HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/2011 - Report - Sunset Advisory CommitteeCouncil Sunset Review COLLEGE STATION BOARDS & COMMISSIONS August 8, 2011 In addition to the Sunset Committee Report approved at the July 25` Regular Council Meeting: Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee • Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for the timely and efficient implementation of the master plan of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. • Membership: Committee is comprised of a City Council Representative, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, Chairman of the Wolf Pen Creek Tax Increment Finance Board, and Chairman of the Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board. • Authority: Established October 22, 1998 by orders of Council. • Last meeting: April 19, 2011 • After reconsideration upon request of the Sunset Committee, this action was changed to: Sunset, adding, that if the need arises for a new committee, priority will be given to former WPC Oversight Committee Members. College Station Business Council • Duties and Responsibilities: Greets, sells, and tells the story of College Station to help promote economic and retail development in the City of College Station. • Membership: Members appointed by council. Nancy Berry, Chair Tedi Ellison Celia Goode - Haddock Dick Haddox Larry Hodges Tom Jackson Hub Kennady • Authority: Resolution 09- 23- 10 -2L, amended by Resolution 03-24-11-2o (see attached) • Last meeting: March 30, 2011 • Action Recommended. Sunset Council Sunset Review COLLEGE STATION BOARDS & COMMISSIONS The following committees were discussed and reviewed at the July 6` Sunset Advisory Commission Meeting. The Commission requests that the following recommendations be considered by City Council: Citizen's Advisory Committee (CIP) • This committee is currently inactive. Committee will be re- instated for the next Capital Improvements Program and Bond Election. • Action Recommended: None -- Committee will be re- activated for next CIP. y Code Review Committee • Subcommittee of Planning and Development • action Recommended: None -- Committee not appointed by City Council. Electrical Examining Board • Duties and Responsibilities: Administers the examination of electricians filing for License to work in the City of College Station. Board also hears appeals made by applicants in regards to decisions of the Electrical Inspector. The board shall review the applicants request within 30 days of the appeal and provide the applicant a hearing upon 5 days written notice. • Membership: Board is appointed by Council and consists of practicing and licensed electricians. • Authority: Ord. 1744 • Last recorded appointments by Council: July 9 1998 • Amended by: Code of Ordinance Section 105.1.3: (2009) "Electrical Contractors - Electrical Contractors shall be licensed by the State shall register their license with the City of College Station before an electrical permit is issued by the City. " "the duties of the Electrical Examining Board now fall under the Construction Board of Adjustments. • Action Recommended: Sunset -- Board no longer viable. Facade Improvement Program Advisory Committee • Duties and Responsibilities: To restore and preserve the historical integrity and character of certain targeted areas within the city limits of College Station and certain identified blighted commercial structures. To maintain or increase the economic vitality of these eligible areas and properties. • Membership: Members appointed by council to 2 year terms • Authority: Community Development General Administrative Guidelines, approved by council on October 12, 1995. • Last recorded meeting: April 28` 2006 "Resolution approved by Council to dissolve, Res. No. 6 -22- 2006.13.7 • Action Recommended: None -- Committee is already dissolved. Lincoln Advisory Committee • Inactive, Subcommittee of Parks & Recreation Board • Action Recommended: None, Committee not appointed by City Council. Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness • Duties and Responsibilities: Implementation of grant funding for programs, activities, and marketing for the Mayors Council on Physical Fitness. ** This committee is a Physical Fitness Grant Contract and is not officially a citizen's committee appointed by council. This year's grant funding w as transferred to The Mayday Challenge Bike Event Subcommittee. • Action Recommended: None at this time -- More information is needed and this committee will be reviewed in detail by the Citizen's Sunset Advisory Commission. Mayor's Development Forum • This was not technically a citizen's committee (No resolution or council action found in archived minutes.) • Action Recommended: None -- Sunset not needed. Committees that are not approved by council through resolution or ordinance do not have to go through the sunset process. Northgate Tax Increment Finance Board • Duties and Responsibilities: Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the Council concerning the administration of the Zone and shall prepare and cause to be prepared and adopt a Project Plan based upon the preliminary Financing and Project Plans for the Zone and must submit such plans to the Council for its review and approval. City hereby delegates to the Board of Directors all powers necessary to prepare and implement such Project Plan, subject to approval by Council, including the power to direct the staff and; employ, consultants to assist in the preparation of the Project Plan and in the issuance of certificates of obligation. • Membership. The Board of Directors for the Zone shall consist of 9 members. The City Council shall appoint 6 members. The Brazos County Commissioners Court shall each appoint I member. The member of the state Senate and House of Representatives in house district the zone is located is also a member of the board. All members but 3 appointed by the Council shall serve an initial 2 year term and the remaining 3 members appointed by the Council shall serve an initial one year term. All subsequent appointments will be made for 2 staggered terms. • Authority: Ordinance 2907, adopted June 22, 2006 • Lust Meeting: December 12, 2007 • Action Recommended: Sunset -- Board no longer active. Red Light Camera Citizen Advisory Committee • Duties and Responsibilities: Creates timelines and oversee Red Light Camera Awareness Campaign. • Membership: Each councilmember makes one appointment to committee, totaling 7 members. • Last meeting: May 26, 2009 • Action Recommended: Sunset -- Board no longer viable. Signature Event Taskforce • Duties and responsibilities: Created to explore the possibility of developing a festival or event unique to College Station. Conclusion was made that due to economy and availability of dates, the project was not feasible at that time. • Membership: Citizens and staff with expertise in the field of development and special event planning. • Last meeting: May 12, 2009 • Action Recommended: None at this time — Council Sunset Advisory Commission expressed interest in reviewing the viability of this committee in the future. Citizens Sunset Advisory Commission will perform a more complete review. Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board • Committee duties are overseen by Design Review Board • Action Recommended: Sunset -- Duties of this board were absorbed into the Design Review Board. Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee • Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for the timely and efficient implementation of the master plan of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. • Membership: Committee is comprised of a City Council Representative, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, Chairman of the Wolf Pen Creek Tax Increment Finance Board, and Chairman of the Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board. • Authority: Established October 22, 1998 by orders of Council. • Last meeting. April 19, 2011 • Action Recommended: None -- This committee is being left active due to the possibility of future meetings. Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board • Duties and Responsibilities: The property and affairs of the Zone shall be managed and controlled by the Council based upon the recommendations of the Board of Directors, and subject to the law restrictions imposed by law, the ordinance creating the Zone, and the by -laws. The Board of Directors shall exercise all of the powers necessary to implement the Project Plan, which powers are written ordinance delegated to it by the Council. • Membership: Each member holds a two year term; 3 members represent the City of College Station appointed by the Council, 1 member from the County and 1 member is selected by the College Station School Board. The Chairman is appointed annually by City Council for one year term beginning January 1. A Vice Chairman, Secretary, etc. may be appointed by the Board of Directors. One person may hold more than one office, except the Chairman shall not hold the office of Secretary. • Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such times and places shall be designated from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors. • Authority: Created on December 8, 1988 by Ordinance No. 1791. • Action Recommended: Sunset -- Duties of this board have been completed and meetings are no longer held. 1 .. QU O P