HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2097 - Ordinance - 11/10/1994 2097 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 1638, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 9, 10 AND 11, PROVIDING FOR A STREETSCAPE PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That Section 9 of Ordinance No. 1638, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amend ng Subsection 9.2, pertaining to off-street parking spaces, to read as follows "9 2 OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED In all districts, for all uses, at the time any building or structure is erected or enlarged or increased ~n capacity, or at any time any other use ~s established, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces for motor vehicles ~n accordance with the require- ments specified herein A. DIMENSIONS AND ACCESS (See illustrations at end of this section): Each off-street parking space for automobiles shall have an area of not less than nine feet by twenty feet (9' x 20'). An eighteen foot paved space may be ubhzed where an additional two feet (2') of unobstructed area ;s provided for vehicle overhang Each off-street parking space for truck unloading shall have an adequate unloading area Each parking space and the maneuvenng area thereto sha be located entirely within the boundaries of the building plot except as set forth in Chapter 3, College Station City Code There shall be adequate prowsions for ingress and egress to all parking spaces, and there shall be adequate maneuvering space to ehminate backing into public right-of-way on major, arterial or collector streets as reflected in the Comprehensive Plan for the City of College Station. Circu- lation aisles between or adjacent to heed-in (90 degree) parking spaces shall be a minimum of twenty-three (23') feet in width One way circulation aisles with angled parking shall be a minimum of twenty (20') feet. All other circulation a~sles shall be determined by the ProJect Review Committee. 5 From the public right-of-way, there shall be a twenty-four foot (24') set- back to act as a landscape reserve. Ex~sting trees of four inch (4") caliper or more must be preserved (these may count toward street tree require- ments). Parking may be allowed in this area but at a maximum of seven ORDINANCE NO 2097 PAGE 2 (7) contiguous spaces and only if they are screened More than one series of seven (7) spaces may be permitted ~f a substantial amount of reserve remains in tact and if the location of parking does not interfere w;th other streetscape requirements. A raised ~sland, not less than s~x (6) inches in height and encompassing not less than one hundred eighty (180) square feet in area with a bottom contiguous w~th existing soil, shall be located as follows' (a) INTERIOR PARKING. At both ends of every s~ngle park, ng row, regardless of the length of the row. (b) PERIPHERAL PARKING: At both ends of every parking row. For every fifteen (15) parking spaces on the intenor, 180 square feet of landscaping must be prowded somewhere ~n the parking lot. Island areas may be grouped and configured as desired provided that circulabon ais es remain clear. Landscaped areas must be raised and contained within a curb. These areas must be planted or set with decorative pavers but may have sidewalks through them. The bottom areas of these islands must be contiguous with soil. A raised island, not less than six (6) inches in height and encompass ng not less than three hundred s~xty (360) square feet in area with a bottom contiguous with ex~sting soil, shall be located at both ends of every double parking row regardless of the length of said row. 2 ~h~t the diagram shown at the top of Page 9-13 of Ordinance No. 1638, the Zoning inance, of the City of College Station, Texas, depicting single and double parking rows, is hereby amended by removing the words "maximum of 20 spaces between islands on peripheral row"; and the diagram shown at the bottom of Page 9-13 depict- ,ng the separation of right-of-way and parking areas is hereby deleted from Ordinance No. 1638 That . . the diagrams attached to this ordinance as Exhibits "A", "B" "C" and "D" are nereDy addedto the end of Section 9 of Ordinance No 1638 the Zon n.~ Ordinance of the City of College Stat on, Texas, commenc ng at Page 9-14 of se d ordinance. 4 That Section 10 of Ordinance No 1638, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending Subsection 10.2, pertaining to addi- tional site plan requirements, to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2097 PAGE 3 "10.