HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-3522 - Ordinance - 09/12/2013 ORDINANCE NO. 20 13 - 3522 C ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE ", SECTION 3.4(C)(3)(A) "PLAT REVIEW, APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, PRELIMINARY PLANS "; SECTION 3.4(C)(3)(B) "PLAT REVIEW, APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, FINAL PLATS AND OTHER PLATS TO BE RECORDED "; SECTION 7.3(B) "OFF- STREET PARKING STANDARDS, OFF - STREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED "; SECTION 7.3(C) "OFF- STREET PARKING STANDARDS, DIMENSIONS, ACCESS, AND LOCATION "; SECTION 7.3(F) "OFF- STREET PARKING STANDARDS, REQUIREMENTS APPLY TO ALL PARKING AREAS "; SECTION 7.3(G) "OFF- STREET PARKING STANDARDS, SURFACING "; SECTION 7.3(I) "OFF- STREET PARKING STANDARDS, NUMBER OF OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIRED "; SECTION 7.4(B) "ACCESS MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION, EASEMENTS "; SECTION 7.4(C) "ACCESS MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION, DRIVEWAY ACCESS LOCATION AND DESIGN "; AND SECTION 8.3 "GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN FOR SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ® BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12 "Unified Development Ordinance ", Section 3.4(C)(3)(a) "Plat Review, Application Requirements, Preliminary Plans "; Section 3.4(C)(3)(b) "Plat Review, Application Requirements, Final Plats and Other Plats to be Recorded "; Section 7.3(B) "Off- Street Parking Standards, Off - Street Parking Spaces Required "; Section 7.3(C) "Off- Street Parking Standards, Dimensions, Access, and Location "; Section 7.3(F) "Off- Street Parking Requirements, Requirements Apply to All Parking Areas "; Section 7.3(G) "Off- Street Parking Requirements, Surfacing "; Section 7.3(I) "Off- Street Parking Requirements, Number of Off - Street Parking Required "; Section 7.4(B) "Access Management and Circulation, Easements "; Section 7.4(C) "Access Management and Circulation, Driveway Access Location and Design "; and Section 8.3 "General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions Within the City Limits," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, are amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", Exhibit "B ", Exhibit "C ", Exhibit "D" and Exhibit "E" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00) or more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 12, day of StpttryN6A_, , 2013. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secr ry APPROVED: eivaiLer City Attorney L L EXHIBIT "A" THAT CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," ARTICLE 3 "DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES" SECTION 3.4(C)(3) "PLAT REVIEW, APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS" SUBSECTION (A) "PRELIMINARY PLANS" IS HEREBY AMENDED TO ADD ITEM NUMBER (23) TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Sec. 12 -3.4. Plat Review. C. Application Requirements. 3. When required to submit the following, the applications shall comply with and /or show the following information: a. Preliminary Plans. When submitting preliminary plans, the following information is required: 23) Provide a note on the Preliminary Plan to identify the Residential Parking Option chosen from the Single- Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting when applicable; EXHIBIT "B" THAT CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," ARTICLE 3 "DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES" SECTION 3.4(C)(3) "PLAT REVIEW, APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS" SUBSECTION (B) "FINAL PLATS AND OTHER PLATS TO BE RECORDED" IS HEREBY AMENDED TO ADD ITEM NUMBER (20) TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Sec. 12 -3.4. Plat Review. C. Application Requirements. 3. When required to submit the following, the applications shall comply with and /or show the following information: b. Final Plats and Other Plats to be Recorded. When submitting Final Plats, Replats, Minor Plats, Amending Plats, Vacating Plats, and Development Plats, the following shall be required: 20) Provide a note on the Final Plat to identify the Residential Parking Option chosen from the Single - Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting when applicable; EXHIBIT "C" THAT CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," ARTICLE 7 "GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS" SECTION 7.3 "OFF STREET PARKING STANDARDS ", SECTIONS (B), (C), (F), (G), AND (I) ARE HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Article 7. General Development Standards Sec. 12 -7.3. Off - Street Parking Standards. B. Off - Street Parking Spaces Required. 