HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-3347 - Ordinance - 05/26/2011 ORDINANCE NO. 7011 3347 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 26th day of May, 2011 APPROVED: onl~.o Z, MAYOR ey6 rp yyl ATTEST: e ret APPROVED: 117A City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 2011-3347 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following 1.3 acres of property is rezoned from A-P Administrative-Professional and OV Overlay District to C-1 General Commercial, A-O Agricultural-Open, and OV Overlay District as described Exhibit "B" and shown graphically in Exhibit "C": ORDINANCE NO.-?01 1-3347 Page 3 EXHIBIT "B" Rezoning R,que;~t (*-1 BICCk -'x6 i lnivr,rsir; Park -e-bon 11 Cr_rlis~e o'n'ion mazes i_c . Tr Ftold notes of a"30 a h rs N3r,:r I d i :~inQ s+tuated in tl Richarl tu;i:lrr ,,i ,a } ahrar.a 1 rats fS of f 3 ~t Iun fir, :Cn y 'i,K r. :ate hoing part of ( tinlvarroli.,' I 71k 1 11 flnri _I It C f re trcix1 m doiume 619, Fy:y3n :±R4 i( thy- C)crc~, Re, 5 cf H; t32G C uni, ra_ - an.1 .;,airs 0 .11: <7rro -,r-act 't hainy~. more t:brliL. ly der t ~7ri1 At rrlt, BEGINNING at a'4' 0 fnurd r •;il -j 'Ile =or-iian cc:,,ner ber,tixen rhr~ nod Block "'Y" and LA 38 - IX: l ;~t Blnr.h I GI , hr GE11CWay S ndh lC~ -i a i n r i1r" ; to tho plat Ur.3 U, 1.* , Pag i 1..fN, itf the Olfv crl 4s;t+;:grrS of Brat Taxa S~eKt :,an ind nlf.:7 i yirut in I"':Et "~nr+~ -..-)ht-ot-way I:ne at l.lnrrereuty Dtiv . THENCE- S t,-g~ 4a' 2B' W alorg '.he nwh right-M-way lint r' I!%- bu ure rnenti d Uf'ul'Ct'°,Ay Dr'f: ra, fnr a di .Iaricr ,f ; 2' r`5; font to a iron rod sat; TP;F_NCF g,)norai.'y paralle= to and one fzwot vrost of the eastrnot;t uc~:f;..eo finr of a try-'xitaly la Mors Cretk as shuwn or, FFMA heap "1c 48041C0151C, and rr .ir<d fx i Ld7MR Case No, 07-C; y 'fir, a!~ followr: N W 51' 43" E fcw w asst onr r )f 77 0 +feef t0 t-,c t pine of a ~*ve coneava >n t x3 wc~.t r ~,nrr: 0 rcvfius of - ),1-1711 `a,„ Nuvlheify •kya g %aid r urw fr;r -3n rv; d~c;rnn c of 1 1 0ru 'he ut l liix Cu 't r is c txe»r r-f 4t ft' E fad N OGI 17' " vV fnr a d tane if 7 ,.t 1,- 1 •u trre _glnnlnq at a curvy, concave to `h wf ;r„ t, t,iny ,r r +li s of 05 feet, Northerly along said curve, for an arc =r ancc ft-M 71, tho and of tt}* a+tr t" t' lv r 13.39 feel, N 14" 16'33' tN farad ,€an !(-!:I in a r set at t)e berilr nrag o! - ,v N~-. concave to 1,,- ist, braving ti radius cf 4.± I.-i. NoTthcertyatong 5aic `or a-. arc distance a`;i:5A5 feet in iho s n+3 0 this e =he r -:nii brsua N 09" 29 32"E • 34. 45 feel, N 32' 57' 37' E ir- a sLSnuo c.Cpl tFel tai 11w h arnina of a curve, e:rx ai:rt lt; t11w c_uh°.xa5t. ha ng a radius of 1500 Northeasterly along s id a ^,e. 'or an arc dislar" rat 14 78 feet to the end of I r r-r,m, lte chard tars N 61" 11' 44" - 14.19 fee[, N $W 25'51" E for, dist~nc, of 7.110 feet to [ho bvginri of a curve, r:jn i,e t,, 'ha having a radius of 2D 00'toet, Easterly a1cN, s cur,-e t.r ari JIL anre of 4,34 feat to the and of th-; cur ih,7, chord beam 34' :11' D7" E - 4.33 f , S 7 08 04' E (or a di`;Lunt:n of 34 t fr,,,t Co a 60,!1 nail set in tfae ccmmon line b0tvol=un ow- ~ loren',.ntil,,nnrid Block " ` and Lot =13 • 107 Peru Bjo,-h 1- The Ci51ea:3y, ph 'I THENCE S 18" 04",17' . Ifi coinmon in6 ',he Clock 'Y°' and Lot. 3B - 1.,)' Ac.