HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/2011 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP
MARCH 10, 2011
Nancy Berry
John Crompton
Jess Fields
Dennis Maloney
Katy-Marie Lyles
Jana McMillan
Dave Ruesink
Citv Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Assistant City Manager
Carla Robinson, City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to order by
Mayor Nancy Berry at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 10, 2011 in the Council Chambers of the
City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842.
1. Presentation. possible action, and discussion on items listed on the consent aeenda.
No items were pulled from the Consent Agenda.
2. Presentation. possible action. and discussion introducine Mr. Brvan Griesbach.
BVSWMA. Inc. Executive Director to the College Station Citv Council.
Bryan Griesbach, Executive Director of BVSWMA, Inc., came forward to introduce himself. He
applauded staff for their assistance in his transition. He reported that the site has been
highlighted in the American Public Works Association magazine, noting that the site is the only
LED certified landfill in the U.S. The new facility will be opening soon, possibly within the next
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60-90 days. He has been in the profession for 21 years and stated this facility is the finest he has
ever seen.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Crompton and a second by
Councilmember Fields, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve
Bryan Griesbach as Executive Director of BVSWMA, Inc. The motion carried unanimously.
3. Presentation. possible action. and discussion regardine the economics of possible
implementation of "svstem capacity" impact fees for Water and Wastewater.
Dave Coleman, Water Services Director, presented a recap. The report was completed and
approved by CIAO. Maximum fees considered for water was $1,480 and wastewater was
$1,578. Staff's policy recommendation to CIAC was to implement water/wastewater impact fees
at $400 each and zero out the five existing impact fees on specific lines. Impact fees will
directly affect our ability to support future development. Wastewater is nearing capacity, and
staff is considering a joint meeting with Planning and Zoning to review the wastewater master
plan. On April 28, the Council will have the second and final public hearing and will consider
adoption of impact fees.
Jeff Kersten, Director of Finance, presented some assumptions regarding impact fees.
Assumptions included the City collecting impact fees for 5 years, using an example of a capital
project of $10 million, and considering various funding sources. Assuming the issuance of a
twenty-year debt, he showed what the impact is with and without an impact fee. No water
impact fees could result in a rate increase of 5.6%. A water impact fee could result in a rate
increase of 3.3%. He also reviewed what impact different fees would have. A lower fee of $150
still needs a 5.4 % increase and the higher fee of $400 results in a 5% rate increase. Wastewater
impact fees could result in a rate increase of 6.1 % for no fee and 5.3% for a $400 fee.
Dr. Jim Gaines, Research Economist, TAMU Real Estate Center, reported that the Bryan/College
Station area is doing very well. College Station grew 38% this census period. The Hispanic
community growth is significant as compared to others. Single-family building permits have
been up and down during certain periods, and for the most part, the fall off has not been as
pronounced as other areas of the state. The value of permits since 1994 is $122,000 per dwelling
unit on average. Looking at the 2009 breakdown of the average household income in the
community, assuming a 10% down payment, a 5% fixed rate, along with other variables, 42% of
households in the area cannot afford to pay more than $75,000 for a home. Another 22% cannot
afford to pay more than $125,000. 64% of households in the greater community cannot afford
pay more than $125,000 based on these assumptions. As home values increase, for every $1,000
increase, more families cannot afford a home, with a lesser impact on lower income homes than
upper income homes. Material costs are going up, and it is a matter of time for interest rates to
increase. The median home price is extremely important. We have had continuously increasing
median home prices as compared to other areas of the state. We are running 6-7% below trend.
4. Council Calendar
• March 17 Plannine & Zonine Commission Meetine in Council Chambers at 6:00
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• March 21 IGC Meeting at BVCOG. 12:00 o.m.
• March 22 Special Council Meeting/Annexation Public Hearing at Wellborn
Communitv Center. 6:00u.m.
• March 23 Leadershio Brazos Local Government Dav at Wolf Pen Creek - Green
Room -1015 Colgate Drive. 8:15 a.m.
• March 24 Citv Council Workshoo/Regular Meeting 3:00 D.m. and 7:00 D.m.