1. In all districts, for all uses, at the time any building or structure is erected, enlarged, or increased in capacity, or at any time any other use is established, there shall be off - street parking spaces provided for motor vehicles in accordance with the requirements specified herein, except as noted below. Exception: a. In all single - family residential and townhouse uses, at the time of construction, redevelopment, or when an addition to the number of existing bedrooms is completed there shall be off - street parking spaces provided for motor vehicles in accordance with the requirements specified herein. 2. Where off - street parking facilities are provided in excess of the minimum amounts specified by this Section, or when off - street parking facilities are provided but not required, said off - street parking facilities shall comply with the minimum requirements for parking and maneuvering space as specified in this Section. 3. It shall be unlawful to discontinue or dispense with, or cause the discontinuance or reduction of, the required parking facilities apart from the discontinuance of the building, use, or structure without establishing alternative off - street parking facilities that meet these requirements. C. Dimensions, Access, and Location. This Section applies to any development or redevelopment of uses other than single - family residential, duplexes, or townhouses unless otherwise noted. 1. Each off - street parking space for automobiles shall have an area of not less than nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet and each stall shall be striped. This standard shall apply for off - street parking for all uses including single - family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. Single- family residential and townhouses are not required to stripe parking spaces. 2. For properties located within the area described as Area V" in the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, an amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance No. 2012- 3442), a new single - family structure may locate its parking, including both required and additional parking in the areas described below: a. Anywhere on the lot behind the structure with no limit on the size of the area; b. Anywhere in the side yards of the lot with no limit on the size of the area; and, c. An area located in front of the structure not to exceed a size equivalent to fifty (50) percent of the front portion of the property. The front portion of the property is the area of the lot within the side lot lines, the front setback, and the public right -of -way line (see graphic below). The square footage of parking allowed by this calculation may be located within or outside the boundary of the area used for calculations (see graphic below). The portion of the driveway located between the front property line and the structure shall be included in the maximum parking area square footage. AREA V — ALLOWABLE LOCATION FOR PARKING _45 feet G L _G 5096 :::::1 N\4411414011\s„ Me So feet Street Pavement Edge STREET 3. For all detached single - family uses, at the time of construction, reconstruction, or addition to the number of existing bedrooms, parking shall be located in the areas described below: a. Anywhere on the lot behind the structure with no limit on the size of the area. Parking located behind the structure shall be screened by a solid hedge wall, fence, or wall, at least six (6) feet in height. All solid hedge walls shall be one - hundred (100) percent opaque. All shrubs planted for a hedge wall shall be a minimum of 15 gallons each and evergreen; b. Anywhere in the side yards of the lot with no limit on the size of the area; and, c. Any area located in front of the primary structure not to exceed a size equivalent to fifty (50) percent of the front area. The front area is defined as the area of the lot within the side lot lines, the front plane of the primary structure and the public right -of -way (see graphic below). The driveway area shall be included in this calculation. DETACHED SINGLE - FAMILY USES — ALLOWABLE LOCATION FOR PARKING c .8 \ \ N.% 1 w 50% Parking --■ Cakutation Arta \ \ \1� from tot tams Street Peeernerrtt Edge STREET 4. When existing detached single - family parking is expanded in front of the structure, it shall not exceed a size equivalent to fifty (50) percent of the front area as described above. 5. An eighteen -foot paved space (ninety- degree only) may be utilized where the space abuts a landscaped island with a minimum depth of four (4) feet. An eighteen -foot space may also be used when adjacent to a sidewalk provided that the minimum width of the sidewalk is six (6) feet. This standard shall also apply to off - street parking for single - family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. 6. The width of an alley may be assumed to be a portion of the maneuvering space requirement for off- street parking facilities located adjacent to a public alley. This standard shall apply for off - street parking for all uses including single - family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. 