HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-3374 - Ordinance - 10/13/2011 ORDINANCE NO. &0--33`7H AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 13th day of October, 2011 APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: S46A Ah City Secret y APPROVED: GLZ.~ - - 9 "4WAAL-, City Attorney ORDINANCE NO.D - 33'] y Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from R-1 Single-Family Residential and A-O Agricultural- Open to PDD Planned Development District for the development of a storage facility and dedication of open space, with the restrictions listed in Exhibit "B", described in Exhibit "C", and graphically described in Exhibit "D", and in accordance with the Concept Plan shown in Exhibit "E" and as shown graphically in Exhibit "F": ORDINANCE NO. 2D I I - .53-7 4 Page 3 EXHIBIT "B" Purpose & Intent: "To construct a personal storage facility for the surrounding community." Permitted Uses: Tract 1: Self-Storage Facility (outdoor storage and storage of moving equipment/vehicles not included) Tract 1: Accessory office Tract 2: Open Space Architectural Design Facades facing Horse Haven Lane, the multi-use path, and the office building facing Academy will have 50-percent masonry (stone, brick, tile, or a concrete product simulating one of these materials), excepting all doors and windows. The total building square footage is proposed to range between 25,000 and 35,000. The exterior buildings (along horse haven lane, the multi-use path, and next to Academy) will be a maximum of 25-feet high and the interior buildings will have a maximum height of 10-feet. Roof pitch will be a minimum of 4:12 for the buildings facing Horse Haven Lane, the multi-use path, and the building closet to Academy. Interior buildings are proposed to have a minimum of a 1:12 pitch (flat roof). Low-profile roofs, both pitched and flat will be muted colors to decrease the visual impact of the use. Signs Freestanding signage will be limited to a low-profile option. Lighting Pole mounted signs are prohibited. Site lighting will be attached to the buildings and projected downward. Base Zoning and Meritorious Modifications The base zoning is C-1 General Commercial, while limiting the uses to self-storage and accessory office. At the time of plat and site plan, the project will need to meet all applicable site development standards and platting requirements of the LIDO for the C-1 General Commercial zoning classification, except where the following meritorious modifications are granted with the PDD zoning. 1. UDO Section 7.6 "Buffer" In lieu of a wall, a decorative wrought iron fence and double landscaping along the eastern side of the developing portion will be provided. The fence is proposed to be on the interior side of the buffer to keep the buffer area open to the multi-use path. ORDINANCE NO. AI -,3,37y Page 4 2. UDO Section 8.2.G.2 "Blocks" A 20-foot wide multi-use path will be dedicated and a 10-foot wide path will be constructed along the eastern side of the developing portion of the property. A blanket public access easement will be dedicated on the "Open Space" portion (Tract 2) with the option for a future multi-use path dedication. Additional Features • 20-foot wide multi-use path and construct a 10-foot wide path along the eastern side of the developing portion of the property • An arch will be constructed at the entrance of the multi-use path. • A bench will be installed for the multi-use path. • Decorative wrought iron fencing will be provided along the multi-use path and at the rear of the developing area. • The buffer landscaping will be doubled. • Residential noise restriction will be implemented. • The dumpster will be placed in a conscientious location. • A sidewalk connection will be made between the 10-foot wide multi-use path sidewalk and an existing public access easement sidewalk. Specific Conditions of Zoning A blanket public access easement is dedicated over the entirety of Tract 2 when the property is platted. ORDINANCE NO. Zp I I - 3.31 y Page 5 EXHIBIT "C" FIELD NOTES OF A 8.11 ACRE 1'1{ 1CT 131 iNG .1 POk 1'10N W ACALLLDI- .tiA CRE,'THAC4 1t)LZ NIL fO 13 PAGE 107 CITY OF COLL0 J S"1 A"1'ION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Being .al. of that certain h,t tract, e1r p'U`Cc! "I laud c on(cxninl I' , rs, l}ring',I'd I mp, situated in th- Morgan 1,ccwr ll + e. ,i .ta, k mAis County, 1ec, ,,,,tarn, of a c,afled 15 85 a<re tr,kc.: of land d, ,11x".I as the -r,, ac r ; ge o41"rant One in a , , < I r t L=i.:•,, , C'un;.wrm Homes Group, Lid- r in V-Imw G-l1?l elt?;'cottheOfficial Rec:a,,Iv,fFi ,n, letas.Said 8,1licresof' ~Ib arocr 17atneuhu 1, iactil"eil h:r mete, and hour l..,S fsfln;; ~ BEGINNING at , { n on t d ,ct it h . n:,ru n :r 1 I [ , H a r?;tates as re of dcd in Volarne. 