HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2089 - Ordinance - 09/22/1994ORDINANCE NO 2089 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER l i, SECT[ON 2, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OF THE CIT~ OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS RELATING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAII~D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION That Chapter 1 l, Secuon 2 A of the Code of Ordinances of thc City of College Station m hereby amended to ri:ad as follows "SECTION 2 WATER AND SEWER SERVICES A ~(~-IEDIjLE QF RATES The monthly rates to he charged to resident customer{ for pubhc utfltty services, nameJy water and/or sewerage courts. OhS, shall be m accordanc~ x~mth the schedule as follows (Ii RatesforWatergorv~ec i~.mdem ~u~tome~s, whether smgl¢-fanuly, mulu-£anuly, or commerc{a! and/or mdusmal using water Mthm the coq~orale hmtts of the Ctty shall have a setvzce charge based on thc water meier raze Sct~icc Charge Meier Si~= Sennco Char~ 5/8" $8 30 per month 3/4" $8 30 per momh 1" Si0 45 per momh 1.5" $15 50 per month 2" $24.50 per month 3" $?? 40 per month 4" $115.00 per month 6" $140 00 per month Usage Charge' $2 03 per !.000 gallons Co) Subject ~o available capacity under present Oty of College Statton load requirements, present system capab:hty, anUc,pated load requlren~n~ and anttc:patcd s)stem capabthiy, the City of College Stauofl C,ty Council may enter ,nto contracts for the sale of water outside th~ Ci .ty's coq~orate hmus All customers rccetwng water scarce undcr contract wharc the water rates aFC [Jot achircsscd in thc contract or where water rates arc set by orthnM~e shall pay I 25 times thc amounts sci forth in La) above In the event the CiW. of College Stnttou 1s unable to mcei thc water service demands o1' tts resident customers and/or those cuslomcrs outside the Ctt~ of College Stauou col~orate IiRuts then remdent costomcrs shall receive prc('crence tn sel%'lcc (2) for {a) For rcmdenl customers umng sc~crage service for household purposes, single or mulu- family, w~thm the corporate limits of thc City Monthly charge per household unit $19 50 {b) For resident customers using sewerage serwce for commercml and/or indnsmai bnsmess ealabh~unants within thc corpomle hours of ihs City Service Charge Usage Charge $2 30 per !.000 gallons of walor usage (c} For ras~dent cumomcra usrag service outrode the corporate hmlts of the City Charge per month shall be I 15 limes thc mounts set forth in ~a) and Co) above" 11 That Chapter ! !. Sectmn 2 E of thc Code of Ordinances of thc City of College Station, Texas, la herahy amended to read aa follows' EFFECTIVE DATES OF RATES Tl~-.se rates shall be effective on ail invoices suboullcd by the City of College Station to users on or aider October I, 1994 ill Should any. secUon, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of flus ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for aW pu~, thc remainder of flus ordinance shall not be affected thereby Ap.A, it ts ordained that flus ordtnancu shall be(omo effective from and after its passage in accordance Mth the City Charter of the CiOj of Cortege Station PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 22ND DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1994 CONN~ HOOKS, City Sceram~ APPROVED ~.~/ou Mcllhaney, ~nnyor ~m icm~