7. Each parking space intended for use by the handicapped shall be designed in accordance with the standards of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA) administered by the Texas Department of License and Regulation. 8. Each parking space and the maneuvering area thereto shall be located entirely within the boundaries of the building plot except where shared parking is approved by the City. 9. All parking spaces, aisles, and modules shall meet the minimum requirements, as shown in the following table. All dimensions are measured from wall to wall. 10. Parking lots located within fifteen (15) feet of a public right -of -way shall have a maximum of seven (7) contiguous spaces separated by an eighteen- by twenty -foot landscaped island. All parking lots and drive aisles shall be setback a minimum of six (6) feet from any public right -of- way. 11. Parking is discouraged along entrance drives and should be limited on major circulation aisles of large developments and major retail centers. 12. The Design Review Board may waive parking lot dimension requirements in the Northgate and Wolf Pen Creek districts if the development meets the goals of the master plan for the respective district. F. Requirements Apply to All Parking Areas. Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public parking area, excluding overflow parking for churches, including commercial parking lots, visitor parking areas for single - family and townhouse uses, and parcels used for open -air sales lots shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the requirements in this Section and as described in the City of College Station Site Design Standards. G. Surfacing. 2) Permeable Surface. (a) The use of porous materials (such as permeable concrete and pavers) to mitigate storm water sheeting and pooling of water may be used in off - street parking areas if the material meets vehicular loading standards and is approved by the Administrator. (b) Fire lanes may also be constructed of porous materials such as permeable concrete and pavers to mitigate storm water sheeting and pooling of water, so long as it is demonstrated that the permeable surface can obtain sufficient land and compaction ratings for its application as approved by the City of College Station Fire and Sanitation Departments. (c) Single- family and townhouse visitor parking areas, as required in Single - Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting, may also be constructed of porous materials such as permeable concrete and pavers to mitigate storm water sheeting and pooling of water. (d) Permeable surfaces approved as provided above shall be maintained in accordance with industry standards and to achieve mitigation of storm water sheeting and pooling of water. Failure to maintain permeable surfaces as required herein, shall constitute a violation of the Section of the UDO for which penalty provisions may be involved. I. Number of Off - Street Parking Spaces Required. In computing the number of parking spaces required, the following rules shall govern: 1. Parking requirements based on square footage shall be based upon the gross floor area, unless otherwise stated. Service areas such as mechanical rooms, restrooms, and closets shall be included in the calculation of "gross floor area" for determining required parking spaces; 2. Where fractional spaces result in computing required parking spaces, the required number of spaces must be increased to the nearest whole number; 3. The parking space requirements for a use not specifically listed shall be the same as those for the most similar to the proposed use, as determined by the Administrator; 4. Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of this UDO is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or otherwise, parking requirements shall be met on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this UDO is enlarged, the enlarged building or increased use shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein; 5. In the case of mixed uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately. This includes the parking requirements for uses such as private schools, day care centers, soup kitchens, and computer centers located on property used for religious worship; 6. Where requirements are established on the basis of the number of seats, such requirements shall be based on the seating capacity as determined by the Building Official; 7. Where a manufacturing /industrial use has more than one (1) working shift of employees, parking shall be provided to accommodate overlap requirements during transition periods; 8. When the developer of a large -scale development can demonstrate that such development will require fewer parking spaces than required by the standards of this Section, the Administrator may permit a reduction in the number of required parking spaces for the development. Such