Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, in the Southeast right-of-way hne of Southwest Parkway, THENCE S 47" 44' 54" E along the common hne between the beforementroned 23.33 acre tract and Southwest Crossing, for a drstance of 735.79 feet to the east corner of the sa~d 23.33 acre tract. THENCE along the southeast hne of the beforement;oned 23.33 acre tract as follows: S 41" 47' 54" W S 42" 08' 53" W S42'00' 19 "W 118.33 feet, 172.14 feet, 0 24 feet to the northeast right-of-way hne of the proposed Dartmouth Dr~ve extension, same' being a curve concave to the southwest, hawng a radius of 930.64 feet, THENCE along the northeast r~ght-of-way hne of the proposed extension of Dartmouth D.ve as follows' Northwesterly along sa~d curve for an arc d~stance of 208 09 feet. the chord bears N 53° 51' 55" W- 207 66 feet, N° 60' 16' 16"W 246 24 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northeast, hawng a radius of 885 03 feet, Northwesterly along sa~d curve for an arc d~stance of 190 61 feet, the chord bears N 54° 06' 03"W- 190 24 feet. N47° 55' 51"W 74 98 feet to The beginning of a curve concave to the east, hav;ng a radius of 25 00 feet, Northerly a~ong sa~d curve for an arc d~stance of 39 28 feet to the southeast right-of-way line of Southwest Parkway, the chord bears NO2°55' 19'W 35 36 feet; THENCE N 42" 05' 13~ E along the southeast r~ght-of way hne of Southwest Parkway fo~ a d;slance of 362 59 feel to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, contmmng 5 824 acres of land, more or less EXHIBIT A - Page 3 ORDINANCE 2100 Page 6 vs � � � �® �� 1G;�a `, �za OEM Nor; MEN mlim NOTIFICATION AREA �� r ` 4 Appl. Mark Carrobbo EEO 409-778-8850 REQUESTED ZONING: C—N, R_2, R-5 City of College Station, Texas CASE NUMBER - 94-121 PLANNING DIVISION ACTION REQUESTED: REZONING