421, Na r ,t~_and hcin~,au,,t,1+! i ,or,c he ht ic.nnEed811am tr&ti,{'land. TUENCE ti14 in- he north line of sad I rat t ! I1,)t;r I r tt 1 2;22(2 r"; W y ,,>faii :e oC 154.10 feet, (Cshed S GS -1 ' Ni,' an;1 .15'3 c, to a I icon acrd sound it i-;w il thu utt, 6L" it of way hrx,.f 11"l, -r ]laccn Lane. TIIF,;.N(1 r ",c ;oath right of way line of llorse Haven Lane, as c.."il, ,i ;ftc, plat 1.,i Horse Haven 1) I I ILN `.'L N ! °4(i 3(;" E-idistance of 37 48 fect ( :I , N : i I 1: 37,54'1 to a 1/2" iron rl,d I,tL:nd '1 ] ILNC f N 48"29'2(3'" E, a distance of 4,99 k 1(,' 4X S.40`} to a 1/2" iron rod flulyd, i,) -1-11ENC E N 4t°38`14" 'C. a distance ui' 1 7.98 iL-01 AII,:d N 41'4,;'18" 1i 127,98) to a IPT' mn od found at the beginni;tg of,i , ur, 4, t tea , fight. hur~-me ,i Radius of 501 (0 Ice t Delta of 23'06'59", and an Arc Lengili tsf20?.I7 fiet_ 4.) TFJWN(Talong;a.uduroc"tC!,r"niBear;ncolN ;17 iK'F,adi,,lmtrr of2CK7.8Ofeet to a112„ iron rod £uurtl at thr [ ltinaur,~ r,f ~ w r ra 0, I f,, %,;nF a ltacilu of -`4 99 €oet, Delta of 08'16 axl anAi c 'Ir"rtCh., feet 51 THIN( 1 _ .ri".,a.c i+ .,r_(P .r.ie;' a 1u.sadi i'+rn.r ".S,1,22feet toa112" trt)P aorl f s~t t',, ,u,r 11 ",r , I , , 1 t , l } . u, ll.,.:;t:.1-1 , 7~,u,r }rh;t,:~ hflcttr' as TFfENCL dcl,,a t . the ,oul h iii)h; , , r; li; e of llorst Ffavun l ana, atkcl ttjww Ili,- ~t phase Three. five call(,. 1.) TFIF.fV,[ L S 4 > `41 ON" 1 „ d i .t of 118,01 feet (Called 117.91' i "u'a I `a` iron rod found at the southe-order ~ ,i I -~)t 1 2.) THENCE alrm" tl -i:; h I i,te " f Lot 1, N 46'15'52" 12, a di--n, =~t 10,50 feet to a 112" iron roil lotmd- 3_) 1111:A'C'L .alcnr, a r :.tt" I; ofb s 4-8.. S 4344'08" F. a cl f'263,62 feet to a 112" iron rod fourt,i 4_) Till, ,A '1 the .o l t; reofI-ot8,N8923'4Ci°t-:,adi,(w, of 105.41 feet to a 112" ir",et 7,1 1 s, 5.) 1I11:Nf'1 ,I ,r Sri Eline ofLots9=13.N4(i°r9'W'Ff29O.t"_I'LCIiCal1r~,( * U'i to a 112" iron r, ,1 ftu,no at the northeast corner of the lwte- t, "1e~, gibe<1 tract. Poinr tl„nl; tlic west line of a 22.tX) acre tract .if land descri"t ,:d in .t de::ct t., r ' Carl Kolbe and 1c .-.nn Kolbe rccorded in VolLane 25 Pat, c. Tf]LNC F don8 the Kolbe 22.()Ct acre. 11,ti I, ` t2 '17' pa,, inn ;,n line a 112" iron rail found for rcteicnrc at a distance ot'421,1.8 feet, m d c"„ctinnc in a!l, at, !.,I <'i,t.~rt"~r, of"738.$1 feet to a U2" iron rod set. TIII:NC E conlinuim h ;w the K,,R,: tit ,t re tram, $ o , n ,r?" t .:a rfisiance of 1 t}0.14 feet (C'al1e 99.12(1") to a U21" it n , t, w i cat the „ :act corner of a 2.7(1 rc a eaf 1 to+1 ape gibe in a deed to the Citb of ('r+ilc~ ti't, n:, fr'.x,, _,",a,. , 1 n volu=971712agc-+, ORDINANCE NO. 21711 - 3:3-714 Page 6 EXHIBIT "C" CONTINUED THENCE along the Ci[Y s f Cr ~Ih „r Station tract, N n t 1v, a d3'ttrt -e of 200.05 f",t to a 1I2" iron tr>,3 fr. and TI3EN E S ~-,`01'00- :r•-i rod foml 7 IIL;A('1~ fi_ 'r R1't7 P 1'w I; ; 7 in 1c, c r rvr lvd tound alo;tQ dw east line of said I,ot 1 MACE along the east 1'' pf sa,I t ~,t 1, N ut 4YO ' l ect Wallcd N 2642' W 9 HE 1 OIN I'(F$ECLNNING and u, x t+rrvey 1 ~rt~ rnanf 1` C W 'fO )ltd ttradertilt-sul)er+'isioalafPJud'~~ d % -sdlirl:;,mon Land Surveyor No. 574. r n Feb, 2011. t - - ORDINANCE NO._ I 20 - 3 - jL4 Page 7 EXHIBIT "D" a Q _ - 4Y x,;,61 «Sri top J"; ter - ~bn 4y 1 is u.. .1 it lost t ? y- i" r zip . s. `ma'r Y 'cer m' ORDINANCE NO. 20 (I - 3,374 Page 8 EXHIBIT "E" v, ! S - E ff f~lf ~ J~ ~ ~ +fJf~ I X., i r u r f\~ 17, j - ORDINANCE NO. 2,or I - 33~y Page 9 EXHIBIT "F" vV c FDNO LLJ LLJ G d m _ L > E ~ rrff N az:N rr MDV~ ~i g~~UtYY U I 1 I \ I Z z z Occ YU C \ %/J y N N ydY O 40000 V E v (B YJ N ~vNd 75 ~M / r G- N U V V CS' / N W m 0~ ~ r \ L L > 0~ C ~om) co Z 24 LLJ LLJ ~ rh¢y ~ r~ ~ ~ ~O N ` mvm ° N r- y ` I~~1~~/ STN N\N a / ag7 N\ / SmaGigNUu y ~ N v u ~J~ ~ ° ~c m Ep \y~ lJ~J _ m~Ey ~ 10 a rll C) u 5; LLI L0 ♦ - Z w ~n(D g 1 LJL_lJ~l y LL LL K ~~O U J N ~ tl N I ~I F~ ~ c ~