a reduction in parking spaces shall be justified through the development of a parking study prepared by a professional engineer or transportation planner and submitted to the Administrator. The balance of the land necessary to meet these requirements shall be held in reserve as an undeveloped area, to meet any future needs generated by an expansion of the business, a change in land use, or underestimated parking demand; 9. The Design Review Board may waive parking space requirements in the Northgate and Wolf Pen Creek districts if the development meets the goals of the master plan for the respective district. MINIMUM OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Use Unit Spaces/ Plus Spaces For: Unit Airport As determined by the Administrator Banks 250 s.f. 1.0 Bowling Alley As determined by the Administrator Bus Depot As determined by the Administrator Car Wash (Self - Serve) Wash Bay 1.0 1.0 space per vacuum bay Church Seat 0.33* Convalescent Bed 0.5 Home /Hospital Duplex Dwelling: 1 & 2 Bedroom DU 2.0 3 Bedroom DU 3.0 Dormitory Bed 0.75 Day Care Center 250 s.f. 1.0 Fraternal Lodge [75 s.f. 1.0 Fraternity /Sorority House Person 1.0 1/30 s.f. meeting room Freight Station As determined by the Administrator Funeral Parlor Seat 0.33 Furniture Sales, 350 s.f. 1.0 Freestanding Use Unit Spaces/ Plus Unit Spa ces For: Golf Driving Range Tee Station 1.0 Health As determined by the Administrator Club /Sp orts Facility Gasoline and 300 1.0 Fuel Service I i Group Housing BR 72 As determined by the Administrator Health Studio 150 s.f. 1.0 Hospital As determined by the Administrator Hotel /Motel DU 1.0 1/200 s.f. meeting room HUD -Code Manu. Home DU 2.0 Laundry { 1.0 Motor Vehicle Sales /Service 250 s.f. 1.0 Office /Sales Area 200 s.f. 1.0 Service Area Medical or Dental Clinic 200 s.f. 1.0 < 20,000 s.f. Multi- Family Dwelling: 1 Bedroom BR 1.5 2 Bedroom BR 1.5 Use Unit Spaces/ Plus Unit Spa ces For: (ea. BR <130 s.f.) 2 BR 1.25 Bedroom 3 Bedroom BR 1.0 Night Club 50 s.f. 1.0 Office Building 250 s.f. 1.0 Personal Service Shop 250 s.f. 1.0 Priv. School or Comm. 100 s.f. 1.0 Studio Retail Sales & Service: GC 250 s.f. 1.0 CI 350 s.f. 1.0 C -3 250 s.f. 1.0 Restaurant (w /o drive- 65 s.f. 1.0 through) Restaurant (w /drive- 100 s.f. 1.0 through) Rooming /Boarding House Person 1.0 Sales Display 250 s.f. 1.0 (Single- Family Dwelling BR * ** 1.0 * ** (minimum of 2 with no more than 4 total spaces required per dwelling) Shopping Center * *: GC 250 s.f. 1.0 Use Unit Spaces/ Plus Spaces For: Unit CI 350 s.f. 1.0 C -3 250 s.f. 1.0 SC 250 s.f. 1.0 Townhouse BR * ** 1.0 * ** (minimum of 2 with no more than 4 total spaces required per dwelling) Theater Seat 0.25 Truck Terminal As determined by the Administrator Veterinary Clinic 300 s.f. 1.0 Warehouse 1,000 s.f. 1.0 "s.f." = square footage. "DU" = Dwelling Unit. "BR" = Bedroom. * Overflow parking above required parking spaces may be grassed rather than paved. All unpaved spaces shall be shown on site plan and organized for efficient traffic circulation using wheel stops and other appropriate measures as required by the Administrator. ** No more than twenty -five (25) percent of any shopping center square footage shall be utilized for intense uses (uses that, individually, have a parking requirement greater than 1:250 in C -1 or C -3 and 1:350 in C -2) unless additional parking is provided in accordance with the above requirements for that square footage of such uses in excess of twenty -five (25) percent. * ** All single - family and townhouse uses, at the time of construction, redevelopment, or when an addition to the number of existing bedrooms is completed, shall come into compliance with the minimum off - street parking requirements. Garages that meet minimum dimensional standards may be counted towards parking requirements. EXHIBIT "D" THAT CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," ARTICLE 7 "GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS" SECTION 7.4(B) "ACCESS MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION, EASEMENTS" AND SECTION 7.4(C) "DRIVEWAY ACCESS LOCATION AND DESIGN" ARE HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Article 7. General Development Standards Sec. 12 -7.4. Access Management and Circulation. B. Easements. 