-as, Blo-k 1-he 6,ate'k%%iy r, '1 kr a disc rti~ of 1 5.d feeC Its the PLACE OF BEGINNING. cuntalnir% 039 pcq :,I hir.j c13, r -s K t S M, Tiny Rr'L S No r]3 SFr. ansr:'15 r`' ~.%-r krxi4l nrr ~[1'MNaa,r6}'fl..: rv-L•e..yr1A'N#"n .'arwy 6-*., 7zr- w[d ORDINANCE NO. 2011-1347 Page 4 EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED RezDmng Request A-0 glo< c ' Y" Llnrversity Park Section If fair hard garter S,jrvey, A-8 College Stalion, Brazos Gounty, Texas Field notes of n 0.91 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Richard Carter Survey, Atistiact No, 6, C;r,llt2ge Stalin, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of8ic"i'ck °Y" University Park Ser:hcn It, according to the plat recorded in Volume 519, Page 384, of the Deed Records of Brazos "city, Texas, and said 0.91, acre tract being more particularly doscrntoed as fc0iY'%-, 13FGANNfNG at the common 5-wjy comer betwetio Lot 14 and Lot 15. Block 'N' and Block `Y", accoraiN to the pJrat of The Re-subdivision of Blocks "N' and "P" UniversHy Park SeCtinn 11, ac~xording to thMr plat recorded in Volume 519, page 384, of the Duad RL L-,cards of bruzo;; Gouwy Tex-"V3; tut 1 . 7..%. acres, Stock 1 - The Gateway Phase Farr, ac ,nrrli.gg tai the slat recorded in 'volume 7PAB, Page 100 of the Official Records of Qrazo6 County, I uYas, Lot j0 -016 acre, Block 1, aGeurdiang to the plat of The Gateway Subdiyis can, Phase 3, recorded in Volume 9112.. Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, from wNch a'A" iron rod found bears N 22" 00' E - 0.09 feat, THENCE S 48" 04' 07" E along the common liner between the beforementione d Slock "Y" and Lot 1 - 7.59 acres, Bk)ck 1 - The Gateway.. and Common Area No. 2 - 0.83 acre, according to the belorementioned plat of The Gateway Subdivision. Phase 3„ for a drslanrA of 160.97 feel to a 60rd 4 set, T14ENCE generally parallel to anct unco foul wvst of the eastmost fioodway fine of a tributary to Burton Creek, as shown on FEMA Map No. 413041 C0142C, and revised per LOMR Case No. 07-9!6-1928P, as foilavws: N 713" 08'G4" IN for a dislance of 34.67 feet or, the beggwriNng of a curve. conca vo to the southeast, having a radius of 210'. DO feet, Nortrywestarly akinii $rW cur vv, fur, an Ciro d *tance of 4.34 feet to the e.rtrf of this r:u 'vfi the t:hurrd boars N 841 21' 07" W - 4-33 feet Su, £190 25" 51" W for a d sGincf- of 7 1[_i tLtul to the beginning of a carve, concave to the ;xo, th. heaving a radius of 15.00 feral, Westerly along said curw.. for ij, arc: L:iulrnict, of 14.79 feet to the end of this carve, ihe4 chord bears S 611 11' 44" W 14,19 feet S 32" 57' 37" W for a distance of 5,02 feet to the beginNng of a carve, concava to the east, hawing a radius of 43,00 feat, Southerly allong said curve, for an arc distance of 35.45 feet to the rend of this cu", the chord bears S 09" 20' 32" W - 34.45 feet, S 140 16'33* E for a distant; of 27.08 foci to the beginning of a curve, currcave to the west, having a radius of 55.00 fFIM, Southerty along said curve, for an arc dk€tance of 13'.42 feet to the end of this curve, the chord bears S 070 17' (B" E - 13.34 fe (,I, 001, 't T 44" E for a distanou tit 17.14 feet to the beginning of a Curve, concave to the west, havIN a radius of 20 (Y) re± l Souttarrly along said"iva, for an arc dislancu of 11.92 feet to the eril of this Curve, the chord besTs S 160 46' 59" W . 