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS The Project Review Committee, or the Planning and Zoning Commission in the event of an appeal or discretionary review, may impose additional requirements beyond those imposed by city ordinance or regulation, when necessary to the protection or preserva- tion of the public health, safety, and general welfare, or to preserve the integrity of the C~ty's comprehensive plan Such requirements shall be limited to those reasonable and necessary to provide for. A C D. E. F. G. H Safe and convenient traffic control and handling Assured pedestrian safety which may include the provision of sidewalks along the perimeter of the property meeting the specifications for same as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations relative to width and placement. Efficient and economic public utility and sanitation access. Public road or street access. Satisfactory ~ntarnal access; public, private or emergency. Adequate park,rig and maneuvering areas. Noise and emission control or dispersion. Visual screening trash receptacles or other areas offensive to the public or existing adjacent development. K Runoff, drainage, and flood control Sign location, as an incident to the above considerations and the express requirements of this ordinance Location and density of buildings or dwellings where topography or characteris- tics of the s~te compel a lower density than would otherwise be allowed, or require location consistent with accepted engineering practices and principles Visual screening from the right-of-way of parking lots for apartments. Compliance with standards, guidelines and policies of the City's adopted Street- scape Plan that are not already covered by Sections 9 or 11. N. It is the discretion of the Project Review Committee whether or not to require minor-artenal type street trees for collector streets." 5. That Section 11 of Ordinance No. 1638, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of College Station, Texas, pertaining to Landscaping, is hereby emended by amending Subsec- tions 11.4 and 11 5 to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2097 PAGE 4 "11.4 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS When site plan review by the Project Review Committee and/or the Planning and Zoning Commiss,on is requ,red, the site plan shall contain the ,nformabon listed in the subsections below' 1. The location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the tract. 2 The location of existing and proposed utility easements on or adjacent to the lot and the location of overhead power lines and any underground utilities. The location, size and type of proposed landscaping in proposed land- sc. aped areas, and the s~ze of proposed landscaped area. Botanical nomenclature as wall as common names must be listed 4 All canopy trees must be labeled as containerized or balled and burlapped. The location, species and diameter of existing trees having a trunk diame- ter two (2") inches or larger. Also include barricade s,zes if points are to be awarded. 6. An ,nd,cation of how the applicant plans to barricade the exishng trees, which are proposed to receive points, from damage dur,ng construction 7. An irrigation system plan. Information necessary for verifying whether the minimum required land- scaping points have been met under subsections 11 5(a), 11.5(b), and Table L-1 (existing trees and barricades). 9. An indication of adjacent land uses, existing development and roadways. 10 Details on soil depth and compos,tion Landscaping requirements shall include a tree survey of exist,ng trees w,thin the landscape reserve. Special approval is required for the removal of trees of four inch (4") caliper or more." That Subsection 5-B of Sechon 11 of Ord,nanca No. 1638, the Zomng Ord,nance, of the City of College Stat,on, Texas, pertaining to S~te Plan Requirements, is hereby amended to read as follows' ORDINANCE NO. 2097 PAGE 5 "11.5 El. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS Accrued landscaping points are expended on landscaping material with the following point values: (all caliper measurements are at twelve (12") inches above the ground) Unprotected Existing Canopy Tree Protected Existing Canopy Tree Protected Existing Canopy Tree (min. 4.5' barricade) New Canopy Tree (containerized or boxed) New canopy tree (balled and burlapped) New Canopy Tree (=ontmnedzed) Existing Trees (if bamcaded at 1' per caliper Inch of tree) Existing Trees (if barricaded at 1' per caliper inch of tree) Non-canopy Tree Shrubs 35 pis 2" to 14.5" caliper 50 [=ts 2" to 4.5" caliper see Table L-1 Min. 4 5" caliper 75 pis 1.5" to 2' caliper 150 pts 2.1" to 3 4" caliper 300 pis 3.5" and larger 40 pts. 1.5" to 2" caliper 75 pts. 2.1" to 3.4" caliper 150 pts. 3.5" and larger 75 pts. Min. I 1/2" caliper 200 pis. Between 4" and 8" 300 pis Larger than 8" 40 pis. Min. 5 It to 6 It, 10 pts. Min. 5 gallon Min. I gallon (dwarfs) Groundcover (grasses) 0 pis See Section 11 5 C.(1) &(2) *VVhether a tree qualifies as a protected existing canopy tree shall be determined by the Zoning Official or his delegate. To receive landscape pelsts, all existing trees must be In good form and condition and reasonably free of damage by Insects and/or disease. 