1. Street Access. No use shall be permitted to take direct access to a street except as allowed in this Section. a. Local Streets. All residential uses and associated visitor parking areas may take direct access to local streets. Residential visitor parking areas may take direct access to local streets via a driveway, however no backing maneuvers onto local streets shall be allowed. Nonresidential uses shall not take direct access to local streets, provided that any lot located within a nonresidential subdivision or any parcel adjacent to a street within a nonresidential subdivision may take direct access to the local street internal to the subdivision, and provided that any corner lot abutting a local street and an arterial or collector street or freeway may take access to the local street if such access is required by the highway governmental authority having jurisdiction. • b. Minor Collector Streets. No single - family dwelling, townhouse, or duplex shall take direct access to minor collector streets except when permitted by the Subdivision Regulations. Residential visitor parking areas may take direct access to minor collector streets via a driveway, however no backing maneuvers onto local streets shall be allowed. c. Major Collector Streets. No single - family dwelling, townhouse, or duplex shall take direct access to major collector streets. Residential visitor parking areas may take direct access to major collector streets via a driveway, however no backing maneuvers onto local streets shall be allowed. d. Arterial Streets. No single - family dwelling, townhouse, or duplex shall take direct access to arterial streets. e. Shared Driveways. The Development Engineer may require a shared driveway at the time of platting, development, or redevelopment of the affected lots. C. Driveway Access Location and Design. 1. General. a. It shall be unlawful for any person to cut, break, or remove any curb or install a driveway along a street except as herein authorized. Openings in the curb may be approved by the Development Engineer for the purposes of drainage. b. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, extend, permit, or cause to be constructed, altered, or extended any driveway approach which can be used only as a parking space or area between the curb and private property. c. This Section shall be deemed to be supplemental to other Sections regulating the use of public property, and in case of conflict, this Section shall govern. d. Adequate sight distance shall be provided for a passenger motor vehicle making a left or right turn exiting from a driveway. This determination shall be made by the Development Engineer. e. The specifications and guidelines set forth in this UDO are to be applied to driveways providing access to commercial and multi - family developments and visitor parking areas for single - family and townhouse uses. Single- family and duplex residential driveways are excluded from this policy unless otherwise indicated. f. As determined by the Development Engineer, engineering judgment shall override the required dimensions set forth in this Section if warranted by specific traffic conditions. EXHIBIT "E" THAT CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," ARTICLE 8 "SUBDIVISION DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENTS" SECTION 8.3 "GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN FOR SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS ", IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING SECTION (W) "SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR PLATTING" TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Sec. 12 -8.3. General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City Limits. V. Private Streets and Gating of Roadways. 1. General Requirements. The following applies to platting of roadways: a. Gating of a public roadway is prohibited. b. Streets required to meet block length, block perimeter, or street projection requirements shall not be private or gated. c. Private driveways are considered public roadways for the purpose of gating requirements herein. d. Vehicular access shall be provided on all private and public roadways at all times for police, fire, City inspection, mail delivery, garbage pickup, dial -a- rides, utility, school buses, and other health and safety related vehicles. Access must not require drivers to exit their vehicle. e. A private street may not cross an existing or proposed public thoroughfare as shown on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. A private street may not disrupt or cross an existing or proposed public park or pedestrian pathway as shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan. f. The gate design and implementation shall be such that it does not pose a threat to public health, safety and welfare as determined by the City. g. Private streets must meet the requirements listed in Single- family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting. W. Single - Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to establish requirements for new single - family and townhouse parking to aid in reducing neighborhood parking problems and maintain certainty of access for emergency vehicles. 2. General Requirements. This Section applies to all new single family and townhouse subdivisions. a. Each phase of a multi -phase project shall comply with this Section. b. Subdivisions may utilize multiple Residential Parking Options so long as each phase meets requirements and all options are listed on the plat. c. Replats, Amending Plats, Vacating Plats, and Development Plats are exempt from this section. 