11 75 fit, S 33'51'41"W for a distance of 77,05 feet to a'/a" iron rod set in the north igfii-uf-way line of University Drive F.M. No.. 6t I, ORDINANCE NO. 901111_1447 Page 5 EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED Rezoning Request A-0 Block "Y" UnNAfi'rSll% Park Seclimi 11 Richard Carter Sur oey" A-ti Cottage Station, Brams County. Texas Continued • Page 2 THENCE S M4* 44' 28" W ak};ig the north rught-of-Moray line of the Worementioned University Nve, for a distancu of 178 r45 feet to the common corner between the befarerre itior ea Bfock "Y" ar>d Lot 119, %wk- "N", from which a ' iron rod found beam S U1122' 25` W - 0.50 feet; THENCE N 24D 09' 49" E clang Ih& cornm n line br-*wpp-vn Block "N' and Block "Y', for a distance of 202 02 feet to a''V rw roe -w at the e,i si Corner of Dent 17, Block °N", THENCE N 650 50" 11" W along the common line betvieun Lot 17, Block "N" and Block '1"`, !tar a distance if 101 ag rFet to the norlh wrner of Lot 17, Block "N said c-tirner a(so txAng In ttv suumr-ast rsght-ot-way line of April Bloom - 50' w+de tight-of-way, same being a curvu concave to the nurthwest, having a radius of 740.8 `feet, from which a 3e" iron rod found bears N 6712(' P - 0.26 feet; v THENCE Northe terfy sting the southeast oght-of-way lines of the beforeme:ntioned April Bloom, for an arc distance of JO 3C fPUI to an `X" found in concrete martdnt7 a north corner of Block 'Y", the chord bae:irs N 2tr 112' C10" E - }fl M feet, THENCE akinq the common line between the befommentioned Block 'Y' and Lot 15, Block W, as fulkakvs' B Tr 54'21" E fora distance of 104 40 feet, a -s" iron tod found bears N 54' 16 E - 0.41 feet, N 24" 09' 49" E for a distance of 130.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 0.91 acre of land, more n,r less. Surveyed: March, 2011 f x Bt ? S M Kling r 4aY' •-Y,w"w"E~iTYJdar{~t~+?«o•r~ar7,4 s1-V'tMhFPNFAK ~"c!t! :b ~'I.R.edc1 ORDINANCE NO. 2011-1447 Page 6 EXHIBIT "C" i f~Jr/ i 1 III - 3 a ti a a' r [ L 5af. ~ t a ~r r ' : ORDINANCE NO. 2011-3347 Page 7 EXHIBIT "C" CONTINUED Ko "n -o z N ' 1 r~0 O U c 0 N o o0o b O o T r ~ o -0 rY W U C O c O ~H m az:ovv> u p J _ ° v ii ,a CN O ~N ~ ~~p ~ ~U Htr Ud' Y m Od N M yZ J~ (D0(D>o0 zzz0CK fit r OE; l £ ! aRtc, o ~QO N m V o r, R'o-, N U) s~ o / Ll U FpR R W Nc~ G~,P " ~ ~ i E[y LJ ~ N C ul = V N < MCI s CS ! U c~ on ~ N N u CS N' t"' m v~~r~~da Lij M N , M N N W Y 1 GO~N~-`1~` Z Q G~ O m N co r= v E V6 c d a) E OZ 'LL 4m VW4 41 a N r ~j ~O\ M vto V*/- ~ I I I I ~ I I W oD M a Lij yJ rn Y0. F- N ,_.m Q i1 gym' Z v~yV (D ~ co ' w 7 N ` \ m C'7 C cm p ~ p M ( oa NaVd - CFA O t-- N -1 Q) Lij Y 7 d r co ^d Q 0L~LL m w / t; 1 '25 *a N J M 74 LOS 6i O \ ®I e OO C0N -o Lil