1 Groundcover ~s required in parking lot islands, in swales and drainage areas, in the 24' landscape reserve and in all unpaved portions of street or highway right-of-way abutting the property. If grass is to be used for groundcover, 100% live grass groundccver is required, whether by solid sod overlay or preplanting and successful takeover of grasses. Every project must expend a minimum of 50% of its point total on canopy trees Every development must employ an irrigation system ORDINANCE NO. 2097 PAGE 6 Replacement of dead landscaping must occur within forty-five (45) days of notifi- cation by the Zoning Official or his delegate. Replacement material must be of s~m~lar character and the same or higher point total as the dead landscaping. Failure to replace dead landscaping, as required by the Zoning Official, shall constitute a violation of this section of the ordinance for which the penalty provi- sion may be invoked. Eroded or otherwise displaced soil must be removed from the right-of-way abut- ting the project." 7 That Section 11 of Ordinance No 1638, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of College Station, Texas, pertaining to Site Plan Requirements, is hereby amended by adding two new subsections, Subsections 11.10 and 11.11, pertaining to Streetscape and plant lists, to read as follows: "11.10 STREETSCAPE The following requirements for streetscapes may be imposed either at the time of site plan or subdivision approval' Street trees as shown on the Streetscape map ~ncluded in this section must be installed. These areas shall be considered special corndors Along all major arterials except the special corridors, one shade tree for every twenty-five feet (25') of frontage shall be installed. Two (2) ornamental trees may be substituted for one (1) shade tree (Plant list A - grouped as desired within the landscape reserve). Along minor arterials except the special corridors, one (1) shade tree for every thirty-two feet (32') of frontage shall be installed Two (2) ornamental trees may be substituted for one (1) shade tree (Plant list B - grouped as desired within the landscape reserve). D Along University Drive and Texas Avenue, one (1) Water Oak (Quercus Nigra) every sixty feet (60') planted on canter must be installed. On sites with overhead utilities across the reserve, tree yaupons (Ilex Vomltoria) every eighteen feet (18') on center may be substituted as a temporary measure until utilities are underground Parking areas adjacent to a ROW shall be provided for any development other than single family if parking is in the front Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, or structural elements F Dumpsters, off-street loading areas, and utility connections must be adequately screened. G. Vegetation must be set beck twenty feet (20') from any driveway curb and forty- five feet ,(45') from the curb at intersections of streets ORDINANCE NO. 2097 PAGE 7 H 11.11 A. Three hundred (300) add,tlonal points shall be provided for every fifty (50) lineal feet of frontage on a major or minor arterial or special corridor. Driveway open- ings may be subtracted from total frontage. A ten percent (10%) point credit will be awarded if twenty-five percent (25%) or more of parking area consists of enhanced paving. 2. A ten percent (10%) point credit for every one percent (1%) of site area devoted to special facilities (water features, etc.) Planting guidelines: 1. For large shade trees and ornamental trees (a) The pit should be dug two (2) feet greater in diameter than the size of the root ball. Backfill consisting of three (3) parts sandy loam topsoil and one (1) part pine bark mulch should be placed around the root ball of all new trees. 2 Soil preparation for shrubs and groundcover. (a) Bed areas should have a minimum of six inches (6") depth of prepared soil mix. The soil mix should consist of three (3) parts sandy loam top- soil and one (1) part pine bark mulch or compost. Five pounds of commercial fertilizer should be added per one hundred square feet (100 sf) of bed cover. PLANT LISTS Plant List A: Shade Trees Cedar Elm (Ulmus Crassifolia) .L. ive Oak (Quercus Virginia) winged Elm (Ulmus AJata) Water Oak (Quercus Nigra) Chinese Pistache (Pistacia Chlnensls) Post Oak (Quercus Stellata) Burr Oak (Quercus Macrocarpe) Goldenrain Tree (Koelreutena Paniculata) Ornamental Trees Red Bud (Cercis Canadensis) Tree Yaupon (Ilex Vomitoria) Crebapple (Malus Species) Tree Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstrcemia Indice) Shining ( Sumac Rhus Copalina) .P. ossumhaw (Ilex Decldua) Hawthorn (Crataegus L.) 2097 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 8 B. 1. Plant ListB: Shade Trees Cedar Elm (Ulmus Crassifolia) Live Oak (Quercus Virginia) Water Oak (Quercus Nigra) Chinese Pistache (IP~stacia Chinensis) Post Oak (Quercus Stellata) Burr Oak (Quercus Macrocarpa) Bald Cypress (Taxodium Dist~chum) Willow Oak (Ouercus Phellos) Red Oak (Quercus Shumard0 Ornamental Trees Red Bud (Cercis Canadensis) Tree Yaupon (Ilex Vomitoria) Crabapple (Malus Species) Tree Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia Indica) Bradford Pear (Pyrus Redspire)" That Section 11 of Ordinance No. 1638, the Zomng Ordinance, of the City of College Station, Texas, perta~mng to s~te plan requirements, is hereby amended by deleting Table L-1 contained on page 11-6 of said ordinance. 9 And, ~t ~s ordained that this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance w~th the City Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, AOOPTED. AND APPROVED this /~')~;/'~ay of A) _~,(_~/3q~)J[,l~j . 1994. CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary APPROVED