3. Residential Parking Options. In order to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles, new single - family and townhouse subdivisions shall provide one option from the following: a. Wide Streets 1) Pavement width shall be a minimum of thirty -two (32) feet, up to a maximum of thirty -eight (38) feet. 2) In order to minimize adverse traffic impacts on residential neighborhoods, subdivisions which choose to incorporate wide streets shall also incorporate one measure from the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Toolbox adopted December 14, 2000. Traffic calming proposals must be approved in accordance with City regulations. b. Narrow Streets 1) Pavement width shall be a minimum of twenty -two (22) feet, up to a maximum of twenty -four (24) feet. 2) No parking shall be allowed on Narrow Streets with a pavement width of twenty - two (22) feet. Parking may be allowed on one side of the street where pavement width is twenty -four (24) feet. 3) Narrow streets must meet fire service standards as described in the City of College Station Site Design Standards. 4) In order to provide adequate parking in residential neighborhoods, subdivisions which choose to incorporate narrow streets shall incorporate additional parking spaces through the provisions of visitor alley -fed parking areas or visitor parking areas. See additional requirements for visitor alley -fed off - street parking and visitor parking areas below. 5) All No Parking signs shall be placed along the street to ensure adequate emergency access. The developer shall provide and install, at no cost to the City, all No Parking signs and associated poles and hardware. c. Parking Removal with Platting 1) Parking only may be removed on one or both sides of a street upon the City Council approving an ordinance removing parking from the street. 2) All No Parking areas shall be depicted on the Preliminary Plan. 3) All No Parking signs shall be placed along the street to ensure adequate emergency access. The developer shall provide and install, at no cost to the City, all No Parking signs and associated poles and hardware. 4) In order to provide adequate parking in residential neighborhoods, subdivisions which choose to incorporate parking removal with platting shall incorporate additional parking spaces through the provisions of visitor alley -fed parking areas or visitor parking areas. See additional requirements for visitor alley -fed off - street parking and visitor parking areas below. d. Visitor Alley-Fed Off - Street Parking 1) Visitor ally -fed off - street parking spaces shall be provided at a rate of one (1) parking space per four (4) dwelling units. Visitor alley -fed off - street parking shall be in addition to minimum off - street parking requirements. 2) Refer to Alleys Section for additional requirements. e. Wide Lot Frontages 1) All lot widths shall be a minimum of seventy (70) feet, as measured at the front setback. f. Visitor Parking Areas 1) Visitor parking shall: a) be provided at a rate of one (1) parking space per four (4) dwelling units, b) meet requirements of Off- Street Parking Standards and Access Management and Circulation sections, except requirements of Alternative Parking Plans, c) be developed at the same time as public infrastructure, d) be located no farther than five hundred (500) feet from the lot it is meant to serve. This distance shall be measured by a walkable route, e) be located in a common area and maintained by a Homeowners Association, f) be designed to prohibit backing maneuvers onto public streets classified as collector or above. g) not be counted towards common open space requirements for Cluster Developments. 2) Visitor parking areas adjacent to a right -of -way shall be screened from the right -of- way. Screening is required along one hundred (100) percent of the street frontage (such as ten (10) shrubs for every thirty (30) linear feet of frontage), with the exception of areas within the visibility triangle. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, structural elements, or combinations thereof, and must be a minimum of three (3) feet above the parking lot pavement elevation. Walls and planting strips shall be located at least two (2) feet from any parking area. Where the street and the adjacent site are at different elevations, the Administrator may alter the height of the screening to ensure adequate screening. Fifty (50) percent of all shrubs used for screening shall be evergreen. 3) Visitor parking areas may be constructed of permeable surfaces as allowed in the Off- Street Parking Standards. 4. Private parking constructed for the use of subdivision amenities, such as a community pool, may be counted toward Visitor Parking if it meets all other requirements listed above. Permeable materials shall not be allowed for private parking areas surfaces.