HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2075 - Ordinance - 07/20/1994ORDINANCE NO. 2075 AN ORDINANCE REZONING TRACT 1, A 37.14 ACRE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE S.W. ROBERTSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 202, IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM R-3 TOWNHOUSE-ROWHOUSE, R-4 APARTMENT/LOW DENSITY, A-P ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL AND A-O AGRICULTURE-OPEN SPACE TO R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. WHEREAS, on Ju y 20, 1994, the City Council of the City of College Station convened and pursuant to notices proscribed by law held a public hearing with regard to the application for the rezoning of Tract 1, a 37.14 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the S W. Robertson Survey, Abstract No 202, in College Station Brazos County, Texas, being a part of that 1152.60 acre tract conveyed to Pebble Creek Development Company by deed recorded in Volume 1671, Page 276 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly comer of Texas Ce~m~d.Ran. c.h s.e. ctlon .one addit on to the City of College Station, Texas, aecoming to plat ol recom m Volume 981, Page 221 of the Official Records of Bmzos County, Texas Thence N 42° 07' 45" E - 2000.00 feet along the southeast line of the said Texas Centmld Ranch section one to the most easterly comer of same; Thence N 9" 19' 39" W - 342 33 feet along the northeast line of the said Texas Centmid Ranch section one, Thence N 80' 40' 21" E - 280.00 feet through the said Pebble C.m_ek .D.e..v. elo.p- ment Company tract to the southwest line of Pebble Creek phase 1,- soeition to the City of College Station, Texas, according to plat of record ~n Volume 1448, Page 317 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence S 9° 19' 39" E - 546.25 feet, at 18.72' pass the common comer of the said Pebble Creek phase 1E and Pebble Creek phase 3A addition to the City of College Station, Texas, according to plat of record in Volume 199.3, Pa.~3e 239.~f the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and continuing along me sour - west line of the Pebble Creek phase 3, to the beglnmng of a curve to the left (R=370'), Thence along the am of said curve in the southwest line of Pebble Creek phase $ through a central angle of 40° 05' 26" to the end of said curve; Thence S 49° 25' 05" E - 206.39 feet continuing along the southwest hne of Pebble Creek phase 3 to the beginning of a cuwe to the left (R=1285'), Thence along the am of said curve in the southwest line of Pebble Creek phase 3 through a central angle of 17° 30' 25", Thence continuing through the said Pebble Creek Development Company tract as follows: S 23° 04' 30" W - 60 00 feet, S 44° 02' 25" W - 528 34 feet, at 449.88 feet pass the northeast line of that 200 acre tract conveyed to the City of College Station, Texas, boyf deed recorded in Volume 1385, Page 14 of the Official Records Brazos County, Texas, to the CAy Limits line; Ordinance No. 2075 Page 2 N 65° 47' 38" W - 87 80 feet along said City Limits line, S 43° 57' 04" E - 82 04 feet continuing along said C~ty Limits I~ne, S 44° 0Z 25" W - 71,50 feet continuing through the smd C~ty of College Station tract; Thence N 47' 10' 45" W - 630.39 feet, at 50.62 feet pass the northwest line of the said Cffy of College Station tract and continuing through the smd Pebble Creek Development Company tract; Thence S 42' 49' 15" W - 1422 27 feet continuing through the s~?l .Pe.b~e Creek Development Company tract to the northeast hne of an eighty toot wine access and utility easement dsscdbed in Volume 977, Page 135 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, Thence along the northeast line of sa~d easement as follows N 54° 57' 48" W - 102.55 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right (R = 760'), Along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 14° 24' 18" to the end of said curve; N 40' $3' 50" W - 226.11 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 37 14 ac, res of land more or less. WHEREAS, the above-descr bed property is currently zoned R-3 Townhouse- Rowhouse, R-4 Apartment/Low Density, A-P Admimstra!~.velP. rofessional, and A-O Agricultural-Open Space and the current use is vacant ~ano; WHEREAS, the owner of the above-descr.bed property, Pebble Creek Develop- ment Company, has applied for the rezomng of the above-described property to R-1 Resident.al zoning, WHEREAS the City Council of the C,ty of College Station, Texas, heard evidence that the proposed zoning change ~s in conform,ty w~th the City's Comprehensive Plan, WHEREAS the City Counc, I of the City of College Station, Texas, heard ewdence as to the Iocat on of the property in southern College Stat on, WHEREAS, evidence was presented that th~s area of College Station ~s rapidly developing, WHEREAS evidence was presented that the proposed use of the property as single family residential w satisfy some of the demand for tangle famdy housing in this area, and 2075 Page 3 Ordinance No. WHEREAS, the C,ty Council of the C~ty of College Stat,on, Texas has concluded that the development taking place in the southern part of the C,ty ,s a changed condition that makes the subject property more suited to s~ngle family res,dent,al use; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, that the above-described property is hereby rezoned from R-3 Townhouse-Rowhouse, R-4 Apartment/Low. De_n?ty~, A-? Administrative/Profess,onal, and A-O Agricultural-Open =pace to R-1 u~ng~e Family Residential, effective immediately. PASSED and APPROVED th,s 20th day of July, 1994 APPROVED. _.~EST r Connie Hooks, C~ty Secretary ~0~ c/dunl~ 94~re~ong/$ 7.14ac c9l� 4 0 C\� \,\P Aff m \ Pebble Creek Phase 4 & 5 Proposed P-1 Zoning I City of College Station, Texas ly CASE NUMBER: 94-113 PLANNING DIVISION ACTION REQUESTED: REZONIG