• March 31 Youth Advisorv Committee Town Hall Meeting, at A&M Consolidated
High School Lecture Hall. 4:30 u.m.
On March 30 is the groundbreaking for the new Scott & White Hospital in the morning and the
Police Banquet that evening.
5. Presentation. Dossible action. and discussion on future agenda items: a Council Member
may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific
factual information or the recitation of existing. Doliev may be given. Anv deliberation shall
be limited to a orooosal to ulace the subject on an agenda for a subseauent meeting.
Councilmember Maloney inquired how the "Adopt a Park" program was progressing.
Mayor Berry requested an item to discuss the disposition of City property, specifically the vacant
land in Northgate.
6. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Animal Shelter
Board. Arts Council of the Brazos Vallev. Audit Committee. Bicvcle. Pedestrian. and
Greenwavs Advisorv Board. Brazos Countv Health Deut.. Brazos Vallev Council of
Governments. Brazos Vallev Wide Area Communications Task Force. BVSWMA.
BVWACS. Cemeterv Committee. Code Review Committee. Design Review Board. Historic
Preservation Committee. Interfaith Dialogue Association. Intergovernmental Committee.
Joint Relief Funding Review Committee. Landmark Commission. Librarv Board. Mavor's
Council on Phvsical Fitness. Mavor's Develooment Forum. Metropolitan Planning
Organization. National League of Cities. Outside Aeenev Funding Review. Parks and
Recreation Board. Planning and Zoning Commission. Research Vallev Partnership.
Regional Transnortation Committee for Council of Governments. Signature Event Task
Force. Sister Citv Association. TAMU Student Senate. Texas Municinal League.
Transnortation Committee. Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee. Zoning Board of
Mayor Berry briefly reported on BVWSMA and the Council of Governments. Also, the Health
Department has prepared a video showcasing what they do.
Councilmember Ruesink reported on the Sister Cities retreat. They have added Kazan, Russia to
the emeritus status list, and Belgium was added as the most probable country to be added to the
next Sister City country in addition to the cities in Mexico and Germany. They are planning a
summit to bring TAMU organizations and city groups to discuss ways in which they work with
international people. He is also reported that the CVB met and selected a company to study
what is the most effective and efficient use of the hotel occupancy tax.
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7. Executive Session
In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney, §551.072
- Deliberation Regarding Real Property, and §551.074-Personnel Matters, the College Station
City Council convened into Executive Session at 4:20 p.m. on Thursday, March 10„ 2011 in
order to continue discussing matters pertaining to:
A. Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation; to
• City of Bryan's application with TCEQ for water & sewer permits in Westside/Highway
60 area, near Brushy Water Supply Corporation to decertify City of College Station and
certify City of Bryan
• Clancey v. College Station, Glenn Brown, and Kathy Merrill
• Rachel Rahn v. Alma Martinez, The Arkitex Studio, Inc. et al, Cause No. 09-000656-
• Timothy Delasandro et al v. City of College Station et al; Cause No. 11-000240-CV-272
• City of College Station, Texas, v. Virtual Equity Group, Inc, et al relating to nonpayment
of hotel occupancy taxes for College Station Inn
• Weingarten Realty Investors v. College Station, Ron Silva, David Ruesink, Lynn
McIlhaney, and Ben White
• Chavers et al v. Tyrone Morrow, Michael Ikner, City of Bryan, City of College Station, et
B. Consultation with Attorney to seek legal advice; to wit:
• Legal issues regarding possible revenue sharing and legislation in bio-corridor
• Legal Issues Related to Wellborn Annexation
• Legal issues related to the City's agreement with the Convention and Visitors Bureau
C. Deliberation regarding real property; to wit:
• Shake's lease at Chimney Hill property
D. Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or
dismissal of a public officer; to wit:
• City Council Self-Evaluation
The Executive Session adjourned at 5:17 p.m. on Thursday, March 10, 2011.
No action was required from Executive Session.
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8. Adjournment
MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the workshop of the
College Station City Council at 5:18 p.m. on Thursday, March 10, 2011.
Nancy Bdry, Mayor °
AT2R"' -
Sherry MashWm, City Secretary
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